
Your Honor is A Lie

The king had to go back and wait for her return so they can both travel to the North. For some reason the king doesn't want to go North without his wife and kids, he doesn't understand it himself. 

Tywin managed to hide what happened to his daughter from the king by just glaring at him when he came by as if he did something to her that angered him so much he didn't want to talk to him.

One would assume that after what happened she would change, be more humble or at least not plan to harm anyone anytime soon but it is as if the gates of the dark pit called her heart are now wide open. She is more likely to spiral out of control now than ever before. 

Her brothers decided to accompany her to the North along with the royal convoy. It is amazing that Tyrion is returning there after all the hardships he went through beyond the wall. 

"You seem different, did you meet someone beyond the wall? A wildling girl? A boy? Did you see giants?" He saw a reaction to that one. "Really? A giant?"

"You don't believe me?" Tyrion asked his head on his book.

"I will believe you if you say, I met a giant."

"I met a giant." Tyrion says and Jaime looked at him without blinking. His eyes turned watery his neck turned red and he started looking like he is constipated.

"If you want to laugh, laugh."

"Hahahhah...giants? What's next, white walkers?" He actually saw his brother turn pale at the question. "You're not serious?" Jaime asked worrying about his brother's sanity.

"Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. Ppftt" Tyrion pretended to laugh and then continued his reading.

"Who do you think is Olivia's mother? Are there any Tagarians we know that could have slept with Ned Start during Robert's rebellion?" Tyrion asked Jaime who shook his head.

"You think the crazy thing is a Targaryen? It would explain the madness." Jaime said.

"She is not mad, terrifying? Yes. She is too clear headed to be mad. She also has a lot of compassion for her people."

"You didn't fall in love with her did you?" Jaime frowned.

"I can assure you the word is 'scared' not 'love'." Tyrion ridiculed.

"Okay, Cersei wants to see you."

"Tell her I'm passed out on my own vomit." Tyrion opened another page.

"Why? You have been avoiding her for as long as she has been awake."

"She will have nothing nice to say, I will walk in there with hope of a thank you and she will crush my hopes like always." Tyrion says.

Jaime looked at Tyrion and doesn't say anything. This way they continued their ride in silence.

.....A month before.

"Olivia Snow, Bastard of Winterfell. To what do we owe the honor of your noble presence?" The man's sneering expression and condescension tone doesn't match the words.

"Ah yes, Alliser Thorne master at arms of the nights watch. You must hate the Starks if you're looking at me with so much loathing the very first time you meet me. Or is it women you hate Sir Thorne? Momy didn't breast feed you enough?" She stood on her tiptoes and looked him in the eyes.

"You've got a smart mouth for a bastard."

"Take a step back because like you said, I am a bastard. I have something to confess though, I am not an honorable bastard." The nearby bushes made an ominous sound as if something is inside.

"Hho? And if I don't? What then bastard of Winterfell?" Thorne leaned forward slightly as if daring her to make a move.

"I will take out one of my blades that I just used to cut down a walking corpse and open up your belly and watch as Lola enjoys your juicy innards like a bowl of hot soup." She heard her name and flashed next to Olivia using her large body to lift up her head to Thorne's height.

"Thorne, this is Lola, Lola this is Thorne a shit head from the crown lands with big aspirations of being a nights watch commander." She smiled as Thorne took a step back.

"Lola thinks you smell like shit but your innards shouldn't have such a problem. Would you look at that, a grown man tripping on his own feet." She walked passed Thorne and entered the hall.

Lola looked around before she flashed away. Olivia couldn't bring her dragons because they said the wall is making them sick but she is fine because she is not a supernatural creature but also human unlike them and the night king.

"That was some show of strength. A large white snake for a companion." Tyrion comments.

"I tried to use words but he was obviously itching for a fight. I am not a man who raises his fists every time he's angered. If I take out my blades, it is not time to fight, it is time to kill."


ster Aemon seated at the head of the table. The men eating and talking are like passing waves. This is the first time she felt such familiar similar magic.

That must be the standard blood of the Targaryen natural born. It's peculiar but the intricacies of this bloodline may be why they go mad. It seems incomplete. The Targaryens must have never gotten the chance to learn how the Valarians cured madness.

A powerful dynasty wouldn't have been so successful if they were plagued by such things. There is a cure for the sickness of being born from siblings she wonders what it is.

Soon the toast to the new friendship began. "Our new friend Olivia Snow is here requesting a vow that the night's watch will not take arms against her or her city. She will in turn also swear the same vow about not attacking the wall or the nights watch." Jeor Mormont said.

"I bring this matter to you my brothers to help me decided."

"What happens if she joins with Mance Rayder to invade the south? Will we be able to take arms then?"

"She built a warm place to live for them, they will take it from her and use it to train their army to march south when they are strongest." Thorne raised a valid point.

"If I wanted to invade the south I don't need to attack the wall I have ships. I built a city because I can hold it, no one can take it from me." She said with her usual stoic face.

"We will think it over as brothers and get back to you with the answer in the morning." Aemon said. She accepted this, her men didn't accept the food since they are not allies yet. Olivia gave them meal capsules and she also age one.

They all went out to the scenery on top of the wall with Tyrion and a stuart. "I think I saw something similar in your city where your horses are kept." Tyrion comments when they entered the lift.

"What?" The stuart is confused.

Olivia pulled his ear "Awu...that's painful."

"He is joking. Always full of silly little jokes like that. He drinks too much." She pushed him aside making him stumble. Lowering her voice

"Say something like that again and I will throw you from the wall itself."

"Anyways, why don't you tell us your story. How you ended up here?" Olivia asked. Then the boy told a sad story while she felt the magic in the wall. She only saw a few children of the night how did they manage all the work?

"What do you think Amon?" Olivia asked her companion.

"Why use ice instead of bricks and stone?" Amon wondered out loud. His musings is followed by laughter from everyone. The way he sounds genuinely curious as to why go for this material instead of the obvious one.

"It was appropriate for the spell to ban all supernatural creatures from passing through." After the laughter has died down Olivia's voice sounded. Silence followed her words. Then Tyrion who couldn't keep silence spoke.

"How did you know Thorne's name?" Tyrion asked when no one else could hear him but Olivia.

"I know all who are worth a damn in my lands. Besides, if I am to make friends with someone I first need to know what sort of fella they are."

"I have a feeling there's more to it than that."

"Do you trust your feelings all the time lord Tyrion?"

"My feelings are honest." He answered.

"I doubt that." She jabbed.


"You're staring."

"My apologies it's just, other than the uncle Benjen Starks I have never felt blood connection like this. You are indeed related to the other part of my parentage. So I really am a Targaryen huh?" Her question is rhetorical.

"How is it possible to feel a blood connection?"

"Targaryens have the blood of beasts in them. Plus I can do magic."


"You don't believe?"

"What kind of magic?"

"Well, I can mostly do the kind I have been taught."


"By the children of the forest, they came to find me in my city but they are not teaching me very useful magic they only taught me to be a fighter. They mean to use me in the war to come." She took her seat and sat next to him.

"I know that you must have suffered greatly. Having been a Targaryen when the end of Targaryen dynasty happened. Men can be cruel. But soon, the night king will come for all of us and you will be there to fight. When we win, you can then go find your family." She said taking his hand.

"I don't know how much fighting can I do in my condition." He forced a chuckle.

"I can't help much about the past but I can help you heal, darkness shall not be the last thing you see before you die Aemon."

"You can help me heal? To what extent?"

"I can make you strong again. I am a natural healer even though I can not help you with the emotional pain you have suffered. I can help you with the physical pain." She said with much affection.

"I am a measter of the Citadel. Not really a fighter." She felt the coldness of his tone. Her care is not welcome here.

There is silence between them for a while. Olivia takes long breaths. "Are you rejecting my offer to heal you?"

"No, I am simply stating a fact."

"Are you not willing to let me heal you?" She asked straight.

"I would like for you to heal me but I fear your generosity has strings attached to it."

"What strings?"

"I don't know."

"You think I want something from you? What could I possibly want?"

"You are just going to heal me for nothing in return?"

"Of course. Beside, what can you even give me or do for me?" She said in destain.

"Then I apologize for my suspicion. Unfounded generosity is a dangerous thing where I came from."

"Here, its a healing pill it should get rid of your health problems. Family is always so fuck'n disappointing." She stood up and went back to her original position.

The breakfast came and the talks from last night came to a close. As long as they don't attack, the night's watch will never attack the haunted city.

They had it in writing and everything. Olivia joined as they ate and drank she then gave them her gifts. The blankets, a lot of steel, food and the horses they were riding not to mention the strong alcohol.

She didn't stay another day and took her men south along with Tyrion. "Your mood is sour for someone who supposedly got what she wanted." Tyrion comments.

Olivia watched him with her eyes narrowed. "Your mouth is always open. The voice is loud it rudely cuts through my train of thoughts." Oliviaspoke coolly making Tyrion take out a book to pass his time. Olivia's city has a book stire with stories from across the seas.

"Are you reading?" Broady asked him.

"You disapprove?" Tyrion asked.

"If an attack happens are you going to throw the good at them?" Amon asked.

"I will hide behide lady Olivia." He said trying to get rid of the chill from her tone last time she spoke.

"Why choose her?" Broady aske amused.

"She's good looking."

"Do you use all the good looking women as a shild in the south?" Olivia asked.

"It is not to protect me.. but the book. The mind needs the book like a sword needs a wet stone." He continued with his reading.

A day later they came across a town between the last hearth and Karhold. Then the many houses and stone apartments before reaching the lonely hills. "The North has surpassed many by housing their small folks so carefully." Tyrion says.

"The many lords have all renovated their castles to include new flushing latrines and sophisticated washrooms. I earned good money helping them with construction back then." Broady said.

"All of them? Where does the North get the coins for all this?"

"They don't have to spend their coins in the south anymore. Father also ensured there is a clothing factory and some food processing plants in each town to employ the small folks and preserve food." She handed many of the foreign investigations results on food processing such as the salt business. And many things like turning milies into maize meal, sugar cane into fine sugar. Many spices and beans like coffee.

All that was left was dividing the work amongst the lords. Who makes salt, who makes oil from the oil flower who plants sugar beans or coffee, maize meal? Corn flour? Wheat Flour? Rice?

It feels like coming to a different world, the development in terms of other things may be behind but when in comes to hygiene, they use flushing toilents, they have been told to bath atleast once a day, they use soap to bath, clean their homes, wash their dishes and clothes.

When it comes to food, they have variety like no other westeros. They wear fine fabrics and wool, cotton and leather. Their clothes have basic embroidery from the shops who sells nice things for coins. When it comes to health care they have a free clinic in every town. They are safe from bandits and raiders. They just need school for the children and slowly the North will prosper.

If she had been staying here she would have opened a school for basic education by now. But she will save her efforts for her own home.

"This place, look at the children they are healthy and happy. Look at the beautiful yet clean structures. They said the North is nothing but barren lands and suffering small folks. Liars." Tyrion seems to be trying to kiss ass.

"You are carrying too many weapons." The guard said. Olivia unlocks the middle sized carrier they brought with them to put all the weapons.

"Forgive us. We are new to town." She locked and hang the key around her neck. "Which inn would you recommend?" She gave him a few coins.

"There are three and all are lavishly designed. Just don't make trouble, you are from the south why have you come all the way out here?"

"He wanted to see the famous wall and now we're returning." Good thing she had asked her people to cover their peculiar armor with pretty clothes. They will never consider them wildlings if they seem rich.

They stayed in one of the hotels then went on their way the next day. Like this, they made it to Winterfell. "Who are you?"

"Your lord is expecting me." She didn't say her name, it occurred to her that she is now a fully grown woman at least that is what she looks like at 1'8height, big chest, thin waist long legs and eyes with two creepy colors. She dyed her hair purple making her look even more peculiar with her pale skin and red lips.

She is beautiful and it is a glaring kind of beauty. It will take a good long look to connect her with the child three years ago. "Say your name or fuck off. Our lord is a busy man."

She had left her entourage in the Tumbledown inn enjoying themselves after all this travel. "I have a message for lord Stark from Olivia Snow. Turn me back and I shall go back but give me your names so I can relay to Lady Snow who turned me away."

Tyrion looked at her in surprise. "I am Tyrion Lannister coming from beyond the wall."

"I will go and sent the message." Two guards stood to watch them.

"Loud mouth. Got something to say?" That is what she calls him now, throughout their journey he just couldn't shut up even during a time as sensitive as when the whites were attacking.

"Don't call me that."

"You have a loud mouth."

"That is not true. "

"It is true."

"Grrrh." He grunts in anger. Still bantering, sir Roderick came to get her.

"You seem different." The bright smile on his face expresses his happiness as he loses himself and hugs her like a father who hasn't seen his child in a long time. His laughter quickly turned into tears of joy.

It took a while for the others to realize this is the infamous Snow of the North who has recently been upgraded to Bloody Snow for assassination of the 200 gray rats for kidnapping and torturing her employees.

"Not to interrupt the touching moment but can we move to another location?" Tyrion asked. A while later Olivia is in the office of her lord father who is saying nothing but glaring at her.

"What happened to your appearance?"

"You know, an appropriate question is 'how have you been?' Are you well? Things like that." She stood up and walked to the model of the Moatt that she had designed and given to him.

"Do you want to know something interesting I have learned about you in the past week?" She turned to look at the 'honorable Stark' with ridicule. "You are not honorable at all, its a mask for you to hide behind while you use it to fulfill your actual goals. You are not honorable Eddard Stark, you are a liar."

She smiled when he didn't seem angry or even surprised by her words. "You're not going to deny it?"

"I imagined a talk like this once you became older but I never thought your valarian features would suddenly come out. But I can't tell you anything about anything. I am sorry it is for your own protection." He said with a righteous tone irritating her to no end.

She gave a dark chuckle. "For your own good he said." She suddenly stood up and walk towards the cabinet and opened it. "Tell me, Lord Stark was it for my own good when I got broken ribs and punctured organs at 5?" Her hand becomes engulfed in red flames and she looks at the surprised Ned.

"Snhaferunsgf hsjejm. Utasuda!" The entire room is suddenly isolated from the outside world and the flames burn through the cabinet.

"Olivia what is happening?" Ned is up trying to throw things at the burning cabinet.

Olivia puts her hand into the burning cabinet bringing out a burning book, her sleeve is now completely burnt off and the book is smoking. Ned sees this and quickly takes the book away throwing it on the floor before pulling her away.

"What are you doing? I won't tell you who your mother is so you are trying to kill yourself?" He looked at her in anger.

"Fire can not burn a dragon." She picks up the book and puts it back into the cabinet allowing the fire to burn the other documents inside.

Knowing the smoke will likely kill Ned, she whispered something and it all vanished with the flames leaving back the havoc of the flames.

"You love your lordship don't you? So many documents to sign. I can't bare to harm you so I wil burn your precious papers that you were always locked away here tentatively signing while I HAD MY RIBS STEPPED ON!" She shouted at him, feeling like she has done something outrageous she fixed her dress and put her hair back in place.

Ned felt like the child is not all there in the head. He is still studying her carefully when she suddenly poke as if the one with boiling rage a moment ago is not her. She now sounds calm.

"I came here for one thing and that is is to tell you a prophetic dream I had. You are publically executed in Kingslanding. I wouldn't go south in this lifetime ever again if I were you."

"Are you a green seer?" Ned asked still confused about what just happened.

"I believe it is called dragon dreams." She walked out while he is trying to salvage some documents from the fire.

Something smacked against her stomach when she looked down she saw Bran and Arya close by. "Well hello there little pubs. It's okay to run wild, afterall what wolf doesn't enjoy a good hunt. But you need to see your clearly the path you have chosen and not knock yourself against obstacles, you might hurt yourself." She cautioned.

"Who are you?" Arya asked being bolder than Bran who scampered out of the way.

"Call be big sister." She gave a big smile.

"You're no big sister. Our big sister is called Sansa." Her voice is low in the end because of how scary Olivia's face became when she heard her words.

"Say that again." She looked at Arya in the eyes and watched her flinch at the intensity of the gaze.

"Olivia. My big sister is called Olivia Snow." She is scared but she stood her ground.

"Very good. Here is a gift for the brave wolf. If you're brave enough to eat it. You will become an even better hunter. Then no prey will get out of your grasp but it will be very painful. Try not to scream. One pill in one week. I will see you again some day brave wolf." She disappeared into the darkness.


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