
Chapter 69: Bite mark

Drew PoV

After eating, I decided to join Sylvester and the others in for morning practice.

Wilt was already in the midst of a warm-up routine, his movements fluid and precise. He glanced over and smiled, a look of encouragement washing over his face. "Hey, Drew! Glad you could make it! Thought you had chickened out since you skipped practice so much."

I grumbled at redhead. "As if! I just felt a bit under the weather was all."

Loxus walked over and snickered. "What? The mighty Drew gets sick? Guess you are human after all."

I felt a pang in my heart. If only he knew that I wasn't as human as either of us thought.

I forced a smile, trying to brush off the comment. "Yeah, well, even the mighty need a break now and then."

"Sure, sure," Wilt said, rolling his eyes playfully. "Just don't let it become a habit. We need all hands on deck, especially with the training we have lined up today."

"Right," I replied, trying to shake off the lingering unease. "What's the plan?"

Natasha stepped forward, clapping her hands together. "We'll start with some warm-up stretches, then move into drills. After that, we can split into teams for scrimmages."

"Sounds good to me!" I said, eager to push myself. I needed to focus on the training, on the physicality of it all. It was easier to forget my worries when I was in motion.

As we began our warm-up, I tried to clear my mind. I followed along with Wilt and the others, stretching my limbs and shaking out any stiffness. 

"You okay, Drew?" Jensen asked as we stretched.

I looked at my legs, not saying a word.

He sighed. "You sure were gone for a good while. At a pretty bad time too. We got a bit match coming up soon. I mean, it is just a practice match, but still."

"I'm fine now," I whispered.

"Okay, if you say so."

I grumbled and continued to stretch.

Once we finished warming up, we transitioned into ball-handling drills. The sound of sneakers squeaking against the court and the rhythmic bounce of basketballs filled the gym. I worked on my dribbling, moving through cones and practicing crossovers, trying to regain my rhythm.

After the drills, we broke into teams for scrimmaging. I felt the competitive spirit kick in as we divided up. I ended up on a team with Sylvester, Wilt, and Loxus against Jensen and a couple of other players.

"Let's show them what we've got!" Natasha called out, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

The whistle blew, and we were off. I felt the adrenaline rush through me as I focused on the game, weaving through defenders and making quick passes. The sound of the ball hitting the court and the squeak of our shoes filled the air, a symphony of competition.

The game was intense, with everyone giving it their all. I managed to sink a couple of shots and set up a few assists, feeling more like myself with every play. 

"Great game, everyone!" Natasha said, grinning as she stood off to the side. "You all really worked well together."

"Yeah, we took them down!" Wilt added, grinning widely.

Jensen scoffed. "Putting the best players on one team was unfair."

I smirked. "Oh? Are you saying you aren't up to par?"

He chuckled. "Well, all the best players but me."

I scoffed. "Yeah, excuses."

As we cooled down, I leaned against the wall, catching my breath. The workout had been refreshing, and I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me. 

"Let's grab some drinks," Sylvester suggested, and we all nodded in agreement, heading to the sidelines where our water bottles waited.

As we sat down, Wilt noticed something on Sylvester's neck. "Hey, what's that red mark on your neck?" he asked, pointing with a teasing smirk.

Jensen leaned in, a grin spreading across his face. "Looks like someone's been getting a little too cozy with someone, huh? Got yourself a girlfriend, Sylvester?"

Natasha's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to Sylvester. "Really? Is there someone special we don't know about?"

Sylvester's face turned a deep shade of red, and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "No, no! It's just an insect bite. Seriously."

"An insect bite?" Jensen laughed, clearly enjoying the teasing. "Sure, buddy. We all believe you."

I coughed. Hopefully Sylvester didn't tell them it was my doing...

"Shut up, all of you!" Sylvester shot back, but there was a smile tugging at his lips despite his embarrassment. "I'm telling you, it's just a bite. Nothing more."

"Sure, whatever you say," Wilt replied, still chuckling. "But if you do have a secret girlfriend, you better tell us. We want to know all the juicy details!"

Natasha chuckled. "You guys gossip more than we girls do!"

Loxus snickered as he kept to himself too.

As the laughter died down, we gathered our things and prepared to leave the gym. The chatter continued, filled with playful jabs and light-hearted banter.

Once we exited the gym, the cool air hit my face, refreshing after the heat of practice. I took a deep breath, feeling lighter after the workout and the laughter. 

Just as I was about to drift into my own thoughts, I heard footsteps behind me. Jensen caught up, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Hey, Drew," he said, glancing sideways at me. "About that bite on Sylvester's neck…"

I stopped. "What about it?"

Jensen's brow furrowed slightly as he studied me. "Was that… your doing?"

The question hung in the air, heavy and charged with unspoken implications. I felt the world around me narrow, my mind racing as I tried to think of a response. 

Before I could gather my thoughts, Jensen sighed, the weight of his tone making my stomach twist. "You know you can't just keep everything to yourself, right?"

The tension between us thickened, and I felt the familiar anxiety creeping in. 

As I opened my mouth to respond, the silence felt like a cliff's edge, and I could almost hear the echo of my heartbeat in my ears. Did Jensen suspect my secret?

He sighed. "You avoided coming because of the moon, right?"

My body tensed as he walked around me. How did Jensen know?

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