
The Underground

I don't own star wars.

As the somewhat familiar throbbing ache rippled through my head I briefly wondered where I was, then the memory of soft, but muscular thighs around my neck brought me back. I had been choked out a handful of times in my life. There was that time with Mother when she was teaching me hand to hand techniques, then that time with my cousin's wife, Killa who did it better. And then there was that zabrak militant who got the drop on me and took a piece of my ear…

The headache that came after however was the worst part in my opinion. I tried to rub my head to relieve some of the pain but all that came was more pain when something metal banged against it. My eyes flickered open to find them bound in, are these wookiee restraints? The thick durasteel restraints were used almost exclusively for incredibly strong wookiee prisoners. Slaves or otherwise… I tried to get up, but I seemed to be bound to a chair, a thick chain wrapped around my legs and chest… judging by some of the implements on the wall it was some sort of torture device.

"Oh good, you're up…" immediately I turned my head and… well… I didn't really know what to say.

Pink, and with the exception of her head, completely hairless, the woman, who I will refer to as Lacey for now, strode unashamedly out of what could only be a pressured air shower. We must be in space... if I wasn't so distracted by the fact of how naked and pristine state her body was in, the knowledge that I was in space might piss me off. She smiled sweetly at me and looked down at her naked body, her shapely breasts, slender waist, and wide child-baring hips clearly on display. "…Too much? It's too much." She said with a roll of her eyes. "Should've started out small but I really wanted to take a shower…

She strode past me, all the right bits bouncing as she seemed to open a hidden compartment on the wall, retrieving a black bra and matching panties as she put them all. "There we go. Much better…"

…Not much better… but I at least wasn't distracted as much.

"You choked me out." I growled at her as she smiled with a shrug, she was pretty, but I wasn't going to be distracted by pretty. I've been around beautiful women all my life, admittedly most of them were family, but I can't be distracted by pretty. A naked Zeltron, most definitely. But she wasn't naked anymore.

She did however straddle my lap, sitting on my restrained hands as she wrapped her arms around my neck, watching me coyly. "Well you were being very rough. And my mother told me that when a guy was getting handsy to just wrap my legs around his head, it shuts them up real quick.

"…I don't think she meant it like that." I noted as she laughed, she had a nice one but I was pretty pissed at her so I was going to ignore it.

"Oh, Kal, Baby…" she giggled, "You haven't met my mother…" she noted with another eye roll and an exasperated sigh.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as she shimmied on my lap, "Stop that." I replied as she blinked curiously at me.

"…Stop taking you there? Or shaking my ass?" she added, resting her surprisingly soft, but smooth, firm rear on my hands.

"Both." I noted firmly.

"Hmmm. No." she replied abruptly, grinning and wiggling again. "You see. You caused a bit of a problem. Cheeto; that guy you conned." Seeing the look on my face and realizing she didn't know who she was talking about she added helpfully, "The weequay who runs the warehouse pit fights? That was a LOT of money you yanked out from under him. Granted, that guy Rook wouldn't be able to come close to paying in this lifetime, but it's a principle thing. You winning that fight really set him back."

"He told me I had to last at least three rounds with his fighter. He didn't say I had to lose."

"Duly noted." She said, smirking as one of her hands began to rub my chest through my shirt. "Ooh… it's that a vibro-scar? Nice. How'd you get it? I bet they all have some wickedly sexy stories behind them."

"…A zabrak with a vibrosword…" I said as she ran a hand along a thick scar on my pectoral. "…Took my ear too." I added as she glanced at my slightly mutilated ear.

"Hmm. And this one?" her hand ran down to my stomach, that one was a bullet hole. Slugthrower.

"Slugthrower. On Dagobah." I noted, "I was chasing some…" but I caught myself and glared at her. "Wait. No. Get off me. Let me go. And take me back to Coruscant!"

"What about this one?" she asked, finding a stab wound just above my waistline. Ignoring my demands. I kept my mouth closed not answering her as she sighed. "…So my boss is kinda ambitious. Thinks there's good money in underground fighting… Wrestling, Echani, Mandalorian, doesn't matter. Everything is fair game. So when this guy, OUT OF NOWHERE, comes and beats the shit out of a gamorrean as easily as breathing. That's prime quality meat right there."

I should probably be offended but quite frankly she was just being distracting. "…Look. Could you put on… more clothes and we can talk about this at length. I can't take you seriously like that." I said as she absently adjusted her bra.

"Oh! Yeah sure hold on." She said, sliding slowly off me and returning to her hidden draw where she promptly pulled out pink socks, put them on, then approached me. Sitting down on me again. "Better?"

I stared at her, "…No."

"Too bad." She smirked, "Now. Here's how it's going to work. You are far too talented to be wasted as some Dock rat. So you do a few fights, earn some money, and give a small, miniscule, cut to my boss. And then we talk about letting you live."

"What?" I asked my fists already clenching.

"Oh! Hey. Watch the hands…" she smiled, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she just threatened to kill me.

"Letting me live?"

"Oh… Kal, baby. You pissed off a hutt. They're finicky about the money thing… well. Most hutts…" she said with a rather dismissive shrug. "I mean that guy, Rook. That's still a tidy sum. I mean it's a drop in the well for my boss but it's a big enough drop, to notice."

"It was just a bet. That I won."

"No. It was a bet that you conned Cheeto on. Which still, good for you, the guy's kind of pinchy." She frowned, leaning against me. "I'm breaking his fingers the next time he does it… you go ahead, by the way, I don't mind." She smiled sultrily.

…I could rip her throat open with my teeth. But I could clearly tell she didn't have the release to my restraints on her, so it would be to no avail. Besides, I hated doing that… it would also be something of a shame. She was a beautiful woman.

"So… that being said, you've pissed my boss off. You owe us money, blah blah blah. Really its all circumstantial. So…" she cooed softly, "Do you have any idea how much money we could make off you?"

"…As an underground gladiator?" I noted, she nodded rapidly. Grinning broadly. "…No."

She sighed, "Look. Kal, Baby-"

"Stop. Calling me that." I said as she stepped off me.

"-I don't want to have to do unspeakable things to you…" her hands caressed my chest, "I'd rather do speakable things. Well… maybe not so speakable. I'd rather do things you'd ask me to do again." she chuckled, stepping away. "Handsome guy like you? Sexy thing like me…"

"You really shouldn't call yourself a thing…" I noted. As a man raised by his mother, and has a polyamorous uncle: women are not things.

"Shush Kal I'm making a point." She stepped back in front of me, holding a pair of cups in both hands, drinking from one, she held the other politely to me. "All you got to do is beat the shit out of a few people in front of other people… don't think I didn't see you in that fight pit, Kal." She looked at me with bedroom eyes, lidded, and sultry. "…You like to fight." She added with an almost hungry snarl.

…I could not deny this. So I chose not to answer.

"So why not make a few credits doing what you like to do? Holo-girls do it all the time!" she pressed the other cup to my lips. "And… as an added bonus…" she purred as she tilted the clear liquid into my mouth, the water sliding down my throat almost automatically as she drank from her glass. "You and I can get to know each other much better." She pulled it away grinning, "So we're going to have a bit of an audition for the boss. Show em what you can do… then we'll probably start small and-"

"What if I say no." I noted quickly as she glanced at me almost pityingly over the rim of her glass, "What if I want to go back to Coruscant and be a dock worker?"

She stared at me good and hard for a while, I stared back into her bright, pretty, purple eyes as they… began to swirl and ripple… shit, she drugged me. I tried to shake off the dreary feeling, but to no avail. Her last words echoed in my head before everything went black.

"…Why would you want to?" she asked, sounding honestly curious.

Everything was hazy when I came too, I could feel myself being dragged along by my arms. Two men at least across a sandy floor. They dropped me to the ground, I was cognitive enough to stay motionless as if I was still unconscious. Playing dead might not be noble but it was a good strategy when you wanted information. I did it once in combat at Siflia II, I lay down among the dead bodies of my comrades as a squad of enemy troops discussed a plan nearby…

I am not proud of that moment, but it might explain a LOT about me...

"This one does not seem like much…" the words were Durosian I think, I let one eye flicker open and sure enough, one of the men standing over me was a Duros, he had a shock stick attached to his belt. The kind of baton you have when you want to compel animals and people into doing what you wanted.

"Well that crazy bitch says he's some kinda badass…" said another in basic, a Devaronian with snaggly teeth and two prominent curved horns on his head. The Duros scoffed at the devaronian's words.

"…Still doesn't seem like much…" the duros repeated dryly, apparently standing by his statement.

"He can't be much if he let some zeltron harlot get the better of him." The devaronian replied, although he grinned lecherously, "…Bet he was 'distracted' if you know what I mean…"

The duros scoffed again, most Duros were fairly uninterested sexually in other races. But the devaronian chuckled. "I do but I doubt it…"

"You're no fun…" the devaronian replied, I felt the toe of his boot prod my arm. "…Think she gave him too much? She said she drugged him."

"Who knows?" the Duros replied unconcerned.

"Well… She knows." The devaronian replied rather practically.

…I think I was going to get all I was going to get from these too. My hands were still bound. But now it was with old fashioned shackles, with bracers and a long sturdy chain attaching them together. Much more versatile than those thick wookiee cuffs… of course I was still naked from the waist up otherwise.

I planted my hands on the sandy floor, beginning to slowly push myself up. "What's this?" The devaronian said, kicking my hands out beneath me, I fell back to the sand as he laughed and the duros chuckled.

"Welcome to the fight pit!" he laughed, leaning down as I groaned "Come on now, get up! The boss wants to see what you can do-EEEEEEE!!!" I lashed out, grabbing onto one of his horns I shot quickly to my feet, that were bare. It seemed I only had long raggedly pants on... these weren't mine. Never mind. I reacted quickly, kicking sand up into the duros' eyes as he reached for his shock stick, shrieking as sand stung his bulbous red eyes.

"Unfortunately for you." I said, shaking the devaronian by the horn this way and that. "…I am somewhat irritated."

I lifted my sand kicking leg up again, and rammed it into the devaronian's chest, sending him flying away, and now missing part of his right horn as it snapped off in my hand. I eyed it for a moment as the duros wiped his eyes and drew his shock stick, tossing the horn away and he lunged it forward at my chest, I dodged, lashing the chain of my shackles around his arm and yanking it, and by proxy him, off balance. He stumbled forward surprised as I dipped his arm, and forcefully bent it at the elbow arching the shock stick at an angle and jamming it against his forehead. He twitched and shivered for a moment before groaning and collapsing in the sand as I slipped the chain from his arm. The devaronian, coughing angrily as he got back up reached for a blaster. I kicked up the shock stick, grabbed it and hurled it at him.

I wasn't the best marksman but the stick slapped against the shoulder of the arm holding the blaster just as he drew it from his holster. The shock surged and made his fingers twitch around the trigger, firing a hot bolt into his foot almost comically as he shrieked in pain. He didn't notice I used this time to lunge forward, leaped in the air, and once again my foot rammed into his chest. Sending him into the smoothed, curved sandstone wall…

I blinked as he crumpled onto the floor. Looking around. I was in a large circular arena with sand floors, and stone pillars spotted haphazardly around inside it along with high walls, it was brightly illuminated. So much so that I couldn't see the darkened viewing seats around me. Because there is no arena without a view…

I could however see a sort of VIP box, high above the arena and somewhat gilded in design… with bright gold filigree in what could only be some sort of high priced white Kashyyyk tree wood, I would even say it was a little gaudy.

There was no sound other than the whimpering moans of the poor idiots who had brought me here. Then suddenly there was, and I wasn't surprised as to who it was either.

"See that? Sexy!" Lala or… Tra-la-la… Lacey? I'll call her Lala. Lala's velvety voice echoed around the arena. "I told you he was the real deal!"

There was a long silence, then a rather gravely, wizened voice spoke. "So he can beat a couple of idiot guards. So what? That's not entertaining. Test him against something with a little more steel."

The was silence again, then a huttese voice spoke… it sounded rather disinterested.

"My advisor is right. Send it in." the voice said as I heard a rather clunking metallic sound behind me.

"You know. I don't really want to-" I however paused… I was about to say. 'I don't want to fight'. But that wasn't true… I got a thrill from it, it felt good to do what I did. I was good at it. Even great… I didn't have much options anyway. Bound, half naked, on a strange planet in an underground fight ring…

Even if 'I didn't want to fight' was true… I had no choice.

…I couldn't stop myself from smiling slightly. They wanted a show? I'll give them one.

I was suddenly aware of a creaking gate opening ahead of me, I stepped away as it ominously rose up. Fully opened a tall lean figure stomped into the arena, and…

And it was just a training droid. Not just any training droid, but the exact model my cousin Circe uses when she wants to work out. These things were a joke. She literally had a dozen broken ones piling up in her very large back yard. It was lean with spindly arms and legs, granted my cousin's had a more advanced model with four padded arms and fists, this one only had a pair of arms with comically large unpadded fists. Holding them out like a Rock-em, Sock-em robot…

"…This is what you want me to fight?" I mumbled disappointed, lowering my guard so my chains rattled into the sand. "It's just a-"

There was a loud, POP, like a fire cracker and suddenly a comically large fist slammed dead on into my face. it was attached to a pair of thin chains that were attached to the droid… did it just hit me with a rocket fist?

I stumbled back as its chains rattled and sucked the fist back into position on its robotic wrist. Glaring angrily at it, although I was really more annoyed at myself for taking it lightly. It must be some sort of custom model. I wiped the blood from my nose, examining it in irritation, before raising my shackled arms to fight again. It won't get me with that twice.

It matched forward; its fists still held at its side before standing before me. Then suddenly its waist turned sharply left, its right fist lunging forward and straight out towards me, I sway letting it punch the air before reaching out and grappling it and countering with my other hand, slamming into its head only to feel half a dozen punches in my open side. I leaped back, rubbing it as a bruise immediately began to form. Its left arm had split in two, then its right, now its comically large fists were about average sized and it now had four hands.


I punched my fists together, pushing them and hearing my knuckles crack as I brought them up again. "Come on tin can I don't have all day."

As if on my command it marched forward. Just before it came into punching range however I lashed out with a forward kick to its chest. It stumbled back as I planted my foot down and lunged forward in the air, slamming my fist into the side of its head, and forcing it downward to the left. It looked like it was about to fall down but its left fist fired rocket punches into the sand, forcing it back upright and, grabbing two fists full of sand it tugged the chain's back up its arms and hurled it into my face.

But I saw that coming closing my eyes and darting to the right I gripped one of its right arms and hurled it over my shoulder in a throw. It crashed onto the sand on its back as I raised my fist to stomp down on its robotic head. All four of its fists lashed out, only one hit me and I grabbed it by the chain, roaring angrily, I gripped it, and ripped its arm from its socket. I stomped on two other chains as they struggled to return to its arms before reaching down and gripping its head…

With electrical spasms and twitching I pulled it from its body as it went still holding its droid head in my hand, I hurled it towards the box. It barely made it, tapping against the darkened glass before falling into the stands with a loud crash. I held out my shackled arms, daring them to try again.

It was quiet for a long time… then… a light was turned on in the darkened box. I saw Lala, smiling at me almost with pride as she leaned up against the glass, giving me a thumbs up. There was a hooded old man in a red robe, and a very large masked man in a fine suit and tie… actually I recognized him from when I was a kid. He was some famous pro-wrestler, I think… There were a few others in the box, but I couldn't see them it was still dark…

But then the obvious hutt in the room slide forward. Dress in silks and jewelry of varying tastes and expense, the surprisingly slender hutt puffed on a hookah pipe as she watched me with obvious interest.

"…Very well…" she said silkily, "…I can see he has potential."

"Right?" Lala said excitedly, grinning at the hutt. "This guy's going to make you a mint Tulba!"

My eyes narrowed at the name. Tulba the hutt was one of the three hutt triplets. Well… hutt twins I guess now considering Tuuba was long dead. Sister to Torga the hutt and all three/two of them children of the Underworld Queen Babayaga…

…Torga was something of a family friend… Tulba however… was an unfortunate unknown…


I adjusted my 'disguise' in annoyance as I dropped the bound, naked, and quite unconscious twi'lek into one of the many lockers in the changing room. The golden metal bikini top tight across my chest as I growled. She was literally the biggest chested girl I could find here and she STILL didn't fit me!

At least the bottom was breeze if not extremely suggestive. Practically a curtain between my legs. One stiff breeze and I was on display for the whole casino/hotel to see.

"Hey! What's taking so…" a black-haired girl dressed up in a similar 'uniform' stared at me. "…Hey where's Matta?"

"She had a family emergency. I'm covering for her." I replied immediately with a casual air; I've done this many times before after all… "Should be back tomorrow." I added rather lazily.

She sniffed as she watched me, but in the long run she probably didn't care as long as 'Matta's' shift was covered, most in waitressing service have a similar opinion. "Fine. Are you new? Take this." She handed me a serving tray. "You got the roulette tables. And don't HIT anyone who pinches your ass, or the boss will take it from you…" she noted, it didn't sound like a joke.

"Got it." I replied with a smile as she spun, quickly, giving me quite a view as my suspicions about a stiff breeze were proven correct and stomped out to get to work.

I frowned, if my intel was correct the cells were beneath the casino. I just had to make my way past some guards. Getting out on the floor and blinked around, after a while I found what I was looking for. One guard, one door, and nobody going in and out, except for a large masked man in a nice suit and tie…

I approached the guard with a drink on my tray, ignoring the pinch of a rodian as I approached him. "Hey… could you… hold this for me? Just a second?" I asked, fidgeting, "I need to adjust my top." He glared at my big blue chest for a moment, eyes widening slightly at the size of my girls… By the Force why is every guard I come across like this?" he took the tray as I 'danced' and jiggled, 'adjusting my top as his eyes stayed focused on me. "Ugh! Thanks…" I said 'relieved' while taking my tray. "You're so sweet."

He smirked at me, "No problem." He replied, as I smiled. Quickly glancing around and finding the perfect spot…

"…Hey…" I grinned, leaning forward and letting him get a good look at my 'adjusted' chest. "…Why don't you… come with me for a minute and I can thank you properly…" I said, walking away and swaying my hips as he kept his eyes locked on my ass.

It was a good thing I looked a lot like my aunt let me tell you…

He hesitated but he couldn't resist the call of a sexy Chiss girl, so he followed me around the corner. And didn't come back as I slipped into the guarded door unnoticed. Not bad for a half-naked girl with my figure.

End of Bonus.

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