
107. Collector Assists Shapeshifting King Kong! Cybertron Evolves!

Yes.Wait until the four of Su Yi arrive.They saw a huge planet's head floating near the planet Cybertron.below it.That is, there is a gravitational capture device on the surface of Cybertron.In this way, the void will rotate with the planet Cybertron.Directly turned into a satellite of Cybertron!And under the watchful eyes of Su Yi and the others.Countless robots and shapeshifting King Kong are traveling between the planet Cybertron and the void.And between them.There are also gravitational orbits that absorb mineral treasures in super large quantities.It can be said that the land of nothingness is being crazily sucked blood by Cybertron!That minerals transported per second.Su Yi took a look.At least millions of tons and tens of millions of tons are being transmitted!So much so that they stand so far in private.I can still see the black gravitational conveyor belt before the two planets!And the reason is black.Just because the ore was caught falling down the conveyor belt!But that's not the point, is it?The key is how the void land was dragged here!"The land of nothingness?!"Hela was surprised when he saw the void.See, Hela knows it.The void has long existed.And Gwen and Wanda don't know."What is the void?""Do you still remember the Celestial Group I mentioned yesterday?" Su Yi asked."Remember."Gwen and Wanda nod together.That's why Su Yi raised his chin to indicate the nothingness and said."That's the head of an ancient group of gods.""It was cut down by Gnar, the ancestor of the symbiosis, with the true black death sword."At the same time the body is swallowed by Gnar.""But the head was left out of it, until it was discovered by the civilization of the universe, and it was mined with all its strength."Speaking of which.Wanda and Gwen got it.But Gwen counted the time."But if it is the ancient Tianshen group, why are there so many mined up to now?""Where can the heads of the Level Single Universe be mined by ordinary civilizations?"Su Yi smiled."What's more, the Tianshen group are all abstract entities.""Although the resources in their bodies are extremely rich, the protection measures are also extreme."I don't know how many years the cosmic civilization has been mining.""But only 30% can be mined at most."And the 30% that Su Yi said was only peripheral resources.Just like the face and ears.However, the real brain resources of the Tianshen group probably have not been touched.That is the most precious resource.Even after such a long time, it should be weakened.But it was still a Level Single Universe during its lifetime.This is the class gap.Hear here.Both Wanda and Gwen had to admire the bravery of shapeshifting King Kong.This can be snatched.How many people do you have to deal with?Not only that.Su Yi also discovered that Cybertron's internal changes were enormous."Go, let's look at it from a different angle."Su Yi waved his hand.Everyone changed sides to observe.as expected.The planet with more minerals.All technologies are being vigorously developed.From spaceship battleships to cannon portals.From cosmic flagships to a ball-like satellite weapon.Looks like the shapeshifters know there might be a threat in the future.All are building warships in large quantities to protect themselves!Well, it should be.Then Su Yi waved his hand again."Come on, let's go see the voting."The four came to the Senate.With a wave of Su Yi's hand, all the data here were presented in front of him."Exploration and capture of cosmic resources: 1000:0""shapeshifting King Kong and robot space fleet: 1000:0""Trading Universe Data Information with Collector: 1000:0""Speeding up shapeshifting King Kong offspring creation: 950:50""Communications among major civilizations in the universe: 800:200"(...)The four watched a lot of voting together.There are many things above that you don't understand unless you read the votes.But just look at the votes to know what the current shapeshifting King Kong is doing.Gwen was surprised when he saw it."The shapeshifting King Kongs are going out of the planet and into the universe!"Wanda reminded after looking at it."It has already gone out, look at this Collector, this should be the title of a creature."And when Su Yi saw the word Collector.He also understood why the vision of the shapeshifting King Kongs suddenly widened so much.What was voted for in the first place?Greening, animals, manufacturing...What are you voting for now?Legion, Ship, Civilization, Trade, ResourceThe former is like playing a survival simulation.The latter is doing Stellaris and Warhammer.There is a big feeling that I am about to explode, and you give me the feeling that I am waiting to slaughter the universe.That's even more ruthless than a purple sweet potato.Purple sweet potato is considered a good person in front of some cruel universe.Can I keep half of it?Are you here for charity?And Hela thought about Collector's name and said suddenly."He is Gao Tianzun's younger brother, Collector...""It is said that he knows a lot of the history of the universe and can predict what will happen in the future."But he asked for nothing.""Only seek those rare and unique things in the universe.""Maintaining him will cost anything."Hela is right.Su Yi also knew the name of Collector.If I'm not mistaken.There is also an Infinite Gems in the Collector's foldout.This gem will be taken by Thanos later.but.Gwen asked after hearing about Collector's character."Then is he strong?""Not strong." Su Yi shook his head: "He just has a special race, can live forever, and can see some future pictures in advance."Wanda thought for a while: "Then does he know we're here?"Hear this sentence.Su Yi smiled."You think too much of him."exactly.The Collector's ability to see the future is useless to Su Yi.And as long as the relationship with Su Yi is greater.Such as Wanda, Hela, Gwen.Then he can't see it either.Because Su Yi's super template blocked the law of cause and effect.Precisely.The current Su Yi is the only Su Yi in Marvel, not in the future, in the past, or even in parallel universes.Now even the Time Management Bureau will find out if they look at the sacred timeline.Su Yi is gone.But the timeline moves.But that's all off topic.Su Yi snapped his fingers and laughed."Come on, let's see what the Collector has done with the elders.snap~next moment.The figures of Su Yi and the others appeared in a place similar to a podium.At the moment there are a few elders talking to the Collector.And Collector is spreading out his treasured materials.Then use Cybertron to provide projection and transmission equipment.Upload all these materials to the knowledge reserve of the veterans of shapeshifting King Kong.Huo~Su Yi found it very interesting after seeing it.The elders seem to be crazily making up lessons.They infinitely absorb all kinds of knowledge about this universe.It doesn't matter.Save it as a database first.And Collector is also very happy.He is directing a female robot beside him to pack those ancient scrolls and materials.Then take a new one and continue uploading."Papapa~∼∼"Su Yi clapped his hands, feeling very satisfied.The progress of shapeshifting King Kong can only benefit him and not harm him.And let Collector do his best to help shapeshifting King Kong.Su Yi was surprised."The Creator!"And after discovering Su Yi's arrival.All the shapeshifting King Kong patriarchs drop what they're doing.Everyone saluted Su Yi respectfully!F organizes the information Collector is taken aback.He hadn't reacted yet when he heard the word Creator.Now after seeing all the elders respectfully.He just raised his head.He saw Su Yi standing in the sky."Papa Papa ∼∼∼"don't say it.Live longer and react faster.Collector quickly walked around the table and stepped aside.Then he bowed down and said the same."The Creator!"His tone is even more respectful than the shapeshifting King Kong.And Su Yi didn't refute when he heard that he was also called the Creator.It's the same name after all.He waved.Signal the shapeshifting King Kongs to get up before speaking."I am very happy to see your rapid growth."After hearing this sentence.The shapeshifting King Kongs don't have hippie faces.But more respect.They are serious lives.So generally no laughing.And Collector is even more shocking!He thought it was the creator of the shapeshifting king kong, so it must not be a human form, right?Like a sentient gemstone?Or a blob of conscious energy?Perhaps a soul-like consciousness?In short, Collector thought a lot.But the only thing I didn't consider is that the human form created Cybertron and shapeshifting King Kong!Because the shapeshifting king kong is mechanical life!So the first thing Collector thinks about is abnormal life!But now Su Yi's unreasonable answer shocked him even more!What the hell is this Ability.Can such a civilization be created?And at the moment.Su Yi continued."Add a new creator order now.""You can take the initiative to attack other civilizations and creatures in the universe, but only if you see them killing and destroying others.""Or you have their evidence and records."Su Yi finished speaking.All shapeshifting King Kong originals are in the same voice."Got it, Dark Object!"very good.Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.By doing this, he is actually broadening the rights of shapeshifting king kong.I was talking about the reason for not being allowed to take the initiative to kill before.Yes the shapeshifting Kongs haven't flown out of Cybertron yet.But now to the universe.Then that command won't work.Because the content of that instruction is to be resisted before doing anything.What if you encounter a fleet like Thanos in the future?Waiting for them to start shapeshifting King Kong will be at a disadvantage.So Su Yi now gave Shapeshifting King Kong the right to take the initiative!As long as you are a badass!Then you don't need to resist and you can do it directly!So what Su Yi meant was.No matter who and who.Can't make my shapeshifting King Kong suffer.My shapeshifting King Kong can't suffer either.Understand?and receiveAfter the collector heard this instruction.His own expression could hardly conceal his excitement.Both are "people".Collector understood what Su Yi meant.This is for the better development of your own shapeshifting King Kong!After the order is given.Su Yi looked at the Cybertron planet with satisfaction.Under such development.Cybertron will be up several steps soon!That was really interesting.Su Yi turned his head.He looked at the three women behind him."And you, I have nothing to say.Wanda, Gwen, and Hela all shook their heads at the same time.shapeshifting King Kong has grown to this point.Their opinions are no longer necessary.And Su Yi is the captain.He points in a direction.The shapeshifting king kong will go wherever!"`Okay, let's go back then."Su Yi stretched out his hand, wanting to snap his fingers.But the next moment.The excited voice of Collector came."Dear Creator, can we have a chat?"Hear this sentence.Su Yi looked at the excited Collector who was wearing a big white mink suit.He thought for a while and smiled."If you can help the shapeshifters build Cybertron better, maybe we can have a chat.finished.Su Yi snapped his fingers.The four disappeared in an instant.And Su Yi's trick is called.PUA before leaving.It's up to the Collector not to be fooled.But if Collector can really do his best.Then there's no harm in talking to him.After returning to the Upstate New York Building.Gwen finally opened the seal, and said happily and pleasantly."They have walked out of the planet! They have gone to the universe to develop!""Will they take over any planet?""Or form some interstellar alliance or something?"Gwen's head was wild with fantasies.But all I can think of is probably the content in the game.And Hela analyzed it seriously and said."The form and life of shapeshifting King Kong are doomed that they will not cooperate with any civilization to form an alliance."They're definitely just going to grow themselves, and then create more shapeshifting lords to manage them.She said this.Su Yi gave her a thumbs up."you are right."What is the difference between the shapeshifting kong created by him and the shapeshifting kong of other universes?1: No civil war, work together.2: It will not stick to the Cybertron week, but will develop towards the universe in an all-round way.3: There is no upper limit and limit to the development direction.These points are enough to be better than the shapeshifting king kong of other universes.Wait until the technical level is sufficient later.Su Yi didn't even know how strong the shapeshifting King Kong he created would grow.Do you want to come and dominate the universe?Hit Interstellar?Forget it, this is all a long time later.And back to New York.Gwen just remembered to look at her phone.She took out her phone and looked at it."It's over! Timeout again!"The recent New York is not peaceful + monsters are infested, so Gwen's curfew is coming again."It's okay, I'll take you back."Su Yi raised his hand and was about to snap the (good Zhao) finger.Gwen took the things and waved his hand and said."I have my final exam next week, wait for my good news!""no problem."snap~Snap your fingers.Gwen disappeared in an instant.Su Yi took Wanda and Hela back home.Wanda now goes straight to the small universe when she returns home.Then said in surprise."Su, the flower seedlings have grown!""Let me see."Hela lay down on the blanket and started playing games.Su Yi came to the small universe to take a look.The flower seedlings that were originally as high as the thumb jumped directly to the full height from the little finger to the thumb.And it's a lot thicker, and there are signs of long leaves at the top.And Su Yi also found out.There are already tender thorns on this flower stem.Su Yi looked at it and guessed."You're not growing roses, my God."Ah~!"Su Yi said so.Wanda immediately slapped Su Yi regretfully."Why did you say it?""I want to plant it as a surprise for you!"It turned out to be a rose.But to give a surprise, there is no such thing as aboveboard.Wanda should have wanted to be on the last move.Then directly use magic to spawn.Finally, when Su Yi got up, he suddenly saw these roses~That would be so romantic!Su Yi smiled beautifully.With such a woman, what more can a husband ask for."Wanda."Su Yi hugged Wanda's waist from behind."Huh?" Wanda let out a sound, which was regarded as a response.Su Yi pressed against her ear and said softly."Have you noticed the sky?"Wanda looked up at the sky of the small universe.At the moment small universe is also late at night.Surrounded by the Milky Way, it is full of stars.Wanda nodded: "It's beautiful.""But not as beautiful as you."Plop~!The moment I heard this sentence.Wanda is crazy.Her eyes instantly turned into spring rain.Then he threw Su Yi to the ground.At this moment, she didn't want to say anything.Wanda just wants to show how much she loves him with actions!.
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