
Naboo (III)

As the LAATs docked, Lelouch's lips curled into a slight frown. "Prepare a holo-conference," he instructed his communication officer. "I want all involved parties to participate—Kenobi, Skywalker, and Senator Amidala." 


Moments later, Fordo stepped onto the bridge with his team following closely behind. The captain of the ARC troopers stood at attention, his helmet under his arm. 


"Welcome back, Captain Fordo," Lelouch greeted with a slight nod. "I trust the mission went as planned?" 


"Yes, sir," Fordo replied, his tone crisp. "We managed to destroy the Separatist facility and captured the scientist responsible for the virus. But the situation diverged... more than we anticipated." The hidden meaning didn't go unnoticed by Lelouch 


"It was out of our hands," Lelouch said calmly. "You handled it well." He paused for a moment, then added, "There's another matter I wanted to discuss. We have a tactical team in its final phase of training that needs a new captain. I want your recommendation for who among your team should take that position." 


Fordo considered for a moment. "I'd recommend Thorn, sir. He's been invaluable in our missions—his expertise with heavy weapons and his quick decision-making under pressure make him an excellent candidate. He's got the skills and the temperament to lead." 


Lelouch nodded, taking in the suggestion. "Very well. Thorn, step forward," he ordered, turning his gaze to the trooper in question. 


Thorn obeyed, standing straight and giving a sharp salute. Lelouch studied him for a moment before speaking. "You'll remain with me for a debrief. The rest of you, dismissed." 




As Fordo's team left the bridge, Lelouch turned his attention to the holo-conference that had just been prepared. The life-sized projections of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé Amidala materialized before him, their expressions somber and tense. Lelouch's eyes scanned them carefully, noticing the distinct emotions etched across each face. 


"General Kenobi, General Skywalker, Senator Amidala," Lelouch began, his voice even. "I'm aware of the outcome of your mission. General Kenobi, report." 


Obi-Wan's expression was grave, tinged with disappointment. "We failed, High General," he admitted. "The facility is destroyed, but not before one of the virus bombs was triggered. We couldn't prevent the contamination from spreading across Naboo." 


Lelouch gave a slow nod. "I see. And your estimation of the current situation?" 


Kenobi sighed, his shoulders slightly slumping. "It's worse than we anticipated. The virus is spreading, and we may have a significant portion of Naboo's population at risk. My failure to contain it is regrettable." 


"Regrettable, indeed," Lelouch said, his tone cold but understanding. "This is a dire situation, General. The blockade will remain in place until we are sure there is no further threat." 


Anakin's face twisted with conflict. "A blockade over Naboo, Lelouch? You're trapping millions of people down there." His voice wavered between frustration and guilt, torn between his duty and his personal attachments. 


Padmé, her face lined with anger and sadness, cut in sharply. "This is an overreach, General Lelouch! Naboo is my home, and you're condemning it to suffer. How could you justify such a blockade without even consulting me or the other representatives?" 


Lelouch's expression remained stoic, unfazed by her outburst. "Senator Amidala, I understand your concerns, but this is a necessary precaution. We must contain the virus. No ship leaves the surface without my direct authorization, that's the only way to ensure the safety of the rest of the Republic. You ask how I justify it, I put the hundreds of millions on Naboo on the scale with the quadrillion out there." 


Padmé's eyes flared with anger. "War or not, these are innocent people—my people—you're imprisoning. Do you truly believe this is the only solution?" 


Lelouch's gaze didn't waver. "It is the only solution that prevents a galactic pandemic, Senator," he said, his tone firm. "And until we're certain that neither you nor anyone from the ground is infected, I'm ordering a quarantine aboard the Endurance. All personnel from your mission, including yourself, Generals Skywalker and Kenobi, will be transferred there immediately." 


Anakin's eyes widened. "Quarantine? You can't be serious. We have no symptoms, we're fine!" 


Obi-Wan, more composed but still concerned, interjected, "He's right, we can't know for sure just how they modified the Blue Shadow virus beyond making it airborne." 


A tense silence followed. Padmé looked incredulous, Anakin annoyed, and Obi-Wan resigned. They were all directed toward an Acclamator-class assault ship, the Endurance, which had been retrofitted as a temporary quarantine vessel. The LAATs carrying them approached the ship's hangar, escorted by V-wings on either side. The atmosphere was heavy with tension. 


As the ships touched down, the hangar was filled with troopers clad in sterilized, white biohazard suits, standing in tight formation. The troopers quickly surrounded the Jedi and the senator, maintaining a cautious distance. 


"All personnel, please submit yourselves to quarantine protocols," announced a stern officer over the hangar's loudspeakers. "Disarm yourselves and follow the directives of the medical teams. Resistance will be met with force." 


Anakin's annoyance showed. "This is absurd. We fought and bled for this mission, and now we're treated like prisoners?" 


Padmé's face was a mask of disbelief. "You can't just keep us here indefinitely. What about the Senate? The people of Naboo?" 


Obi-Wan, taking a deep breath, tried to maintain his composure. "Senator, Anakin, arguing won't change our situation. We have to comply for now." 


The trio reluctantly disarmed, handing over their lightsabers and blasters to the waiting troops. Medical droids hovered nearby, ready to administer preliminary scans and take samples. The tension was palpable, each second feeling like an eternity. 


The officer overseeing the quarantine, wearing a sterilized uniform, stepped forward. "Please, follow us to your designated quarters. The tests will be completed as quickly as possible." 


With no other choice, they followed the soldiers deeper into the vessel. 




Standing in front of the holo-projector in his command chamber, Lelouch straightened his posture as the blue-tinted holograms of Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi High Council flickered into existence. Several senators and military officials were also present, creating a formidable assembly. 


"High General Lelouch," the Chancellor began, his voice a mix of concern and authority. "We have been informed of the situation on Naboo and your decision to enforce a full planetary blockade. This is a drastic measure. You must explain yourself." 


Lelouch bowed his head slightly, his face composed and confident. "Chancellor, esteemed members of the Jedi Council, and senators, the situation on Naboo is indeed dire. The Separatists have resorted to deploying biological warfare on a scale unprecedented in this conflict. The Blue Shadow Virus, if allowed to spread, could devastate not just Naboo, but potentially entire sectors. The blockade is a necessary measure to ensure the virus does not escape the planet." 


Murmurs broke out among the senators. Mace Windu's hologram leaned forward, his expression serious. "We understand the threat posed by the virus, General, but the blockade and the potential loss of civilian lives—this is a dangerous path." 


Lelouch nodded. "I agree, Master Windu. However, we must consider the potential scale of the disaster. The Separatists have escalated the conflict with their use of biological weapons. A firm and decisive response is required." 


Senator Taa's hologram interjected, his voice gravely concerned. "What do you suggest, General Lelouch? How should we respond?" 


Lelouch's eyes narrowed slightly, his voice unwavering. "If the Separatists continue to use such weapons against us, I propose we respond in kind. Biological warfare for biological warfare. We must show them that any such act will be met with equal force. We have their research and their lead scientist." 


A hush fell over the assembly. The implication of Lelouch's suggestion hung heavy in the air. Some senators looked shocked, while others exchanged nervous glances. The Jedi Council members were visibly unsettled. 


"No!" Master Yoda's voice cut through the silence, his tone firm. "Path of darkness, this is. A path we cannot follow." 


"Indeed," added Master Plo Koon, his voice a mix of concern and conviction. "The Jedi do not condone the use of such weapons. We must find another way." 


Chancellor Palpatine, however, remained silent, his fingers steepled under his chin. His eyes were focused intently on Lelouch. "This is not a decision to be made lightly," he finally spoke. "We must consider the implications, both morally and politically. For now, this proposal will be put on hold. However, should the situation escalate further, we may need to reconsider our stance." 


Lelouch nodded. "As you wish, Chancellor. I only ask that we remain vigilant and ready to adapt to the ever-changing nature of this war." 


Sensing the debate had reached a critical juncture, Lelouch shifted the focus. "However, there is another matter that needs to be addressed. Senator Padmé Amidala's actions on Naboo—her decision to approach a hostile base without proper authorization or coordination with the standing military authority. This action could have alerted the enemy to our presence and, quite possibly, allowed them to prepare for the release of the virus." 


The room fell silent once more as the implications settled in. The senator's actions, potentially reckless, could be seen as a contributing factor to Naboo's current predicament. 


Chancellor Palpatine's expression was one of grave contemplation. "Senator Amidala's actions will be reviewed. We cannot afford any lapses in judgment that could endanger the Republic further." 


"Agreed," Lelouch continued, his voice cold and measured. "Her actions may have inadvertently led to one of the greatest disasters Naboo has faced in a thousand years. We must learn from this and ensure that no such mistake happens again." 


The tension in the room remained high, the conversation heavy with the weight of responsibility and consequence. Lelouch knew he had planted a seed—one that would grow into scrutiny and lead to the eventual downfall of the senate by its own people. All the work his master had put would culminate, adn after the hard work was done, in that exact moment of elation and triumph, he would collapse it all on his head. His master, his master's allies, the entire senate wiped and a clean slate for him to begin writing on. 


'Well... it's more of a metaphorical downfall. We'll have to take care of the physical downfall on our own.' the voice in his head chimed in. 


'Don't you have any "grander" plans to take care of?' 


'Sadly, until you grab the force by the balls... or her lady parts? Hmm... this is more difficult to put into actual mortal words... but no, I'm your personal commentator and part-time advisor.' 


"Thank you for your time and consideration," he said. "I will continue to enforce the blockade and ensure that no threat escapes Naboo. For the Republic." 


The holo-projector blinked off, leaving Lelouch alone in his command chamber. He allowed himself a small smile. 


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