

Fifteen years pass by in a blur as I was taught control by Ayana by her having me pull energy from her in a monitored setting and Mikael would wack me with the blunt side of his blade, if Ayana signals him I was losing control or taking too much from her.

In between training my control over my Siphoning abilities, Ayana continues my training in herbs, plants, spells and using telekinesis, while Mikael trains me, Lagertha and Finn in combat and hunting…after losing Freya Mikael stopped going on yearly raids…only concentrating on reinforcing the borders of his territory and that of the native tribes.

Something I've noticed is Mikael has grown progressively colder to every child after me with every passing year, it's like he despises them for not being as strong or as prodigious at combat as me.

When Rebekah is first born I see a flash of the old Mikael being shown to the other children, even Klaus, a baby Mikael seemed to detest from the very start.

But as Rebekah develops colic Mikael becomes steely to all but me, it always makes me feel good that Mikael has never stopped being the loving father that I clearly remember laboriously feeding me lambs milk through a leather bladder.

"Vidar…" I hear Lagertha call to me as a breath of cold winter air hits my back, from the opening of the entrance of my and Ayana's hut.

"Yeah? Lagertha get in here and close the door." I ask her curiously…before my voice becomes commanding.

"Have you spoken to Jarl Mikael about joining the raids this season?" Lagertha asks me as she slips into the hut and presses herself against my bare back, her slightly callused hands running across my bare chest.

"Have you decided when we are to be wed?" I ask her right back, grab her arm and flip her over my shoulder onto the bed of furs.

"Wed me under the eyes of the gods in their way." Lagertha whispers to me suggestively as she starts to open her fur cloak revealing some of her soft, creamy white fair skin…

"Lagertha …you are an evil temptress." I growl as I climb on top of her and make a fist in her hair lifting her head up so our lips could meet as Lagertha 's hands roam my bare torso.

"Mmm, we are both adults and to be wed by the next full moon…just take me already my love." Lagertha groans against my lips as I tighten my grip on her hair.

"No…I will take you when I want and not before." I growl as I take Lagertha 's bottom lips between my teeth, biting down just enough to break the skin as I pull on it.

"Viiidar!" Lagertha moans wantonly as her nails blaze trails down my back.

I hear Ayana clearing her throat from the entrance of the hut…looking up, and see a jealous light in Ayana's eyes as she looks at the way Lagertha 's legs are wrapped around my hips and my hand fisted in her long pale blond hair.

"Lady Ayana!" Lagertha gasps and turns crimson at the sight of Ayana staring at us.

'Haa, always so bold when we're alone but shy and…English proper when around authority figures.' I sigh a chuckling sigh in my mind.

"Welcome home mother!" I greet Ayana and disentangle myself from Lagertha and make my way over to Ayana a bit awkwardly as my cock is rock solid and pressing uncomfortably against my roughspun trousers.

"Thank you, my child." Ayana whispers as she presses her body against mine and holds me tightly, I can feel the cold that has sunk into her clothes stinging against my chest.

"It is good to be…home…Esther has given birth to another boy…Henrik he is named…horrible thing naming a child before the end of winter…even if it is close." Ayana says to me as she presses her face into the crook of my neck.

"You should claim your love…" Ayana mutters even as her hold around me grows tighter.

"When the time comes I will." I reply to Ayana as I see Lagertha trying to sneak out of the hut but I reach out and catch her by the hood of her fur coat and pull her to Ayana and I and place a kiss against her lips and then her brow.

"Goodnight my dear Lagertha ." I whisper to Lagertha who blushes, kisses me back and scrambles out of the hut.

"Come mother, I've made stew and heated up water to cleanse you with I even made more soap for you." I whisper to Ayana as I start stripping off her cloak and dress revealing her stunning mature figure.

"Thank you, my child…come let's warm up together." Ayana whispers huskily as I pull her into bed but she flips us over and frees me from my trousers.

"Oh, so full!" Ayana moans as she slides down my long, hard girthy length.

"Fuck, Mother." I groan…and even though this wasn't the first time in the past six years it always feels amazing to be inside of the woman who became the mother she didn't have to be for me.

"Ahh-ahh, show me-mmm, you're ready to ahh ahh, be a husband to that beautiful young ohh, woman who aches for you as much as I do." Ayana moans as I reach down and place both my hands on Ayana's hips, sliding one to rest on her thigh as I move my fingers and start massaging Ayana's clit.

Ayana falls down against my chest panting and full of my seed as I roll over and put Ayana on her back and get out of bed, grabbing the sponge and warm water slowly wiping Ayana's body clean.

"Brew me a cup of tea dear…as much as it would fill my heart to bear you a child I am too old…" Ayana whispers to me as she tiredly cups my cheek.

"Sorry mother…you felt…too good to spill it on your stomach." I apologize to Ayana who smiles at me softly as she takes the sponge from me and continues wiping herself down periodically, wringing out the dirty water and then dipping it in the clean warm, soapy, water.

Grabbing the right combination of dried herbs, grinding them with a mortar and pestle, and grabbing a kettle that was being heated on a heating stone pouring the hot water into the mortar and walking it over to Ayana bringing it to her lips.

'If only my control was on par…I could siphon the life energy out of my seed…or I could use the many Talismans Ayana and I have made over the years to cast an infertility spell on her…but this is an easy and effective way as long as I have the herbs.' I mutter in my mind.

"Thank you Vidar." Ayana says to me as I pull the mortar away, wipe out the inside with a clean cloth and pour some alcohol into it that I distilled, through making a whiskey still out of large timbers.

The whiskey itself was distilled from wild corn and rye, with some sweet fruits of high sugar content thrown in for fermentation.

'I'm really glad I was a farm kid…it taught me many many things that actually come in handy in these times…and I'm thankful I watched Moonshiners in middle school and tried my hand at it before junior year and actually had success at distilling corn whiskey…it's really helped me out here…I just wish I didn't have to work so hard to make a still out of large trees.' I think in my mind as I fill stone bowls of venison and radish stew for Ayana and I.

"Mmm, this is a very good stew Vidar…Lagertha is a lucky woman to have a man that can cook such delicious meals and tend to her needs…as only you can." Ayana praises me and I feel myself blushing because of it.

"Thanks mother." I mumble a part of me wondering why I still call her by mother, even though we've been intimate with each other for years.

We finish our dinner and then lay down on the slightly damp furs cuddling with each other under a layer of furs.

"I'm going to miss your warmth when you finally move into your and Lagertha 's home." Ayana whispers to me as we press our foreheads together.

"Mmm, you'll just have to move in with us and warm our bed." I humm sleepily as I let myself get dragged off to sleep.

"Vi!" I hear a shout as my eyes open up, to see a grove I haven't seen in fifteen years…a beautiful blonde…stranger standing across from me the second heartbeat in my chest returning.

"Freya…" I whisper and we both start running to one another slamming against each other spinning in a circle as our lips smash together, I hold Freya like my life depends on it and fifteen years of grief wash over me.

"Vidar…it worked, I finally broke her spell on our link." Freya whispers against my lips as she kisses me again, her kisses, immature and inexperienced but hungry all the same.

"My Freya." I whisper as I hold Freya tightly before holding her out at arms length, seeing the absolute vision of Laura Vandervoort in front of me: her striking blue eyes, her amazing body…the long pale blonde hair.

"You've grown even more beautiful my dear sister." I mutter as my vision blurs with tears.

"And…you've grown so handsome Vidar…now catch me up on everything, are you married to Lagertha yet?" Freya asks me sweetly with only a hint of jealousy leaking into her happy voice.

I can't help but laugh as I form a bed of furs for us to lay down on and make a screen in the sky appear over us in the sky and play out the last fifteen years, so I could catch up Freya on everything.

"You'll be wed soon…you know you can't stand against Dahlia…do you plan on having children?" Freya finally asks me as she catches up on the last fifteen years and we turn to face each other on the bed.

"I know, Freya…but someday I will be…even if it takes a thousand years Freya…we will stand together victorious over Dahlia's bloodied corpse…and no, I won't have children even if it's an injustice to Lagertha ." I say to Freya as I caress her cheek and lean in, planting a soft kiss against her lips.

"I will grow stronger too…so we can cut her down together." Freya whispers back to me and increases the tempo of our kiss, our hands roving over each other's bodies underneath astral clothes.

"I have to go…Dahlia is almost back." Freya gasps as I slip my hand between her thighs feeling her molten heat.

"Come back soon." I whisper in a way that sounds overly desperate.

"I will, Vidar…I will my love…Always and Forever." Freya whispers to me as she fades away and so does the glade, and I become trapped in the nightmare of my first real battle.

My pulse hammers in my veins making the vein in my eyes pulse, I tighten my grip on my sword, the leather cording around the handle wet and slippery with blood, I look to my left as Lagertha to my left her shield at the ready a war ax clutched in her hand she looks over her shoulder at me and smirks.

"Well, are we going to keep fighting or are you going to take me into the woods and take me up against a tree?" Latherga gasps in a wanton way.

"Haa, not until we are wed." I bark out a laugh, at something that has severely bothered Latherga since we came of age was our lack of marriage and sex.

"Look out!" Latherga shouts and I try to step out of the path of an arrow and I take it in my shoulder instead of my neck.

I laugh as the pain from my shoulder makes me feel invigorated as I charge into a hoard of screamers with Latherga by my side.

I let go of my sword as it's stuck in the torso of a enemy tribal warrior while I rip, a hatchet from Latherga's belt, and buried it in the skull of a screamer that was about to stab Latherga in the neck with an obsidian dagger, Latherga freed my sword and took off a horse's head that was charging at as and I moved us both out of the way from being trampled by the headless stampeding horse.

A blow to my back reveals who was an ally with a bloody ax in his hand smirking at me.

"That cunt promised me a good fuck if I got rid of you boy." The man says his rotten breath making my nose scrunch up, and before he could move further I see Mikael on a horse galloping at full tilt towards us my visions starts to fade.

I woke up in Ayana's hut with Ayana sleeping on my right and Latherga sleeping to my left while Mikael sat in a stool watching me.

'I'm still dreaming…'

"Why did Iber try to kill you?" Mikael asks me.

"Wanted revenge for his brother's death…he thought you were responsible." I reply to Mikael, who nods but his steely blue eyes tell me he didn't believe it was the full truth…

"That girl…she's a fine wife for you took his head and killed 5 savages barehanded protecting you, before I reached both of you." Mikael says with a look in his eyes as he looked at Latherga like he owes her a debt.

"You can trust me my son…and I trust you…" Mikael says to me softly.

"You should know…Latherga…is your sister…when Esther was having difficulty conceiving, Mordeath was there for me in battle on raids we laid together often…nine months before that girl was born Mordeath, didn't join the raiding party when I returned a child was with her…I never confronted Mordeath and she never seeked admittance from me…I do not tell her this to disparage your connection to her but in hopes to strengthen it, rest well son." Mikael says to me before leaving Ayana's hut.

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