
“is that so much to ask for”?

Tyze's eyes fluttered open, groggily taking in his surroundings. He was met with the beeping of machines and the antiseptic smell of the hospital. His mom and sister were by his side, their faces etched with worry.

"Hey, baby, you're awake!" his mom exclaimed, relief washing over her face, as she caressed his face immediately.

"What were you thinking" franca asked looking into his dull eyes.

Tyze tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. He cleared his throat, wincing as pain shot through his knee.

"What...what happened?" he croaked.

His mom hesitated, tears welling up in her eyes. " we searched for you sweetie, since that evening, we didn't know you were still at practice. His mom said as tears gathered in her eyes. "You hurt your knee pretty badly."

Tyze's memories came flooding back – the imaginary game, the dunk, the landing... He tried to sit up, but a sharp pain made him gasp.

"Easy, Tyze!" Franca warned, gently pushing him back onto the bed. "You need to rest."

As he lay back, Tyze noticed his sister Maya staring at him, her eyes wide with fear.

"Hey, Maya, it's okay," Tyze said, trying to reassure her. "I'll be alright."

But as he looked down at his knee, he saw the bulky cast and the machines surrounding him. A sense of dread crept over him – " "mum" he called out. How badly was I hurt? What's that thing doing on my leg he asked as his mum kept silent. Avoiding eye contact with him.

Baby it will…

The doctor interrupted as he walked in, a sober expression on his face. "Oh, Tyze, you're awake. I'm glad to see that."

Tyze nodded, still trying to process what was happening.

The doctor took a deep breath before delivering the devastating news. "Tyze you know you damaged your knee pretty bad…. We have tried out best but...I don't know how to say this...but we have to amputate your leg."

Tyze's eyes widened in horror as the doctor trailed off.

"It was like your leg was battered, making it bleed internally. We found the damage too late to attend to it properly, and now...now the muscles are too weak to save it."

Tyze remained silent, his gaze fixed on the doctor as if trying to process the unthinkable. He then exchanged a glance with his mother, who let out a heart-wrenching cry.

"No, no, not my Tyze!" she wailed, covering her mouth with her hand.

Tyze's face remained frozen, his eyes welling up with tears. Maya, still clinging to his waist, began to sob uncontrollably.

The doctor's voice was laced with regret. "I'm so sorry, Tyze. We did everything we could, but...sometimes these things happen."

Tyze's silence was deafening, his world shattered by the news. His basketball career, his dreams, his hope…. All washed down the drain. "How does a guy play basketball…. With one leg"? He asked his gaze fixed to the ceiling.

The doctor's expression was grim. "I'm afraid it's the only way to save your life, Tyze. The damage is too extensive, and if we don't amputate, you risk losing even more."

Tyze's voice cracked as he struggled to hold back tears. "But...how will I play without my leg?" he asked again his words barely above a whisper.

The room fell silent, the weight of Tyze's question hanging in the air. His mom's sobs grew louder, and Maya's grip on his waist tightened.

The doctor's eyes filled with compassion. "Tyze, I know how much basketball means to you, but...sometimes life takes unexpected turns. You'll find new ways to adapt, to overcome."

Tyze's gaze dropped, his shoulders shaking as he fought to hold back his emotions. "But basketball is my life...it's who I am."

The silence that followed was oppressive, punctuated only by Tyze's ragged breathing and his mom's muffled sobs. The doctor's words hung in the air as he let out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Tyze," the doctor said, standing up. "We have to start the operation as soon as possible. It was a risk waiting this long... I just wanted you to know what's at stake before we took any further action. We'll begin in an hour." With that, the doctor excused himself and walked out.

Franca slowly lifted Tyze's chin, gazing into his eyes. His expression was empty, his eyes red and wet, but no tears fell. "They wanna cut my leg, Mum..." Tyze said, trying to sit up from the stretcher. "Then what do I live for? I just wanna die."

Franca's face contorted in anguish as she cried, "Then you leave me just like your father did?" Tyze's voice was heavy with despair. "I just wanted to play ball... to feel joy... is that so much to ask for?"

Franca's grip on Tyze's chin tightened, her eyes pleading with him to stay strong. "No, Tyze, no! Don't say that! You have so much to live for! You have me, Maya, your friends...your future!"

Tyze's empty expression didn't change, his voice barely above a whisper. "What future, Mum? Without basketball, I'm nothing. I just wanna die."

Franca's face contorted in anguish, her voice cracking. "Then you leave me just like your father did? No, Tyze, I won't lose you too!"

Maya, still clinging to Tyze's waist, began to wail, sensing her brother's despair. Franca's tears fell onto Tyze's face, but he didn't flinch, his eyes frozen in a sea of pain.

The door opened, and a nurse entered, her voice soft but firm. "Madam please you will have to excuse us, we need to prepare Tyze for the operation. Please, let's get him ready."

Franca's grip on Tyze's chin relaxed, her eyes never leaving his face. "No, not yet...just a little more time...please."

The nurse hesitated, then nodded before exiting the room, leaving the family to their anguish.

"No, my son...it's not over. We can still find that joy," Franca said, her voice soothing, as Maya gently wiped away the single tear that rolled down Tyze's cheek.

"Don't worry, brother Tyze, you'll be fine," Maya said, trying to sound calm. "I'll tell the doctor not to cut your leg, so you can walk again. Please, stop crying."

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one love.

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