
Fighting Lessons

The members of the team started to go on their way. The plan was ready so everyone could enjoy these days of free time. Sera was about to leave to her room as well, when she heard Bea call out to her.

"Hey, Seraphine I think we should go train. I have seen how you fight, your reflexes are really good, probably because of that Clear Mind Heritage of yours, but your technique is basically non-existent."

Sera thought for a second, then decided that it makes sense to train. Being lazy would be fun, but would do no good for anyone. And it was an excuse to spend more time with Bea.

"Okay, but where do we go, is there a training area somewhere?"

"Yes, there is and because our Watches are connected you can check every information that mine has. That includes the floor plan of the building."

With that, Sera brought up the floor plan and they headed to the training area. She was too absorbed with the map to notice the glances Bea was stealing in her direction.

They arrived there in a couple of minutes. There were people training on different machines, shooting at the range next to the gym, the dueling mats were mostly empty though.

They went to change into training clothes. The clothing really accentuated their sinful bodies and no one could take their eyes off of them. The two girls were different though, they couldn't look at the other without blushing.

'Fuck, why couldn't she wore something less tight fitting. How am I supposed to concentrate on the fighting, just imagine that body getting all sweaty and close to me. Stop you idiot! Focus! You are here to learn, not to be horny!'

In a couple of minutes, after they got themselves under enough control. They were on one of the mats, talking.

"Do you want to use a glaive as your main weapon?" Asked Bea, there was still a hint of red on her face.

"I never really thought about it. This is the first and only weapon I have received and it helped me a lot. But I feel like it's not the best for my fighting style. It's blade is too big." Answered Sera trying not to think about how horny she was.

"Okay, so not glaive. There is a bunch of training weapons here. Let's see if we can find something that suits you."

They approached the weapon rack and after a couple of hours they determine that most weapons are unusable for Sera's battle style. The ones that are kind of good, were the spear, lance, longsword, greatsword, halberd and the bow.

They immediately eliminated the bow and arrow, because neither of them were good with it and they didn't want to invite Killshot. The next one to go was the lance, it's range would be good in the sky, but a hinderance on the ground. The halberd and greatsword went next. The halberd was very good but Sera just wasn't good with it. The greatsword was too cumbersome for her.

Which left only the longsword and the spear.

'Hmm, which one should it be? The spear obviously has better range, but it lacks versitality in comparison to the sword.'

In the end she decided with the sword, the main reason? Bea used a sword as well.

"Okay, now that we decided the weapon let's look at some techniques that would be good for you. On your Watch, there's a huge archive of fighting techniques for any weapon you can dream of."

Sera opened the archives, which she could now access because of the connection to Bea and browsed through the techniques. After half an hour she found one that fit her quite well, although not perfectly.

'Well, that's not surprising, the only fighting style that will be perfect is the one I make. But that is basically impossible to do.'

After choosing, Sera practiced it until she could do it perfectly, and in those hours Bea was watching her every move silently with a smile on her face.

After that, came the harder and more important part of the training. Dueling Bea.

'This is going to be bad.' And how right she was. Just by looking at Bea you would never think that she's a prodigy with the sword. If her training didn't got cut short by the Fall of Copen, she would probably already be one of the best in the world.

They stood before each other, Sera had her wings out and held a training sword, Bea was holding the same kind of training sword and was quite relaxed.

They both nodded once then exploded into movement. Sera went in with a quick side slash, accelerated by her wings. Bea dodged it with ease and lunged at Sera's open side, but it was a trap made by Sera and blocked the attack with her wing while stabbing at Bea's throat.

'Got you!' Sera thought and in the next second she was on the ground. A vine tripped her and a sword was pointed at her own throat.

"Your awareness slipped in the face of victory. Until you know that your opponent is hundred percent dead, you stay focused. Let's go again."

They went again, then again, then again and every single time Sera lost. But she wasn't dejected at all, she was actually really enjoying it and not only because she could admire Bea's sweaty body. The main reason is, that she was actually improving. Sera started to make less mistakes and her awareness rarely slipped.

The other thing Sera noticed during the fighting is, that Clear Mind has way bigger potential than she thought. During the fighting it kept her focused on multiple things at once the enemies footwork, the movement of the weapon, where the enemy is looking, and a bunch of other things. She knew that mastering this will be the next step to unlocking more of her Heritage.

In the end, they were both lying next to each other on the mat, breathing heavily and utterly exhausted. Suddenly Sera said without thinking.

"We should probably go take a shower."

Bea glanced at her incredulously and with a deep blush.

"Y-you mean... Together?"

Sera looked at her and blushed as well.

"No, of course not!"

Bea looked away a bit sad and said.

"Ohh, yeah I just misunderstood..."

'Wait, did she want to take a shower with me?'

She wasn't able to ask because Bea hurried away.

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