
He’s Dying

Rain asked Rico to make a quick stop at the cafe. When she walked in, Clifford was already there waiting.

"What's going on, Clifford? I'm actually in a hurry," Rain said, her tone urgent.

"To be honest, I was debating whether or not to tell you this, but after seeing how close you've become with Sir Rock, and knowing how much you care about the old man…" Clifford trailed off.

Rain smiled gently. "He's like a father to me, Clifford, more than my real father ever was."

Clifford nodded. "Yes, that's what I figured. So, you remember Enigma, right?"

Rain was confused by the sudden shift in topic. They had just been talking about her father-in-law, and now Clifford was bringing up Enigma—a notorious figure he'd often mentioned, a client who operated in the online black market.

"Yes, I remember. What about him?"

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