

'Luckily last night was the last phase of the full moon...so we shouldn't be up against full strenthed werewolves except for Ansel with his moonlight ring...and there should be only around 30 or so awakened werewolves.' I mutter in my head as I stand up from, the bath with Lagertha in my arms, we don't take the time to dry off normally.

I dry Lagertha and I off with a small bit of magic and keep Lagertha in my arms carrying her out of the bathroom, and into the Hall of our Longhouse, finding out that Father or someone has done us a favor and laid out clothes for us on the end of the table, that Garmr is still sleeping soundly on.

"Husband, will you assist me in wrapping these? Lagertha asks me and motions to her breasts while proffering me her wrappings.

"Haa, I hate to see them covered but of course I will assist you, my Wife." I say softly as I take the wrapping as Lagertha holds out her arms at her sides and I walk around her making sure the wrapping cups the bottoms of her breasts before going around and around until the spool is almost completely used up and their is only enough material left to tie off the wrapping.

"Thank you Husband, you always do it so it's more comfortable." Lagertha thanks me while cupping my cheek, making me chuckle.

"Any excuse to play with your body." I joke pushing away the memory of Lagertha having one of her extremely rare breakdowns in the bath, and the image of a shredded Henrik and worst yet the image of a blood soaked and injured Gar, finding myself smiling honestly as Lagertha laughs throatily.

I take a bit of extra time dressing Lagertha and she takes a bit of extra time dressing me and we stand together in our armor holding each other's hands as we face one another.

"Haa, it feels good…to know we are riding out to do battle…it has been far too long." We both sigh together and smile as we separate and arm ourselves with extra weapons than we usually carry, grabbing knives and throwing axes along with our backup swords.

Lagertha leaves the house first gently resting her hand against Gar's fist sized paw before doing so.

Walking over to my injured baby I lean down and press a kiss to his forehead, "Be good for Grandmother Ayana, Gar." I whisper softly to the sleeping pup as I barely make contact with his head giving him a pat.

Exiting my Longhouse finding my horse Roach tacked up and ready to ride, Roach doesn't look like Geralt's horse though as he looks pretty close to a modern day Clydesdale, with inky black hair everywheres but the top of his head and his legs, which are white.

Roach whinnies as he seems and walks over to me and bumps his nose against my forehead happily, "Hey there boy." I greet Roach happily, making him snort and bump me again.

'He's probably feeling a bit jealous since I baby Garmr more than him." I say in my head as I walk around to his side and climb up onto his sabble as grab his reins.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

I ride over to the staging grounds and find a hundred of the village's best warriors all geared up on horseback carrying torches and small jars of oil.


"AND KEEP YOUR COCKS AND CUNTS TO YOURSELVES, THERE'S PLENTY OF TIME TO FUCK AFTER THE BATTLE ! ! !" I add on more out of jest, but there was a serious risk of pillaging a wolf bitch as they've got peak human abilities without the influence of the moon, with the influence of the moon they can do jaw dropping feats of acrobatics.

Mikael and the assembled warrior all got a chuckle out of what I said but then Mikael turned back to full seriousness.

"VIDAR, IS CORRECT…DON'T GIVE THOSE MUTTS ANY ADVANTAGE ! ! !" Mikael roared and the men did right back in affirmation.

Lagertha riding beside as we left the village, I see Esther watching us biting her lips as she nervously looks at Mikael's back.

'Worried about your adultery being exposed whore? Especially after a fucking werewolf probably your baby daddy himself is the one who attacked Henrik..and Gar!' I asked in my head while turning away from looking at Esther as she started to turn towards me, as I feel the pure unadulterated rage that I suppressed on seeing Henrik at such a state earlier...but more importantly my puppy limping home drenched in blood, that image specifically starts to crack through the wall I unconsciously put it behind to concentrate on bringing him back and was kept at bay by Gar and Lagertha's influences.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

After an hour or so of riding later, we ride up on some Hunters from the Werewolf pack's village and I ran them down on Roach taking one's head off with a clean swipe of my sword while Roach's big hooves caved in the other's head and chest.

A bloodthirsty smile spreading across my face as I squeeze my legs making Roach gallop instead of a standard marching trot, the wall of the village couldn't even really be considered a wall it was more like a cattle fence, and Roach jumps right over it with me on his back and I jump off and start cutting down the people that were only going about their daily lives, feeding their lives stock and tending to crops.

"ATTACK ! ! !" a woman manages to shout as I snap her neck using telekinesis unconsciously channels the talismans in my armor that Ayana has packed to the point of being oversaturated.

An alarm bell starts to ring and I hear the hoofbeats of the others and Mikael's shout, "KILL THEM ALL, BUT BRING ME ANSEL ! ! !" Mikael shouts as he runs a woman down running with a toddler, some of his men start throwing the jars of oil and torches setting huts and hovels on fire.

I laugh a twisted thing of a laugh as I see people running out of homes of fire hearing their screams as their flesh sears, but there were screams of a woman coming from the hovel closest to me that wasn't ablaze, Lagertha made her way over to me running into an actual werewolf in her route, that kept dodging her blade and raking his against her shield I reach out and snap his neck making Lagertha glare at me as she jogs over to me.

"Don't you dare run off like that again I am your Shieldwife that means I stay by your side at all times.

"Let's go into this house if it's one of are's raping we kill him." I reply to Lagertha calmly while giving her an apology with my eyes, to which she nods.

'Its not like we didn't grow up around raping the women or sometimes men of a village you're…pillaging, but we gave the orders not to and if someone is breaking it they need to be made an example of.' I mutter in my mind more concerned with someone disobeying my orders than raping of someone…which definitely wouldn't have let slide in my old life.

Kicking in the door of the hovel, entering inside, finding two women, one an old crone, and the other around twenty years old going through labor, her face and neck covered in blood.

"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT HURT MY BABY ! ! !" I snarl out a roar, as I moved to kill the girl giving birth only for the old crone to turn out to be a spry werewolf and a skilled Swordswoman as she moved and blocked me, but I extend my hand and make her drop to the ground screaming in agony as I make her experience a brain aneurysm.

The girl screams as her baby comes out a boy, something evil and dark wells up inside of me and I lift the newborn by the umbilical, enjoying the woman's screams as Lagertha blocks charge, as I wrap the umbilical cord around the baby and Lagertha hold down the mother as I move behind her and strangle her with the dead baby's umbilical cord while pressing the baby's corpse to her face.

"That's for almost killing my son Gar." I growl as I let the woman's lifeless corpse fall to the packed dirt floor of the hovel, and then smash my booted foot on the old woman's head crushing it.

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