
Chapter 50: High on Victory.

I woke in a familiar unfamiliar place. My vision was bleary even as I blinked, but it felt so bright. I felt so light. I could feel my toes! It was strange. I didn't know what to do. A strange beeping was echoing out. Why was it? Was it because I woke up?

I heard a door opening. A pair of familiar faces entering.

"Rettas you're okay!" He was so worried! I tried to move, but I couldn't. I seem to be in a cast or something. I could wiggle my toes though!

"Mm! I beat him good!" A strange silence fell.

"Uh, can you repeat that Rettas?" Why did he sound worried. I blinked a few times feeling myself out… Mmm…

"Daddy I'm hungry!"

"Rettas!?" Silly daddy looked shocked.

"I'm Hungry Daddy!"

A sigh. "Don't worry too much about that Aspa, I have her on a whole pharmacy worth of drugs."

"Ah, well, uhm…"

"Fooood!~" I whine.

"Alright, I'll go get some for." And leaves me alone with her.

"How are you feeling Rettas?"

I open my mouth.

"Other than hungry."

"Ah… I can feel my toes!"

"That's… good. Anything else?"

"Mm… I can't move? But I don't think I want too."


"It feels fluffy and nice. It's also really bright, like, like… Like after I fought that big squid thing long ago! There was a big fwuaahh! And woosh! And Something like electricity going through me! It makes me want to just sleep and eat!"

"Right… Maybe less of a dose next time." She murmurs. Before checking something. "Right, well… It's clear you experienced an orgasm, or more like multiple during the course of your fight…"

"Really!? Is that why it feels so great!?" She doesn't reply to that, instead changing the topic.

"You realize you nearly died, right?"

"Yup!" She frowned. "You realize that's not a good thing right Rettas? People rely on you and that fight wasn't necessary. You could have fled. You didn't need to fight."

I wanted to whine, but… I needed to be serious! Yes!

"Fuck'em… I am strong for myself, not other people!"

"But Rettas! What about those people you leave behind? What about their feelings? What about… your Daddy… he'd be sad if you died." She winced at those words.

"Well…" I had to think hard on that. It felt like hopping from cloud to cloud though. All the while trying not to get distracted by butterflies and rabbits.

"It would make me sad, but… I think he'd understand. I'm living how I want to live. Once we met, I knew I couldn't back off, not if I wanted to keep being me."

"Really? Why is that?"

"That thing, Mm… Calling it a thing is too impersonal. Proto-Saiyan? Sure, how about that! The Proto-Saiyan was a mockery of all us Saiyan's! The moment I saw it I knew someone made cheap mockeries of our bodies and cells. Like an instinct telling me they were a cheap knock off! I couldn't just back off, it wasn't just about me but all Saiyan's!"

I tried to shift but settled for wiggling my toes in emphasis. Then I went on to explain the fight. The way it evolved and changed. How it slowly became more and more Saiyan until the final moment. Where it became one for real.

"At that point, backing off would have been a disgrace to myself and it. A matter of honor as it is!"

She was frowning.

"Well, that clinches it."


"Yes. You left a gift in the hangar, a tentacle of the creature. I was able to analyze it and realized it was based upon my own work. Watered down, but much more stable than anything I could have ever done. This, with your testimony, confirms it. Someone has been stealing my work."

"NO! Stealing bad!"

"Right, definitely lowering the dose next time." She mutters before continuing. "Anyway, the reason why your testimony confirms my suspicions was that, shall we say, during your visit I made precautions. I couldn't find any backdoors during my tests, but when you came in and gave me your blood, I made sure not to send the exact blood tests through the usual systems. Instead, I utilized background processes to do what needed to be done before uploading a doctored version.

"Oh, a doctor doctoring documents!" I giggled.

"Right… Well, I thought they somehow already had access to your blood when I got the first readings from them, but your testimony shows they got a hold of my doctored data. Which means someone had been watching my work."

"What made you suspect someone was stealing your work? Was it the aliens?"

"No, well… yes? Technically? Ugh, anyway, it was because when I was given the project lead nobody really cared. Even when we were given so many resources, they treated it as nothing too impressive. Instead, it was treated as just another project. In fact, I'm glad I doctored those documents. I'd be worried about what they could produce with real copies of your cells."

"Even if they succeeded it wouldn't work!"

She gave me an odd look.

"I could tell, even when the Proto-Saiyan had evolved completely their body was still degenerating massively. Before the full transformation they may have had months or years, but after perhaps days before they burnt out and died. Even if they manage to create a true Saiyan through this method they won't live long! Not unless they can kill me and absorb my cells!"

Her form shook, fizzled just a bit.


"Isn't it!"

I wiggle my toes more, but…

"Say, why am I like this? I want to move… I'm hungry…"

"A precaution. The damage you received was rather severe to put it mildly. You've also been out for a week. I had to do some triage-"

"My boots are fine right!?"

"Ah, miraculously they are unharmed."


"Uh-huh… Anyway, near all the skin on your upper body was either melted or just plain gone. Your whole right arm was skinless due to you casually removing the tentacle form your arm. You also managed to give a few dozen pirates reoccurring nightmares of you appearing and scolding them for slacking as a skinless zombie. At least work efficiency is up… Your legs and feet along with lower body are mostly untouched save for some bruising.

Still have no idea how those boots survived… Ahem, anyway…

You also suffered from a severe number of lacerations and gouges. Chunks of muscles and even destroyed bones. I almost did full surgery on you, but your body began piecing itself together before my eyes, so I've largely closed up your wounds, grafted some of your skin as it grew back and made sure your body was set so that your bones regrow properly. I also removed the numerous shards of bone and metal inside your body, but most of it naturally came out as you healed.

Frankly it's monstrous. Your tail is also largely unharmed minus some scratches and such."

I hummed as I listened.

"I could heal faster if I went Oozaru~! With a whim and wham! You should also see the other guy!" I giggled at my last word.

"I'd rather take it slowly."

"That's fine! But I am Hungry."

"He should be back soon with food don't worry. But also, why did you shove him into the main engine reactor?"

"Naturally I had to perform a fatality."

"A fatality?"

"I mean, we were in… mortal kombat!" I giggle. Clearly, she doesn't get it though.

"Uh-huh… I'm not getting it."

"It's a game about fighting. You punch kick and combo people! One guy even spit acid and turns into a lizard!"


"Right? AH, but do we have games? I couldn't find any, do you people not have MMO's?"


"Massively Multiplayer Online."

"Oh, that. We do have games and even MMO's, but they tend to be localized based on system and planet. Especially since every system has a different calendar and time keeping system aside from the universal calendar. Add in differences in language and species and it becomes impossible to make a single game for everyone."

"Oh…" I stared for a few minutes at the wall.

"Say, want to know what a fighting game is?" And thus, I explained all kinds of fighting games while waiting for food. Shortly after I finish, I explain the joke only then does she understand. There was a frown, like she was telling me I was stupid, but I could see her amusement. She couldn't hide that.

Interrupting our exchange was Daddy coming back with a cart full of food.


I yell out as he comes in. He clearly looks troubled.

"Uh, hey… Sweetie? I brought food." He was so uncomfortable it made me giggle. He was always so serious, but now he was so out of his element it was hilarious.

"Yay, Feed me! Feed me Seymour!" They frowned.

"My name isn't Seymour… Sweetie. Did you get it wrong? Is your head fine?"

I burst out laughing. "It's a joke Daddy! A joke! Just hurry and feed me and I can tell you!"

Which he does. Spoon by spoon he feeds me my delicious meal like I was a kid in bed. All the while I retold the story of 'Little Shop of Horrors' and its plant demanding food from the guy named Seymour. Of course, it wasn't a direct relation. I did emphasize the important bits.

"Then the plant ate people and Seymour had to kill it!"

Or so it goes. By the time I finished I was stuffed with a full tummy and back to wanting to sleep, but I still wanted to chat.

"That's a very interesting tale… Sweetie." He almost seemed like he was biting into a salt brick each time he said it, I loved that.

"Mm… Want to hear about my fight?"

He did and so I told him, except with far more technical details and less overarching happenings. How I remember moving my body. The skills I used how the enemy changed. He offered tips and tricks when he could like ways to avoid being attacked by the TENTACLES! And such. I paid particular attention to emphasizing the TENTACLES! When it came to the final finish, and I explained to him what happened he didn't say much.

"Is it wrong?" I ended up asking, he was frowning.

"No. Rather, it's just like you, sweetie…"

"Mm… I'm sorry Daddy, but I don't think I'm a good person."

"No. What matters in the martial world is that you be true to yourself. Being good or evil has no bearing as long as you do what feels right to you. Never let another person dictate your life."

"Mm… I am the captain of my own destiny."

He nods to that… A nice calm silence falls over us. It was nice. Even as I yawned preparing to sleep again, he spoke up.

"Actually, me and Cammy have been talking. She told me about your talk with her about your S-cells and what you said about humans being compatible. Normally I wouldn't bother asking, but… would you be against me becoming a Saiyan?

Seeing you almost dead… And worse, knowing that you will fight something I have no hope of defeating. It bothers me in a way I never imagined before. Which is why, even if I'm somewhat against changing my body for power, I think in this case it may be fine."

A moment passes as my mind lights up. His words, the nickname he has for her. It connects like lightning to a lightning rod. It jolts through my mind like a monument standing above all else. Like a guiding light. A connection I may have accepted quietly, but never spoke. Yet, in my current drugged up state, those words poured out.

"Does that mean… She's going to be my Mommy and you my Daddy for real? I mean, with you getting my DNA and her getting a cloned body with my DNA you both could become my real Mommy and Daddy!" My words hit them like a truck as the two recoil and blush.

"I always wanted a Daddy! And a Mommy too!" The words spoke true to both our hearts as I felt something in them change at my declaration. Me, having lost a mother when young, and a father who had checked out shortly after.

Daddy coughs first. "Now, that may be a little fast, right Cammy?"

"Ah, yes. I mean, I still have plenty of study to do before committing to a new body."

Even if they rejected, I knew I hit the nail on the head. Something both of them hadn't necessarily considered.

"Well, I was just hoping to inform you." Daddy says finally, "I was planning to try again when you seemed more sober, but…"

"I can sober up now if I want too!"

They both give me a strange look.

"I could move my ki, but it won't move cuz I don't want it to move. If I move my ki I would heal faster and no longer be drugged, but I want to be drugged! I just had a big fight and nearly died. I want to enjoy this feeling and be pampered. I at least deserve that, right? To enjoy myself slowly healing with good food and care and plenty of head rubs!"

I also enjoyed the uncomfortable looks on their faces as I called them mommy and daddy. Each look of embarrassment fed my sadistic soul.

The two stare at each other before the walls crumble as they give me an odd look.

"When you're sober you're going to kill us." Mommy says with an odd smile.

"I don't know. I think she might avoid talking about it, but this may be what she actually thinks. In fact."

He places his hand on my head, ruffling my hair. I purr but find I can't move so I settle for the sensation overload from my drugged-out mind. It also makes me realize something else.

"Oh! I still have my hair!"

"Right… If I had to say… your hair is by far the most resilient part of your body, somehow…"

"Just wait till its gold and long! It'll get all spiky and sparky!"

We spend time chatting, but as I get tired, I begin singing a song that came to mind. A song I knew in that amazing voice. 'What a Wonderful World'

By the second rendition they sing with me as I drift off to sleep…

Within a few days… well, uhm… The drugs stopped… Yeah…

In the time I spent convalescing we made our way back to our base of operations. After a week or two I managed to walk around myself, but Master and Doc never stopped teasing me about what happened. Often in small ribbing ways. Like when I finally agreed to letting Master getting a Saiyan DNA transplant. Before even undergoing his procedure, he said something that made me blush hard.

"You know, for a daughter you're not so bad sweetie." He said with a knowing grin.

I harrumphed and retorted. "Well, prepare to get your ass kicked Master."

"Aah, not going to call me Daddy?"

I clamped my mouth shut and didn't say anything as he underwent the procedure. It went well, I think. It didn't go long, but most of the time was spent making sure he wouldn't die or implode. Instead, the cells were oddly silent and already showing signs of multiplying inside his body.

He was a silent man. More like a mountain, sitting silent as the world around him moved. When I first met him, he had been like a volcano ready to burst. All fire and fury buried under a ton of rock. Now he was just a rock. Now… he was my rock. The thought strange as I greeted the man, an odd sense of familiarity, family taking hold as we once more met after the procedure.

He never did grow a tail, but I didn't think that would happen anyway. I mean, most of Goku's kids grew up without one. There must be something behind it even if I don't know. Doc was happy to have a second test subject to keep an eye on, and also an excuse to hover around my new Father. I could already see the sparks flying. Her desire for a body was more than just a desire for power.

It made me feel strange. I only hoped it wouldn't end badly as I felt the chains that bound us grow tighter around my neck. Like a noose slowly tightening. Just waiting for that short drop, and that sudden stop.

By the time we arrived at the base I was healthy. Not a scar in sight. In fact, I felt stronger than ever. Brimming with Vim and Vigor. So much so that I found a new problem burgeoning. My little life and death moment made me realize what it is I wanted, or at least a part of what I wanted.

I wanted to fight. To push myself to the edge, and in a way, I wanted to fuck. A strangely hormonal thing, but not just anyone. I wanted someone stronger than me. Someone with a burning passion, a heart of fire that pushes against all odds. I wanted someone that in that moment when I faced the Proto-Saiyan would walk with me, burn out with me in a final blaze. One that wouldn't balk when facing death but embrace it.

I doubted I would ever find someone worth my time though. But the universe was a big place, no?

I spent my free time after my health returned playing piano once more and checking in on my subordinates. Apparently, stories of me slamming into the hangar near dead and skinless was making the rounds. Someone even had the audacity to say I was dead. Father was more than happy to help me locate them and let me beat some sense into him. Nothing lethal. Another story passing around was how I gained my power thanks to my boots. Ludicrous, really…

Apparently, my incredible recovery created a furor among the crew. Even as some mourned the deaths that happened there, there was also a new fire burning in them. I had a feeling, that every man here would march to hell with me if I asked. And if not now, then that point wasn't far as they practically worshipped the ground I walked on.

At some point Helmsman let me know the results of our little foray. We got a huge bonus from our mysterious benefactors along with an ominous message.

"You have exceeded beyond our expectations."

Those words promised a troubling future. One I looked forward to meeting. The cruise company also sent us money… for some reason. Helmsman explained that my little game session was actually a big hit with the passengers. Which is why they sent us money. In fact, they planned to have pirates or fake pirates board their ships from now on to 'hold their guests' hostage'… I wasn't going to deny rich people for being weird. We were offered a job but denied as we had other stuff to do.

After all, the moment we docked at the station. We got another job offer from the Pirate Baron himself.

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