
Chapter 4: Grovelling Former Partners

Section 1: The Meeting

Jordan was backstage, fine-tuning her instrument. There was a familiar, soothing buzz to the air—the murmur of the festival goers. She looked around, seeing other musicians and stage crew members in action. She hadn't seen Maya in years, and she never thought their paths would meet in this particular location.

Jordan observed a familiar person standing at the side of the stage as she finished her tuning. A beat skipped in her heart. Maya was just as she recalled: towering, with deep locks draping her shoulders, and those sharp green eyes that consistently seemed to gaze straight through her. Jordan felt a rush of emotions when he saw Maya: rage, grief, and a brief pang of desire.

"Jordan," Maya pleaded; her speech was hardly heard over the background din. Jordan tensed up, clutching her instrument more firmly.

She said, "Hey," attempting to maintain her composure. "What are you doing here?"

Maya stepped up and said, "I needed to see you." "Can we talk?"

Jordan paused. A part of her wanted to turn away, to run away from the hurt that Maya's abrupt disappearance had brought. However, a part of her still yearned for their kisses and late-night chats, and it begged her to pay attention.

Jordan eventually responded, "Fine." "But not in this place. After my set, come hang with me."

With a smile of relief spreading across her face, Maya nodded. Jordan tried to concentrate on the approaching performance by turning back to her guitar, but her mind was constantly buzzing with memories and questions.

Section Two: The Discussion

Jordan discovered Maya waiting near the artist tent after the set. The festival grounds were bathed in a golden glow as the sun descended. Jordan took Maya to a more peaceful location close to the festival's perimeter, away from the throng and the clamor.

Jordan crossed her arms and muttered, "So." "Talk."

Maya inhaled deeply. "I know I wounded you, Jordan. I apologize; leaving without providing an explanation was the worst thing I could have done. Back then, I had no idea how to deal with you or with myself."

A knot started to grow in Jordan's throat. "Why did you leave?"

"It was a lot of things," Maya said brittlely. "I was afraid. I was afraid of how much I loved you and of being lost in the act. I felt as like I was suffocating because of what my family was going through. I then took off running. I regret it every day because it was cowardly."

Jordan became enraged. "Are you aware of the hardship you have caused me? Maya, I was a mess. I was unable to compose or act. You have broken my heart."

Maya's eyes filled with tears. "I am aware. I apologize profusely. That's why I returned: I want everything to be right. Even though I know I don't deserve another opportunity, I'm still requesting one."

Jordan's thoughts were racing with feelings. She felt like screaming, crying, and holding Maya tight. Rather, she inhaled deeply. You cannot simply stroll back into my life and assume everything will work out."

"I am aware," Maya muttered. "But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust again."

Section 3: The Battle

Throughout the ensuing weeks, Maya fulfilled her word. She was Jordan's constant support system, helping her with composing and attending all of her performances. Although Jordan fought with thoughts of suspicion and betrayal, she was unable to ignore the spark that existed between them.

After an especially moving performance one evening, Jordan found herself in the dressing room by herself with Maya. You could feel the tension between them.

"Why now?" Jordan inquired, her voice almost audible over a hushed. "Why come back after all this time?"

Maya's hands were shaking as she gazed down. "since I became aware of what I was unable to get. I realized how much you meant to me while I was apart from you. I used to be afraid of my own emotions, but I now realize that I can no longer ignore them. Jordan, you have my affection."

Jordan's chest hurt. "I don't know if I can trust you again."

Maya responded, "I understand," as tears ran down her cheeks. "But I'm willing to spend the rest of my life proving to you that I'm worth it."

Section 4: The Recovery

Jordan started to lower her guard gradually. She spoke with Maya for hours, reliving the past and making new ones. Together, they played music, laughed, and wept. The old scars started to fade, to be replaced with a more profound, mature love.

One night, Jordan looked to Maya as they sat by the fire. She remarked, "I've been thinking a lot about us." "I need to know that you're all in this because I want to think that we can pull this off. Put an end to your running."

Jordan's hands were in Maya's. "I swear, I won't run anymore. I'm in this for the long run. I'm prepared to face anything that comes our way together because I love you, Jordan."

With a grin, Jordan relieved her burden. "Maya, I adore you too. Let's approach this cautiously at first."

Section 5: The Fresh Start

Rekindled in their trust and dedication, Jordan and Maya set out on a new path together. Their lives and music blended when they moved in together. Their bond got more intense, steadily expanding, based on integrity and respect for one another.

Jordan composed a poignant ballad that encapsulated their love's suffering, tribulation, and eventual victory. The song became popular because it spoke to people who had gone through breakups and reconciliations of their own.

Jordan gazed at Maya as they sang the song that described their story together on stage, and her heart was overflowing with love and appreciation. They had overcome their anxieties and insecurities and emerged stronger.

Jordan realized at that time that they would overcome any obstacles together, their love serving as a source of resiliency and optimism.

And when their song's last notes reverberated across Jordan, Maya sealed their pledge to one another that night when they kissed. Though they still had a long way to go, they were prepared to confront it as a team, heart-to-heart and hand in hand.

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