
Plentiful Breakfast

The next day, Aoi prepared for another day. He came across to his mother as he was about to have an early breakfast in the dining room.

When he sat at the dining table, he saw his father just in time to leave their room. His and his little sister's room was on the second floor, while his parents' room, which had a wider space and was perfect for couples, was on the ground floor.

Aoi met his father's gaze, and the former felt slightly emotional. Thankfully, he had been learning how to hold himself back anymore, or else he would cry seeing his father after ages.

Aoi had always regretted not showing love for his parents before their demise. He had always been known for being an apathetic person in the house. However, when he gazed at his father, briefly glancing at him, he realized he had inherited such traits from his father in the first place.

Meanwhile, the over-acting and enthusiastic mother passed her genes to her daughter. 

As Aoi was wondering about his little sister, he heard footsteps echoing from the stairs, causing both gentlemen to turn to the side and finally see their Disney princess coming into view.

Aoi's emotion was unknown when he saw his little sister. 

After his parents' demise, his last meeting with his little sister was during their parents' burial. After that, when he was providing expenses to his little sister, the latter did not show up at the house ever again, never set foot, and never be seen.

Even when she graduated, and her face was already on television, she rarely contacted her elder brother. Ironically, it was now the older brother being over-acting while the little sister was so indifferent to her elder brother's initiative communication.

Aoi had finally realized the responsibility of being an elder brother whose parents departed into heaven, having to look after his little sister, so he was very patient and caring when it came to her. 

Of course, there was once he could not tolerate his little sister's mediocre reply, but he realized he had to be tolerant of her actions.

"Good morning, Father! Good morning, Elder Brother!"

Seeing his little sister's enthusiastic greeting, Aoi's heart seemed to have been pierced by something sharp. 

He lingered his gaze on his little sister for a long time, causing the latter to be frightened. 

She cast a disgusted expression at Aoi and said, "What are you thinking, Elder Brother? We are siblings!"

Aoi was stunned, giggled, and shook his head.

He said, "Come here, and let's eat now. Stop thinking absurd things."

"I should be the one saying that!" His little sister took a seat.

She glanced at her father, and her countenance was filled with worry. 

"Father, are you not getting a rest? You are almost like one step away from the grave!"

Aoi quickly glanced at his father and was taken aback by his condition. He did not notice it, for his father usually appeared dead-beat-tired.

A massive dark circle surrounded his eyes, and his face was pale, and even his lips were dried. Obviously, he had been working hard to the point that getting sufficient sleep was difficult to obtain.

Whenever he was like this, Aoi finally recalled something, and he could not help but ask, "Are you experimenting with a new cake again, Father?"

His father briefly glanced at him, then dazedly stared at the table and replied, "Yes. I had an inspiration last night, so I quickly got into it."

"Ohhh!!!" Aoi's little sister couldn't hold herself from reacting excessively. "How did it go, Father?"

Aoi's father meanwhile reacted differently when it came to his daughter, casting a melting gaze on her, replying, "I'm halfway through it. Perhaps I'll get it done next week."

Aoi's little sister nodded eagerly and said, "That's good, Father! If the new cake is introduced, money will flood again. We will be rich-"



She pressed her forehead with both of her hands and indignantly stared at her father, discerning the ache throbbing on her forehead after her father flicked it.

She pouted.

"You're greedy." Her father shook his head and continued, "As long as you make a living out of your passion, then you are already living the best of your life. Money is just a bonus."

Aoi could not help but nod silently.

He, too, was working for money, but there was no passion for it, causing him to always face an existential crisis every night. If it was not for his little sister, he would have long tried to kill himself.

Hence, he understood clearly well what his father was implying — to make a living out of your passion, which not everyone managed to achieve, was everyone's desire.

Everyone worked hard for it, so those who had achieved it at an early age should be aware and be content rather than grumbling and still aiming for higher desire.

Hence, he could not hold himself back from flicking his little sister's forehead, too.

He said, "You're greedy."

"Not you, too!" 

Tears emerged in her eyes, and she was about to burst into tears. 

However, as much as she wanted to guilt-stricken her heartless elder brother and father, both were focusing on something they were dazing about, seemingly uncaring about her pitiful state.

Hence, even though crying was just an act, she was heartbroken when she discerned both of them were indifferent towards her reaction when they were bullying her.

She sobbed, but just in time, her mother, the only person she could rely on, appeared while bringing a rice cooker and smiled at her.

"Help me prepare the table."


She nodded eagerly while sparing a glare to her cold elder brother and father, staring dazedly at the table, seemingly thinking about something.

She shook her head and aided her mother in preparing the table, placing bowls and chopsticks.

Her mother soon prepared their breakfast, placing miso soup, natto, seaweed, and tamagoyaki on the table.

Seeing the ample breakfast, Aoi was filled with emotions once again. 

Since when has he had such a lavish breakfast? 

Ever since he had become alone, he would even miss breakfast and just eat food at work. 

Now, not only could he have a plentiful breakfast, but it was also cooked by his mother, too.

He did not know when he tasted her cooking…

He could not remember it anymore…

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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