
An Intercept That Scored A Touchdown

The air crackled with a mix of disbelief and determination as the whistle blew, signaling the end of the first touchdown play. Seiryuu High was ahead, and it was only the beginning. The scoreboard flashed 6-0, and a quiet murmur rippled through the crowd. No one had expected it—not Daikyo High, not the spectators, and perhaps, not even Seiryuu High themselves. But there it was, plain as day. Kaminari had torn through Daikyo's defense, and they had drawn first blood.

But Sota wasn't one to settle. He saw the fire in his teammates' eyes, felt the rush of adrenaline still coursing through them. They had made a statement, sure, but now it was time to drive it home.

Sota gathered the team quickly, their breath still coming in heavy pants. "We're going for two," he said, his voice calm but firm.

Kaminari raised an eyebrow. "The ten-yard mark?"

"Yeah," Sota confirmed, eyes narrowing as he looked at Kaminari. "I want you to stay low. They'll be looking to stop us at any cost, but if you stay under their radar, you can slip right through. I trust you."

Kaminari grinned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "You got it, Captain."

The team lined up again, their resolve steely as they prepared for the extra point attempt. The crowd buzzed with anticipation. Going for two points wasn't unheard of, but it was a bold move, especially against a team like Daikyo High. But bold was exactly what Seiryuu High needed to be right now.

Daikyo's defense lined up, their faces a mix of irritation and disbelief. They had underestimated Seiryuu once, and it had cost them. Now, they were out for blood. Sota could feel their eyes boring into him, could almost taste their frustration in the air. But he didn't let it shake him. This was their game, and they were going to play it on their terms.

The referee's whistle pierced the air, and the ball was snapped back to Sota. The moment it touched his hands, he pivoted, his eyes locking onto Kaminari, who had ducked low just as planned.

"Now!" Sota shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of the crowd.

With a swift flick of his wrist, the ball soared through the air, a tight spiral cutting through the field. Kaminari sprang up, his body a blur as he dashed toward the end zone. The defenders saw him too late, their movements sluggish compared to Kaminari's explosive speed.

The ball hit Kaminari's hands with a satisfying smack, and he didn't hesitate. His feet pounded the turf as he crossed the goal line, the two points firmly secured.

"YES!" Kaminari roared as he turned back, thrusting the ball into the air. The scoreboard now read 8-0, and Seiryuu High erupted into cheers. Sota felt a swell of pride as he jogged over to Kaminari, clapping him on the back.

"Perfect execution," Sota said, his voice steady despite the pounding of his heart.

Kaminari grinned, still catching his breath. "Couldn't have done it without that throw, you know."

But the celebration was short-lived. Sota glanced over at Daikyo High's sideline, and he could see the shift in their demeanor. The surprise and disbelief were gone, replaced by a cold, burning anger. Their pride had been wounded, and now they were ready to strike back.

Daikyo's quarterback, a tall, broad-shouldered figure named Kenshiro, rallied his team with a fierce determination. His voice cut through the noise as he shouted, "We're taking it back! One point at a time, we're going to crush them!"

The tension on the field was palpable as Daikyo High lined up for their next offensive play. They were done playing around. The air buzzed with anticipation, and Sota could feel the intensity radiating from the opposing team. Daikyo wasn't going to let them have an easy victory—they were ready to bring the full force of their skill and experience down on Seiryuu High.

The referee's whistle blew, and the ball was snapped to Kenshiro. This time, Daikyo's offense moved with precision, each player executing their role like clockwork. They were a well-oiled machine, and it showed. The ball moved swiftly between their players, each pass perfectly timed, each run executed with flawless precision.

Kenshiro was in his element now. He scanned the field, his eyes sharp and calculating. He was looking for a weakness, a crack in Seiryuu's defense that he could exploit. And then, he saw it—a slight hesitation from one of Seiryuu's defenders, a split-second moment of doubt. It was all he needed.

With a quick fake, Kenshiro threw the ball to one of his receivers, who caught it with ease. The receiver, a blur of speed and agility, darted toward the sideline, evading Seiryuu's defenders with a series of sharp, calculated cuts. The crowd roared as he made his way up the field, every yard gained bringing Daikyo closer to the end zone.

"Get him! Get him!" Sota shouted, his voice laced with urgency. But Daikyo was on fire now, their movements fluid and unstoppable. They were determined to make a statement of their own, to show Seiryuu High that their earlier score was nothing but a fluke.

The receiver cut inside, evading yet another defender, and Sota felt his heart race. If they didn't stop this play, Daikyo would score, and the momentum would shift in their favor. Sota's eyes darted across the field, searching for a way to stop the advance. And then, he saw it—a flash of movement, a streak of determination.

It was Ryuji.

Ryuji had been biding his time, watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He had seen the play develop, had read the quarterback's eyes, and he knew where the ball was going before it was even thrown. Now, as the receiver sprinted up the field, Ryuji made his move.

With a burst of speed, Ryuji shot toward the receiver, his eyes locked on the ball. The receiver was fast, but Ryuji was faster. He closed the gap in a matter of seconds, his footsteps pounding against the turf like the beat of a war drum.

The receiver didn't see him coming. He was focused on the end zone, on the points that would bring his team back into the game. But Ryuji wasn't going to let that happen.

As the receiver cut inside once more, Ryuji pounced. With a perfectly timed leap, he intercepted the pass, snatching the ball out of the air with a satisfying thwack. The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and gasps as Ryuji landed, his momentum carrying him forward as he sprinted down the field in the opposite direction.

The stadium buzzed with energy as Ryuji tore down the field, the ball clutched tightly in his hands. Daikyo's players scrambled to catch up, but Ryuji was a man possessed. He weaved through the defenders with an almost supernatural agility, his movements fluid and precise.

"Come on! Get in there!" Sota's voice rang out over the roar of the crowd, his heart pounding with adrenaline. Ryuji was unstoppable, his determination driving him forward with every step.

But Daikyo wasn't about to give up. Their players surged forward, closing in on Ryuji, their eyes burning with the same determination. They weren't going to let him score—they couldn't. The game was on the line, and they knew it.

Ryuji felt the pressure closing in, the defenders breathing down his neck. But he didn't waver. His mind was laser-focused on the end zone, on the points that would secure their lead. He could feel his teammates' support, their belief in him driving him forward.

With one final burst of speed, Ryuji made his move. He cut inside, evading the last defender with a sharp juke that left the player grasping at air. The end zone was just a few yards away, and Ryuji could almost taste victory.

But as he neared the goal line, he felt a hand brush against the flag on his belt. Time seemed to slow as Ryuji twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the grasp. He could see the desperation in the defender's eyes, the sheer will to stop him at any cost. But it wasn't enough.

With a final push, Ryuji crossed the goal line, the ball still securely in his hands. The crowd exploded into cheers, their voices filling the stadium with a deafening roar. Ryuji skidded to a stop, his chest heaving with exertion, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

The scoreboard flashed again—Seiryuu High 14, Daikyo High 0.

Sota rushed over to Ryuji, his eyes wide with awe. "That was incredible, Ryuji," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Ryuji grinned, still catching his breath. "Just doing my part, Captain," he replied, his tone light but serious.

Sheesh, Ryuji taking the bag... also, another long chapter, what am I doing with my life heuheu~

DaisukiDayoSenpaicreators' thoughts
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