
Chapter 598: The Times?

New York, Manhattan, Capet Center Building.

Charles sat in his chair, looking at the information about the phone hacking scandal involving News Corporation in the UK, which Jasmine Bloom had investigated.

The News of the World, The Sunday Times, and The Sun were all involved in the scandal!

"Damn it, only successful people are nothing but scumbags. Morality and laws are always just there to bind ordinary folks," Charles muttered to himself, then took a deep breath.

The British election in May ended with the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats forming a coalition government, winning a majority and defeating the Labour Party.

Conservative leader David Cameron became the new British Prime Minister, while Gordon Brown, the Labour Party leader with close ties to the Murdoch family, stepped down.

Former Labour Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were both close with News Corporation, so this could be seen as a failure for News Corporation.

Looking at the documents in hand, Charles wondered how much impact they had. The Conservatives, having just taken power, were busy dealing with domestic unemployment issues, so dealing with News Corporation would have to wait.

"Haha, when they finally take action, News Corporation won't be able to get away with just dealing with a few people like they did in the past," Charles's eyes seemed to shine. He had given part of this information to conservative forces, trusting them to investigate the hacking incident themselves.

However, after spending several months and considerable money to create problems for News Corporation, it had to cause a major explosion in the entire UK media industry when the time came!

Charles had set his sights on The Times. After all, News Corporation had also won the Wall Street Journal in America. Losing The Times this time seemed reasonable.

Charles then called Liu Yifei to ask if things were done.

"Oh, everything's been handled perfectly. Amelia found some truly professional people. We're shopping on Fifth Avenue right now!"

"That's good. I'll take you to the opera at Lincoln Center tonight," Charles laughed.

"No problem!"

After Charles hung up, Phyllis Jones brought in Arianna Huffington.

"Charles, what's up?" Arianna Huffington asked. After all, Phyllis Jones had invited her directly, not through a phone call.

Charles nodded, and Phyllis Jones poured two glasses of wine for them before leaving the office.

"Take a look at these first," Charles handed Arianna Huffington the information about the News Corporation phone hacking scandal.

Arianna Huffington took a sip of wine and flipped through the documents, growing more shocked with each page...

"These, Charles, you..."

Charles was nonchalant. "I had someone spend a few months collecting these!"

"Were you involved in this British election?" Arianna Huffington asked.

Charles shook his head. "Not really, just anonymously sent some information to conservative forces in Britain."

"These materials will only bring some criticism to News Corporation, but won't deal them a significant blow. They'll definitely reach an agreement with the government," Arianna Huffington quickly analyzed.

"News Corporation is deeply rooted, they won't go down easily," Charles smiled.

"I just want The Times. Otherwise, I won't let News Corporation land safely!"

"The Times?" Arianna Huffington looked at Charles. The Times, apart from Sky TV, was News Corporation's biggest political propaganda tool in the UK. They had owned it since the 1980s.

News Corporation owned not just The Times, but also the News of the World and The Sun, among others; Moreover, News Corporation was a shareholder in Trinity Mirror Group, the largest newspaper group in the UK, influencing 40% of the UK newspaper industry. News Corporation was very powerful.

"Yes, The Times' status in the UK is comparable to The New York Times in the US. Capet Global needs a more significant presence in the UK!"

Charles's intention was clear; he wanted to know if these materials could help acquire The Times from News Corporation.

Arianna Huffington thought for a moment, "Once the phone hacking scandal breaks out, the impact will be significant. But as an established media group, they will definitely try to get along with the current government. At that point, News Corporation will pay a certain price to make peace with the government, but based on the content of this information, the biggest issue lies with the News of the World! They need to feel direct pain; otherwise, it's tough to bite off The Times!"

"Direct pain?" Charles stroked his chin. "When the phone hacking scandal breaks, News Corporation's stock will surely fall. We should short it first. Besides, I never planned to use my own money to buy The Times!"

Arianna Huffington was stunned, "Are you declaring war on News Corporation?"

Charles shook his head, smiled, "Hey, everything in business is fair competition. I'm sure I won't be the only one at that time. Moreover, with such good stuff in hand, if Rupert Murdoch doesn't obediently hand over The Times, I might just play a bigger game!"

If Charles started shorting News Corporation before the scandal broke and then actively triggered the scandal, it could indeed maximize benefits.

However, it wouldn't be a war; it would be a life-or-death struggle with News Corporation. Charles would also have to face investigations from all sides!

"Charles, you can't mess around. Never underestimate the government's control. You must cooperate with the British government," Arianna Huffington quickly warned Charles.

"News Corporation's roots in the UK are not something you can compete with. When they pay the price and reconcile with the government, they'll surely target you with full force!"

Charles pouted, "I understand. I'm just saying. Anyway, I'll just fan the flames from behind. Even if I short them, it'll be after the media reports the phone hacking."

Desperate people do desperate things; Charles understood that well.

At night, Charles and Liu Yifei returned to the high-rise penthouse of the Capet Building from Lincoln Center, overlooking Central Park by the window.

"Nice view, huh?" Charles hugged the lady in the evening gown from behind, his right hand slipped into her collar, caressing the softness.

"Yeah, the scenery is great. The location here is fantastic," Liu Yifei pressed her back tightly against Charles's chest.

"Manhattan's night view is beautiful!"

"No, Manhattan's night view is nothing compared to the beauty in front of me," Charles said, lowering his head to kiss the lady...



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