
Plans for the Weekend

Hub World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo.


The next day, Tatsuo went to school as if he had never met Christie, because he was certain that DOATECH was still watching him. So, he would not give them the satisfaction of knowing that they affected his life at all.


After school, Tatsuo, Chiho, and Yakumo went to Yakumo's house to study with Tenma, Mikoto, Eri, and Akira as usual, as well. And just like always, Tatsuo ended up leading the study group.


"I'm so glad tomorrow's Saturday." Mikoto said as she stretched her arms over her head and pulled her clothes against her rather well-endowed figure for her age. "Even though we'll still have to study, at least we won't have to go to school first."


Naturally, Tatsuo's eyes were drawn to the sight. However, he did not let them linger for very long. He was not dumb enough to start gawking while sitting in a room filled with girls, after all.


"So, do you three plan on meeting to continue studying together tomorrow?" Akira asked curiously while sweeping her gaze over Tatsuo, Chiho, and Yakumo.


"I don't mind." Tatsuo replied. "It just depends on when. My mom and sister haven't been happy that they haven't been able to hear me play this week."


"You're talking about the piano, right?" Yakumo asked in a soft tone.


"Yeah." Tatsuo replied with a nod.


"Ooh! Now that you mention it, I wanna hear you play the piano again, too." Chiho said excitedly.


"I mean, any time you wanna come over to hear me play is fine with me." Tatsuo said with a shrug. "I'm sure my mom and Kasumi-Neesan wouldn't mind, either. But Mai-Nee… She's a different story."


"Yeah… The way she looked at me at first was really kinda scary." Chiho said while shivering after remembering Mai's glare on Tatsuo's birthday.


"So, you're the youngest of three, huh?" Eri asked with hint of envy in her tone. "Having siblings must be nice."


"Actually, I'm technically an only child." Tatsuo said with a shrug. "My mom adopted Kasumi-Neesan after helping her out of some trouble a few years ago. And Mai-Nee is my mom's secretary… Or assistant, or whatever. She just really insists that I call her that. As for having siblings, or even a family, that's new for me."


"Huh? What do you mean, Soramoto-Kun?" Tenma asked with curiosity burning in her eyes.


Tatsuo's comment drew everyone's attention. Even Chiho's, who had been suspecting that Tatsuo was the victim of kidnapping years ago. Akira wore an interested expression, too, despite the fact that she already knew Tatsuo's story.


While the girls waited for Tatsuo to speak, Tatsuo took a deep breath. This would be the first time he ever spoke about what happened to him back when he was a child.


"Well, you're all probably too young to remember seeing a news report about a child who was kidnapped, and his father was killed in front of him about eight years ago." Tatsuo said in a somewhat distant tone. "The kid's father was a retired Navy Seal and had married a Japanese woman and came to live in Japan with his family."


Just hearing that introduction, everyone's eyes were focused on Tatsuo. And while Tenma was looking on in curiosity, the others started putting the pieces together.


'So, Kisaki-San was right." Chiho thought while she waited for Tatsuo to continue.


"Well, that child was me." Tatsuo said while pointing his right thumb at himself. "And I won't get into the details, but I went through a lot of horrible things for eight years. Luckily, my mother was able to find me. And she managed to get me out of there."


Immediately, most of the girls present widened their eyes in shock. None of them could imagine what it was like for a six-year-old who was kidnapped and saw his father killed in front of him. The more emotional girls, namely Chiho and Tenma started shedding tears on the spot.


"All right, stop it with the water works." Tatsuo said after seeing the crying faces. "I'm fine now. And I'm back where I belong. Isn't that enough?"


"You're a strong kid, Soramoto-Kun." Mikoto said with a forced smile on her face while she patted Tatsuo on the shoulder.


"I try." Tatsuo said with a smile. "Being all depressed and emo about it makes them the winners, after all. Anyway, if you guys wanna come over to study more tomorrow and Sunday, I'm fine with it. But I'll have to ask my mom if it's okay, first."


"I wanna go." Eri said decisively. "I'd like to meet Soramoto Sumire. She raised her record company to new heights so quickly, after all. It's an inspiration."


The other girls quickly agreed, as well. And with that, another study date, this time at the Soramoto residence was planned for the next two days.


After that, everyone went home, with Tatsuo walking Chiho to the train station before he returned home himself.


"I'm home!" Tatsuo shouted while taking his shoes off by the elevator. "Mom, can I ask you something?"


"Of course you can." Sumire's voice echoed from the living room. "My Tatsu-Chan can ask me anything."


Hearing that, Tatsuo smiled. Then, when he changed into a pair of house slippers, he made his way to the living room where he found Sumire, Mai, and Kasumi sitting on the couch and watching TV.


However, when Tatsuo saw Mai, his expression changed from a smile to one filled with apprehension.


"Welcome home, Tatsuo-Kun." Kasumi said I the tone of a gentle older sister. "How was your day today?"


"Not bad." Tatsuo replied as he approached the couch.


When he got close enough, Mai, who was sitting on Sumire's left, scooted to the left to make room for Tatsuo to sit down. And although he knew he would regret it when he asked his question, he took the offered seat anyway.


"I'm glad to see you, Tatsu-Kun." Mai said as she immediately wrapped her arms around Tatsuo's left arm after he sat down. "I missed you so much when you were gone. Food doesn't taste right whenever I can't see your face."


"Uh… sure…" Tatsuo replied awkwardly.


"Now, let me recharge my vitamin T." Mai said as she snuggled closer to Tatsuo and began rubbing herself on him.


'This woman is playing with fire.' Tatsuo thought to himself while Mai's breasts pressed against his arm.


"So, what did you want to ask me, Tatsu-Chan?" Sumire asked as she took Tatsuo's hand and held it gently.


"Well, the thing is…" Tatsuo said as he began to explain his request.


Upon hearing that even more women would be coming to the house for the next two days, Mai's eyes started filling with tears. And as soon as Sumire gave her permission, the predictable thing happened.


"Wahh~~~~~~! Tatsu-Kun, why do you keep doing this to me?" Mai wailed. "Why must you look for all these harlots? Is your Mai-Nee not good enough anymore? It's because I'm too old, isn't it? So, you look for younger, prettier women. Wahh~~~~~!"


"Mai, be quiet." Sumire said in an exasperated tone.


"*Sniff* Yes, Sumire-Sama." Mai said as she stopped wailing immediately.


"You didn't tell them about too much of what happened while you were in DOATECH's custody, did you, Tatsu-Chan?" Sumire asked in a solemn tone.


"No, I didn't go into the details at all." Tatsuo replied. "I only told them why having a family was new to me."


"Oh, that's fine then." Sumire said with a smile. "In that case, we have nothing to worry about. But make sure not to tell them too much. Otherwise, it might put them in danger."


"I know." Tatsuo said while nodding his head. "oh, by the way. I think Yakumo-San has some kind of supernatural power. I don't' know what it is exactly, but I think it's worth looking into. It might make protecting herself easier if that bitch Christie tries targeting her again to get to me."


"Do you maybe have a little crush on this girl, Tatsuo-Kun?" Kasumi asked in a teasing tone.


"No! Absolutely not!" Mai interrupted. "Tatsu-Kun is going to be mine. There's no room for other girls!"


*Sigh* x 3


"Anyway, I don't." Tatsuo said while rolling his eyes at Mai's antics. "But she was the first person at school who actually tried to help me fit in. So, I don't want to see her get hurt."


"Mommy is so proud of you, Tatsu-Chan." Sumire said as she reached up and patted Tatsuo on the head. "Don't worry, I'll take another look at her when she comes here tomorrow. Now that I think about it, I didn't really pay any attention to her the last time she was here."


"I noticed it last time." Mai said.


"Then why didn't you say anything?" Kasumi asked curiously.


"Because she seemed really talented." Mai said with a pout. "And I know how Sumire-Sama feels about unearthing talents. And if she really took an interest in her, she would be around Tatsu-Kun even more than she is now. Then, that thieving cat would have a chance to steal my Tatsu-Kun's heart. And I couldn't allow that."


*Sigh* x3


Once again, Tatsuo, Sumire, and Kasumi sighed in unison.


"Anyway, I'm gonna go to my room." Tatsuo said while shaking his head. "I'm probably gonna sleep in a little tomorrow, if that's okay. I know I haven't been training much this week, but…"


"It's okay." Sumire said with a smile. "Just get the rest you need. We'll get back to training after your midterms are over."


"Okay, thanks, Mom." Tatsuo said while taking the initiative to give his mother a hug, which was the first time he did so ever since he came home from the DOATECH facility.


Sumire smiled as brightly as a supernova when she was hugged. Kasumi smiled, as well. Mai, on the other hand, looked on enviously, wanting Tatsuo to hug her so lovingly, too.


After releasing his mother from his hug, Tatsuo stood up and headed to his bedroom, leaving the three ladies on the couch.


"I think I'll help them study tomorrow if Tatsuo-Kun doesn't mind." Kasumi said with a smile.


"Traitor." Mai said while glaring at Kasumi. "You're actually planning to help those thieving cats."


"Mai-Chan, I need you to do something for me tomorrow." Sumire said in a tired tone. "That Christie woman is still in Tokyo. I wanna know all her hiding spots by the end of tomorrow."


Immediately, Mai's expression turned rather interesting. She was also worried about Christie and her attempts to take Tatsuo back. However, she was also thinking, 'Des it really have to be this weekend? What if one of those thieving cats makes a move on Tatsu-Kun while I'm not here?'


"Why does your face look like that?" Sumire asked while smiling innocently. "It's not like I'm asking you to go out all weekend,, right? You'll still have Sunday to watch over those girls, won't you?"


Mai's eyes lit up immediately upon hearing that.


"That's right!" Mai shouted as she stood up from the couch. "IN fact, it doesn't even have to take all day. With the information network we have spread over the city, there's no way I won't be able to find all that bitch's holes in only half a day!"


"I don't know why, but something about that seems wrong." Sumire muttered while watching her very capable, yet completely helpless assistant get so excited.


"Then, if you'll excuse me, I'll start making my preparations for tomorrow's operation." Mai said in one of the most determined tones either Sumire or Kasumi had ever heard from her.


After that, she ran out of the living room with her long ponytail trailing behind her.


"Sumire-Sana…" Kasumi said while watching Mai run away. Then, she turned back to Sumire as she continued. "You already know where all of Christie's hideouts are, don't you?"


"Sure do." Sumire said. "But I've instructed the intel personnel to keep it from Mai-Chan and do the investigation again from scratch."


"I don't think that's very nice." Kasumi said while giggling at Sumire's mischievousness.


"Well, if I let her be here while those girls are over, none of them will ever get any studying done due to her interruptions." Sumire said helplessly. "It's not like I enjoy tricking Mai-Chan like this… too much."


"Sumire-Sama, you're really bad." Kasumi said as she giggled even more giddily.


"Anyway, you should go and prepare yourself if you're really gonna help them tomorrow." Sumire said with a smile. "And while you do that, I'll be thinking up an excuse to get Mai out of the house on Sunday, too."

Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying the tory so far.

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