
Chapter 15: Stinkfly & Mission!

If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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New York:-

A criminal who just stole a lady's purse was running, hoping to get away fast. Suddenly a giant ball of goo hit him, making him stick to the window of a store.

Just then a smelly four-eyed alien with buzzing wings came down. "Guess you're *s*not as quick as you think you are."

The criminal was too grossed out to do anything anything, instead he just dropped the purse into the aliens hand.

"Does this belong to anyone?" Stinkfly shouted, not knowing what to do now.

This was always the problem with purse snatching, if you caught the criminal there was a chance the victim was not nearby. Thankfully this was not the case.

"Oh thank you so." A voice said. Just then a large dark skinned women came into his view. She then turned to the criminal.

"You lucky he got you. Otherwise I woulda whooped your ass so far you woulda landed in upstate. Then I'd whoop your ass back here, then back there like a Serena Williams match."

"Uh lady." Stinkfly reminded her, holding her purse.

"Oh thank you so much sweetie." She said, gratefully with a sudden change of demeanor. Then covered her nose once the smell got to her.

"Boy you nasty." She spoke, before reaching in her purse.

"Sorry, it just comes with cough." Ben began to speak, only to start coughing when she began spraying air freshener on him. "Stop that." He requests, trying to block it.

"As soon as you don't smell like my husband from that time he worked at the fish market." She replies, not stopping. "I swear cats thought we were hosting a bed and breakfast."

Eventually she stops and Stinkfly takes a whiff. "Huh that does smell better." He comments.

"You're welcome." She tells him, hoisting her purse securely, then turns to the crowd around them. "Someone get this nasty bug outta here!" She calls out.

"We'll that's a little rude." The hero comments.

"She was talking about me man." The criminal tells him.

The woman turns back to him in sudden realization. "Andre!" He exclaims.

"Hey aunt Grace." He greets solemnly.

"You tried to rob your aunt. Not cool." Stinkfly comments.

"Oh forget the cops." The now identified Grace begins. "I am calling your mother." Reaches for her phone. "No I'm calling you're grandmother."

"Fuck." Andre swears.

Grace gasps. "Don't you use that language with me. That's only for when someone hits the lottery" Starts dialing. "And I mean like big lottery. 7 figures at least."

"I'm just gonna." Stinkfly say's gesturing his thumb behind him before flying off.


At the Bar

Ben walked in and before he could sit down the bar tender stopped him. "Yo this ain't a Chuck-e-Cheese."

Before Ben could even ask what that was, someone else intervened. "Don't get your pantyhose in a twist, kid's with me." Butcher calls from a booth, across from Hughie.

As Ben walks towards Butcher the Brit keeps talking. "Don't worry. Not like you got any good shit to give him anyway." This earns a few chuckles from some of the early patrons.

As Ben slides next Hughie he asks. "So what happened last night?"

"Hughie's in." Butcher simply say's, not mentioning the supe club or Hughie's uncertainty from last night. Wasn't that important anyway.

"In on what though?" Ben asks. All he knows is that they're going after Vought, but not how.

"He wants me to sneak a bug into Seven tower." Hughie explains.

"Bug like James Bond?" Ben asked.

"Yeah." Hughie simply say's.

"Cool." Ben shrugs.

"Yeah, exactly. He get's it." Butcher say's with a smile, knowing how against the idea Hughie was. Butcher and Hughie then rehash to Ben, what Butcher told Hughie last night. Ben had no opposition.

"Where do I fit in this?" He asks.

"So glad you asked." Butcher said, before pulling a picture in his phone. It was of Nubian Prince and Nubia. A Supe celebrity couple. "We need a distraction. But a more... discreet one."

"You want me to fight them?" Ben asked.

"Fuck yes, but not now." Butcher replied. "They married ya see, but they fucking hate one another."

"What no way." Hughie denied. "They're like Kim and Kanye." (Show was made before they split)

"Just an act mate. Vought doesn't want them to split otherwise it makes them look like Fuck." Butcher tells them. "It's why they have a big house and only just hate fuck each other when they ain't fucking other people."

"Should you really be talking like that?" Hughie reminds him, gesturing to the kid.

"What am I supposed to do." Ben wondered.

"You're gonna drum up a media shit storm for Vought." Butcher simply explains, ignoring Hughie. "This way they'll be focused on fixing another problem they won't care when this one fixes itself."

"You want him to destroy a family?" Hughie asks. "That's insane."

"Hugh. The family is already fucked up." Butcher answers. "They're each fucking other people, then going home to yell at each other about shit. And it's only gonna get worse. Especially for the kid."

"Kid?" Ben asks.

"They got a daughter. So far no powers. But she's been sneaking out of the house to go to Ground Hawk's." Butcher informs, switching the picture over to a girl walking into a small family home.

Holding up the door is a man wearing a green outfit with a bird like mask and silver hands. (I gave him hands that morph into hammers)

"I'll do it." Ben agree's. (No pairing, he just wants to help)

"This is crazy." Hughie tells them.

"Crazy's the game. Better get used to it." Butcher tells Hughie.

"To me that's crazy." Ben speaks, gesturing to two men on the other side of the establishment kissing briefly.

"You've never seen a gay couple?" Hughie asks.

"Gay means kissing a guy?" The 10 year old replies.

"It means whatever the fuck." Butcher comments. "You can worry 'bout that later. For now get that shit, so we can put that bug and get Vought." He orders.

"So where do they stay?" Ben asks.


If you guys want to read ahead by 20 Chapters or just want to support you can visit my patr-eon.

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