
Mamma mia, here I go again…

Wade slipped back into his shared room with his siblings just as dawn was beginning to break. His muscles ached from the night's work with his dad, but his mind was sharp and buzzing with the thrill of his latest stunt. It wasn't like he'd gotten away with it smoothly like usual—he'd been caught by his dad. But really, what did that matter now? His work was already done. The tracker? Gone. Shipped off to some random spot in Nevada after the second night he was here, probably neatly tucked away in the back of a truck. If Stryker was tracking him, he'd be chasing a wild goose.

He had dared to perform the surgery on himself, refusing to rely on Jane or the Professor for help. It was reckless, borderline suicidal, but Wade needed to keep some cards close to his chest. His claws served as makeshift scalpels, and with nothing more than a crude x-ray and a mirror, he carved into his own flesh near the back of his skull. The tracker was dangerously close to being destroyed, and one wrong move would've alerted Stryker immediately. But Wade didn't have a choice—he had to get it out at that time before Stryker even began to suspect that he'd reunited with his parents. That was his endgame, at least for now.

Of course, it was a risky gamble. But Wade wasn't too worried. Plot armor, baby. He was still the main character, after all. The author needed him to stick around to finish the story, promises had been made to the readers. Killing him off? Not yet. Not while there was still so many stories about him to complete. Yeah, he saw the draft! Wade smirked, a dark thought lingering in his mind.

'One day,' he mused, 'when I figure out how to jump dimensions, the author won't be safe either'. But for now, he'd let him live.

We still need him to write us. We won't be here if its not for his wild imagination.

(We could just torture him and make him write for us forever? Or we could absorb him and write this ourselves?)

'I fucking love you Bracket!!! Always with the great fucking idea!'

(Ohh, stop! you'll make me blush)

Morons, I am stuck with a bunch of fucking morons.

After a quick shower to wash away the night's mess, he silently checked in on his siblings. Ken was sprawled across his bed, snoring lightly, while Laura slept with her body curled up like she was a kitten. Satisfied that they were safe and still asleep, Wade made his next move.

He approached the nearby bookshelf, eyeing the top shelf with a small grin. After a quick glance around the room to make sure no one was watching, he scaled the shelves effortlessly, claws briefly extending from his knuckles for added grip. At the top of the ceilings, he opened a hidden passage to the attic while crouching on top on the bookshelf.

Technically, it was more of a small room with a size of big air vent than a proper attic, but it served his purpose. Crawling into the narrow space, Wade smirked. The secret room was hidden well enough that he doubted anyone had noticed it—except maybe the Professor, but even he wouldn't be able to get up here. If you catch what I mean...

Ouch, that was dark…

(We could install a rocket booster to his wheelchair so he could access the non-accessible part of his home?)

'Good Idea! I'll try to made one right away so we could finally go after Magneto after this, We have a schedule to follow after all!'

The space was cramped but large enough for Wade to store his makeshift gear. In the dim light, he could see his tools laid out—crude but functional. It was here that he had performed the surgery on his own hand, removed the tracker, and done everything to ensure no one could trace him.

Wade looked around his secret attic, taking in the spare parts and weapons he'd been working on. Not to mentions his majestic suit and four comic accurate suits for his parent and siblings. Yes, they definitely gonna be incredible-ing this shit!

You really think you could do what The Incredibles did with superhero family?

(I mean, people loves The Incredibles and we could always call us the X-Force, F short for Family!)

He picked up some pieces and started putting together a makeshift rocket booster. It looked like a science project from a 4th grader, but it would be perfect for his prank on the Professor. The booster might not be high-tech, but it would definitely add +2 speed boost and +1 fly boost to the wheelchair.

Wade then made a simple but heartfelt drawing of his family in their superhero costumes. Below it, he scribbled a note, full of his usual humor and sincerity:

Wade then made a simple but heartfelt drawing of his family in their superhero costumes. Below it, he scribbled a note, well his 'fake' running away note.

'Dear Mama and Pops,

Sorry about the wheelchair. I know I probably won't be welcome here again, so I'm off to find my own adventure. I've found you, so Laura and Ken can have a somewhat normal childhood with both parents. School isn't for me, and I need to find my own path. I'll come back one day for you, but not anytime soon. Please don't search for me. I'm not worth jeopardizing your job.

PS. Be careful when feeding Laura and Ken raw meat. I almost lost my arm when I tried to fed them that the first time. Just stick to cookies, taco, and chimichangas.

PPS. Laura loves her Thursday tea parties with me and Ken. I hope one of you can take my place. I already RSVP for this week. Don't forget the pink boa and sunglasses! I'm Sir Donquixote Doflamingo, the coolest Warlord of Seven Warlords of the Sea. Ken is The Dean of Winchester, School of Ghosthunters— please address him as such!

PPPS. If you need to find me in an emergency, please wear the proper superhero costume that I provided for you and not that abominable all leather suit that they gave you! Seriously you two are close combat fighter and they expect you to move in that abominable outfit!





'It serves it purpose okay! And hey! I get to see them in that comic accurate suit! To think they got some nerves going with all black leather outfit when they got some good spandex lying around here!!!'

Wade chuckled at his own note, finding the cheesy tone both hilarious and and oddly fitting.

He slipped into his new suit, which looks like Deadpool's outfit in the Deadpool and Wolverine movies but scaled down to fit his own size. Love that movie. Maybe next one, he'd make a Poolverine suit—Iron Man had his many suits, and why shouldn't he?

He stashed away his usual katanas and strapped on two wooden replicas he'd painted to look like real metal swords. He also packed two plastic BB guns that he'd painted to resemble real firearms.

You really gonna steal Reed Richard idea?

'The guy's a certified most genius man in the world, and there's no Fantastic Four in this universe yet, so it's perfect for tricking Magneto this time. Of course, I'm going to steal his idea!'

(I don't think this Magneto's that dumb?)

'Its either this or stealing his helmet and try to mess with his PTSD from WWII'

Both of your plan sucks…

(How about just bonking his helmet? It's metal, so it should ring pretty loudly. Might mess with his hearing.)

'GOOD IDEA!!! Let's use that one too!'


I mean it is a solid plan, but we'll be fucked if it fails.

Wade then crept back into the bedroom, his heart pounding. He carefully placed the note and the suits for his parents and siblings on top of his folded blanket, which lay draped over his armchair.

He moved swiftly to open the window, ready to put his plan into action. But just as he was about to make his move, he caught a whiff of his mother's scent drifting toward his and his siblings' room. Panic surged through him, and he scrambled trying to hide all of his preparations

In a frantic rush, Wade stuffed the hidden suits and note underneath his blanket. He put away his weapons and rocket launcher under his siblings' bed. He then threw on his usual casual clothes—the ones he always wore around the mansion—on top of his new suit and tried to look as nonchalant as possible. Just as he was finishing, his mother's footsteps approached, growing louder. Wade's heart raced as he barely managed to hide everything before she opened the bedroom door.

"Wade, sugar, you okay? I heard 'bout your little escapades from your father this mornin'. That reckless old man didn't even try to cover it—fightin' like that with a child, nonetheless! I know you've got his healin' gift, but fightin' a child!"

Rogue's concern was thick in her Southern drawl.

"Mornin', Mama. Don't be angry with Pops! I'm the one who wanted to spar with Pops. Don't worry 'bout it! It's not like I've taken anything worse than that," Wade said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Oh, darlin', I'm sorry. When we finally catch up with Stryker, he's gonna regret everythin' he's done to ya! I don't care 'bout that 'don't kill unless necessary' philosophy the Professor's always preachin'. He won't see the light of day once I'm through with him!"

"Whoa, Ma, take it spare some of him for me!" Wade chuckled, though his smile was a bit forced.

"I'm just so dang upset since I found out what he's done to ya, to ma baby, to our family."

"I know, Mama, but I'm not the one who breaks that easy. I am not the one who's been hurt the most. You and Pops have been through so much…"

"I know your father's said it too, but you can always come to us, or to the Professor and Jeanie, no matter how you're feelin'. Talkin' to someone really helps, Wade. I may not remember everything, but I know it's true."

"I'll try, Mom," Wade said softly, pulling Rogue into a hug.

Rogue was momentarily taken aback by Wade's sudden hug but quickly wrapped her arms around him, returning the embrace. They stood like that for a moment, sharing a quiet, heartfelt connection between mother and son.

Finally, Wade broke the silence, his voice soft. "I'll try talking to someone, maybe the Professor after this. He might know something about my mental health issues that I had."

Rogue gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Alright, sugar. As long as you talk to someone, that's all I care about."

"I love you, Mama," Wade said as he pulled back from the hug.

"I love you too, Wade," Rogue replied, kissing the top of his head before letting him go. "I'll be in the kitchen. You and your father need something more nutritious after a spar like that. When I saw him come back looking like that, I nearly had a heart attack! I thought someone had infiltrated the school. I almost killed him when he told me it was just a spar with you. That old man, honestly!" she huffed as she closed the door behind her.


Rogue's parting words echoed in Wade's mind as he watched her leave. The guilt gnawed at him. He could see the strain and worry in her eyes, and it weighed heavily on him. He felt a pang of guilt for what he'll be putting his family through. But despite his guilt, Wade knew he had to stick to his plan. His family's safety was his top priority, and he couldn't afford to let his emotions get in the way of his goals.

Determined, Wade slipped out of his room and crawled silently through the window, scaling the wall with practiced ease. It was still early, not everyone has been awake yet and the mansion was shrouded in a sleepy calm. Wade crept into the Professor's room, avoiding creaky floorboards, until he found the wheelchair parked discreetly in the corner.

'Muahahaha, come to papa!'

(You sound like an evil villains,)

Well, he's about to became one.

Wade snuck through the mansion's quiet halls, carefully maneuvering the wheelchair he'd liberated from Professor Xavier's room. The early morning calm meant the Professor was still fast asleep. Wade's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and guilt, but he was determined to carry out his plan. But, he still gonna runs a few laps with this wheelchair finally in his hand!

As he made his way down the hall for the fifth time, he heard voices and spotted Peter and a few other students gathered nearby. Curious, they approached, noticing Wade's unusual contraption strapped into the wheelchair he using.

"Hey, Wade," Peter's deep voice rumbled with a thick Russian accent. "What you doing with ze Professor wheelchair?"

Wade grinned widely. "Just havin' a bit of fun! You guys should give it a try. It's like a roller coaster!"

Peter raised an eyebrow. "I am not sure zis is such a good idea, Wade and is zat contraptions you put in ze Professor wheelchair?"

Wade shrugged, maintaining his playful demeanor. "It's just a harmless soda filled with mentos, for boosting some speed y'know! Don't worry, I'll make sure the wheelchair is fine. Come on, it'll be fun!"

Despite his initial doubts, Peter and the others were persuaded by Wade's enthusiasm. The makeshift contraption certainly looked like filled by soda with mentos in it, like the one they already did in some of their classes. They then took turns in the wheelchair, laughing and rolling around the hall.

The group moved to the garden area, where Wade set up some kind of dummy in the wheelchair before activating the rocket booster he made. Peter and the other students gathered around, their eyes wide with excitement.

With an exaggerated scream of "OH NO! ERIC!!!" Wade released the contraption. Some of the older students laughing as they knew what movie is Wade referencing about.

(I think it was the wrong movie for this kind of act, it supposed to be a hill or a cliff I think, not a fountain!)

That's what you worried about? 

The wheelchair shot off like a bullet, heading straight for the fountain in a burst of speed. The rocket booster fizzed and popped, propelling the chair high into the air before it crashed into the fountain with a splash.

The scene erupted into chaos. Water sprayed everywhere, and the wheelchair bobbed in the fountain, miraculously still intact despite the wild ride. Laughter mixed with gasps as students tried to process the spectacle.

Scott Summers stormed onto the scene, his face flushed with anger. His eyes behind his glasses flared with a fiery intensity. "What in the world are you thinking, Wade?! I thought it was the Professor in the wheelchair for a moment! That's it! I had enough with your pranks!!!"

Wade, still grinning from the thrill of the prank, tried to shrug off Scott's anger. "Hey, come on, Cyke! It's just a prank. I didn't think it'd cause such a big fuss. The wheelchair is still intact and functioning, I'll make sure of it."

Scott's patience, already thin after weeks of Wade's reckless behavior, snapped. His voice rose, cutting through the laughter and gasps of the students. "A prank? A prank is supposed to be harmless, Wade! This? This is a disaster! You've been pushing boundaries and breaking rules for weeks, and now you've gone and done something that is really unacceptable! Do you know how much is this wheelchair cost, not to mention is a custom made from Professor's late student! You have gone and done it for yourself Wade, I will not tolerated you after this!!!"

"I-I didn't mean to," Wade stammered, trying to defend himself. "I just thought—"

"Thought what, exactly?" Scott cut him off, his voice rising. "That you could just play around with no consequences? That you could throw caution to the wind and everyone would just laugh it off? I knew you are still a kid but even a kid your age had known about responsibility! You've had plenty of chances to show that, and time and time again, you've proved otherwise! You are a lost cause Wade!"

(Oooh, really harsh, I think we blow our chances in the X-Men, no?)

Well, there is always X-Force and The Avengers, there is also those Canadian bunch…

And there it was. The blow that landed harder than any punch he'd ever taken. The guilt washed over him, deepening with every second. He looked down, eyes avoiding the crowd.

"Whatever, fuck you!" Wade finally muttered, his voice quiet, eyes downcast. He turned on his heel and bolted. As he sprinted toward the mansion, he played the part of someone broken, someone who couldn't handle the consequences of his own actions.

He burst into his room, closing the door behind him quietly since his siblings still sleeping, breathing heavy like he'd just run a marathon. But as soon as the door clicked shut, the mask cracked, and the corners of his mouth tugged upward.

He'd done it. Scott had exploded in front of everyone, just like he planned. And now, everyone was feeling sorry for him. Guilt-ridden Wade, poor little Wade, who just a kid trying to get attention. It was beautiful. They wouldn't question why he had to run away after this.

(And the Oscar goes too…)

'Thank you, thank you, I would like to dedicated this award to my sister, Laura and my lil bro, Ken, you are kenough! And also my teacher, Scott Summer~'

I already said this, but you guys are a bunch of fucking morons.

(I haven't said who get the Oscar yet!)

'And I haven't completed my speech yet! Rude!'

He didn't really have time to bask in his own genius. He still had an escape to make. Crossing the room in a couple of strides, Wade slipped out the window, blending into the shadows without so much as a sound. The night air was cool against his skin as he slinked down the side of the building, making his way to the garage.

Before leaving, though, he cast one last glance toward his siblings, still peacefully sleeping despite the chaos he had caused earlier. "I'll be back, don't worry," he whispered to them as he bought all of his prepared weapons in his backpack and leaped out of the window, running towards the garage.


The students watched, their faces a mix of shock and concern. Storm, in particular, looked troubled. She stepped forward, her voice soft yet firm. "Scott, maybe we should calm down a bit. He's still a child after all. Exploding at him like this won't solve anything. We're supposed to be teachers, guiding him with compassion, not anger, not like this."

Scott's face reddened with frustration, but he seemed to take a breath, attempting to steady himself. The anger in his face didn't fully fade, but he nodded slightly, as if Storm's words had given him a moment of pause.

"Fine," Scott snapped, though his voice was softer.

Storm gave a small nod, her gaze softening as she looked toward Wade's retreating figure. "Yes, Scott, I agree that what he did is not acceptable. But we must find a way to reach him without pushing him further away."

Logan and Rogue arrived just as Wade was running off toward his room, brushing past them in a blur. They exchanged confused glances, trying to piece together what had just happened. The commotion in the courtyard was clear, and Scott looked like he was still seething with anger. Storm, on the other hand, had an unusually somber expression.

Logan narrowed his eyes at the scene, his instincts kicking in. "What the hell just happened?" he asked, his tone a mixture of suspicion and irritation. He could tell something had gone wrong, but it wasn't clear how bad.

Storm sighed softly, her gaze shifting from Scott to Logan and Rogue. "Scott lost his temper. Wade...he pulled a prank with the Professor's wheelchair. It was reckless, but..." She hesitated, glancing toward the direction Wade had disappeared. "Scott's reaction was too much. The boy just ran off."

Rogue's face twisted in confusion, her Southern drawl thick with concern. "He did what? With Chuck's wheelchair?" Then, hearing the last part, her expression turned to frustration. "Scott, what the hell were you thinkin'? He's a kid! Yellin' like that ain't gonna do nothin' but make things worse!"

Scott, clearly still angry, tried to explain, "That kid has been pushing boundaries ever since he got here! It's been one thing after another, and this time, he crossed the line. You don't mess with someone's means of getting around."

Logan cut in, his voice low and filled with warning. "There's a way to handle things, Summers. Explodin' your anger like to a kid, that ain't it, bub."

Rogue placed a hand on Logan's arm, her brow furrowed in thought. "Logan, let's go check on Wade. Somethin' feels off about all this." She gave Scott one last glare before turning to follow Wade's path back to the room.

Logan nodded in agreement, and together they made their way toward Wade's room, their thoughts already racing. As they opened the door, they found that Laura and Ken were still sound asleep, completely undisturbed by the chaos of the morning.

Rogue's tension eased slightly at the sight of their kids, but it didn't last long. Her eyes fell on the armchair in the corner of the room. Wade's usual spot. Draped over it were folded costumes—a suit for each of them, carefully arranged. Her eyes widened as she noticed the note tucked underneath.

Logan's gaze followed hers, and he grabbed the note, reading it quickly. His brows furrowed in confusion, then anger. "Damn it, Wade..."

Suddenly, the distant sound of an engine revving reached their ears. They glanced at each other, the realization hitting them at the same time.

"That can't be him, can it?" Rogue asked, her heart racing.

Logan growled under his breath, already heading toward the door. "Let's find out."


As the car tore through the gate and sped into the distance, Wade looked back at the mansion, a mixture of guilt and satisfaction playing across his face. The escape had gone smoothly, and he felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration despite the chaos he left behind.

Well, you and your need to make a dramatic entrance and exit.

(What do you mean? It was awesome tho!)

'Now we just need to find Magneto and friends, I am sure Sabertooth know me, if I could just lure them and convinced them,"

Well, it seems they already know of you. Look!

As the town's outskirts came into view, something in the distance caught his eye. Three figures stood at the edge of the road, waiting.

Wade's senses went on high alert. Before he could react, a massive force slammed into the car, causing it to veer off the road and come to a screeching halt in the dirt. The front door was ripped off its hinges, and standing there, looming like a nightmare, was Sabretooth.

"Well, well, look who we have here," Sabretooth snarled, yanking Wade out of the driver's seat with ease.

Sabretooth—his so-called "Uncle Victor"—looking as menacing as ever. Wade couldn't help but break into a grin, a spark of mischief lighting up his eyes.

"Uncle Vic! Oh man, I knew you were alive!" Wade hugging him out while still being hold by his scruff. "You didn't even send a postcard! Real rude, ya know."

Sabretooth gave Wade a glare that could burn through steel. "What the hell are you yappin' about, kid?"

Wade laughed, completely unphased by the dangerous look. "C'mon, Uncle Vic, don't pretend you don't remember me! Last time I saw you, I was busy drawing... oh yeah, those fantastic dicks all over your face when you were passed out!" Wade mimicked holding a marker, drawing in the air. "I even got the shading right—took me hours! I have the pictures! Do you want to see it?"

Sabretooth's snarl deepened, his fists clenching as he pulled Wade closer to his face. "That was you? You really got a death wish, kid!"

"Oh, come on," Wade said with a chuckle, playfully jabbing Sabretooth in the ribs, as if they were just old pals. "I know you secretly missed me." Wade looked at him with an exaggerated pout. "You're all bark, no bite, Uncle Vic."

Behind him, Mystique stepped out of the shadows, her eyes narrowing as she took in Wade's face. "Wolverine and Rogue's son... I wasn't expecting this."

Wade cocked his head, his mind racing. "Ah, the famous Mystique. I gotta say, you're much more terrifying in person." He gave a mock salute. "Nice to finally meet ya!"

A figure floating toward them. His red cape billowed ominously, and Wade immediately recognized him: Magneto, the Brotherhood's leader.

Wade's grin widened. "Well, well, if it isn't the magnetic maestro himself. Magneto! I gotta say, love the entrance. Big, dramatic, the whole 'floating-in-the-air-like-a-boss' thing. I give it a solid 6 out of 10 because of the capes, Y'know how auntie Edna felt about that! NO CAPES!"

Magneto landed gracefully, his eyes sweeping over Wade as if trying to determine whether the kid standing before him was truly worth his time. "You certainly have a... unique way of handling yourself for someone in your predicament."

Mystique ignored the comment, turning her attention to Sabretooth. "Is this for real? Is he actually their kid?"

Sabretooth grunted. "He's got both of their scent all over him, especially Jimmy. And the mouth? Yeah, he's Rogue's brat, alright."

Wade grinned. "The mouth is definitely from Mama. Glad you noticed. But hey, hey, hey, no need for that rough stuff, I'm kinda delicate. Very demure, very mindful, very cutesy," as he trying to escaping from Sabretooth hold who held him even higher by the scruff.

Magneto's eyebrow lifted in interest, but his expression remained cold. "The Wolverine and Rogue's child? Interesting. Very interesting." He studied Wade more closely now, as though seeing the full potential of the situation.

Mystique's eyes gleamed as the realization sank in. "So… we've got the child of Rogue instead of Rogue herself. Quite the surprise." She studied Wade a little longer, then her expression darkened. "This could work. We can use him."

Wade's playful demeanor didn't falter, though internally he was already planning his next move. "Use me? For what, exactly? I'm not exactly good at manual labor, if that's what you're thinking. Also child labor is banned in some state y'know! And I told you I am really delicate!"

"We need a bait and leverage, a lure," Mystique said coldly. "We need Rogue for a plan of ours, but we couldn't get to her while she still with Charles. If we have you, she'll definitely come for you and work for us."

Sabretooth chuckled darkly behind him. "That's right, kid. We're gonna dangle you in front of them like a worm on a hook."

Wade pretended to mull it over for a moment, stroking his chin. "Bait, huh? Not bad. Could work, but they won't go after me, you wrong for that. They already got two other kids, losing one isn't really worth that much trouble."

Mystique's brow furrowed. "You're not taking this seriously."

Wade shrugged. "Hey, you're the one that grabbed me without warning! But if it makes you feel any better, I'll act more 'kidnapped' for the sake of your plan." He threw up his hands in mock surrender. "Oh no, I've been taken hostage! Whatever shall I do? I need my prince in the mutton chops and cheap cigars also a southern princess with deathly touch to save me!"

Magneto raised a hand, silencing the bickering for a moment. "Enough. Take him. We'll use him to lure Rogue, and once we have her, we'll proceed with the rest of our plan."

Sabretooth yanked Wade toward the truck, tossing him inside as if he weighed nothing. As they closed the doors, Mystique looked at Magneto, her voice low. "You really think this will work? What if Rogue doesn't come?"

Magneto turned, his eyes sharp and full of certainty. "She will. A mother always comes for her child."

As they dragged Wade toward their vehicle, Wade couldn't help but snicker to himself. They thought they were in control, but Wade had already made up his mind to play along, to bide his time. After all, being 'kidnapped' by the Brotherhood of Mutants was almost like a free pass to get a chance to mess with them from the inside. Muahahahahahha!

This chapter didn't make sense at all!

(The author found some of his secrets stash, he was even higher when writing this than the other chapters!)

'Well, we'll get to mess with the Brotherhood after this, so I'm not complaining!'

I think one of the comment is right, I have found that demon cat somehow looking still into the wall sometimes, like comunicating with something, someone... and who the character that could break the fourth wall? Suspicious I'll tell ya! I told my roommates everytime but he just dimissed it and still put that demon cat in a pedestal! Saying things like his princess could do no wrong! I think he also get brainwashed!

Vha_Anncreators' thoughts
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