Alice was caught off guard when she got yelled at. She looked at Lady Long with her mouth agape, "I-I don't know what you're talking about, Milady. I did nothing wrong!"
"You did nothing wrong? Hah! You are feeding me false information. I thought that Princess Swan is infertile, so I came to the throne room today to meet with His Majesty to offer myself, so I can be the mother of his cubs while he spends his time with Princess Swan," Long Xiurong spat out in frustration. "But do you know what I get? Humiliation! He told me that my scent was not as good as Princess Swan's. He also told me that he would never get anyone pregnant if it's not her."
"B-but that's impossible because Princess Swan is…"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: