
The Wind Demon

 Over the next four months, Asuma drilled the Wind Breathing techniques into Tekeo relentlessly. Each day was a grueling test of agility, strength, and precision. Tekeo learned to stay airborne longer with powerful jumps and calculated force, mastering the art of Wind Breathing under Asuma's exacting guidance.

One day, Tekeo received a letter from Tanjiro, who mentioned that Urokodaki had stopped teaching him further and given him one last task before attempting the Final Selection. Tekeo understood the importance of this task, especially Tanjiro's encounter with Sabito. Although he missed out on it, he knew this opportunity was meant for Tanjiro. Tekeo wrote back, showing concern and urging Tanjiro to keep training until he could complete the task Urokodaki had given him.

Three days later, Asuma was late for training for the first time in four months. Tekeo continued his usual regimen but quickly grew bored without his sensei's presence. Deciding to take a short break, he left the training hall and headed to the sword hall, a place he had been curious about for a while.

The sword hall contained swords and records of the previous Wind Hashira's findings and understanding of Wind Breathing. As Tekeo entered, he saw pictures of the Hashira's, swords, and books neatly kept under glass cases. He carefully looked through them until his eyes fell on a peculiar-looking book. It was black, worn out, and had the words "Wind Demon" inscribed on the cover. Intrigued, Tekeo gently removed the glass case and took the book out.

He read its contents, discovering that it belonged to the Hashira before Asuma sensei. The book was a treasure trove of experiences, revealing the wisdom and battles of a bygone era. Tekeo read with fascinated attention, absorbing every detail the swordsman mentioned in the book.

Meanwhile, Asuma returned and, not finding Tekeo in the training hall, began looking for him. When he entered the sword hall, he saw Tekeo seated against the wall, engrossed in reading the records of his Master. Asuma approached and gently called out, "Tekeo."

Startled, Tekeo looked up and quickly explained, "Sorry Sensei, I got bored of waiting for you so I came to read the records of our ancestors."

Asuma's face softened into a smile. "I see. Those records hold a lot of history and wisdom. Return here once you're done with today's training. It's important to know the past, but your present training is just as vital."

Tekeo nodded, feeling a newfound respect for the lineage of Wind Breathing. He carefully placed the book back in its case and returned to the training hall. There, he was greeted by a young boy holding a wooden sword.

Curious, Tekeo asked, "Is he the reason why you were late for today's training?"

Asuma replied, "Yes, Tekeo. He was recommended by my student, so I decided to take him in for the time being. This is Shinazugawa Genya, your junior."

Tekeo's eyes widened in recognition. Shinazugawa Genya—he knew that name. The younger brother of the Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa. Genya gave Tekeo a look of pure disdain, making Tekeo bristle and clench his fists, resisting the urge to punch him.

Unlike Tekeo, who practiced a balance of sword skills and endurance, Genya focused solely on building his body. Tekeo guessed this was likely due to Genya's unique ability to consume demons, a fact Tekeo found intriguing. Just like in the manga, Genya was introverted and preferred to be on his own.

Trying to lighten the mood, Tekeo extended a hand. "Nice to meet you, Genya. Let's train hard together."

Genya barely glanced at Tekeo's hand before turning away. "I don't need friends. Just stay out of my way," he muttered, his tone cold and dismissive.

Tekeo sighed, pulling back his hand. "Well, this is going to be an interesting one," he thought sarcastically. He looked over at Asuma, who just gave him an encouraging nod.

One day, Tekeo approached Genya and asked, "Why do you only practice with weights?"

Genya shot back, "What does it matter to you, fuckface?"

Tekeo's face flushed with anger, and he was about to confront Genya when Aoko stepped in. "You both shouldn't be fighting in Master's absence," he said, his tone firm. Tekeo grunted but backed off.

Aoko looked at both of them and suggested, "Why don't you two ask Master for a spar?" Tekeo's eyes lit up at the thought of an official way to punch Genya's face. Genya hastily agreed, but a chill ran down his spine as Tekeo smiled menacingly.

They both approached Asuma with their request, but he immediately declined, seeing right through Tekeo's intentions. "Genya doesn't even come close to beating you in a spar, so there's no need for such a thoughtless match."

Tekeo fumed, while Genya remained as annoying as ever. Aoko then suggested, "Master, why don't we let them spar without swords and just use their bodies?" Tekeo looked at Aoko with happy tears, and Aoko gave him a thumbs up, signaling camaraderie. Under their persistent requests, Asuma finally gave in.

Asuma explained the rules: the first person to land a clean, direct hit would win. As soon as Aoko said, "Begin," Genya rushed toward Tekeo. Tekeo dodged his punch, redirecting it with his hand, and then landed a hook punch to Genya's chin. The impact was so hard that everyone heard it, and Genya was knocked unconscious. Tekeo smiled proudly, brushing his hands together, savoring the taste of victory, while his master looked at him with disdain.

Later, when Genya woke up, Tekeo greeted him. "It was a good spar. We should do it again sometime," Tekeo said, smirking. Genya was about to retort angrily but saw Tekeo polishing his knuckles with a devilish smile and stayed silent.

Tekeo suggested, "Instead of learning Wind Breathing, why don't you learn Stone Breathing?" Genya looked at him confused. "It suits you perfectly considering you train your body more than your sword skills," Tekeo said.

Genya opened his mouth, "I can't... My brother has mastered Wind Breathing. To prove to him I'm not a burden, I must be useful to him."

Tekeo was visibly confused. "What does that have to do with the breathing style you learn?" He continues 

"If you wish to not be a burden to your brother, you must prove you're useful. The best way to do that is to get stronger by choosing the correct path for you instead of blindly choosing one" Tekeo advised honestly. Genya sat there thinking, and Tekeo started to leave.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Genya asked.

"I'm also the younger brother of someone strong, so I know what it feels like to be a burden. I just told you what I truly felt was right. If you want to talk more, you should probably speak to Asuma sensei," Tekeo replied and left the room, leaving Genya in deep thought.

The next day, Tekeo didn't see Genya around. He assumed Genya was still in bed, but Asuma came in announcing that Genya would be back in six months to see if Stone Breathing suited him. Tekeo was shocked, knowing that Genya would get much stronger learning stone breathing as he was the most suited out of all the demon slayers for the stone hashira's training. He felt relieved, hoping this might change the tragic story of the Shinazugawa brothers. 

After a grueling training session, Tekeo was about to head back to his room when Asuma stopped him. "Come to the sword hall once you've freshened up," Asuma instructed. Tekeo nodded and quickly made his way to the hot spring, soaking for a while before donning his training uniform and heading to the sword hall.

There, he found Asuma seated in front of the glass case that had housed the book Tekeo had been reading. Tekeo quietly sat down behind his master. Asuma turned to him, his eyes filled with a somber intensity. "The book you were reading belonged to the strongest Wind Hashira," Asuma began.

Tekeo was amazed. He knew the writer was talented, but he had never imagined that the author was the strongest Wind Breathing user. "He was brave, strong, and most of all, he was kind," Asuma continued. "He was the last Hashira to kill one of the Upper Moon Six."

Tekeo's eyes widened in shock. If he remembered correctly, it had been almost a century since an Upper Moon demon had been defeated. The realization that the person who had accomplished this was the strongest Wind Hashira was staggering.

Asuma looked at the book placed in front of him. "This record belongs to my sensei. He was unparalleled, and the Demon Slayer Corps honored him with the title of the 'Wind Demon'."

Tekeo finally understood the significance behind the title. "I have read this and gained key insights," Asuma said, handing the book over to Tekeo. "I hope it helps you understand Wind Breathing on a deeper level."

Tekeo took the book, feeling the weight of its legacy in his hands. "Thank you, Sensei," he said, his voice filled with gratitude and determination. The story of the Wind Demon and the lessons contained within the book would be his guide as he continued his journey to become a powerful Demon Slayer.

Tekeo continued learning under Asuma for the next four months where he trained like a lunatic from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. and spent a lot of his time reading his ancestor's records before going to bed. Soon Asuma received a letter from Urokodaki after reading it Asuma decided Tekeo's training was officially complete. Tekeo felt sad, knowing he would have to stop training under Asuma and return. Still, he was also very happy to be able to see his brother and sister after a long time. Before he could celebrate, Asuma dropped a bombshell.

"Before you officially complete your training with me and go to the Final Selection, you have one final task to complete" Tekeo looked at him curiously, "You must face me in combat. Only by defeating me will you prove that you have truly mastered Wind Breathing.". Tekeo, heartbroken a few seconds ago, now looked up with a new light in his eyes."Yes, sensei!!."Asuma smiled, "All you have to do is hit me five times during our spar."...


Authors Note:- Sorry for the recent delay in publishing new chapters, as I have been occupied with various things because I am moving countries. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me, and I want to constantly improve the quality of the story. Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments on the latest chapters. I am also looking for someone to help me make a better book cover so do reach out on my discord. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. I look forward to sharing more with you next week. 


Discord- noah0537

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