
Chapter 8 (278 AC)

"Aeryon! Seven hells, where are you hiding? I have important news!" Qwelton shouted as he wandered through the castle. Soon, the voice of the young prince, who was clearly in a good mood, came from behind him.

"Important news, you say? Interesting. By the way, do you know what happens when someone disrespects the royal family?" I ask him with a smirk.

"I do, but I'd rather not find out. Lord Steffon has ordered me to inform you that he's decided to attend the tourney in Highgarden."

"Oh, has he now? That's good. And it would do Lady Cassana some good to attend the festivities as well. She still doesn't seem to have fully recovered from those difficult childbirths."

"True, though I'm surprised at how eager you are to attend a tourney in honor of your elder brother's name day."

"Can't I miss my family?"


"Hmm, well, I also need to speak with some important people, but that's just a secondary reason."

"More of your intrigues?"

"What are you talking about? Just a personal interest. You know, I want to open establishments in other regions as well."

"Don't lie to me, Aeryon."

"Then don't ask questions that don't concern you. By the way, at the tourney, you'll have a personal task... to unhorse Rhaegar."

"If I'm lucky enough to face the prince, I'll certainly do everything I can to win. This will be your first big tourney; is my prince afraid of losing?"

"No, I'm just preparing for it in advance."

"As you wish." With that, Lord Fell's heir left, and a new face appeared beside the prince.

"You choose strange friends, my prince."

"Are you talking about yourself, Ralph, or him?" Aeryon replied with a smirk. "Fell is a skilled and fierce warrior, a loyal companion. Asking for intelligence on top of that would be too much, don't you think?"

"Perhaps, especially since you have me for that."

"Yes, modesty won't be the death of you. Do you remember your task?"

"Of course, I've already found the right people. After all, gold works wonders. But I wanted to understand something myself..." After seeing the prince's questioning look, he continued: "I've known you for years, and you used to be willing to give anything for a chance to fight your brother, to prove that you're better."

"So that's what you're getting at. Believe me, that chance will come, but then I'll be much stronger than I am now. This tourney will have many influential lords whose support I'll need. I can't lose in front of them."

"But our manipulation of the draw doesn't guarantee you a victory."

"Well, leave the rest to me. I didn't train so hard for the past six years for nothing."

Pov Denys Darklyn

Once again, I stand on the balcony of my castle, staring into the vast dark sky, dotted with stars, then shift my heavy gaze to my city, which was once the great capital of a sovereign kingdom, as evidenced by the powerful walls built around it and the wide streets.

We were a crucial trading hub with the largest port and the perfect location. Then those damn dragons came and built their cursed King's Landing. It wasn't enough for them to take our gold and subjugation; they decided to take all our income, leaving this beautiful city to wither.

"My dear husband, are you once again troubled by thoughts of the past?" I heard the voice of my beloved from behind.

"How could I not be, Serala? I am their lord, entrusted with their care. My task is to look after them and restore some of our house's former glory."

"We've talked about this before, remember? Going against the dragons is suicide. They'll burn the city to the ground without even tiring."

"You're right... Challenging a dragon is to lose. Unless you have one yourself."

"What do you mean, dear?"

"Aeryon Targaryen. I've learned something about the boy. He's greedy and cruel, and most importantly, he craves recognition. Perhaps we can use that."


"We'll offer him an alliance and full support in exchange for privileges and proper status."

"Support for what, Denys? He's not planning to go to war."

"Not now, but in the future, who knows? In any case, I'm tired of watching Duskendale decline. It's time to act."

Pov Rhaegar

For what felt like the hundredth time, I was rereading the same lines. Before me lay a dozen letters, but I couldn't focus on any of them—the words were visible, but their meaning escaped me. Perhaps it's time to rest... No, this is definitely not the time. My heavy thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Arthur appeared in the doorway immediately after.

"Your Highness, the Hand of the King wishes to see you," he said.

"Let him in." Soon, the short-haired, golden-haired, tall man stood before me. Over the past few years, the proud lion seemed to have aged by a decade, although his presence still commanded awe and respect, at least from others. "Lord Tywin, it's good to see you."

"My prince," he replied with a nod, "as it is to see you."

"You wanted to talk about something?"

"The future. Yours, mine, the entire kingdom. I think we should take a walk, get some fresh air." Only a fool would miss the veiled hint. A few minutes later, we walked into the garden, where the real conversation began.

"So, what did you truly want to discuss?"

"Something needs to be done about your father."

"Lord Tywin, you know as well as I do that our hands are tied. I'm forced to watch as this madman destroys my domain."

"Perhaps the time to act has come."

"What do you mean?"

"Prince Rhaegar, there's no need to play coy with me; you understand perfectly well."

"I will not kill my father or overthrow him. A war would break out, and my own brother would be the first to raise a sword."

"If we go about it in a barbaric, direct manner, yes, that's what will happen. But if, say, on the journey from Highgarden to King's Landing, Aerys were to be attacked by bandits, the lords, as well as your brother, would have no formal cause."

"You think he needs a cause?"

"Yes, the dragon might not need an official reason, but the others do... He can't win on Solarax alone."

A heavy silence fell between us after those words. I needed to think over the situation and make perhaps the most important decision of my life: am I ready to become a kinslayer for the crown? As terrible a person as Aerys may be, he is still my father. But on the other hand, can I hesitate? I am the one destined to save all of humanity. This is my fate, which means everything has long been decided.

"Very well, but not too soon. We need to prepare carefully and plan everything. We can't afford a mistake, as I do not intend to start a new Dance of the Dragons. When it happens, I will marry your daughter, as I promised."

"As you wish, my prince."

Pov Aeryon

I will never tire of this feeling of freedom and grandeur, soaring through the skies, with the people below seeming like mere grains of sand underfoot. Flying over the many tents, I decided to show off a little. The sun was setting, painting the sky in crimson and gold hues, reflecting on Solarax's scales, making him look even more majestic.

"Shall we play, friend?!" I shouted, feeling the blood heat up in my veins.


In the next second, Solarax began descending rapidly, nearing the ground while only gaining speed. The wind whipped my face, and I felt my heart pounding wildly in my chest. The world around me slowed down, and I could see every detail: the frightened faces of people, the swift shadows of the dragon's wings, and the dust rising from the ground. His piercing roar made all the onlookers flinch and involuntarily fear. I saw warriors dropping their tasks and lifting their heads, trying to understand what was happening.

Solarax raced across the ground, his shadow gliding over tents and fields, causing animals to scatter in all directions. Just before what seemed like an inevitable crash, I pulled him upward, and the gust of air from his mighty body made the nearest trees bend, sending leaves and branches swirling in a vortex.

As we climbed back into the sky, Solarax released a massive stream of fire, momentarily blotting out the sky. The flames danced in the air, creating an unforgettable spectacle. It was like a second sun—blinding and fearsome, driving even the bravest hearts to flee. I relished every moment of this flight, knowing that this was the true manifestation of power and freedom.

Soon, we landed in a spacious meadow near Highgarden. For a while, I lay on Solarax's back, watching the clouds drift peacefully by, until the guards arrived.

"Your Highness!" they said in unison, bowing their heads. "May we escort you to Lord Luthor Tyrell?"

Mounting the steed provided for me, we headed straight to Highgarden. As we approached, the castle unveiled itself in all its splendor. In the golden light of the setting sun, its walls, covered in greenery, seemed alive, as if nature itself was guarding this place.

Highgarden stood atop a hill, surrounded by luxurious gardens and blooming meadows. Tall towers, draped in ivy, rose into the sky, with golden weathervanes sparkling in the last rays of the sun. Around the castle walls, vast vineyards and orchards stretched as far as the eye could see, filling the air with a sweet fragrance.

As we neared the main gates, I noticed how floral arches intertwined with ancient stone columns. On either side of the gates stood guards in gleaming armor, their cloaks billowing in the evening breeze, their expressions full of dignity and pride.

Riding inside, the magnificence of the inner courtyards was revealed to us: fountains with crystal-clear water, elegant statues, and marble benches surrounded by fragrant flowers. This was a place where the beauty of nature and the art of man merged into a seamless whole, creating an unforgettable impression. I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction that it was here, in this place of beauty and power, that I would begin to carve my path to the top.

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