
Again ? (2)

Regardless of what we do in our lives or how we are proven wrong, people often cling to their beliefs. It's a curious thing—how the mind works. We can be faced with undeniable proof, yet we find ways to justify our actions and mold reality to fit our narrative. It's a stubbornness rooted deep within us, a refusal to admit that we might have been wrong.

"Then, by your own rules. You've lost."

Take this man, for example. Even now, with my blade at his throat, I could see the wheels turning in his mind, searching for a way to reconcile what just happened with the worldview he's held onto for so long. In his world, strength is everything. But what happens when that strength is challenged? When it's shown to be insufficient?

The truth is, most people don't change. They double down, holding onto their beliefs even tighter because to admit they're wrong would be to admit weakness. And in a world like this, weakness is the one thing no one can afford to show.

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