


Over 40 chapters on Patreon.com/heavenlyenel.


The giant soon reformed and also absorbed the beheaded giant, its form changing in mere seconds as great darkness covered the island. In half a second, it soon revealed a smaller being, the size of a human with the body of a human, except for its goat horns and eyes with dark red fur.


"One more!" The humanoid goat resembling a satyr said as all the flying demons were sucked into its mouth opened in a horrifyingly large way, giving it more strength.


"This should be enough for now," the dark satyr said behind Wonder Woman's back and tapped her shoulder, which sent her down to the ocean below the island instantly!


With a flick of its wrists, Diana was sent back up to the surface with telekinesis.


"You puny god of war! Is this what the Olympians have to offer?! Hahaha!" The dark satyr laughed as the demons battling the Amazons grew in strength and began cutting down the Amazons.


"Maybe this strength is enough to even take over Azaroth! Maybe I can stop that menace in hell that caused all this!" The satyr's pride swelled.


"Athena! Hera! Anyone! Please save us and I will do your bidding!" Diana cried out as her eyes grew heavy.


"Most of your pantheon is dead! No one is coming for you!" The dark satyr said, but Diana managed to break free and launched a flurry of blows on the dark satyr without succeeding in making it move or flinch.


Three parademons eventually made their way to the island and killed Amazons and demons alike until they came across the main battle on the island featuring the dark satyr and a panting Diana.


The dark satyr maintained eye contact with Diana and waved its hand at the parademons, decapitating the trio into pieces, which caused Diana to raise an eyebrow. She hadn't seen or heard of these creatures that invaded her island but was surprised at the quick work the dark satyr made out of them.


"You're next." The dark satyr chuckled, pointing its finger at the exhausted Diana who looked at the dark being in defiance.


"What is… that foul music?" A wary Queen Hippolyta asked, her voice dry.


Metal music could be heard all over the island, causing a dramatic pause to all ongoing events.


A dark blue portal with blue highlights swirled open as a voice was heard loud and clear throughout the island.


"Warning! The Slayer has entered Themyscira. Warning! The Slayer has entered Themyscira."


"The Slayer?" Diana muttered and began racking her brain for any mythology relative to her that involved a title as just the Slayer. There was Heracles, the slayer of the Nemean lion but not just The Slayer.


A brown-skinned man with a black buttoned-down shirt outlining his chest and chiselled body with fitting black pants, a diamond bracelet, and black shoes with clean-shaven facial hair and a fresh cut stepped out of the portal.


The cold night air brushed against his hair as he took in a deep breath and looked below him. He floated high above the island but that didn't stop anyone from seeing The Slayer's first appearance on the planet.


The Slayer rolled up his sleeves and wasn't seen in the sky anymore.


"Was that backup? Which demon is he affiliated with? Could this one belong to Blaze and her brother? Those siblings have a thing for taking over hell even in these trying times," the dark satyr muttered to itself after it lost sight of The Slayer.


A loud sonic boom was heard somewhere on the island and everyone's attention was on the source of the noise as the earlier music was dying down slowly.


Demonic cries could be heard as a black figure blitzed through them, and all that could be found after were decapitated demons or demon paste on concrete.


The dark satyr couldn't understand what was going on until it noticed the demonic horde reduced to a number smaller than the Amazonian population.


"WHAT IS GOING ON! DEMON, SHOW YOURSELF!!" The dark satyr demanded in a loud voice as shockwaves spread from itself outward causing Diana to fly to her weakened mother to protect her from the harmful shockwaves.


"Why that's just racist. Although you wouldn't be the first one to say it, demon!" The Slayer in his black attire said as he dropped alien guts that were on his hand to the floor.


Dark flames that made the dark satyr flinch hovered over the hands of The Slayer, sanitizing them of the filth of the demons he made quick work of.


"There were thousands of them! Is this an illusion? You are telling me in mere seconds… Anyway, who are you?" The dark satyr asked as he floated higher in the air but didn't see The Slayer in front of himself again, causing it to look around in panic until it found The Slayer beside Diana.


"Young god. How do you pray to other gods like this? What will those who worship you think of that?" The Slayer asked as Diana stood before him, becoming a shield between The Slayer and her mother.


"I was going to finish him off," Diana said roughly and spat blood on the floor begrudgingly.


"Is that so? I heard your offer of help came your way. None of the gods answered, but I answered," The Slayer said as his golden iris glowed brightly.


"Is this your doing, Slayer?" Diana asked as she readied herself, her previous fatigue apparently leaving her body.


"There's almost no weakness to you. Your will and indomitable spirit is impressive, young god of war." The Slayer noticed her vitals returning to their peak in real-time and wondered if truly she could handle the dark satyr.


"An Amazon stands proud until her last breath. Now answer my question, Slayer, or you will taste my fury." Diana urged but was blitzed by the dark satyr before she could expect a reply from the slayer.


"See? Is that any way to talk to your saviour?" The Slayer teased as the dark satyr launched a punch at Diana.


"Now die, ant," the dark satyr said as it landed its punch on Diana.




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