

The most Devout Shadow on this planet followed her Queen's instructions to the point. If she tells her to kill someone, that person is dead. If she tells her to make something happen, she will make it happen. And if she tells her to follow Will into the river, through a pipeline, then into a prison, she will do it without hesitation.

'I mean the water can't really affect me in my shadow form, so who cares.'

Faith hid in Will's shadow, which was massive. She never saw Will transformed, he was outright terrifying.

He was probably 30 meters long, he had a shark head which could swallow a human without chewing. His mouth had multiple rows of razor sharp teeth and in his throat there was a seperate circular maw. His head had four eyes on each side. The body was the worst part, it had four arms growing out of his mid section, two with hands and two with scythes. The back was a bunch of tentacles, they were as long as the rest of his body twice.

Will told them that it was a Corrupted of the 3rd Tier. It gotten washed on shore and was dying, so he could kill it with relative ease. One thing Faith was sure of...

'I never in my life want to fight something as horrible as this monster!'

They reached the entrance shortly, his speed was weirdly fast, very unlike for his massive body. Sadly the hatch was too small for a 30 meter beast, so he changed back into a human.

Will could breath underwater, so that wasn't much of a problem for him. He broke through the metal rods welded there and swam into it.

The pipe was quite long, it took them nearly half an hour to reach their exit. It was a small building near the prison. As they got out, the alarm sounded.

'Right on time.'

Faith became corporeal and turned to Will. They both nodded and went in the direction of the prison, they hid from patrols and any other people, it wasn't time for their reveal yet.

In a building near the prison they waited, Cat has already left taking a large portion of the guards with her. After another few minutes the lights turned off and they finally moved.

Will's job is to free the large group of slaves down there, while Faith freed the Evolved captives. They are a vital part for the escape out of The Hold.

Faith entered the prison taking out the guards at the entrance, Will came in after her. They went into seperate directions from here.

Faith moved through corridors unnoticed and killed anyone coming in her direction. Behind her shouts and screams could be heard.

'Will is doing his job as well.'

It took her a couple minutes, but she finally reached the Evolved section of the prison. She only had one issue.

'They don't want to make my job easy it seems.'

The Evolved guards were prepared for her. There was 25 of them, Cat took half of them with her. 25 or 50, it didn't matter, they were more than she could handle alone. But who said she was alone.

Using her shadow multiple daggers appeared around her and shot out, but not at the guards, they hit the locking mechanisms on each of the doors near her.

Before the guards could react the doors slammed open and a bunch of angry prisoners came their way. The prisoners summoned weapons, armor, some even transformed. With that chaos insued, which was exactly what Faith wanted.

She changed between real and shadow form, moving through the enemy forces, opening more cells and even killing one or two guards.

After about a minute, most of the cells were open, but the guards still outnumbered the prisoners. Keeping them malnourished had its reasons it seems, they were weaker and slower than the guards. But Faith finally reached the last door.

She quickly cut through the lock and opened the door. Behind it stood a man, he was tall, above 2 meters, with crimson hair same as his eyes. His face was ragged, but he somehow kept his body muscular, despite the small amount of food he gets.

He was also naked but Faith didn't care. She just nodded at him then was about to turn and attack the guards, when something happened to the man.

Behind him 2 huge bat-like wings appeared, on his head two horns grew out. In his hand pure dark red flame appeared. It elongated until it was even taller than the man, then it turned metallic.

In the man's hand was a halberd about two and a half meters in length. The whole weapon was black with dark crimson embellishments. The weapon was dreadful and beautiful at the same time.

He looked down on Faith, then nodded once and exploded into movement. With one swipe of his halberd he decapitated three Evolved. By the time the enemy noticed the demon descending upon them, it was already too late.

It took Faith a couple of seconds to realize what she unleashed and by that time all of the guards were dead. The remaining Evolved cheered, but they didn't know what to do next. The big man seemed to be their leader because they looked at him for guidence.

The demon-like man on the other hand turned towards Faith, waiting for her to say something. She regained her composure.

"Everyone, I'm here to rescue you and every slave Nightmare has! Come with me if you want to live!"

"Who is your leader?" Asked an angry looking man.

"Did Bea make it out?" Asked a female.

Similar questions popped up, but before Faith could answer any of them, the tall man raised a hand and everyone went silent. Then he spoke, his voice was like a crackling fire.

"It doesn't matter, we thank you for the rescue! After we get out of here we will talk about everything!"

His face was emotionless, but hidden under it was anger and hatred.

'I should keep an eye on him, just in case.'

"What's your name?" Asked Faith, she already had a suspicion though.

"Hellfire." Was all the man said.

"Nice to meet you Helfire. I'm Faith, the servant of the Angel Monarch, the last survivor of Newber, the strongest Evolved, the killer of The Archangel of Despair, a Horror of the 3rd Tier! Queen Seraphine!"

'Well, I got a bit carried away, but at least they will respect My Lady!'

All the Evolved looked outright stunned by these informations. Even Hellfire was dumbfounded.

'He definitely didn't expected that.'

Faith held in her laughter and motioned the Evolved to follow her. None of them objected.

They immediately went outside, Will had already evacuated everyone from below. After reaching them, she introduced Will to Hellfire. But before she could say more Hellfire spoke.

"Is everyone out of the building?"

Will nodded, then Hellfire turned away and in both of his hands huge fireballs appeared. He threw both at the prison and they exploded in crimson flames.

By the time Lucy and Clockwork arrived the whole building was aflame.

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