
Chapter 152 Smell of Sin [Edited]

Sullivan shifted his focus to Natasha, who was sitting in an unnervingly close proximity to him. 

'Why don't you just sit on my lap if you want to sit that close to me?'

Sullivan grumbled to himself internally. If only her hair wasn't such a vivid shade of red. He would have kicked her away nicely.

"I have a girlfriend."

He proclaimed.

Natasha listened to that rather than running away. On the other hand, she was inching her way closer and closer to him.

"And I love both of my girlfriends very much," he continued.

"Two girlfriends?"

This time, Natasha stopped to approach Sullivan. If he were to claim that he had a large number of girlfriends, she wouldn't be surprised in the least. Because it is not unusual for those who have a lot of money to do so. They are able to fork over enormous sums of money in exchange for a level of happiness that is inaccessible to average people.

To the contrary, based on the tone of his voice, it appeared as though he was in a committed relationship with both of his girlfriends.

'Normal but impressive'

Her assumption was that Sullivan must come from a wealthy family. Tony Stark's mansion is out of reach for anyone with a low income.

She had already gotten quite a bit of information from him. And she will find out more from him. She took a look at the game that he was currently participating in. It was a game that she studied in preparation for finding a way to approach Tony.

"This game I've played before. Street Fighter Why don't you play with me? It's better than sitting alone and bored like this."

Peter, who was sitting nearby, cast his gaze in Natasha's direction. She had the impression that he was looking at her in an odd manner. But it didn't phase her at all. She acted like he was just air.

Her focus now was solely on Sullivan.

Sullivan gave some of his attention to the matter. and realized there was no cause for concern. However, before he agreed to Natasha's request to play a game with her. It is first necessary for him to clarify something with her.

"I don't like you. Your body odor is very strong. the smell of sin. but don't worry I'm not one to judge people by the smell of sin like that."

Sullivan was able to detect the odor of sin. However, her sin does not stink like the sin of someone who intentionally does bad things. Her odor is a concoction made up of a number of different odors.

"Smell of sin. That sounds kinky. So you are in this type of role play my lord."

She couldn't help but giggle a little bit because she assumed he was referring to something filthy.

Sullivan gave a slight shake of the head. He made the decision not to respond to Natasha's controversy a second time. After that, the two of them participated in a game together. There are some things that Natasha can't do, despite the fact that she is a spy.

One of them is being able to play video games and beat the gamer.

And while Natasha was investigating Sullivan,

Nick Fury was suffering from such a severe headache at this moment that he desired to hit his head against the wall.

"Hydra... Hydra is everywhere... There would have been a significant issue to deal with if it weren't for the assistance of Aunt May in this mess."

Nick exhaled a sigh. He now knew that there was Hydra in the shield. But he didn't know who they were.

"The only people I know I can trust are Natasha, Hills, Colson and Clint. I need to call them back"

Nick now had to call them back to help him in order to find the hydras. He was about to call them but.


Nick jumped out of where he once stood. Then where he once stood was destroyed by a bomb. Someone aiming to kill him with a fucking bomb!

"Who has the fu*king iron gust wants to kill me inside my office!"

Nick was trained to be the best.

"You think you can kill me easily? Even if you killed me I won't die. Mother Fu*ker!"

Who said people die when they are killed? That bull sh*t.

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