
Chapter 67

YiBo said, "I understand that you're just using this new issue as a cover-up." Nia replied, "I accept whatever you think, YiBo. Even if we had gotten married, I know I would never have peace of mind, so I'm grateful for the way things turned out. From now on, you're like the brother I never had. I'll consider you my elder brother who will always be there for me."

YiBo just looked at her in silence, his expression changing as she spoke. She said, "Let me get you some water and a slice of cake," before heading inside, leaving him watching her intently.

Later that evening, YiBo arrived at Lily's side of the house, visibly in a bad mood. In the living room, he found Lily and Tin sitting together, watching a show. He took a seat, looking at Lily and quietly said, "Good evening." She glanced at him, replying, "Good evening." They sat in silence for a while before YiBo finally asked, "Mom, why didn't you tell me what was going on?" Lily replied, "Didn't you go to hear it for yourself, Ai Bo?" When he didn't respond, she looked at him and saw the confusion on his face. He simply stood up and left the living room, and Lily watched him go.

Around 5 pm, Lily found herself in the living room with General, who was eating some apple slices Lily had prepared for him. Continuing their conversation, she calmly said, "So now they want to return the funds to you?" General shook his head firmly and replied, "What would I do with them? No, they should keep it; it's fine. This was meant to be." Lily sighed and said, "Alright, then. I'll call Mia later to let her know."

As his phone rang, General Hong picked it up and answered briefly, "Hand the phone over so I can talk when you arrive." The person on the line replied, "But wait, Hong, I haven't explained the full story yet. Honestly, I'm not the only one. The moment we arrived, the soldiers began pushing us away....perhaps you warned them already..."

The General cut him off, saying, "You're not alone? With whom did you come?" The caller replied, "If you just give them a call and ask, you'll see who I'm with." The General shook his head, saying, "Look, Dage, I don't let just anyone into my home. Apart from you and Yu Ze, no one even knows where I am. There's no reason to bring anyone else here, especially with the security in place."

The caller replied, "I know, Hong, but please understand that I had no choice but to bring someone with me..." Without another word, the General hung up and immediately called his security team to let them know they could bring his half-brother, Qing Shan, and his guest to the house without any additional security checks. Lily, overhearing, asked, "But why didn't you tell me we'd be expecting guests, Honey? I would have prepared something special for them."

He replied, "He's been wanting to meet up since last week, but I've been too busy. I even canceled today's trip just for him. If not for family, would I ever agree to see Qing Shan Ge, much less allow him here? People only respect you when you succeed. The same ones who once slandered me are now desperate to get close. As you know, I'm done trying to please people."

Lily shook her head and, in a calm voice, said, "Try not to dwell on the past, Honey. These are your family members, and even a damaged limb doesn't rot and fall off. Try to see this as a gesture of kinship. You're the leader; they'll follow. It's your patience that got you this far, and they haven't even come close. Let the past go."

The General stood up and left for the guest room, where his brother and guest were now waiting, with Lily following. Upon entering, he saw Qing Shan seated on a couch. Qing Shan greeted him respectfully, "Long live the great soldier!" The General stared at him in silence, not hiding his displeasure. Next to Qing Shan was Aunty Yu, head bowed as if in guilt. The General looked at his brother, visibly upset, and asked, "Who is this you've brought into my home, and why?"

At that moment, Aunty Yu burst into tears, pleading, "Please, brother, forgive me for all I did to you... it was a mistake born of a troubled heart. I've realized my wrongs, and I won't repeat them. Please, for the sake of family, show mercy. Wherever our mother's spirit may be, she wouldn't want this tension between us."

Qing Shan said, "She came all the way to my house crying, Hong, begging me to come with her so she could apologize to you. If she tries to come alone, the soldiers turn her back and make her walk home with swollen feet from all the checkpoints they make her pass. That's why I kept calling you, saying we had to meet."

The General replied, "But you've done me wrong, Da ge. If I'd known you'd bring this troublemaker here, I wouldn't have let you in either. Why would you bring Yu's issues to me?" Qing Shan softened his tone, saying, "I'm only trying to make things right, Hong. You know this girl is your mother's daughter, just as we're brothers through our father. So, she's family to me too, and I can't just stand by and ignore this conflict."

Just then, Lily walked into the living room to greet Qing Shan. Surprised, she glanced at Aunty Yu, who looked disheveled, resembling a refugee. The air conditioning and snacks in the General's house had made her complexion paler, almost like a foreigner. Lily composed herself, greeted Qing Shan, and then looked at Aunty Yu. "Hello, Yu. How have you been?"

Aunty Yu replied curtly, "Fine," then turned to her brother, her voice trembling. "Brother, there's not even a morsel of food left at home. Since we left here, I've called Leo more than a thousand times, and he refuses to answer. I don't know where he is or what he's doing. He wants nothing to do with us, abandoning me and his siblings without a single coin. I don't even have a way to support myself because I have no business skills. When I left this house, I had only seven hundred thousand in my account. I rented a one-bedroom with a living room and bathroom in the city for six hundred thousand. I used the rest for groceries, but now there's not even a grain of rice left. We've been struggling since last week. The kids, don't even have bus fare to get to school."

The General frowned. "And where is their father that you're coming to me with this nonsense?" She replied, "Please, forgive me for everything I've done, brother. I promise I won't repeat my mistakes. We've been through so much, almost a month and a half of hardship. Please, I'm sorry."

The General raised his voice. "What are you trying to say?" Both she and Qing Shan jumped in fright. Gathering courage, Qing Shan spoke, "She's asking for one last chance, Hong. Let her return here with her children. She promises not to cause trouble again."

The General shook his head. "Yu isn't allowed in my area, let alone my home. There's only one thing I'll do for her, I will give her 5 million to do some business with it, and that's final. You both hear me now. And I don't want her coming near my place again. If she does, the soldiers have orders to deal with her."

Qing Shan replied, "Well, she's grateful for that. Five million, that's more than enough..."

The General left the living room, and Lily, who had remained silent, looked over at Aunty Yu. Yu glanced at her, then looked away. Lily stood up and left the room. Qing Shan leaned over and muttered, "So, how much of that will you send me, Yu? You heard him... five million! You've hit the jackpot!"

She glared at him, saying, "Really, no shame at all, huh? I wanted you to stand up for me, to convince him to let my children and me live here again. I don't even know why you bothered coming; I could've come alone to get that five million."

Qing Shan looked at her in shock. "You're ungrateful, Yu. Do you really think you could've gotten near this place without me?"

She ignored him as the General reentered the room, looking directly at her. "I've transferred the money to your account. Today is the last day you'll come here. If you return, my soldiers will make sure you regret it."

She mumbled, "Thank you, brother. May you continue to prosper." She rose, grabbed her handbag, and headed toward the door, while Qing Shan watched her leave with his mouth open. The General turned to him, saying, "I've sent you 100k for gas."

Qing Shan was quiet at first, then replied, "Alright, no problem."

The General nodded. "I'm heading inside now; I have other guests arriving soon." Qing Shan left, and from his expression, it was clear he thought little of the 100k. He walked out without a goodbye, while the General returned to his quarters.


After Aunty Yu left the house, she called a friend who connected her with a new Native doctor in town. Once they exchanged greetings, Yu said, "Xin Lan, I've just gotten the money. How much did you say he'd take as the final price?"

Xin Lan replied, "It's lucky he has time for us. I'll go over to his house and persuade him to do the work."

Yu asked, "How much does he need, exactly?" Xin Lan responded, "Honestly, two million is the minimum he'd consider. His work is sharp as a knife... he doesn't take less than two million."

Yu sighed. "Alright, I'll transfer it. Just make sure he does whatever it takes to ensure it work this time" she said.

Xin Lan laughed, "You're as determined as ever, Yu. But make sure to add the extra million you borrowed to pay that trickster teacher we couldn't reach by phone."

Yu hesitated for a moment. If she transferred three million, she'd be left with only two. But she figured, if it'll take care of her needs, it's worth it. Once YiBo's case was over, she'd use the remaining two million for another job involving the General... so he'd call her back without suspecting a thing.

Since he entered Lily's wing, YiBo had noticed a captivating fragrance lingering in the air, but he couldn't pinpoint its source. It was just past nine, and as he searched for the scent, he decided to check the guest room, as it seemed to be coming from there. He opened the door and looked inside.

Zhan was seated in front of a mirror, applying lotion, dressed in a vest and shorts. His eyes widened as he watched YiBo enter, who walked right in and closed the door behind him. YiBo approached, captivated by Zhan's glossy, dark hair and his smooth skin. Zhan glanced anxiously at him and said, "Mom just stepped out, and she'll be back soon. Please, you should go before she returns."

YiBo leaned close, taking in the delightful mix of Zhan's fragrance and the room's humidifier. It felt soft, almost like touching cotton. He hesitated, then finally whispered, "Where have you been all day, baby? I looked everywhere for you."

He barely finished speaking when he pressed his chilled lips to Zhan's neck. Panicking, Zhan pleaded, "Please, Mom could walk in any moment."

No sooner had he said that than Lily opened the door. YiBo quickly pulled back, turning away, while Zhan dropped his head and continued applying lotion. Avoiding her gaze, YiBo shifted slightly, then quietly exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Lily finished spraying the room with perfume and said, "Grab your pajamas; you'll sleep in my room tonight." Normally, Zhan would have stayed in the guest room, but he followed Lily's instructions and went to her bedroom.

Later, Zhan couldn't shake the feeling from earlier. That morning, they had gone to a luxurious salon, even fancier than where Ru had first taken him. After his hair treatment, they gave him a full-body pampering in the salon's extensive facilities. By the end of it, his own skin felt silky and irresistible, glowing with a radiant sheen. Tomorrow, he was scheduled for another treatment, and even tonight he was given so many products and medicinal hebs, he barely had an appetite for dinner. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep, dreaming about YiBo.

Around eleven, YiBo returned to check on Zhan, but he found the guest room empty and felt a pang of frustration.


The next morning, YiBo visited Lily's wing. He hadn't slept well, unable to get his mind off things. Seeing her, he hesitated, struggling to find the right words. Just then, Lily's phone rang; it was the General. She stepped out of the living room to answer, and YiBo took this as his chance to look for Zhan. He checked every room in her wing, but no one was there. Finally, he went to Tin's room, not bothering to answer her greetings, and he asked, "Where's Ru?"

She replied, "Mom sent the driver out with them not too long ago."

Without a word, he turned and left, grabbing his car keys and heading out to clear his head.

Zhan and Ru returned around 1 p.m., looking more radiant than the day before. After bathing and eating, Lily asked, "Did you call your mom today?"

Zhan answered, "Yes, we spoke."

Lily nodded. "Good. Pack your things. You'll be heading back to your husband home later this evening."

Zhan didn't reply, only gave a quiet nod as Ru started packing his things into two suitcases.

Back in the living room, YiBo had come after for nearly two hours Lily had called him. When she saw him sitting there, she noticed he looked upset but decided not to comment. Finally, he said, "I'm here, Mom."

She called Zhan, who entered the room and sit beside her chair. "Here I am," he said. Lily looked at him and instructed, "Get your things, it's time to leave."

YiBo raised his head in surprise, clearly wanting to confirm her words, while Zhan kept his gaze lowered. Lily continued, "Or shall I have Ru bring your bags to the car?" She picked up her phone and dialed Ru's number, telling her to help move Zhan's bags to the car.

Slowly, Zhan stood up and went back to his room. YiBo looked at Lily, then followed, watching as Zhan gathered his things. When Zhan glanced at him, eyes brimming with unshed tears, YiBo felt no remorse, only walked over and took both suitcases, carrying them out to the car. Zhan, standing quietly by the chair, lowered his head as Lily advised, "I wish both your future together be peaceful, Zhan. Take care of yourself, your home, and always work to maintain harmony with your husband, understood?"

Zhan replied softly, "Thank you, Mom. I'm grateful." Lily gave a gentle smile, "You're welcome."

YiBo reentered, gave Lily a small nod, "We're ready to go, Mom." She simply replied, "Take care of him please." Turning back to Zhan, she said, "Stand up and go; we will miss you Son." He stood, his eyes glassy with unshed tears, and replied, "Thank you, Mom."

He followed YiBo out to the car, with Ru waving at them as they left.

Only once they'd left the neighborhood did YiBo glance over at Zhan, who was busy wiping away the tears that wouldn't stop. With a small smile, he said, "Save the tears for later. That wasn't crying." Zhan shot him a look of mild irritation, "What business do you have with my tears?."

YiBo chuckled, "Well, I will, since later I will make you cry for pleasure, he wink at Zhan who pouted shyly...

As they neared home, Zhan didn't say anything, lost in his own thoughts. YiBo glanced over and said, "Baby, we need to get some groceries." He turned to him slowly and replied, "Okay." YiBo pulled into a shopping mall, and they both went inside.

They stocked up on food items, tea supplies, and various drinks... anything they might need at home. Zhan chose a variety of spices for cooking. After paying, the staff loaded everything into the trunk of their car.

They left the mall, and before reaching home, YiBo stopped at a restaurant to pick up some food and drinks.

At ten to ten, Zhan had just finished showering when YiBo entered the bedroom with the humidifier scents that Lily had given them. Setting them down, he looked at Zhan and asked, "Did you turn on the bathroom heater?" He nodded. "Yes, I did." YiBo pointed to the scents and asked, "So, how do you use these?" Zhan smiled and replied, "Oh, we eat them." YiBo's eyes widened as he looked at him, and Zhan laughed. "Are you telling me you don't know what a humidifier scent is?"

YiBo rubbed his own head and asked, "Can you please make me a cup of tea after you get dressed? Bring it to our room?" Zhan replied, "Okay." He turned and left the room, and Zhan finished getting ready, filling the room with fragrance as he dressed for bed.

Thinking he'd find YiBo downstairs in the living room, he headed to the kitchen and started his tea. When it was ready, he took it upstairs and, standing outside the door, he knocked gently before entering. There he was, standing in the room in shorts, fresh from his own shower, with the scent of cologne and a powerful chill from the AC.

Zhan didn't step inside, quietly saying, "Here's your tea." Without looking at him, YiBo replied, "You can come in." Zhan pouted, "I wasn't finished with what I was doing." YiBo looked at him more intently, saying, "Just set it down and go finish up; I'm not stopping you, love, he smirk." Zhan hesitated for a few seconds, then stepped inside and set the tea on the bedside table. As he turned to leave, YiBo quickly pulled him close, saying, "Aren't you the one who told me people eat humidifier scents, right?" Zhan pouted playfully and leaned into him. "Oh, you don't have a sense of humor? I was only joking."

YiBo slipped his hand inside Zhan's black silk pj and whispered, "No, I don't know that joke. You'll have to show me how to start eating it... when it isn't you...." Zhan barely registered that, Yibo turned off the lights and lifted Zhan onto their big bed. Zhan clung to him, whispering, "Please, no…" His plea only made YiBo more eager...


As dawn broke, rain continued pouring from around four until late morning. YiBo turned to Zhan, watching as he avoided meeting his gaze. In a soft voice, he said, "Good morning, Heart." Zhan lowered his head, saying nothing, but tears welled up in his eyes. YiBo pulled him gently into his arms, whispering, "I'm sorry, love. I'm so sorry, I don't know why I can't control myself towards you...you're so soft and delicious."

Zhan didn't respond, but his silent tears spoke volumes, he was clearly dramatically making it hard for YiBo. YiBo tucked him under the duvet, noting how chilly it was. Sitting beside him until he fell asleep around six, he then sighed deeply and got off the bed.

When eight o'clock arrived, Zhan was still asleep, so YiBo grabbed his car keys and went to the pharmacy to buy him some painkillers. Returning home, he didn't find him in their room, so he went to his. Hearing the shower running, he waited for him to finish.

When Zhan came out and saw YiBo, he lowered his head and climbed into bed, pulling the duvet over himself for warmth. YiBo moved closer and asked, "Does your stomach feel better?" Zhan nodded. TiBo lifted him slightly, saying, "I can make you warm too, not just the duvet." Covering them both with the duvet, he embraced him tightly, his scent filling Zhan senses as YiBo softly whispered in his ear, "Did you know I love you?" Zhan closed his eyes, feeling his warmth. YiBo added, "I love you, my dear, more than I ever thought I could. I want to be with you until death do us part..."

Zhan, almost whispering, replied, "I love you too." YiBo began to kiss him, and despite the shyness that filled Zhan heart, he didn't stop him.... And by the end, he wished he had.

His frustration with YiBo now was even greater than it had been the night before. Seeing Zhan growing irritation,  YiBo finally left him alone, just watching him in silence.

When YiBo finally come to the downstairs, he glanced at the clock.. five minutes to eleven. He went to the kitchen to make Zhan some tea, the only thing he knew how to make well. After hesitating by his door for a moment, he finally opened it and saw Zhan sitting by the bed. He rushed in with the tea and asked, "Are you alright?" Through his tears, he murmured, "It hurts." YiBo gently lifted him onto the bed, saying, "I'm sorry, love. Please, drink a little tea... I brought medicine from the pharmacy too." It took some effort, but he convinced him to take a few sips and the medication. He tossed and turned until nearly noon before falling asleep, and YiBo quietly left rhe room to go to their own.


At 3 p.m., after making sure Zhan ate the food he bought, YiBo came downstairs with him. He didn't like seeing Zhan in such a state, and he promised himself he wouldn't rest until he found out the cause of his pain. Zhan settled on the couch, watching the TV. Speaking softly, YiBo asked, "Are you mad at me?"

Zhan didn't respond, so he sat beside him and said, "Please forgive me, it wasn't my fault, Baby." Zhan gave him a look, and YiBo smiled, playfully tugging Zhan's nose. "Come on, let's take a stroll around the compound for a bit; it'll make you feel better." Without waiting for his reply, he gently helped him up and led him outside.

"Have you ever walked through the backyard to see the flowers I planted for you?"

Zhan shook his head, and YiBo continued, "Alright then, I'll close your eyes and lead you there. You pick your favorite flower, and I'll be the one to water it for you while the workers can handle the rest." Zhan opened his eyes a little and asked, "What if I trip and fall?"

This was the first time Zhan had spoken to YiBo all day, and YiBo felt a wave of relief. "How could you fall when you've got me here? Don't you feel safe with me?" Zhan stayed silent, but after they reached the bottom of the entrance steps, YiBo moved behind him and gently covered his eyes with his hands, leading him slowly to the backyard. Zhan walked cautiously, afraid he might bump into something or trip, until YiBo finally said, "Okay, stop here, Baby."

He didn't respond, and as YiBo uncovered his eyes, he looked around for the flowers. His gaze, however, fell upon four beautiful cages filled with vibrant birds. He spun around and looked at YiBo in surprise. "So, can I get a pass on that scolding I got earlier?" YiBo asked.

Zhan was speechless. He went straight over to the cages, watching the colorful birds inside...far more beautiful and exotic than the ones he'd have before. Without hesitation, he rushed back to YiBo and hugged him tightly, saying, "Wow! I love them so much. Are they really for me?"

YiBo whispered, "Do I get that forgiveness now?" Zhan looked at him, his curiosity piqued, and suddenly gasped, holding his chest. "Wait, were you the one who released my birds back in Beijing?"

YiBo smiled mischievously. "I had no idea they were yours; I thought they belonged to a neighbors." Zhan burst out laughing, even doubling over, unable to stop. YiBo watched him, smiling deeply; Zhan's laughter made him feel genuinely happy. When he had finally laughed enough, he pulled him close, his voice soft, "I love you so much, dear."

Resting his head on YiBo's chest, Zhan smiled, closing his eyes slowly, he said "I love you more, Hubby."

YiBo asked, "So, you are not mad at me anymore?"

Zhan replied, "You didn't do anything wrong, my dear; it was actually me."

From the moment he saw the birds, Zhan had become lively again, so they toured the whole compound together as he admired the beauty of it all. They spent nearly an hour outside before heading back in, mainly because it was getting late. Zhan went straight to the kitchen, thinking of what he could cook. He didn't want YiBo to keep spending money buying food from outside.

When YiBo found him cooking, he was beyond surprised. He'd only bought groceries because he thought it was necessary, but he never expected Zhan to actually cook. He himself could barely make a cup of tea.

When Zhan was done cooking around 5:30, they sat together to eat. The meal was so delicious that YiBo almost thought his mother had cooked it. While Zhan ate lightly, YiBo devoured his portion and almost finished everything on his plate. Pulling Zhan close, he whispered something in his ear, causing him to blush and hide his face against him.

Softly, YiBo said, "But you're way better than any meal..."

"Shameless" said Zhan with his tomato blushed face.

For the first time, they spent the evening chatting about all sorts of things until nearly 10:30. Finally, they went to shower and got ready for bed.

Zhan lay down first, curling up under the covers. YiBo lay beside him, listening to his soft breathing. Gently, he hugged him and turned off the lights. "Does your stomach still hurt?" YiBo asked quietly. Zhan stayed silent, feeling no pain since he had taken the painkiller.

Though YiBo tried to fall asleep, he couldn't stop tossing and turning. Finally, Zhan lifted his head and asked, "Are you okay?" He struggled to hold back, eventually whispering, "Please... I..."

Zhan softly replied, "You what?" YiBo said "I.. I knew it was too much for you to bear..but...hmm...i need you Zhan" YiBo didn't wait any longer he move closer and start hungrily kissing Zhan with trembling hands and pounding heart.

Zhan didn't stop him, although he knew his situation wasn't ideal. Soon, he started crying softly, and YiBo comforted him until he drifted off to sleep. YiBo watched him until he was fully asleep, his dreams filled with sweet thoughts of Zhan.


The next morning, they didn't return to sleep after their morning routine. Zhan leaned against YiBo as he worked on his phone. He asked gently, "How does your stomach feel now? Should I get you another medicine?"

Zhan shook him head. "It's not as bad as the other day."

"And yesterday?" he asked. He replied, "It stopped immediately."

"Did it bother you at all last night?" Zhan shook his head. Stroking Zhan's hair, YiBo said, "Alright, love, let's plan a trip to Korea. We can stay there for three weeks."

Zhan raised his head to look at him, and YiBo smiled at him. "I promise you'll love it there."

Softly, Zhan replied, "Maybe some other time. We still haven't visited Paa, and I'd like to settle down here so I can rest and focus on my responsibilities as your partner. I'm tired of always moving; I'd rather stay here for a while."

YiBo's voice softened. "You're right; we should learn to live as a married couple. But anytime you want a holiday, let me know."

"Okay," Zhan said, then hesitated. "And one more thing, please."

Looking at him intently, YiBo replied, "I'm all ears, sweetheart."

Zhan turned his head so he couldn't see the tears in his eyes, speaking softly, "I know my father arranged our marriage, and maybe I wasn't exactly your first choice. Please, I'm begging you not to use my past mistakes against me. I've been through so much, and I don't think I could bear it if you broke my heart."

YiBo said nothing, feeling the warmth of his tears against him. Gently, he held him close, stroking his back soothingly.

Later that evening, YiBo knew that Nia would be coming over, but he was at a loss as to how to tell Zhan. He didn't want to upset him. When Tin and Nia arrived, they greeted each other in the living room and then YiBo went upstairs to their room. He found Zhan tidying his clothes in the wardrobe. Sitting on the bed, he said, "Tin's here."

Zhan looked at him, "With Ru?"

He shook his head, then gently said, "With Nia."

Zhan's face fell slightly, and he looked at him silently. YiBo spoke softly, "She's just here to greet you; that's all. Please, when you go downstairs, don't act distant. Nia is a kind person; she's also your cousin. I'm sure you know that. Please, let's handle this maturely, hubby."

Zhan didn't respond, but he nodded. When he finally went downstairs, his heart was pounding. He avoided meeting anyone's gaze until he sat down. Tin greeted him, "Good evening, brother."

Zhan forced a polite smile and said, "Thank you for coming." Nia replied, "Yes, we came to check on you... cousin?" Without looking at YiBo, Zhan said, "That's nice of you, thank you." Zhan stood up, and for a moment, YiBo thought he was leaving, watching him curiously. But Zhan headed to the kitchen, grabbed some water and drink for them, set it down, then brought out some food he had prepared earlier and placed it before them as well. YiBo appreciated the gesture. They only had drinks, and didn't stay long before leaving, with their driver waiting outside.

YiBo followed Zhan to the kitchen, where Zhan was putting away the tray of drinks. YiBo quietly said, "Thank you, babe." Zhan didn't turn or respond, but only he knew what he felt inside as he tried his best to hold back tears.


After two weeks of Zhan staying with him, YiBo began to notice so much about him that he wouldn't have believed before. What impressed him the most, and softened his heart, was Zhan's cleanliness. He was naturally tidy in every aspect, not just for show. Every day, Zhan cleaned the big house they shared alone, tidying his own room, scrubbing the bathroom, and even cleaning their own shared room and the living room. The house was always filled with a fresh, calming scent.

YiBo had initially thought Zhan would tire and give up after a few days, but soon he realized that cleanliness was simply his way. This motivated YiBo, but he had to stop him and get the staff from handling the housework. Beyond his neatness, Zhan could also cook various dishes... from traditional meals to snacks and desserts...and he had learned it all from Aunty An. His cooking skills amazed YiBo; he never knew Zhan possessed such qualities before. This only made him love him more, feeling like the luckiest person on earth to have Zhan as his partner in life. He felt deeply grateful, always wishing Zhan's father well for giving him such a precious gift.

YiBo made it a habit to visit his Mom every three days, spending no more than an hour, as if something was pushing him out of the house. He had never tried to take Zhan along, believing his Mother might want to keep him there, and he couldn't imagine life without him. He was already wondering how he'd manage when work resumed.

Today, Grandma, Ren, Zhuo, Zhang, Lu Jie, Aunty An, and Shu arrived in Shanghai. YiBo hadn't informed Zhan about their arrival and had guided them straight to the General's house. Grandma was amazed by the neighborhood, seeing soldiers everywhere until they reached the General's Palace. She looked at Aunty An, eyes wide, and asked, "Is all this really still part of China?"

Aunty An chuckled and said, "We left China quite a while ago, Grandma." Grandma replied, "I thought so. As soon as we left that rundown road before Lee arrived, I knew we had left China...I just kept quiet."

Lily, Mia, and a friend of Lily's warmly welcomed everyone. The soldiers brought their bags into the main living room, and after some initial greetings, the guests were left with food and refreshments while Lily and her companions stepped out.

Grandma turned to Aunty An and said, "I told you all to let me pack at least six outfits in my bag, but you insisted on just two. Now look...I told you this wasn't the kind of house where someone can wear the same outfit all day. How long does it take for clothes to get stale? Xiao Bin did not do right by me. Before evening, I'll have to wear my second outfit."

Aunty An didn't respond, and Grandma sampled every dish laid before them. When something wasn't quite to her taste, she quickly returned it to the warmer, her eyes wide. After almost an hour, Lily came back into the living room. Grandma stood up and asked, "Lily, where can I freshen up and change?" Aunty An looked at her sister, Ren, who was watching Grandma with a mix of irritation and annoyence. Lily smiled and said, "Let's go upstairs, Lao Shi."

Grandma remarked, "I saw that my bag was taken up there." Lily replied, "Yes, it's in my room." Grandma followed, adjusting her shawl, but quickly turned back to Aunty An, asking, "Did you pack my necklace and earrings in the bag?" Aunty An, resting her chin on her hand, replied, "Yes." Grandma hurried after Lily, and Shu muttered, "Daddy told us not to bring her, and here we are with all this."

After dropping Aunty An and the others at the General's house, YiBo returned home, his mind already on Zhan. As he entered the living room, the fragrance hit him, making him pause and look around. After a few moments, he walked toward the kitchen, drawn by a sound, and found Zhan finishing up a vegetable soup. YiBo wrapped his arms around Zhan from behind and said, "Baby, what is that scent? It's the nicest one yet."

Zhan smiled and replied, "Well, since even you complimented the humidifier's fragrance, one of our neighbors brought it over for me, saying she'd ordered it recently..." YiBo widened his eyes and said, "I bet it's from Dubai, or... ??" Zhan laughed and said, "No, she told me she ordered it from here." He replied, "Then we'll get one of our own, too."

Zhan turned off the stove and said, "Sure." YiBo turned Zhan around to face him and said, "Guess what, baby?" Zhan looked at him and replied, "What?" He said, "First, Dao Chén is now in custody, beaten badly by the soldiers. That's my dad's doing, and since he's involved, Dao Chén will be properly punished."

Zhan's face lit up with happiness, and he said, "I'm so glad to hear this." Just a week ago, YiBo had started searching for Dao Chén, having told the General everything Dao Chén had done. At first, he had hesitated, unsure of how the General would view the situation, not wanting Zhan's whole family to be judged. But knowing the General's influence, YiBo felt confident that if Dao Chén was anywhere in the country, he'd be found. The General, moved by Zhang's story, had promised to see justice served. Not a week later, Dao Chén was found in Dalian and brought to Shanghai after being roughed up by the soldiers.

YiBo added, "Actually, I won't tell you the second thing yet... you'll just have to see it with your own eyes." Without waiting for his response, he pulled Zhan along out of the kitchen, saying, "I'm feeling restless and horny... baby. YiBo whisper the last word and wink at Zhan".

Zhan pouted, crossing his arms…glaring at him.

The end is near.... 😉😀


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