
Chapter 73

Varrus witnessed Kael's triumph just as he was moving to reinforce his beleaguered friend. 

When he came to Kael's side, he saw that the newly christened King had been surrounded by an orange wave of energy similar to what surrounded a Super Saiyan from DBZ. 

Upon releasing his aura, the portal to the Elemental Planes disappeared, a feeling of calm and stateliness suffused the young monarch. 

Kael'Thas had truly come into his own. 

"Hm." Varrus nodded with a grin, and gave a thumbs up. 

Kael grinned back, but was quick to compose himself. He was about to say something, but had his perfect hair get mussed up as 6'5ft of towering Troll green muscle collided into him. 

"None of that when it's just friends around, Goldilocks!" Jan'alai stepped forward, and wrapped her arms around the back of his head, pulling him in for a tight hug. 

Varrus noticed that the Forest Troll seemed to hold back tears, turning her head out of Kael's line of sight, and masked her overwhelming emotion with bravado. 

Kael's face was starting to purple, and he began to tap on her arm for release. 

Varrus chuckled at the sight of it all, but he had something more important than indulging in their foreplay. 

Whilst they were busy undergoing their antics, Varrus discreetly approached Rommath's corpse. 

Side eyeing Jan'alai practically threw the King-and wasn't that an odd thought to get used to?-into another bear hug, Varrus began his heist. 

Unsheathing his blade, Varrus quickly dismembered Rommath's corpse separately into limbs, head, and torso so he could hold them in his inventory. Unfortunately the Skyrim UI was finicky, and he could not store a whole corpse within, so he got around that by taking parts of the whole. 

As for why he would take Rommath's corpse? 

Necromancy of course! 

As much as he hated the practice, and did not intend to use it on a wide scale-or publicly for that matter-it could always act as an ace in the hole. 

With the Dead Thrall spell, Varrus could permanently raise an Undead under his control until they perished. While his Conjuration skill wasn't high enough yet, he was hoping that with the way the Warcraft world and the Skyrim interface played off of one another, he might be able to cast Undead Thrall more than once. 

Like with Elemental summons, for every 200 base mana, he could summon a bound Elemental. With the way the system was set up, he'd never become the next Lich King, able to control millions like some RTS gamer God, but that didn't mean necromancy was a tech tree that he should ignore. 

Perhaps there would be a possibility for him to raise multiple, powerful Undead Heroes in the future. 

Finished with the task at hand, Varrus saw that the other battlefield was wrapped up too. With Rommath dead, the portly priest, Dawnbringer, was unable to stay animated, and had collapsed mid combat. 

It spoke to his skill that Rho'dan, the Crossguard, Helios, and Lor'Themar couldn't one tap him. Or at least close out the fight before Rommath was taken out. 

Recognizing the priest and the alchemist as the only former Convocation members who didn't have their bodies destroyed, Varrus sent a quick message via his scrying orb to Rho'dan, telling him to meet back home, and to discreetly store the corpses in the family vault. 

Varrus would have a use sometime down the line for a difficult to kill, tireless healer, as well as the potion master in his ranks. 

Perhaps he could have her begin studying Elven fertility, and attempt to create a potion increasing viability. He'd just have to make sure no one learnt of her, or the priest any time soon. 

Varrus was sure he could survive any public backlash if his necromancy became public knowledge, what with all his loudest detractors rotting in prison or dead, but Elves had long lives, and held longer grudges. There was no need to draw shade to himself if he didn't have to. 

After all, why invite enemies to bed, when he could let sleeping dogs lie? 

Of the two Convocation corpses he would receive, he valued Dawnbringer the most. 

Varrus had inherited memories of all the Convocation members, and out of all of them, Dawnbringer was the kindest of them all. 

The portly priest treated the playboy Varrus without prejudice, and despite being the foremost practitioner of the Light, was never preachy. He was the rare religious type that eschewed wealth, and actually practiced what he preached, without condescension. 

The Undead Thrall spell would give Varrus total command over his subjects, and would be needed for the genius spellcaster Rommath, or the catty potioneer Starbottle, however, Varrus was interested in seeing what Dawnbringer had to offer House Vandercross. 

If he turned out to be as true and wholesome as Varrus's memories made him out to be, then Varrus was considering replacing Sylvannas as leader of the Forsaken, and installing Dawnbringer instead. With his faith in the Light, and good nature, that could be precisely what Varrus could use to take over that faction. 

But that was only a possibility. The Forsaken were a damned lot full of untrustworthy characters. It was a group Varrus had considered eliminating, but that didn't mean they couldn't have a use. Whether that be temporary or long term remained to be seen. 

During Varrus's plotting for the future, and Kael's 'death by tomboy Troll', Syra poked Varrus in the side for some attention, and looked at him in curiosity. 

After he completed Rommath's butchery, and disappeared the magister's limbs into his inventory, Varrus realized he must look hella suspicious, yet she remained silent. 

Putting a finger to his lips, Varrus grinned, and nodded towards Kael/Jan'alai, indicating that they should keep things secret from the duo. 

Syra slowly nodded her head. 

'Good girl.' Varrus thought to himself, and winked in appreciation of her ability to recognize when subtly was needed. 

There was nothing more satisfying than working with someone on the same wavelength as you. Varrus concluded. 

Whilst Varrus was pleased by this revelation, his wife had other thoughts in mind. 

Like a cat analyzing its prey, Syra playfully pounced on Varrus, and mimicked Jan'alai, pulling him in close, and suffocating him between her breasts. 

Varrus, caught unaware, was quick to realize that Syra had in fact not gotten the memo! 

"Haha, that's the spirit bestie! You've got to hoist him up on your back, like this, so he knows who is in charge, and wears the pants in this relationship!" Jan'alai flashed her teeth, and hauled Kael'Thas on top of her shoulders. 

'Ah hell no!' Varrus thought to himself. 

Ears twitching in irritation, Varrus wrapped up Syra by the legs, and threw her over his shoulders with some bastardized MMA move, and had her mount him like a kid riding their dad's shoulders. 

Syra's smooth legs dangled daintily down Varrus's chest, and brushed up against his cheeks, tickling him. 

Varrus felt himself begin to harden, and felt Syra's cool hands pulling at his forehead, and massaging the side of his head. 

Looking up, Varrus was graced with golden eyes, a brilliant smile, and a radiant complexion. 

Syra's skin tone shone vividly in the morning sun, putting all skincare actresses to shame. 

Planting a wet kiss on his lips, Syra's smile widened as Varrus stood still, twitterpated. 

Varrus rapidly blinked as he felt his heart speed up, and blushed in embarrassment as Syra caught him out. 

Owning the moment, and his appreciation for her natural beauty, Varrus stuck out his lips, showing he was hungry for more. 

Syra leaned down for a kiss, only to stop a millimeter away, just barely scraping the tip of his lip, and pulled away. 

"Aha! You see Goldilocks, this is what is known as edging! I saw it in a documentary once" Jan'alai loudly slapped one hand into the palm of another in excitement, as if she were vividly describing a nature documentary. 

'What kind of plays were the High Elves of Quel'Thalas releasing!?' Varrus raised his eyebrows in surprise. It seemed even immortals enjoyed risque material! 

"Notice her technique, the subtle motion of her toe sliding down his robe and onto his shaf-"

"Enough! I am King now, and you shall show me the respect I deserve! A parade for the Sunfury is underway, and I must be there! We simply have no time for this!" Kael huffed. 

"So sexy when you command me! You're right Goldilocks, there's time for edging later. You have another long, boring speech to deliver! Let's go!" Jan'alai eagerly shouted, then bolted off towards the shores of Quel'Danas, and the direction of Silvermoon. 

Varrus was speechless at the sudden departure of his best friend and his lover. 

What, no goodbye? 

"She knows she can fly, right?" Syra inquiringly asked from the top of Varrus's shoulders. 

"The question, my love, is if Kael remembers that she can fly. Or perhaps he prefers that position!" Varrus guffawed, and began to shake with laughter. 

"Easy there. Woah!" Syra gently gripped Varrus's hair, and acted like she was soothing a rampaging broncho. 

"Man, what a day. Want to go home, and-" 

"Onward! We have to beat them to the edge of the square!" Syra suddenly clicked her heels into Varrus's sides to make him move faster. 

Varrus looked up at her with a deadpan 'you cannot be serious right now' look. 

"I've never been to a parade before." Syra said, looking pitifully at him like a cold puppy out in the rain. 

"But the floats-" Varrus said, raising his hand with his index finger pointing skyward. 

"We were in the parade, not to the parade." Syra said somewhat snobbishly. 

'Damn, she's technically correct…the best kind of correct!' Varrus thought to himself as his eye twitched. 

"Fine." Varrus said, then closed his eyes, and groaned towards the heavens. His shoulders slightly slumped defeated, and he felt his arousal shrivel up. 

'Don't worry little guy, we'll get in before the night is out.' Varrus reassured himself, and nodded with a fake smile plastered across his face to lighten the mood, and get through the day. 

"Hyah! We ride!" Syra shouted, and clapped her hands. 

Varrus began to run forward, but then paused. 

"Why don't we take those hawkstriders we arrived on?" Varrus paused, and pointed at the hawkstriders tied up outside of the lip of the crater to the Sunwell. 

Syra unsheathed her sword, and a bright light began to coalesce around its edge. 

"Haha…! A joke my dear!" Varrus laughed, and continued his jog. 

At the same time, he narrowed his eyes in thought. This outcome was oddly reminiscent of the time they competed at capture the flag. Syra was way too invested in this. 



"You want to beat Jan'alai in a race, don't you?" Varrus said in a teasing tone of voice, expecting to catch Syra out. 

"It took you that long to figure it out? Good, then I don't need to tell you the obvious. Speed up!" Syra said condescendingly with a hair flick. 

'Bitch!' Varrus tsked. 

"Of course you know if you lose, we can focus on making children another night~." Syra said matter of factly, and examined her nails. 

'As if you have dirt there you-! Gah!' 

Varrus took a deep breath, and realized she was probably bluffing. Syra had initiated sexual contact every day now, her dream of making a sports team's worth of children was very real…Unless she had been picking up some bad habits from that barbarian of a woman! 

Varrus knew that friendship was nothing but trouble! 

Well…while it was somewhat demeaning, Syra seemed to be having fun, and there was nothing like a little lightheartedness after a battle to the death. 

It was during his sprint to catch up to Jan'alai, Varrus began to reflect upon the battle, and the imminent future. 

Climbing out of the pit, Varrus glanced back one last time at the sight of his biggest battle yet. Taking in the destruction, and subsequent renewal of plants due to Kael's magic, Varrus imagined the sight of a restored Sunwell. 

With a font of power like that under his control, he could connect it to the Leylines, and have his Dwarven Autocannon's fire with unlimited ammo. 

Or with the effects of limitless stamina, he and Syra could work even harder to fulfill her dream. 

However, Varrus had no immediate plans on restoring the Sunwell. At least not until Archimonde and the Legion were defeated on Kalimdor by the Night Elves. That and not until he had enough Rune Stones set up by Telonicus. Their mana masking ability was just too good to pass up. 

Because any way the Demons caught wind of another font of near limitless mana, then Varrus would bang his head on the wall in consternation! 

Alternatively, he could milk the Blood Elves' reliance on his Mana Stones for a bit longer, but it was a pain in the ass having to constantly supply them, and guard against mana addicted thieves. Besides, once he restored the Sunwell, Varrus would be hailed as a savior. 

The Sunwell after all, did not just supply mana, and limitless stamina, but also granted immortality. With it around, the Darkfallen would lose their appeal, and no more potential traitors would be drawn to their seductive offers of immortality. 

In accordance with that thought, Varrus planned on restoring the Sunwell in a few months to a year's time.

Besides the restoration of the Sunwell, he had a few more immediate goals in mind. 

First of all, he had to finish purging the plagued land from the rest of Silvermoon, and cast his patented Vanderbricks. Once that was finished, Kael should also be done cleaning up the side missions, and they could focus their efforts on retaking the Ghostlands from the Scourge. 

In the meantime, Varrus could study the memory crystal his father had left him. Anyway that Varrus could learn the frankly broken family magic of the Mana Stones, then Varrus would become the greatest anti-mage in history. The ability to absorb attributed magic of any type was simply astounding. 

Not only that, but as Vandercross demonstrated, that energy could be used to either reinforce the Mana Stone forest, transform into Elementals, and more. Furthermore, the stored energy could be used as a battery, or even in isolation as a safe means of study. 

If Varrus remembered correctly, in cannon, Telonicus, the Chief Engineer used Void energy batteries to power massive golems of war. A mageotech renaissance was on the horizon, and Varrus aimed to be on the cutting edge of this new civilizational path forward. 

But he couldn't do it alone. 

The Elves were a strong people, blessed with an affinity for magic, and a keen intelligence, yet allergic to manual labor. In many ways they mirrored modern society. 

Which is where Varrus's ploy to establish a faction, the Covenant, came into play. 

His first target were the Kobold's. 

Off the eastern seaboard was an enclave of Kobolds. Rat-like creatures standing at about the height of Varrus's navel, they excelled at digging, and preferred living underground. 

They weren't a particularly intelligent race, and chose their leader based upon the size of the candlestick they wore on their head. This cultural idiosyncrasy applied even to foreigners of a different race or appearance. 

After the Sunfury had their parade, and Varrus cleaned out the city, the Kobolds would be his first visit. 

Silvermoon was in dire need of raw materials, whether it be for buildings, constructing golems, or those necessary for enchanting, the Kobolds would be Varrus's answer to this supply shortage. 

However, these were all things to be undertaken in the near future. What really had him curious in the aftermath of this battle were two things. 

One, how did Halduron come into possession of Rommath's tome. Because anyway Varrus looked at it, the situation was suspicious. As soon as this parade was over, Varrus was going to confront Faedra, and see what she knew about this. For a supposed spymaster, and famed assassin, Varrus was irked that she was wholly absent from this battle. While he didn't trust her enough to seek her aid directly, that didn't mean she could sit such an important battle out on their home turf, and not draw his suspicion. 

Secondly, he was curious about Syra's use of Void energy, and why she wasn't mentally corrupted. He saw her eyes turn heterochromatic, one golden, the other purple, yet now both were back to her normal golden glow. 

Because if this 'shounen main character' transformative battlestate could be learnt by him, or others, then the armed forces of Quel'Thalas would achieve another qualitative transformation. 

This question of his, thankfully, could be answered immediately. 

"Syra, my Star, how is it that you can merge the powers of Light, and Void together, yet remain whole?" Varrus said as he ran. 

"Love." Syra replied without a second's hesitation, leaving Varrus stumped. 

Glancing up at her, Varrus saw the fires of obsession burning in her eyes. 

'Right. Love. Of course.' Varrus drily thought to himself. 

He was surprised it wasn't something like determination. That was the bread and butter of every MC after all. 

Varrus sighed to himself as there seemed to be no easy answer. However, thinking about the obsessive look in her eyes, Varrus had a 'eureka' moment. 

It wasn't hard work, or determination that allowed Syra to merge the two, and come out alright! It was her obsession! 

The Light and the Void preyed upon one's obsession. With the Light making someone desire unity by any means, whereas the Void was about selfishness. Syra was selfishly obsessed with protecting Varrus, to the point of coveting him, and harming all others that took his attention away from her. 

It was a contradiction between the two ethos's! 

Varrus didn't think he had it in him to attain such a state, however, Koren, with his obsession over the Sunwell, and murder of his father could be the perfect trial candidate. Thaladred the Darkener, and Helios were also potential test subjects. In fact, with the great loss suffered throughout Elven society, it was likely that many such contradicting obsessions had emerged amongst the general population. 

As frightening as the Void was, it did not belong to the Old Gods, or the Void Lords who created them. Just as Arcane did not belong to the Titans, or the Light to the Naaru. Having witnessed proof of his wife wielding the Void, and remaining more or less 'normal,' he would be a fool to not pursue the power that the Holy Void could produce. 

"Thank you Syra, you are simply an inspiration." Varrus lovingly stroked her calf, and said in gratitude. 

"Less talking, more walking! We win." Syra spoke with an edge, and seemed locked in, like a determined gamer in the last minute of a match. 

Varrus rolled his eyes, yet complied with a smile. She was usually so quiet, but he had to say, this competitive side of hers was quite cute! 

Picking up speed, Varrus could only chuckle at her antics. 


AN: Read 25 chapters ahead at patreon.com/KarpQQ


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