
Chapter 30: Revolution, Politics and the Beginning of Discontent (Part 1)

Star Wars + Harry Potter Crossover

Chapter 30: Revolution, Politics and the Beginning of Discontent (Part 1)

A/N: First well done to those that correctly guessed that the tree thing was from Tamora Pierce's Immortals series...as a side note she has finally returned to it with the first book of a trilogy on Arram Drapers early years. Digital cookies and milk go to Stallion of TX, Dublinchaos, Willboon, Mordraka (hpfan), Lady Shinagami, Arthur Hawkwing1 and Tangyman.

A/N2: The two reasons that this chapter is late are that my aunt died of liver desease recently...and my brother has it though no where near as advanced so he's on a watchlist. The final reason is that my wife (and beta) is now pregnant with our first child...so writing up (I have almost everything handwritten) has taken a backseat though it will be finished I promise.


3,603 ATC


Dolo Harta was at her wits end as she paced back and forth in her office and looked out of her window onto the arctic plains of this desolate part of her homeworld and knew, deep in her bones, that she hated the view that she was seeing.

It was not that the view was bad per say as it was one of the few pieces of her homeworld not touched by a great amount of industrialization. Though it was beautiful in its own way she missed her creature comforts and her former office as well as her sumptuous bathtub.

What she missed most of all though, strangely enough, was the view of the world's capital sprawling below her.

However much she missed it though her and her group could not have survived in the city as they were both hunted as renegades and far too outnumbered by those in power. Which was why they had chosen the most unlikely place to hide and regroup.

They had made a few good first steps even taking the name that the government had saddled them with and embracing it as their own. The Arkanian Renegades may be new but their ideas were not and they revelled in the unity of purpose they shared against all odds.

The ideas they espoused all came back to the Dominion (their government and ruling body) and its treatment of the lesser species of another planet named the Yaka.

Arkanians believed themselves to be the pinnacle of evolution and were more than a little arrogant because of it and though, as an Arkanian herself, she honestly did agree with that it didn't mean that she agreed with what the government had been doing.

Yesterday it had come to a head. Plans long set in place for just such a thing were put in place that drew the formerly spread out like minded people together here as she, as one of their spokespeople, had issued an ultimatum to the Dominion.

They never thought that, coming from one Arkanian to another, the Dominion would refuse and that was where their problems had truly begun.

They were branded traitors and, in her own mind at least, she had thanked those that were once considered too pessimistic and paranoid among the Renegades for creating this backup plan and saving all their lives as they were branded insurrectionists and a price was on every head with many hunting them.

It wasn't supposed to be like this, she thought, they were supposed to realise that they were wrong and fix the problem. Though I doubt we would ever have been liked for pointing it out none of us wanted this. None of us wanted to be insurrectionists or hunted by the people that we had served for so long.

Still they were and, worse than that, they had no army where the Dominion had the Iron Guard. The Guard was a mercenary unit (after all what self respecting Arkanian would lower themselves to fight if they didn't have to) that doubled as both a personal guard for the most esteemed members of their race and as an unyielding police force.

They had even undergone the most painful and comprehensive genetic manipulation that the scientific race they served could come up with as well as willingly enhancing that further with more advanced and experimental cybernetic enhancements than the Yaka could ever have dreamed of.

With over sixty thousand of them the planetary force was a daunting challenge to say the least.

She had personally witnessed their version of justice being done more than once and it made her sick now to remember that these enhanced beings had managed to tear through forces three times a number and that those they thought were often prepared for them provided her absolutely no comfort as they always seem to win anyway.

It was hardly surprising that they did so or that they hadn't lost since the enhancements began as her people were not only some of the greatest scientific minds in the galaxy but also by far the best at cybernetic enhancement if not genetic manipulation.

And now, in trying to remove the stain that was the mistreatment of the Yaka, they were coming for her and everyone like her.

Her people had found the Yaka a few hundred years ago and finding them simple as well as altogether far too primitive had sought to 'benevolently improve' them regardless of their own wishes.

They had continued to do that to the present day regardless of the fact that it had (at the very least) begun without the Yaka's consent but also had detrimental and far-reaching effects on their emotional growth as well as leaving them with a darkly wicked sense of humour though they were by far the lightest side effects recorded.

The reason that she was pacing and at her wits end was that regardless the Renegades, who wanted their own government to stop the ongoing experimentation and exploitation, were debating doing something similar given the threat that they faced.

The Renegades were considering creating a giant cybernetic army of their own from the dead of other species and, given the dire situation, the call for that workable solution was gaining traction very quickly.

Doing that would not only violate the very spirit of their argument but, in her opinion, make them little better if not worse than the Dominion itself. That being said there would be no cause to fight for if they all died.

To make matters more terrible they didn't (as scientists by and large) have the same amount of money or prestige as the Dominion did so appealing to their own people or the Republic for that matter would have been worse than useless especially given how easily both could provide information to their enemy.

That was when a rather interesting thought struck her and she stopped pacing and instead swiftly headed towards her communications terminal.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, she thought, and though the Silver Commonwealth was not technically an enemy and in recent history tended to stay within their own borders more often than not they were rivals in many scientific areas of study even if all they knew (as far as the Arkanians were concerned) was theoretical.

She knew that she wasn't the only one thinking of 'outsourcing' and like most she had no idea beyond rumor of the economics of the Commonwealth.

What she did know was that, from their contracts with the Republic alone, they were immensely wealthy and if another plan was going to work the Renegades needed something that wouldn't strain their almost nonexistent coffers.

Besides the face of the cyborg army Ardad Dayall had already sought out outside help in the form of a Coruscantii doctor named Cestus. She hated both men, the first because he was a ruthless bastard in the truest sense of the word and the second because he was not only an unknown but from the audio she had heard (she had actually never seen Cestus's face nor had anyone she had ever talked to).

The thrice cursed doctor even had a line of transport direct to the Renegades waiting and ready to be used for the macabre plan and, morals aside, it might work as the more the early cyborgs killed the more their army could grow.

She needed something equally as powerful and so, fingers moving like lightning, she made a call hoping against hope that they would help.


Some days, Harry thought, I really hate being the Silver Prince.

Harry was seated on a simple chair with his wife on another one on his right side and a third holding Dobby, in his official capacity as the Grandmaster of the Silver Knights, to his left.

There was no adornment to these pieces as there was nothing to celebrate today. They wore no finery and no jewels other than the circlets on the heads of the royal couple. The square they faced, usually used for the training of their Knights was cleared of all equipment and the bare earth seemed to stare back at the hard faces sitting on those chairs.

Harry glanced worriedly at Luna out of the corner of his eye. Though he knew that she was fully healed and was both safe and sound he still worried about her and he couldn't shake the image of her being tortured by Selene. In response to that he found that his desire to protect her had grown even more.

He had also increased his training in both the arts of the Force and of magic feeling that he had grown soft over the years and knowing that those skills were clearly not only still needed but would be vital in the dark times that were bound to come.

Turning his attention back to the square in front of him he steeled himself before looking at the assembled Knights and Padawans standing in lines below him. He had a distasteful but necessary duty to perform and Harry knew that his mind would need to be sharp for it.

The Knights and the Padawans were formed up into neat lines comprising three sides of an open square with the fourth side being formed by Harry's group on a slightly raised dias.

From the looks of their superiors faces those below could have figured out that it was not going to be a pleasant meeting even if they hadn't already known why they were here. All it would have taken was one look at their faces as Harry's was resigned, Luna's disappointed and deeply sad or Dobby's with his jaw clamped tightly shut and eyes hardened in anger.

All of those faces were focused on the man that was bound and guarded in the center of the square and slowly every single eye fluctuated between watching that man and the face of the Silver Prince that stared down upon him.

Zayne Williams was, until very recently, considered to be a very promising Knight of the Silver.

He had been one of the finest combat specialists of the newest generation of seasoned knights and was considered to be a fine role model for all padawans aspiring to knighthood. The youthful knight had drawn so many that his image was even being put on posters advertising the life of service at one point.

His fall from grace had confused many then as it was spectacular in its swiftness and the Commonwealth's response was equally quick.

They must all learn that there are no favourites, thought Harry as he once again eyed his pregnant wife (who was only two months along), and not only must they always be true to their oath but that we are watching. I don't like that it is necessary though.

"Does the convicted have anything to say for himself?" Asked Dobby bringing Harry back from his thoughts and focusing him fully on the here and now..

"I am only here because I upset your precious Order" spat the man hatefully. "If I wasn't so talented you wouldn't have felt so threatened. If I wasn't the best of your knig-".

With a look and a mere whisper of his magical power Harry stilled the man's tongue and gave him a disdainful look for good measure.

"The Knights of the Silver" began Harry slowly "were created to maintain the balance and above all protect the people. Every single person here knows that as it is the first and perhaps hardest lesson you learn. They are not here to serve you and that is one of the reasons variations of the point are mentioned so frequently throughout the Knights Way. We serve the people first and foremost and that is why the Knights own nothing beyond their armour and their lightsabers...so that they remember that it is not things or wealth that they protect at all costs but the people".

Harry paused in his speech to take a sip of water from a glass that Luna handed to him and, as he looked at her, his eyes momentarily softened before he returned back to his task.

"You" Harry continued "are held to a higher standard because of this, you are pushed further and driven harder because you are to always be their shield. You know all of this and you have known it since you chose this life of service and took an oath to that effect. It is not an easy life but it is the life you chose when you did".

Now Harry studied the man before him with a sort of resigned detachment much like a bin man studies a mess on the street that he will have to pick up.

"All of the knights here understand this and they also understand why it is so important and every padawan who passes their trials will make the same oath. This man here broke that oath."

Harry stared at his now rapt audience and spoke softly drawing his audience further in but loud enough still to be heard. "He did not do so for faith or belief that there was a better way. He did not do so because he misunderstood. He did so simply because he wished to gather wealth...he did so to turn a profit. More than that, when he was confronted and requested to explain himself, he injured three of his fellow knights and did so in a way that it was clear he intended to kill them".

Harry finally turned back to the furious, but still silent, man and his entire countenance became cold and unyielding. "Knight Williams you have been found guilty of heinous crimes and your actions as well as the motivations behind them have been verified by three separate truth serums. To be utterly sure we then further verified this by the Commonwealth Intelligence Service".

His voice now took on a tone of finality as he spoke words that all the Knights feared. "You have dishonoured the Knights of the Silver and are unworthy of your armour".

As Harry finished speaking the armour that Zayne wore, that every knight relied on every day of their lives, turned to dust before everyone's eyes and blew away in the soft light wind. The changes to the man's equipment was not to stop with the man's armour though.

"Zayne" said Harry looking at the weapon that was loosely attached by a cord to the man's calf (though properly deactivated) and with a sharp tone of command in his voice. "Your lightsaber is broken".

The lightsaber broke with a sharp crack further breaking in the air as it fell as if the normally innocuous gas was actually a corrosive acid. No pieces that hit the ground were larger than a fingernail with only the powerpack and focusing crystal being spared.

They hit the floor with a sad soft sound.

"You said that you were here only because you were a Knight of the Silver and you were right but not for the reasons that you so clearly believe. If you were an ordinary citizen you might be imprisoned and reeducated for several years...if you were in the Republic reeducation or the loss of your gift and banishment would be appropriate. You are not and we are not. You are not an ordinary citizen however and we do not leave bitter men to raise hatred against us nor do we allow killers, even attempted ones, to go free."

Harry voice turn grave and bleak as he reached the point of his speech. "You were placed in a position of trust which you abused and then tried to murder to cover it up. Given both of those facts there is only one course of action that we may take. May the Force have mercy on you because you will find none here".

He then nodded to the guards holding Zayne and they threw him to the floor before the man could even begin to protest. Force Lightning spewed from Dobby, Harry and Luna as the other Knights and Padawans looked on, some in resolve and others in horror, even as one or two were violently sick.

The lightning engulfed the man and he began to scream and cry. To those on the dias his voice was so loud that it might have been next to their ear but the charms on it were designed that way. This then was their price for allowing this to happen not only killing the man but hearing his screams almost as if they were their own and carrying that for the rest of their days.

All things balance eventually, thought Harry, but the balance is never kind.

The guards that had held him were from his own Chapterhouse for the same reason. All the gathered knights and their padawans watched wide eyed as the man many had admired and some had aspired to be died.

Not a word was spoken.

"He betrayed his oath, his people and you. So die all traitors". Harry's voice was strong, unyielding and cold booming across the square.

"So die all traitors" the entire square echoed.

Though the entire square saw Harry's rigid face only those around him were close enough to sense his sadness over the fact that such things (though very rare) were necessary as his iron control over his aura slipped for a moment.

Harry had been asked but refused to allow anyone else to do the grizzly duty other than him and though Luna had convinced him to share it she knew that the rare knights that fell in such ways felt like his own failures.

Besides the Jedi got in trouble for not addressing issues such as this harshly enough and the Sith either for their overreaction or apathy, thought Harry, but these are my people and I must be responsible.

The balance of the Force, the balance of life, demanded no less.


Later that day, after the Knights of the Silver had been released back to their duties, Harry and Luna were sitting in their private living quarters sipping on already cooling and soothing tea. While they did not speak they took comfort, as always, in each others presence.

Though neither mentioned it both of them felt the weight of what they had done that day, necessary thought it was, and took a moment of quiet to gather themselves and together find equilibrium.

Their quiet reflection was interrupted by a knock at their door and the entrance of their household droid GE-32 carrying a portable holocommunicator.

"Excuse me my Lord and Lady" said the droid in its synthesized voice breaking the hard won peace that they had found.

"Yes GE?" Harry questioned softly.

"There is an urgent call for you from a Doctor Dolo Harta of Arkania".

"What does she want?" Harry asked "The Commonwealth has no interests in Arkania do they love?"

"Nothing direct Harry though our R&D department often references their published works as a starting point. If you get past their intrinsic arrogance then their work is quite interesting" stated Luna.

"Ever the Ravenclaw" said Harry smiling gently.

"Always and forever" she agreed smiling back.

"Well" said Harry "lets see what she wants".

GE-32 quickly tapped the communicator after placing it on the small coffee table that was between the couple and quietly left.

When the image softly came to life the first thing that the married couple noted to themselves (and with a knowing glance to each other) the bank grey rock wall behind the woman.

It was very telling because anyone that was aware of their species mindset (and they weren't exactly shy about showing it) was aware of how far above they placed their species and often themselves personally as opposed to everyone else in the galaxy.

No Arkanian with any other choice would show less than the best image when dealing with outsiders and that included all the things that the blank wall they were seeing lacked. They surrounded themselves with the trappings of beauty and power almost as easily as they breathed.

The rest of the galaxy was often quite offended, not that they tended to notice, by the arrogant race and as a direct result the galaxy often compared them insultingly to the Hutts.

Though it was meant as derogatory the two peoples mindset was similar in that they both believed their race was perfect but where the Hutts focused generally on cunning, backstabbing and crime the Arkanians focused more on science and intellectual pursuits.

"Prince Harry...Princess Luna. Thank you for taking my call" the Doctor said.

"What business does the Dominion wish with the Commonwealth?" Harry, as was his usual manner, was blunt and to the point.

"As little as possible I'd imagine" she replied just as direct. "Until a month ago I was a senior member of the Fourteenth Science Council until my doubts about the work crystalised and I quit. In truth I would have been fired by now anyway for being part of a radical element".

"What kind of radical elements?" Luna asked curiously.

"Moral scientists and other fringe groups like us that are pushing for a discontinuation of the experimentation on the Yaka amongst other things" she replied.

"A worthy goal" Harry observed even as Luna nodded her own agreement to the idea of at least some morals and or ethics.

"Thank you. I am now one of the three chief leaders of what is being called the Arkanian Renegades but we barely have had the time to organise let alone form a military arm to stand against the Iron Fist" stated Doctor Harta.

"And you would like our help with that particular problem by us forming that arm?" Asked Luna before she quickly settled into a light trance allowing Harry to continue to conversation with her mind elsewhere.

They had done this many times and the double act of Harry asking pointed questions while Luna meditated in the Force for guidance and inspiration. Given the fact that the Commonwealth was thriving and, especially in its early days, it had been statistically unlikely to it was clearly effective.

"If you can I would. Do you have the capability?" Harta asked.

"We do but...not to be insensitive to your plight but why should we help especially in what is shaping up to be a civil war in Republic space?"

"Because the only other option that we have is worse than anything that I could have dreamed of. One of the other leaders is pushing the idea to create an army from cybernetic implants and corpses and that is something that no one wants to happen...the Iron Guard is bad enough. Added to that, if you help us, not only will we stop experimenting on the Yaka but we will happily share our restricted and unreleased research with you".

"Not good enough" said Harry "besides the Senate will become...irate….at a what is essentially a foreign power interfering in the local politics of one of its member worlds".

"An issue I am sure that you could bypass or somehow get around" stated Doctor Harta.

"If we wanted to" agreed Harry about to end the call as well when Luna finished her communion with the Force and turned to him.

"We have to help them" Luna interjected " there is something… a task there that could help us greatly".

"A vision?" Harry whispered.

"More like a heavy nudge" she whispered back.

"Fine" answered Harry more loudly even as Dolo Harta sighed in relief. "Don't look so relieved my dear Doctor. The Silver Knights and our other unique military units will not take an active role in your war. I will however send you the First Field Army for the price of one single credit on an open ended loan for the duration of your conflict. That's 300,000 Hp-65's all enhanced with the latest in modular technology. They should be very adaptable and enable you to have more than a fighting chance as they can easily be rocket troops, skirmishers,snipers, infantry or pilots to name just a few".

"But what about escalation?" Dolo asked. "The proponents for the cyborg army already have an off world doctor who is very eager to get involved in our affairs. What if the Dominion turns to someone like him, one of the fringe Force Sensitive cults out in the unknown or manages to convince the Senate to help?"

"If escalation happens" said Luna firmly "we will match whatever they throw at you even with the Knights of the Silver if we must"

"Who will command the troops" Dolo asked looking at Harry hopefully.

"Until there are Force Users involved and present on the battlefield you will. If that variable changes I will happily take command" stated Harry.

"I will accompany the First" said Luna "though strictly as an observer and to make sure that our investment is well taken care of and to supervise repairs".

Also, Harry thought, so no enterprising Renegade tries to steal proprietary technology as well as having one of us on hand for when it goes bad...which it will.

After a few pleasantries, but nothing of substance, the Doctor ended the call only now more hopeful and waiting for the encoded data burst that would outline the logistics of deployment which would arrive later that day.

"Are you sure about this my love?" Harry asked worried for both his wife and his unborn children.

"Of course Harry. It's where I am supposed to be". The complete certainty of her reply, if only slightly, soothed his as it reminded him of their younger days and discussing animals only she could see.

"The First should begin to arrive within a week" Harry paused and then half asked "I thought to hide them in medical crates so that they still had the element of surprise"

"Sounds good to me" Luna readily agreed while catching the pensive look on Harry's face out of the corner of her eye.

Turning fully towards him and, knowing what her husband was thinking, shook her head softly while gently reaching out and cupping his cheek.

"I know you want to go with me but you can't…it's going to be a very delicate situation at least at the start" she said soothingly.

"And I'm more of a sledgehammer and less of a scalpel?" Harry asked with a small trace of humour.

"Well..sometimes" Luna replied while smiling. " But that was not my point really. It was more the idea that having both of us there could push the Republic into acting earlier than they might otherwise and empower our enemies in the Senate".

"Besides it helps me.." began Harry.

"So that when escalation does happen you can be ready with a mixed group of Knights and droids to rush to our rescue...all broadcast on the holonet of course" she said finishing his thought for him.

"If escalation is going to happen anyway can't I even appear sporadically to 'check' on my wife?" Harry asked knowing already that he shouldn't.

"I would love it but you know you can't" she said while sliding into his lap. "We cannot appear to be aggressors in this. It must be a clear cut business deal and if we were both there that excuse wouldn't hold water. If only one of us goes then it can easily be explained as protecting our property".

"We still have to ratify the deal that we've made with the Royal Council" Harry warned.

"I know...but with how amoral the scientific practices of the Dominion are you don't really see them saying no do you?" She asked while snuggling down onto her husbands chest while breathing in his unique musky scent as she did so.

"No" he said uneasily while kissing the top of her head and wrapping his arms around her. "I don't think they will and that is one of the things that worries me. It always seems that we are fighting someone somewhere or preparing to".

"That is unfortunately the nature of the universe my love" Luna commented sadly "everyone is fighting for something one way or another".

Both wished that it wasn't that way, that force would count for less than reason, but how to make the universe that way escaped them both. There really was no good answer, thought Harry, and we just have to cherish the small moments of calm that we can get.

For a long time after that though both were silent and Harry just held his wife tighter.


Six months later the Senate was in an uproar once again as the Civil War on Arkania (that had been going on for months) had finally been 'brought' to their attention.

It would have been more accurate to say bought however as, behind the scenes in these halls of power, the Dominion had been buying Senators left and right and almost incidentally bankrupting themselves as the Commonwealth's own efforts were enough to both slow them down and make them pay much much more than they would like.

They did though and the primary reason for that was that the war was not going as they had projected in the slightest.

Though their Iron Guard could take out two droids for every member lost the droids could be repaired or replaced in days, two weeks at the most, while the Iron Guard took months for a new recruit to be ready with the process sometimes lasting a year.

They had also lost all but the final four of their spaceports and instead of the easy victory that they had been expecting they were now fighting for their survival. The Renegades, with the help of their ally the Silver Commonwealth, had pushed them to extremes.

They had spent money they didn't have, made promises they could barely keep just to try and contain the wildfire that they themselves had created. They were a far cry from what they once were.

Technically a Civil War was destabilising to the local region but hardly the business of the Senate but those bought and paid for Senators insinuated that if it could happen there it could happen anywhere.

Two political sides had formed in the illustrious halls of the Senate. The first side was leading the charge against the Renegades and was lead by Trey Mar (a Neimoidian who was speaking both on behalf of the so called Intervention Movement and his Sector as well as the Trade Federation) and the other was lead by Kyp Organa who was the Senator for Onderon as well as the brother of the famous ambassador and diplomat Jandray on the other.

As was usual for the bickering Republic their 'debate' had gone on for quite some time and was not only heavily interspersed with insults and insinuation but the most fun their ambitious fellows had seen in quite some time.

"Tell me again exactly why this august body should interfere in such a delicate and internal matter as a civil war? Are we to interfere in every single internal matter of each member world now?" Senator Organa in a calm measured tone that was both politely cultured as well as conveying his sarcasm and his skepticism.

"Precisely because with the intervention of the so called Silver Commonwealth it is not an internal dispute, if it ever was, and is now a full blown insurrection supported by a foreign power". Trey Mor replied who, unlike his counterpart, was neither calm nor cultered and instead appeared very angry and animated each word with wild gestures of his hands.

"I don't think that you can call the Commonwealth a so called anything. They do have over three thousand member worlds full of relatively happy citizens after all" Organa interjected mildly.

"And that doesn't concern you at all given that they were only founded around sixty years ago? What about the fact that they have rogue Force Users and at least three hundred thousand droids that they sent to aid this...unsanctioned insurrection" spat Trey Mor.

"As well you know" Organa began defensively " those droids were loaned as part of a business deal…"

"For one single credit" snarked Mor dismissively.

"So you are a master businessman as well as being an oh so glorious and astute member of this body?" Organa said snidely. "Regardless it was a business deal that the Republic has no right to interfere with. Tell me is the number of droids really your concern or is it the fact that your illustrious and not in anyway corrupt 'friends' the Trade Federation have explotive deals with both the Dominion and their pet Yaka? Or would they prefer to be exploiting the Renegades as well and are simply sore that they didn't make a deal with them first?"

"How dare you imply that all I want to do is line my own pockets! They are a threat to the stability of the whole Republic. At this moment they may only have three thousand worlds but our analysts predict that they are about to enter another expansion phase and it will be far far larger than any we have seen before".

"Perhaps" stated Organa "you should worry less about what they are doing and more about where some of the people for the expansion are coming from? Is it any wonder that they grow so rapidly given the treatment of some by corporate monoliths like the Trade Federation?" Organa argued thinking that he was too old for this and was very glad his son would be taking his seat within a few months.

"That is slanderous!" growled Mar.

"But not actually false" said Organa smugly. "Besides no matter how much they grow I highly doubt that even a collection of worlds three times their current number would ever threaten the stability of a Republic that has not only stood for around 25,000 years and has over 1.3 million worlds".

"And yet" rebutted Mar reminding everyone of the threat he wished to present "they have over three hundred thousand droids that they can simply loan out? This so called First Army…. How many armies do they have I wonder?"

"It's just a name...perhaps it is simply the first that they created" argued Organa.

"You don't know that" seethed Mar

"And neither do you" came the quick and biting response as Organa's temper started to fray.

"Lest we forget that it was, when in its infancy and before being called the Commonwealth, Potter Industries that brought the Republic to its knees for decades" Mar's face was the artistic picture of sorrow with his last words.

"Stop editing history to suit your own narrative" said Organa dismissively. "The Great Collapse was brought about by the Republic not anyone else and steps have been taken so that such a thing will not happen again".

The watching Senators leaned in almost hypnotised by the spectacle before them as though Mar was angry so too now was the normally unflappable Organa.

They stayed silent though as they began to sense both parties thoughts faltering and they waited with baited breath for one to mistake or falter as their opponent would then capitalize on the slip.

"Really" said Mar in mock surprise "almost 30% of the gas that is used in blasters are currently bought from the Commonwealth…"

"Only because they beat you and your friends out of the contracts" interrupted Organa.

"But that's not all is it? There are also the precious stones, rare metals, speeders and ships that the Republic buy from them" continued Mar almost as if the interruption hadn't happened. "How much more wealth and influence is the Republic going to allow a foreign power? How many Force Users not under our watchful gaze can we allow in our borders?"

"There are no Force Users involved in the conflict" argued Organa.

"Luna Potter is there" disagreed Mar.

"Princess Potter is there only as an observer to protect the Commonwealth property that is on loan" Organa ground out through clenched teeth. "You speak of the Commonwealth as if it is our enemy".

"It is certainly not a friend" Mar shot back.

"And the Trade Federation is?" Organa spat back just as quickly resulting in sputtering from Mar and the quiet chuckling of many nearby Senators.

"I have had enough of your baseless accusations against the Trade Federations honour. They are a legitimate group made up of citizens of this glorious Republic where the Commonwealth is not!" Mar's reply was vicious and designed to put Organa off balance with the simple ferocity of it. "Besides aren't you biased towards the Commonwealth yourself? It was your brother who negotiated most of their deals was it not?"

It might not have worked when they began the debate but now, after everything, it seemed to be having an impact.

"It may be strange for some of us to think but with all the problems that the Potter family has had with certain members they are short on trust".

Organa looked critically and pointedly at Mar as he said this as he was clearly referring to not only the troubles that the Potter's had with the Republic in general but recent bidding wars and no so subtle threats from the Trade Federation. "I for one could never understand why given such honourable and esteemed members such as yourself".

"You make my point for me" Mar commented while smiling smugly. "The Commonwealth is distrustful of the Republic and with that many droids at their disposal now who knows how many they will have in the future. Can our Sector Security Forces repel even that many right now without several long drawn out fights not to mention the loss of infrastructure that would be lost in the meantime?"

A chorus of voices agreed with Mar and Senator Kalpana signalled that he wished to speak and as soon as the Supreme Chancellor signalled that the human male was allowed to speak, with a conflicted look the man did so.

"As much as I respect Senator Organa and believe that the Commonwealth means us no harm I do believe that we must have more information about the situation on Arkania".

"Agreed" said Mar quickly. "We must prepare for any possible threat and protect our citizens as well as our most critical infrastructure. That means helping the Dominion as they are a known stable quantity that can maintain the status quo. We could even possibly negotiate a new deal with either the Commonwealth...or some other trade organisation".

"Someone like the Trade Federation you mean?" Organa snarked shrewdly.

The debate devolved from there and began to involve many more Senators on both sides of the argument. There were many snide comments on ancestry, patronage and the honour of both the Senators themselves as well as main veiled references to back room deals.

From his seat on the outer edges, not getting involved in the political fray, Senator Palpatine (also secretly known as the Sith Palpatine as well as apprentice to Darth Plagueis) smiled softly.

Despite the deals in place for plasma on Theed that Naboo had with the Trade Federation he was still seen as relatively young and inexperienced Senator from a backwater planet. It would not only draw unnecessary attention to him if he were to join the debate but it would also do no good.

Still, he thought, my supposed neutrality does come in handy as well as the fact that my bought and paid for puppets are doing their job well.

It enabled him to, among other things, move suspicion away from him as did his newest alias of Doctor Cestus.

He found it amusing to make the Senate dance under his delicate web of greed and influence while he portrayed the kind, humble and innocent Senator. Through all of this he knew that the Sith Grand Plan was building and beginning to reach its conclusion even now.

He had even managed to smile and fake compassion as he cultivated friendships with several Jedi including two Jedi Masters though Yoda remained both elusive and as distrustful of politicians as ever.

In truth neither he or his master actually cared who won the conflict in Arkania. His original plan as the good Doctor Cestus was to help the Renegades make a cyborg army and maneuver the Jedi into the conflict which would test both the cyborgs and weaken the Jedi politically.

It should have even killed a fair few too.

The Senate as well as the general public would also become more afraid of anything droid like in general and that would help inspire a deep hatred that he could use to great effect when the time came.

As he thought about it though he realised that Commonwealth droids would serve that purpose just as well in the end. He could see it now in his mind's eye and almost grinned as he imagined the horrified expressions of the Senate and the Republic's citizens as they saw the 'heartless' droids shooting the 'poor innocent Arkanians'.

He daydreamed about drinking in the depths of their fear like others would drink a fine wine.

Snapping out of his thoughts he had to school his face to hide his complete glee at how things had progressed.

The Republic would be sending no troops but they would authorise the dispatch of a small team of Jedi to negotiate with the Renegades and to take over the command if the situation turned violent. Doubtless the Dominion would somehow lay their hands on some Trade Federation droids to bolster their dwindling numbers as well.

He was happy that it was all going to plan and he knew, in his blackened heart, that he would soon be done with his master once he had learned enough. He intended not just to be a Sith Lord but the last Sith Lord and master of the Republic as well.


Less than a day later three Jedi were walking through the corridors of their Temple basking in the comforting and steady glow emanating from the Spire deep beneath their feet as well as the comforting presence of so many Jedi relaxing after a long day (all days were long in a Jedi's life) throughout their home.

The Jedi furthest to the left was also the youngest. Mace Windu had been a fully fledged Jedi Knight for less than a year but he was already making a name for himself and was a favourite of many masters in the Order.

Though he was very skilled when it came to the diplomacy and humanitarian works that the Jedi were known for he was also famous for his skill with a lightsaber. In fact he was trying something that hadn't been done in centuries.

Creating a new lightsaber form.

It may have seemed like a daunting task especially given his youth but he was barely into the planning stages at the moment and, besides that, he had the skills to back it up. He was already a master of Forms II and VII otherwise known as Juyo and he also made it clear that he intended to master them all as both Yoda and (if rumours were to be believed) the Never Master had done.

It helped that not only did he have advice and occasional personal instruction from both Master Dooku and Grandmaster Yoda but they had also allowed him limited access to the Great Holocron. This meant that he could watch and study from holo recordings from some of the greatest blademasters of the Order.

From Sunrider to Shan, Revan to Potter, any Knight or Master that had been given the honour to add their lightsaber skills to the Great Holocron was at his fingertips as he slowly planned his new form.

Many other Jedi thought that, in this time of peace, his quest to do so was either folly or a pleasant diversion. Mace did not know wether this period of peace would last through his lifetime but, even if it did, his new form could hopefully save Jedi lives in the future when it too was added to the Great Holocron.

The central figure was a beautiful and striking figure of indeterminate age who's family, much like the Shans before them, had a long history of giving many children over to the service of the Republic by allowing them to be taken as Jedi.

There had been members of her family in the Army of Light, fighting against Revan and Malak's Sith Empire and even one or two in the Cold War. She bore the proud but caring features of her ancestors well though (on her side at least) her family had intermarried with humans so much that only the faintest traces of a Zabrak lineage could be seen.

Her name was Kara Durvan and she was a Jedi Master.

The final member of their little troop was a living legend among the Jedi of this age. A being of vast knowledge, power and compassion that it seemed almost laughable that it was all contained in such a small frame. The walking stick that gently tapped the floor as he walked reminded them of both that fact and his great age however.

Grandmaster Yoda walked with his fellow Jedi but didn't look at them lost in thought as he was.

The only thing that had been discussed by the High Council that day had been the situation that was developing in Arkania. It was rare for only one item to be discussed but, even among Jedi, such a delicate issue proved divisive.

It didn't help that the High Council, often synonymous with wisdom and surety, couldn't agree with proponents for joining either side of the conflict.

As servants of the Republic they found any idea of rebellion inside it's borders repugnant to their very core let alone armed rebellion.

That being said they knew what the Arkanian's had been doing to the Yaka as well as how they viewed other races in the galaxy and they also had a great reverence for the sanctity of life.

They were appalled by the infamous experiments the Dominion had been conducting especially given that it was done (in one scientists words) because they, quite simply, could.

That would be more than enough to keep the Council arguing all day but then there was also the Potters involvement adding a new complexity to the issue.

Apart from that their was also the fact that Jedi Master Aquinos was in the general area and had already sent a message stating that he had news that needed a representative of the Council to meet him at their first available opportunity.

Regardless of their unease with the entire situation or their justifiable arguments and concerns the Jedi were servants of the Republic and they had been asked to send a team so they would.

This was why Yoda was walking with the two Jedi, both leading contenders to go and deal with the mess that the Senate had dropped in their lap, and one of them would rendezvous with the eccentric Master Aquinos though Yoda was still uncertain about which one should go.

"Master" said Durvan "why are we walking with you?"

"The situation in Arkania, resolved it must be" replied Yoda smiling briefly at the perceptive woman while watching her face carefully as she digested both the news and the implications.

From the obvious changes in both her posture and her micro expressions he was right to do so.

The Durvan family as a whole still harboured bitter feelings towards the Commonwealth and the Potter family in particular. They considered the treatment of their Jedi Master ancestor both unfair and one of the largest crimes against the Jedi never to go punished.

It didn't help that former Jedi Master Alof Durvan had died in prison and it was all caused, according to their own family history, by William Potter.

Though the Jedi were supposed to be free of any and all attachments especially to their original families that had not happened here. The Durvan's were not only very wealthy and influential in the Republic but also very large as a familial group.

This meant, unfortunately for Yoda, that there was always at least one involved in the Jedi Order (if not in the Order itself) since the time of William Potter that their version of events had not only been passed down the years but the dislike, bordering on hatred, for the Potter family had only grown.

It festered like a wound in their otherwise peaceful souls but, with the Commonwealth distant and largely keeping to themselves, it had not actually been a problem before now.

Jedi Master Durvan was clearly not immune to the weight of her family's history.

When she made the obvious connection between what they were discussing to the famous family she felt a deep and irrational hatred surge and she struggled to control it even with her years of training as a Jedi.

Control it she did, though with a supreme effort, as a good Jedi should but Yoda saw it all flickering like wisps of smoke across her face.

That family has taken so much, Durvan's mind concluded, but a Jedi's path is not one of vengeance no matter it is deserved or what they have done to my family.

Through the long moments that it took her to bury those feelings, albeit thinly, in the mantra of the Jedi (she even muttered it under her breath not that she noticed even though the other two did), Yoda's judging eyes never left her face.

"What does the Council wish me to do?" Mace's voice was both youthful, strong and very calm. His measured tone, that was full of the surety of the Jedi, was a direct contrast to the struggle both men had seen in Jedi Master Durvan.

"Go, Knight Windu will...lead the contingent, he must" said Yoda slowly much to Durvan's chagrin.

"But Master Yoda! He has only been a knight for less than a year…" began Durvan, ignoring the fact that she as was only in her early thirties or late twenties was very young for even the temporary seat she occupied, who was renowned for her strategic mind.

"Too close to this you are" interrupted Yoda "clouded your mind is".

At Yoda's rebuke, far from being cowed, Kara felt the control on her feelings begin to buckle and her feeling of rage surged, a bitter and hot cloud in her gut, compounded by familial bias as well as revisionist history.

"The Silver Commonwealth can not be trusted" she spat barely keeping the irrational fury from her voice. Her attempt was somewhat fruitless as both Jedi could sense her feelings swirling around her like a miniature tornado in the Force.

"The Commonwealth or the Potters Master?" Mace had been silent until now but his calm and level voice was like a stinging slap to the woman reminding her that control was paramount for any Jedi let alone a Jedi Master.

"Advice you have, on who to send with him, hmmm?" Yoda asked pointedly and neatly sidestepping her protest. He was also trying to avoid the delicate subject of the Potters until she was able to get herself more under control.

Durvan to her credit was grateful for the conversational side step even as she turned

"Padawan Squire Kinning is the only one that springs to my mind. She has had a few solo missions, works well with others and her master did mention that he believed that she was ready for the Trials? Perhaps this could count towards one of them? It would be a very good test for her. I would also recommend that, whoever is chosen, the group of Jedi be no less than five but no greater than twenty. Any more than that and we run the risk of being seen as forcing the conflict and warmongers before any work can be done".

"I know what I am about to suggest is unorthodox" added Windu "but what about sending some Antarian Rangers as well? They are much less threatening than the Jedi and could help us with any support we need as well as provide added protection".

"Hmm...a good thought that is" said Yoda as he prepared to break off and head to his own quarters. "Know the plan, you will, tomorrow".

"My emotional concerns aside we should be very careful of the Commonwealth" said Durvan making both men pause mid step.

Despite the fact that both men were clearly skeptical, as far as she was concerned, she had to get at least Yoda to understand and see her point.

"Do you mean" questioned Windu "because of the mixed feelings that the Order has about the mission?"

"No" she answered with certainty "we are servants of the Republic as is the Senate and we were asked to go. I am sure that, in this instance, they have a wider view of the situation than most and I trust that they have put the best interests of all of us at heart. I am actually more concerned by the fact that every single time the Order has been involved with the Commonwealth we have come off worse for it".

"Politicians, Jedi are not" stated Yoda warningly with a frown marring his ancient features for a small moment. Both of the Jedi saw the look and though Mace mirrored it with one of his own Kara ignored it which prompted Mace to speak.

"Surely you don't believe that the Commonwealth is a true threat to the Republic?" Mace's voice was incredulous at the very idea and Yoda simply waited clearly interested in her response.

"Check your history before you judge me" was her response. "Even discounting my personal feelings towards them the Potters have always come out ahead in our dealings with them and they are the Commonwealth. If you want evidence of their power take the Hutt Cartel as an example...How many worlds do they control fifty thousand? Seventy?"

"Closer to one hundred thousand actually why?" Mace asked confused at the tangent she was taking the conversation down.

"The Hutts practice anything and everything that they desire and many of those the Republic despises. They are tiny compared to us and yet we have done nothing about it why?"

"Because" Mace responded frowning at the hypothetical idea of attacking the Hutts "the Jedi are not an army to be commanded. We are diplomats and keepers of the peace"..

"I didn't necessarily mean the Jedi" was her quick answer. "I meant the Republic as a whole. After all the Cartel has existed since before the Republic was founded and we did have a true army at one point to face the hoards of mercenaries that the Hutt's favour. Even now they could use the Sector Defence Forces as one but they don't. The reason for that is very simple".

Here she paused, weighing her next words, and then decided to continue as they studied her intently. "The reason that they don't is because they don't think that it is a battle that they can win without massive damage to itself and a great loss of life...not to mention the monetary cost".

"What" Mace asked while sharing a thoughtful look with Yoda "exactly is your point Master?"

"That if the Hutts, with a relatively weak infrastructure and impoverished people despite their size, subjugation would be difficult how difficult would it be for our beloved Republic to face an admittedly smaller but much richer Commonwealth? How many tricks do they have up their sleeve? How much money? How many Force Users and Spies?"

"No one knows as their screening for spies is unusually effective...as well you know" said Mace even as Yoda's face turned thoughtful at the ideas that she was placing inside his skull.

"And" said Durvan "that doesn't worry you?" She looked at Windu first who shrugged and then at Yoda's carefully blank face.

"Defensive the Commonwealth is" stated Yoda.

"He is right" added Windu "they don't attack unless they are threatened".

"And what about the Civil War on Arkania?" Kara pointed out.

"They were invited" stated Windu.

"And what if those policies change?" Durvan asked.

"They haven't since before the Commonwealth was founded" Mace reminded her "and it is not for the Jedi to decide or speculate on military matters".

Though Mace had made that point earlier he thought that, given the way she was talking, it bared repeating as did Yoda if his next words were anything to go by.

"Blinded on this you are. Dangerous have your thoughts become. Go, meditate you must, on what a Jedi is and is not hmmm?"

With a flinty look the Jedi Master swiftly nodded and left to do just that as, after all, she considered herself a good Jedi and servant of the Republic. No matter her personal feelings or worries she still trusted in the Grandmasters wisdom.

It didn't mean she had to like it.

"Troubling, her conclusions are" Yoda said to Mace even as she walked away towards her private rooms.

"Is she right Master?" Mace asked and was not reassured by Yoda's answer in the least.

"Difficult to see, the future is. A distraction for us such thoughts are" Yoda replied firmly.

"What should I do?"

"Go on this mission you must" Yoda reiterated. "Watch over the Jedi, my duty it is.".

With that the two Jedi both said their goodbyes and headed to their separate beds but neither noticed the late night cleaning droid that had heard their entire conversation though, if they had, they wouldn't have thought it odd as there was always at least one droid at work at all times somewhere.

They also didn't think of their own monitoring devices in the Temple itself as they believed them to be secure.

Even as the droid stopped its task and moved of to make its report (by way of an encrypted data burst) to one interested party another was watching the live feed with an intense look of speculation on his face.

The fact that the system provided no sound was not an obstacle to him as he had running highly illegal software to estimate and produce the sounds of the subjects voices based on their lip movements.

From his seat inside his office at the Senate Palpatine almost smiled as he watched the footage.

"Now this" he said softly to himself and his mouth finally forming a twisted version of what some people might call a smile and his eyes almost burning a sickly yellow "has possibilities".


Legally the Commonwealth sold no droids to the Republic nor did any one new droid company in the Republic have the monopoly that was once enjoyed by Potter Industries though the Trade Federation did come closest to it.

What the Commonwealth did have, thanks in no small part to the now well developed and thriving spy network, were several companies under different aliases and holding companies that refurbished other droids. They also offered a service to reprogram them for domestic service as well.

All under the guise of citizens of the Republic with no trace of the Commonwealth's growing hand to be found.

Considering that the rich and powerful liked their money and all costs for droids that worked in public service areas came from the Senate's Discretionary Fund they found a market almost literally begging for them.

The less money that was spent on them meant more money in the expense accounts of each and every Senator.

The fact that there were several 'competing' companies not only meant that cost was low but that they could service many more droids than any one company could without drawing undue attention to itself.

They had, for the past fifteen years or so, been sending out those droids, all with hidden programming under a modified Notice-Me-Not's and runes keyed to the Royal Council, by the hundreds (at least at first) to every place in the Republic that required Senatorial funding.

The First places to take advantage of the generous prices and gain these new droids were the Senate itself and the Jedi Temple as both derived funding directly from the Discretionary Fund and were massive drains on it.

By this point both organisations were riddled with these discount droids and within an hour of the Jedi's walk to discuss the Arkanian situation the Commonwealth was aware of it and a half hour after that the Royal Council had met to discuss it.

Two hours after that Harry was supervising the Silver Flame along with five escort ships for departure and found himself in the Hangar on Spero watching over the final loading of men and supplies as everything went through one final check.

When needed the Commonwealth moved not only swiftly but like clockwork.

That was where his Godfather found him and, as soon as there was a moment's peace for him to be heard, he approached his beloved Godson.

As much as he loved Harry (and he did just as if Harry was his own flesh and blood) Sirius was still enough of a marauder to try and tease and prank him.

"Sire" said Sirius barely hiding his smirk.

"Revered Deputy Headmaster" Harry shot back without missing a beat.

Why that cheeky little shit, thought Sirius, I'm so proud.

"Harry" Sirius began again.

"Godfather...you wanted to talk to me about something important I take it?" Harry asked.

"How can you tell?" the man asked legitimately curious.

"You have that look on your face. You know the one that means you're either dealing with something very important….or that you're constipated" replied Harry and Sirius laughed at that, if only briefly, before turning his mind back to the reason that he had come in the first place.

"You shouldn't go" Sirius said blunty "the Commonwealth needs you".

"Luna has always been a better administrator so, for that matter, have you, Neville and Nic. Besides it runs quite well in my absence thanks to the Royal Council and if anyone should know that it's me. I did design it that way after all".

"That's not the point" stressed Sirius. "You are the face of the Commonwealth and if it lost you the situation could become...problematic".

"I" replied Harry just as firm "am not an administrator. I am a sometime commander and healer but, more often than I would like, a soldier and teacher. Besides there is no way in hell that I'm leaving my wife and child in a warzone that is about to include several Jedi. If she has to fight them then she will never do so alone".

"You are taking the Silver Guard" stated Sirius as if it was a forgone conclusion and with a face that brooked no argument from Harry. All his Godson did to that was sigh.

After the abduction of Luna and her eventual safe return the Royal Council had, despite the protests of harry and Luna (though for different reasons) drawn from the eight best companies that they could find throughout Commonwealth space and created the Silver Guard.

The main purpose of which was to protect the Royal Family.

The Silver Guard had been further divided into two with four rotating companies each with one set for Harry and one for Luna.

Luna had taken it upon herself to name the new units with hers being called the Star Battalion and his the Sabre Battalion in memory of the last unit he had served in.

Each of the four companies that were charged with protecting Harry were regularly refreshed from those serving in the many border skirmishes that tended to crop up when any one entity tried to carve out a little peace on the edges of the Outer Rim.

Generally the units were roughly made up of five hundred Magi, five hundred droids, five hundred Goblins, four hundred of other member races and one hundred healers and technicians though they generally didn't serve all at the same time but rather in pairs.

Luna's composition of her forces was different with far more healers and member races of the Commonwealth.

Then again, thought Harry, she has always been less combative by nature and much more about healing and reconciliation.

"Fine" conceded Harry "but I'm only taking the droids and the mixed citizen units. The longer that the Republic is unaware of the Magi and their true skills (as well as the Goblins beyond rumours) the better".

Sirius did not look happy at all with Harry's declaration but was mollified by the fact that, aside from the forces that were already in place guarding Luna, there would be another twenty thousand droids on the ships that went with Harry.

Though they would help to form a blockade against large scale outside interference there was also still the ten thousand on board the Silver Flame to help even if the other ships turned out not to be needed.

"Go" said Sirius at last. "But hurry back would you?"

"Of course I will" said Harry. "You would be lost without me to take you drinking as, if not me, who else would pay your mammoth bar tabs?"

With that, and a long hug goodbye, Harry was off to get involved in yet another conflict. If the Senate was going to send the Jedi then he was honour bound, per their agreement, to also come and to bring the Silver Knights with him.

The battles on Arkania would be historic in that they would mark the first time that the Knights of the Silver and the Jedi met in a warzone and, it appeared, on opposite sides.

It would be twenty five Jedi Knights and Padawans that would face the Silver Knights with only the Antarian Rangers and the Iron First as reinforcements and soon, as was becoming all too familiar, the galaxy would change.

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