
Chapter 10

Extremely late by a week. Sorry, a lot of work, and I suddenly got allergic to something. I still do not know what it is, but I am taking something for it anyway. I hope you like the chapter and see you next time. It's pretty short!!!!

** 5-Year Re-cap**

In their first year, Kylio and Izuku worked a lot on mana control and fighting style. Instead of going to a dojo, they just decided to spar, mostly relying on instinct and looking for any weaknesses in the other form. Izuku, fifth year of elementary!

Izuku Favorite Song of the Year: Could have Been Me by The Struts


Kylio: 34 - 23

Izuku: 23 - 34

[Host: Izuku Midoriya]

Str: 50 (MAX)

Vit: 50 (MAX)

Dex: 50 (MAX)

Int:50 (MAX)

SP: 27

Skills: Mistport, cloning, transformation, shattering, Arcane Arrow

Abilities: Mana Manipulation, Mana Enhancement, Quick Corpa

Player: Kylio Grutezin, 


In his second year, Kylio focuses on getting to know Izuku and more of this world. Most of the music they listen to was created before quirk, which was wild for Kylio to find out, while others were supposed to be made, which was no surprise. Now, Kylio, in his cat form, has been dubbed the Cheshire Cat by my Izuku's classmates. One of them saw him mistport, and he is mostly ignoring them, but the rumor got out of hand. Some teachers also started paying more attention to Kylio, and even local reporters from a small news station or blog came to see the teleporting cat. Besides that, the system named Izuku's fighting style. Izuku's final year of elementary!

Song of the Year: Chasing the Horizon (feat. Sonny Sandoval) by Noize MC


Kylio: 78 - 45

Izuku: 45 - 78

[Host: Izuku Midoriya]

Str: 50 (MAX)

Vit: 50 (MAX)

Dex: 50 (MAX)

Int:50 (MAX)

SP: 27

Skills: Mistport, cloning, transformation, shattering, Arcane Arrow

Abilities: Mana Manipulation, Mana Enhancement, Quick Corpa

Player: Kylio Grutezin, 


Third Year, a few months into the school year, Izuku is now 11; mostly the same; just gained a bit of height now. Instead of elementary, he is now in junior high, and instead of a bully, he has a rival who wants to beat him in everything, including smarts, and that rival is Bakugo, who is his self-proclaimed rival, exciting right some of what he mostly glares at Izuku and sometimes picks a fight but loses, and that does not end well for each party since parents are called the teacher side with the stronger kids. Kylio mostly works on finding ways to get money. He thought about uploading music from his phone that does not exist, but the system does not allow that, which he got pissed about, so he just did the "Magic" trick in his cat form with Izuku near his home to get some cash, which again gained some popularity with his neighborhood, and his classmates wanted to see the magic cat, which gave Izuku some "friends."

Song of the Year: Superhero by Simon Curtis


Kylio: 109 - 83

Izuku: 83 - 109

[Host: Izuku Midoriya]

Str: 50 (MAX)

Vit: 50 (MAX)

Dex: 50 (MAX)

Int:50 (MAX)

SP: 27

Skills: Mistport, cloning, transformation, shattering, Arcane Arrow

Abilities: Mana Manipulation, Mana Enhancement, Quick Corpa

Player: Kylio Grutezin, 


Fourth year, second year of junior high, Izuku is extremely popular with most of the students for his good nature, looks, and brains, helping anyone in need with assignments. Again, Kylio in his cat form was actually not allowed at school after some students and teachers complained, so Izuku and Kylio convinced mom to make Kylio a service cat, which after a few days he was a service animal after running tests, faking shots, and other things that Kylio could not do, and like that, the school year passed by quickly.

Song of the Year: Back from the Dead by Skillet


Kylio: 123 - 108

Izuku: 108 - 123

[Host: Izuku Midoriya]

Str: 50 (MAX)

Vit: 50 (MAX)

Dex: 50 (MAX)

Int:50 (MAX)

SP: 27

Skills: Mistport, cloning, transformation, shattering, Arcane Arrow

Abilities: Mana Manipulation, Mana Enhancement, Quick Corpa

Player: Kylio Grutezin, 


Fifth and final year of waiting for the dungeon, and the final year of Junior high.

[New Dungeon, New World unlocked]

Confused Kylio woke up from his nap Looking around, he could see Izuku eating cereal on the couch and watching something on TV.

"I'll be back; I need to do something," Kylio said, stretching.

"Yeah, okay, remember we need to train later, so yeah," Izuku said, giving Kylio a weird look.

Waking up on the floor, Kylio rushes to the dungeon door, looking at the name; it just says "Con Eterno." It's Spanish for something he only knows because he had many Mexican friends in his last life, and they helped him a lot when he was in a pinch.

'With Eternal I wonder what type of world this is,' Kylio thought.


Confused Kylio looked down at his phone and wondered how he could have gotten a notification; he never got one.

( Group chat has been made.)

"HUH," Kylio voiced his confusion

(Invites have been sent.)

"Nah, what the hell is happening? I have a dungeon system and now a group chat; it has to be a multiverse one, right? Got damn it, fuck my life," Kylio said out loud as he slammed his fist on the ground. "Okay, first I need to know what type of world this is; first the group chat can wait," Kylio said, walking to the dungeon door.

To Be Continued. . . .

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