
Section 81 - My System


The elite warrior of the Neanderthal tribe swung out a sky full of palm shadows, and little Chen Fei was slapped dizzy. When he finally regained the ability to move, his whole body felt like it had just been fished out of water.

Just to think, only an hour ago, he had taken a bath.

After finishing the sparring session, the old man wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, "Alright, go take a shower later, get a good night's sleep, and I'll come to get you tomorrow morning."

"I'm almost dead!"

Chen Fei replied weakly.

If it weren't for his stiff muscles being forcibly dispersed by the blows and his blood circulation reviving, he might indeed have died.

"Hehe, young man, you still have a long life ahead of you, stop talking about death all the time, I'm off!"

Barut picked up the snacks Chen Fei had brought for drinking, not leaving a single one behind, and even took off with the red wine that Manager Hanna had brought.

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