
A New Home!

One Hour Later!

Kayn finally awakened from his short nap, re-energized. Over the past 5 days, he had been constantly exercising, adapting to his powers and stressed out to the point of mental exhaustion, and that short nap was just what he needed.

Kayn thought of the Map he had memorized in his mind. From what he remembered, he was currently located around Siberia, in the windy and snowy part of Russia.

From what he remembered, there was a Forest and Mountainous Region a 6-7 hour drive away from him.The forest, mountainous region was extremely dangerous due to the terrain, and due to the fact that there were many dangerous animals located. From Bears, Wolves, Boars.

Combining the terrain, with the immense danger, and little reward for exploring that region, no-one went there. Kayn was planning to make a home-base there, deep within the region, where no-one would be able to find him.

Due to their identities, it was impossible to leave Russia currently. Kayn needed much more time and resources, so they needed a home-base here.Kayn got out of the vehicle, the Forest he was in was rather close to a small Town where he could finally purchase electronic supplies.

During this time, USD was already internationally accepted, so he didn't worry about purchasing power. Kayn put on some of the clothing of the researchers, alongside a glasses, to make himself look relatively older, especially when combined with his height of around 5'5 to 5'6.

Kayn went to the commercial street, purchasing some electronic supplies. Kayn was planning to build his own phones and computers using memories of designs from 2024, which would be untraceable, so he needed supplies.

Thankfully, money talks. So he bought multiple phones and old computers and other supplies which he would then dissect and rebuild to make high technology devices. He also took many of the destroyed but useable parts of the high tech tablets of the researchers.

Finally, Kayn bought some cement, some gasoline to refill the fuel tank, some Math, Geography and Science books from Elementary to Middle School level, and other useful things for a home before leaving.

As for things like P.E, Kayn had master level Human Combat Skills, and could naturally teach the children how to utilize their bodies to the extreme and stay fit.

Returning towards the vehicle he parked. He softly placed all of the things he bought inside of the crate in a corner away from any child, and then returned to the driver's seat, driving off.


6 Hours Later!

The dark night turned into a dim daytime. From a watch Kayn had bought, he could tell it was around 4:00pm.

The terrain was getting more and more dangerous the deeper Kayn got into the mountainous, forest area. Fortunately, Kayn was able to use light telepathy to scare any animals away from the vehicle, giving them safe passageway.

Finally, Kayn found a spot he deemed suitable to build their base of operations here in Russia. Located within a valley, there was mostly smooth flat land, surrounded by big trees and vegetation.

There was a river not far away and a waterfall, giving a water source.It was perfect, and Kayn was very satisfied with what he saw.

Kayn parked the vehicle up and went towards the crate, opening it, he spotted many of the children curled up in the corners, looking at him with wide eyes, and he heard the occasional growling stomach.

"Aren't you all hungry?" Kayn asked, confused.

"Hmm~~" Many of the children nodded in response as they looked towards him only furthering Kayn's confusion.

"Then why don't you eat?" Kayn inquired.

"We're all waiting for you to be together." One girl, who looked around 11 years old responded. She was one of the oldest children, and the oldest female.

Kayn just chuckled and told the children to leave the crate. As they filtered out, Kayn gathered some firewood in the surrounding area and some sticks, tossing them onto the floor.

Kayn took a lighter he purchased and ignited a couple flame at various spots, dispelling the surrounding cold as he made the children huddled around the various flames.

"Cmon, let's eat." Kayn said, moving back to the crate and bringing out many of the food.

He gave them some bred, alongside some meat which they defrosted and heated up at the flames, and each kid got a glass of milk.When Kayn was finished, the bread was half done, and the milk was completely finished, it seemed that due to the small amount of researchers, they didn't have much food actually on hand at the facility.

Still, Kayn just made sure all the children could eat a hearty meal here, he could hunt for more food later on.While eating, Kayn talked to many of the children. Many of them were numb to life, yet held a strong trust and faith towards Kayn after he saved them.

From what he learned, most of them were from European countries, such as Germany, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine and Denmark.

Most of the younger children couldn't communicate effectively, but the older ones, at around 9-11 all spoke Russian.There were around 21 Boys and 32 Girls in the group.

"My Name is Hugo." The oldest of the boys aside from Kayn, a rather tall for his age 12 year old spoke. He had black hair and eyes, but was rather malnourished.

"My name is Soren." Another boy, the Danish one spoke, he had green eyes and brown hair.

"My name is Mika." The Oldest Girl, an Asian one, spoke. Unlike many others, Kayn instantly knew she was a Supernatural being.

To be precise, Mika was a Kitsune. From what Kayn knew about their Race, Kitsune's had many abilities such as Fox Fire, Enhanced Physical Capabilities, long lifespan, telepathy and other spiritual powers such as Dream and Illusion manipulation.

Mika was rather tall, around 5'2, maybe due to her unique race. She had pink hair, that was still dirty, and purple eyes, alongside Fox Ears and a cute Fox Tail, both pink. However, since she was already known as a Supernatural being, she experienced much more torture and experiments, making her more closed off than others.

"My name is Violet." Another girl, around 11 years old spoke.

Violet had large blue eyes and long blonde hair that she put into a ponytail, giving her a doll-like appearance and an impassive demeanor, probably due to her traumatic experiences.

Those were the most notable of the children, yet Kayn still listened to all of them introducing themselves and remembered their names.

Cheerily eating into the night before they all fell asleep.


At the old facility that was slaughtered by Kayn before he escaped, all of the reinforcements had already been detained, locked up and knocked out, tossed into a corner as a red streak continuously flashed back and forth, alongside the disappearance of reinforcements one by one.

Inside the main control room of the facility, three beings stood.

One of them was a massively tall Humanoid being, with green skin, ridged patterns on his body, and a black and red costume.

The second man was still tall, but not as tall as the first one. He was wearing a black and grey suit, with a cape, cowl, gloves, briefs and boots, alongside a black utility belt with a bat sigil on top of it.

The third and final man was a tall, muscular caucasian male with blue eyes and short black hair, wearing a blue uniform with a famous red and yellow "S" on his chest, red trunks, a yellow belt, red boots and a red cape.

The three of them looked at the destroyed facility equipment, searching for clues as to what happened here.

"The memories of those men outside suggest that this facility had been a secret one used to conduct experiments on beings to create a SuperHuman Army. A distress signal had been sent a while ago. Judging from these context clues, we can deduce that one of their test subjects escaped using SuperHuman Abilities and got out of their control, destroying the facility and escaping with the other children." Batman spoke.

"Any information on where they went? These are kids who have experienced something so traumatic, we need to protect them immediately." Superman spoke, his eyes burning with rage as he heard about the experiments and torture being conducted here.

To him, this was an egregious disrespect of Human Rights, and must be punished severely, but not before finding where the children are and protecting them.

"No, according to the recovered data, the main escapee was child #257, who was written to have extremely high intelligence, far surpassing anyone else. None of the technological devices were taken in whole, instead dismantled for parts with trackers removed, same with the vehicle they took. Satellite imagery shows them driving through a forest, but the vehicle disappeared in a dead-zone, and wasn't seen since." Batman spoke, his deep voice monotone as he walked around the room.

"So what do we do?" Martian Manhunter spoke. As an Alien, he was far too used to seeing people like him experimented on and tortured, and felt for these children who experienced these disasters through no fault of their own.

"Have Flash take all of these men for interrogation, meanwhile, I'll have Robin spend some time searching for them. We can't take too much time on this unfortunately, as Vandal Savage is already back to his old tricks, and we need to stop him." Batman spoke, leaving the room.

Superman looked at the destroyed environment one last time, assuring himself of the future before leaving.

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