

In the past few days Sera had really thought about what to do with Hector. It seemed like he won't going to give her a chance to kill him. He stopped causing issues and actually started to act more well-behaved.

She also noticed him spending a lot more time alone. He always seemed to be talking with someone on his watch.

Instantly Sera got suspicious, but with no real evidence of him doing anything wrong, she couldn't use it as an excuse for execution.

Seeing him sitting there with Dwight and his team, gave her an idea.

Walking to their table, they only noticed her when she plopped down in an empty chair and put her armored boots on the table. The dining table sagged a bit under their weight.

All six of them looked at her with dissatisfaction and most of them with outright hostility, but she had to give it to Hector. His expression stayed neutral and undisturbed, like her presence was equal to a small fly buzzing around his head.

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