

The first rays of dawn filtered through the dense canopy, casting a gentle glow over the den. I blinked my eyes open, feeling the comforting warmth of my siblings cuddled up against me. For a moment, I lay there, savouring the peace and the soft sounds of their breathing. It was good to be home, surrounded by the love and safety of my family.

As the den slowly came to life, Lorish approached me with a loving nuzzle.

"Good morning, my brave baby. How are you feeling today?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"I feel much better, Mom," I replied, stretching my limbs carefully. "I'm so glad to be back."

"We're all glad to have you back, Orphelin," she said with a smile. "Today, we'll celebrate your return."

Celebration?! Because of me? I think it's the first time in my life...

The morning was spent in joyful celebration. We had some racing and diving after stones or a small hunting competition.

My siblings were thrilled to have me back, and we played and laughed together between the competitions. The meadow in front of our and other dens was filled with the sounds of happiness, and I felt a deep sense of belonging.

Later in the day, the hunting competition started and I was preparing for a hunt for a hunt. I was determined to catch a deer for my siblings, to show them that I was still capable of providing for them. As hunters ventured into the forest, I focused on the task at hand. The thrill of the hunt was exhilarating, and I managed to bring down a young deer with a well-timed pounce.

When I brought it back home everyone congratulated me and I earned the third spot in the competition! I placed the young deer in front of my siblings.

"Wow! Amawing catch, Orphelin!" my sister Lorelin exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride and excitement, and her spelling of some words in this wolfish tongue quite lovely as well.

Oh... I always wondered how is it possible for me to understand the wolf tongue... Or many other animals...

[World Languages - ability at level 4. High probability of quickly learning or understanding a language known in the previous world or used by a race or breed connected with the User.]

I get it. So humanoid tongue I used in my previous world... And I get most of the carnivores or other hunters' languages in the forest. Spending time with wolves from early days made it easy for me. Good to know.

We feasted on the deer, the taste of fresh meat reminding me of my time training with Father. As the sun began to set, I told Lorish that I would patrol the nearby border, knowing I had another mission in mind.

"Be careful, my little baby," she said, nuzzling me. "Come back soon."

I nodded and set off into the forest, my heart pounding with anticipation. I followed the familiar path to the stream, my thoughts focused on Alexius. I had promised myself that I would help him, just as he had helped me.

As I neared the stream, I spotted a large fish swimming lazily in the clear water. I waited patiently, my body tense with anticipation. When the moment was right, I struck, jumping into the water and catching the fish in my jaws. With my prize secured, I made my way to the spot where I had left Alexius the day before.

I was planning to retrace our steps somehow and try to reach him but to my relief, he was there, sitting alone on a fallen log, his shoulders slumped and his expression forlorn. He seemed even thinner and bruised than yesterday. My heart ached at the sight. I stepped out from the trees, the fish dangling from my mouth, and trotted over to him.

"Or!" Alexius exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy as he saw me. "You came back!"

"Duuuh kiddo. Can't leave you all alone now, can I?" The growls I made weren't understood by the boy, as always, but he seemed to like it when I talked back to him in that beastly manner.

"You probably meant something like 'of course I won't leave you my dear friend'" He joked and laughed but I decided to nod my head yes and that made him laugh even more. He smelled like burnt charcoal, pines and hay. I loved this fragrance.

I dropped the fish at his feet, wagging my tail - yeah wolfy behaviour strong in me indeed. He knelt down ignoring the fish for now and hugged me tightly, his arms trembling.

"I was so worried about you," he whispered. "I didn't know if I'd see you again or if you made it safe to wherever you live."

I nuzzled him gently, trying to convey my gratitude and affection. He pulled back and wiped his eyes, a smile spreading across his face.

"Thank you, Or. This is amazing," he said, looking at the fish.

"Come on, I know a place where we can cook this," I growled at him and took a small part of his shirt in my jaws to pull him a bit. Then I trotted into the forest, looking over to see if he was following me.

Alex followed me through the forest to a small cave near a little waterfall. The sound of the rushing water was soothing, and the cave provided a cosy shelter. Alexius quickly gathered some sticks and started a small fire, his movements practised and efficient. But of course I helped a bit, bringing some wood by myself.

"You're really good at this," I commented softly, even though I knew he couldn't understand me. He seemed to sense my approval, smiling as he skewered the fish and set it over the fire.

"I have to be," he replied as if he had understood. "I've been doing this for a long time."

As the fish cooked, Alexius pulled out a small bundle of fruits and offered them to me.

"I brought these for you," he said. "I remember you liked them."

I gratefully accepted the fruits, savouring their sweet taste. It was a welcome change from the raw meat I usually ate. We sat in companionable silence for a while, the warmth of the fire and the sound of the waterfall creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Alexius began to speak, his voice soft and filled with emotion.

"Today was really hard," he said. "I had to do so many chores, and my uncle was in a bad mood. I missed you, Or. I was so worried about you."

I listened intently, my heart aching for him. I wished I could speak to him, to tell him how much his kindness meant to me. But all I could do was be there for him, offering my silent support, so I rubbed my head at his side.

"I don't have any friends," he continued, his eyes downcast. "No one to talk to or play with. But you... you're different. You understand me."

"Of course I understand you! And I feel like you understand me! And you have a great smell... and you pick the best fruits. And for a young brat, you're quite manageable I may say" I made som low sounds and growls, his hand finding my head and petting it, his fingers brushing my mane and ears.

Gods, ears are my weak spot...

I nuzzled his hand, trying to convey my understanding. He looked at me with a sad smile, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Thank you, Or. For being my friend," he whispered.

As the night wore on, we sat by the fire, sharing stories and enjoying each other's company. Even if he couldn't understand my words, I was trying to tell him about my adventures by showing them. It reminded me of playing some kind of charades.

Alexius's sadness seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of contentment. For the first time, he had someone who cared about him, and I was determined to be there for him, no matter what.

Eventually, the fire began to die down, and I knew it was time to return to my family. I nuzzled Alexius one last time, trying to convey my promise to come back.

"I'll see you again, Or," he said softly. "Stay safe."

With a final look, I turned and made my way back through the forest. My heart was heavy with the knowledge that I had to leave Alexius behind, but I knew I would return. Our bond was strong, and I was determined to protect him, just as he had protected me.

As I reached the den, my family greeted me with excitement and relief. Lorish nuzzled me, her eyes filled with pride.

"Welcome back my little baby," she said. "I hope you had a fruitful day."

I smiled and nodded, for a moment wondering if my mother knew where I Was. But if she did, she seemed to wait for a moment when I'd be ready to tell her. I loved her for that.

I lay down with my siblings, feeling a deep sense of contentment. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought of Alexius, hoping he was safe and warm. I made a silent promise to return to him, to be the friend he needed. Always... Forever.


Name: Orphelin

Age: Half a year hatchling

Current User Level: 4/5 at current age

Current PIA System Level: 1

PIA system gains 1 level whenever the User gains 5 levels.

Titles: Reincarnated, Member of the Wolf Pack, Son of the Wolf Queen

Rare Abilities:

-Special Level Up

Conditions: Face a stronger enemy with deadly intent, fight while putting your life at stake to protect others, don't give up, and push your abilities to the maximum in a critical situation.

User Skills & Abilities:

-World Languages | Level 4

High probability of quickly learning or understanding a language known in the previous world or used by a race or breed connected with the User.

-Eyeglass [Unlockable at User Level 3 | User must use the skill to unlock]

Ability to get more detailed information about oneself.

PIA System Options:

-Conversations with PIA [Unlockable at PIA System Level 5]

PIA gains the ability to converse more freely with the User, like a more sentient being.


-------AUTHOR'S NOTE------

ML: Your Mom is amazing...

MC: You mean Lorish?

ML: Yup.

MC: Thanks. I wonder where "she" got the idea to create this character...

ML: By "she" you mean Miss Author?

MC: Yup

ML: I think Miss Author sees herself in Lorish

MC: ... PFF Hahahaha You joking?!

ML: No. I mean she made us, and she's so nice. 

MC: Nice?! She's a terrorist! Making me go through all that's bad an pain and all!

ML: Bu look how many nice things you get

MC: No, she's a real monster, I tell you


*eerie silence*


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