
The Impenetrable Prison

Sunday morning in the jail cells underneath the Sowei City castle, and the Black Island Inmates, as they now call their temporary gang, were all ready to start their escape.

The group leader, Jacques Lanos, had been planning this from the moment he first got taken in by the police, and in the end the plan was among the simplest to ever be carried out by any member of the Black Island Mafia.

Local scumbag cop-for-hire Rowan Callaghan was on watch duty that day, much to his dismay. Not only was his second-in-command Craig still missing, but the rest of his A-team wasn't being very useful either. So with his mind full, it was very easy for Lanos to snatch the keys from his belt and clock him in the face once he opened the door.

Unfortunately for Lanos, Leo was once again one step ahead, making sure to setup an attempt at an alarm system, just in case.

"Merde!" Lanos exclaimed. "I didn't anticipate this..."

His hands were trembling as he opened the cells of his fellow prisoners, letting them go out one by one. Nick busted through the already unlocked door of the holding cells in an attempt to stop them, but a big guy tossed him aside, before running straight out. 

Lanos took the automatic rifle from Rowan's hands and ran out pointing it at Nick the entire way out. Once we went outside he was greeted by a complete riot. Geowar, Detective McCord and Leo were doing their best to hold back the escaped convicts, Geo creating rope constructs to hold them still, and McCord shooting like a madman, probably killing an inmate or two in the process.

Leo's training only really got him to the point where he could construct cubes, so he was trying to hit them with the cubes, and doing as well as you can with cubes. He aimed one directly at Lanos' face, who rolled out of the way with incredible agility. He then took a shot at McCord, aiming for his head. Fortunately it only hit his elbow, making him drop the gun and collapse in a puddle of blood and water.

Seeing as the others were preoccupied with checking the wounded detective, Lanos made a run for the woods, as Leo grabbed Detective McCord's pistol and shot at his general direction, to no avail. Lanos disappeared in some bushes.

"Damn!" Leo exclaimed. "We lost him!"

"I'm fine, actually." McCord said.

"Not you, you idiot, the criminal!" Leo said, then turned to Geowar. "Do we send a search party?" He asked.

"No need. I doubt he'll make it out of these woods in one piece anyway." Geowar said, as Nick and Rowan arrived, the former having plugged his ears after listening to the latter complain about the escaped convict bruising his gorgeous face.

"What will the ladies say now, huh? HUH?" Rowan asked.

""Thank God"?" Nick deadpanned.

"Nick, would you be a sweetheart and go get George for me? I have a commission for him." Geowar asked.

"Anything but staying here." Nick muttered, and went off to get George.

"What do you need the intern for?" Leo asked.

"Well, we can't have any more runaways can we?" Geowar asked. "I'm getting George to build us a prison. One that even I can't escape."


"So lemme get this straight; you want me to make you a cell out of PURE TITANIUM, EMP it and then duplicate it 7 times?" George asked.


George was so distraught he started staring at the imaginary camera. Meanwhile, Dr. Parr had began hysterically laughing.

"You understand how preposterous that sounds, right?" The young scientist asked, while Dr. Parr continued laughing like a maniac.

"Well, we do have titanium, don't we?" Geowar asked.

"Yeah, like two bars. Who do you think I am?"

"I actually have a titanium stash. It repels magic powers, so I need it." Geowar explained, prompting Dr. Parr to compose herself and approach Geowar.

"You don't think I could have some of that, do you?" She asked.

"You're really weird Christine." Leo pointed out. "First that blood sample, now this?"

"I am a biologist. This is what I do." She shrugged.

"Well I suppose if you have the necessary titanium, I can begin right away! But I'll have to slow down on that other project you asked of me." George said.

"That's fine. This is more urgent. We've gotta put these bound inmates somewhere." Geowar said.

"Wait a second, what other project?" Leo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it." Geowar said, before disappearing in a poof.

Soon after that, George began making the blueprint and assembling the first cell. A week of assembling later, and it was complete. Various people had come to see the grand opening of the new prison, including everyone present at the breakout, as well as Lucius and Renee Pascal.

"Here it is, guys! An impenetrable prison." George announced once everyone arrived, and opened the door. It was a big metal box with a single table, a toilet, a mattress and a stool, all also made of the precious titanium.

"Could use a little work on the decor..." Lucius commented.

"It's beautiful!" Geowar exclaimed. "You never disappoint, George."

"Thanks. But it hasn't been exactly tested yet, so we can't be sure if it works." George said.

"I say we just throw someone in there for a bit and see what they can do." Rowan suggested.

"I think I have a suggestion." Renee smirked, eyeing Nick, who, before he could even realize what had happened, was locked in the metallic cell.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL?!" Nick yelled out, while banging on the door.

"This is for following me around all the time!" Renee told him.

"It was me who told him to guard you and your sister, Renee." Lucius said.

"We could have you go in with him too, Luke." Leo said.

"Message received. I suppose I could have him not follow you around anymore..." Lucius said.

"Thanks, Dad." Renee smiled.

"Hey, Nick! Try to use this watch." George said, and gave the frowning guardsman a watch. It immediately stopped working when it got in the cell.

"It's broken." Nick said. "Now can you get me out of here?"

"Wonderful! The EMP is operational!" George exclaimed.

"Excellent!" Geowar said, and opened the cell, finally letting Nick out, who was muttering something about how he's not paid enough for this shit. Geowar proceeded trying to use his abilities from inside the cell, and nothing happened. He smirked.

"I say this occasion calls for a celebration!" Geowar announced. "We're going out. It's on me!"


Back at the Black Island Mafia hideout, various members had gathered around the radio, as Sowei City 1 was broadcasting it's news, including Tomas, wearing his disguise, Craig and Jimmy Falcone.

"Hello citizens of Soweiland and welcome back to Sowei City 1 News! I'm your wonderful host Theo Soleman, and we just received new information regarding the disappearance of former Sowei City Penitentiary inmate, Jacques Lanos! With us today is Detective Owen McCord. Detective?"

"No, we haven't found Lanos yet, but I've dispatched at least 50 out in the woods looking for the French bastard. We will find him, and when we do, we're locking him up in that new titanium laced cell! He's never going to see the light of day again!"

Jimmy seemed happy. "Lanos should be on his way. Things are looking up for us, people! Ah-a!"

As the ruffians and criminals of the Black Island Mafia cheered, Craig gulped. He hasn't reported to his boss for well over a month. 

Craig left the room quietly, and went to his room. He looked at himself in the mirror and got lost in thought.

"Yeah." He said with determination.

This charade had gone on for long enough.

Writers block hit like a bitch, but i hope the humor made up for the lack of plot this chapter.

Next time on Tales of Soweiland, it's time for a season finale!

That's all for now, Author Leo out!

Gamer_Leocreators' thoughts
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