
Chapter 59 – It WAS quiet.

[Mountain Panther – Level 180]

The mountain panther charged at the Phantasia, but Phantasia quickly dodged the attack before then firing [Poison Shot(s)] at the beast, dealing a perfect counter attack, but not killing the beast.

The beast quickly recovered and rushed at Phantasia again, but then Phantasia left arm changed its shape.

The arm ended up becoming a sword before then stabbing the panther in the chest and then going upwards, cutting the lion head in two.



The man arm changed shape again, changing back and forth between the blade and normal arm in almost instance.

(Good. It seems to be working properly.)

(I went for a simple form for the start, but I got to say, even though it's simple, its deadly.)

(Grab, change, stab. Instant death.)

(Enemy coming at you, change form, counter.)

(Simple, but extremely effective.)

(Still. This experiment did provided me with some interesting info.)

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