
Well-behaved Hirvan is in trouble!

Inside the cozy suburban house, Mrs Smith moved briskly, preparing the table for dinner with practised efficiency. The rhythmic clinking of silverware filled the room as she placed each plate, knife, and fork in their precise spots. Her mind, however, was not on the task at hand. Her thoughts raced back to the unexpected visitor who had suddenly appeared in their lives: Elian Ashford. She hoped that this visit might somehow bridge the widening gap between father and son.

The serene atmosphere of the kitchen was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. The familiar, cheerful voices of her children, Sheryl and Bradly, echoed through the hallway, bringing a smile to Mrs. Smith's face. It was fortunate that they had been out of the house when Elian first arrived. Sheryl had been attending her school drama rehearsal, while Bradly was immersed in his painting class. Now, as they returned home, their presence filled the house with a youthful energy.

"Mum, who's the guest?" Sheryl asked, her eyes wide with interest and a hint of excitement as she caught sight of Elian standing outside with Hirvan.

Hearing the fresh voices, Elian returned to the house, stepping inside with an air of quiet confidence. His movements were deliberate, almost calculated as if he was treading carefully in unfamiliar territory.

"This is Mr. Elian Ashford. He's an old friend," Mrs Smith said, her voice steady yet carrying the weight of unspoken truths.

Elian stepped forward, extending his hand with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, Sheryl, Bradly. I've heard a lot about you," he said warmly, his voice resonating with sincerity.

Sheryl shook Elian's hand, her grip firm for a young girl. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Ashford. Are you staying for dinner?" she asked, her curiosity piqued by seeing a handsome man in their house.

"Yes, I am. I'm looking forward to tasting Hirvan's crafts," Elian replied, his smile broadening with genuine anticipation.

Sheryl and Bradly exchanged glances. Before they could interrogate their mother more about the arrival of this good-looking man, the aroma of grilling chicken wafted through the open kitchen window, heightening their hunger and making their stomachs growl.

"Come on. Before the meal is ready, make sure to change your clothes and wash your hands," Mrs. Smith advised them, ushering them out of the kitchen.

In the backyard, Hirvan meticulously attended to the kebabs, ensuring they were cooked to perfection. The skewers sizzled over the hot coals, the aroma of the marinated chicken mingling with the smoky scent of the charcoal. He glanced at Elian, who had come outside again, his expression unreadable.

"Have you done this a lot?" Elian asked, genuinely curious as he observed Hirvan's methodical movements.

Three weeks ago, Elian received a detailed report about his infamous son and the trouble he had caused Mrs. Smith. He had no expectations for Hirvan to be his ideal son. Yet, after the coma, Hirvan's behaviour significantly changed. Elian felt a glimmer of hope when he heard his son was coming to Astra City, thinking Hirvan had discovered his existence. However, Hirvan visited his rival's club and made contact with Ren's family and subordinates.

Elian felt panicked for the first time, believing that his son planned to get revenge on him and collaborate with his rival. Eager to stop that, he had prepared considerable counterattacks. Ultimately, The prediction he made did not come to pass.

After their encounter, there was no link between them, and Hirvan resumed his school life, acting obedient and docile. He even made acquaintance with the grandson of Chief Constable Fu, who was hostile towards the Ren family. 

Elian had been mulling over Hirvan's intention for the past few days without any outcome. His previous experience in dealing with businessmen was now ineffective in predicting Hirvan's intentions. On a whim, he had come to their house to closely observe his son. 

Well, Hirvan was totally on another scale and had been throwing him off guard constantly. Yet, Elian was overjoyed to see this positive change in his son, and the reports that said he had poor relationships with his mother and siblings were completely untrue.

Hirvan nodded, his focus never wavering from the kebabs. "It's something I enjoy. Cooking helps me unwind, and it's a way to show my love to the family," he said, his tone softening slightly as he spoke of his passion. After his siblings arrived, he stopped bickering with Elian. Overstepping boundaries with the stranger would only make them suspicious.

Elian watched him for a moment, then said, "I admire that. It's a good quality to have, being responsible and caring for your family."

He refrained from expressing any doubts about it. He had complete faith in his subordinates' abilities to uncover any secrets about his business rivals. Not to mention a teenager. Their reports did not include anything related to cooking.

Hirvan didn't respond. As much as he wanted to dislike Elian and taunt him, there was a part of him that prevented him from burning all his bridges. He wished to avoid a hostile relationship with Elian, the father of the original body and appreciated his efforts to establish a connection with his son.

Hirvan served the chicken kebabs, placing the skewers on a large platter. The golden-brown chicken glistened with melted butter, and the vegetables were charred to perfection. As everyone dug in, the room was filled with sounds of appreciation and delight.

Elian took a bite of the kebab and smiled. "This is amazing, Hirvan. You have a real talent," he said, his praise sincere.

"Thank you," Hirvan replied, his voice soft but genuine. Despite their past dark history, he couldn't deny the warmth that Elian's words brought. Elian, his rival and well-known genius, had given praise to his cooking. That was a nice perk for him!

The evening went smoothly, with the initial tension disappearing into a tentative feeling of harmony. The father and the son have settled down in a cozy corner of the living room.

As Hirvan served the tea, Elian leaned back in his chair, his gaze resting on Hirvan. Since his siblings had arrived, He had observed that Hirvan had become a more laid-back boy and willing to agree to anything he said. His shrewdness got the better of him and he decided to take advantage of Hirvan's weakness.

"I know that we have a long way to go, but I'm grateful for this chance. I hope we can stay in touch," he said, his tone earnest, almost pleading.

Hirvan met his gaze, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He had spent years resenting him, yet here was Elian, making an effort to know his son. It was a lot to process, but for the first time, he felt he could tolerate this man. "Umm…" Hirvan hummed in agreement.

Elian hid his trumpet smile behind the teacup.

As the evening drew to a close, Elian took his leave around 10 PM. The house settled into a calm quiet, the echoes of laughter and conversation still lingering in the air. Mrs. Smith began tidying up.

"Mum, are you remarrying again?" Sheryl's voice broke the silence, her question laced with innocent curiosity.

Hirvan was surprised that the two had taken the appearance of a stranger so well and had engaged in conversation with him. 'So this was the reason!' he thought to himself.

"Sweetheart, I am at the peak of my career and I enjoy my freedom too much to tie myself down to a new commitment. I have my cute children; I don't need to worry about being alone when I am old," Mrs Smith explained with a good-natured tone, trying to ease her daughter's concerns.

"So who is he? Why is he so interested in Hirvan? Are you really selling him off?" Sheryl wanted to get to the bottom of it, but her curiosity was not easily satisfied.

Hirvan, who had been drinking some water to cool down after standing near the charcoal for so long, was taken aback by the question. He spat out the water in shock, turning to look at Sheryl and Bradly, who were both watching their mother intently.

"Are you crazy? Why even think that?" Hirvan exclaimed.

"Well, throughout all evening, the man was sticking to you like glue and praising you as if he was your fan or something. Even worse, You were so well-behaved in front of him, that it looked like a bride who was preparing for her intended spouse!

I was hopeful Mum had been fed up with your antics and found someone to take you away," Sheryl shrugged her shoulders and said.

" You watch too much drama! Who would sell off her daughter or her son in this era? Also, I am the only male adult here, of course, he would stick to me more! And when did I do that? I was just being polite!"

Hirvan refuted seriously.

" So Why he was here tonight?"

Mrs Smith looked troubled. This topic was sensitive, and openly discussing it might disrupt the harmony of their family. Her two children had lost their fathers, and now someone had shown up claiming to be Hirvan's father. She was not sure how they would react to it. The rift between them had just recently healed. Mrs. Smith sneak-peeked at Hirvan, sending a distress signal with her eyes.

Noticing Mrs Smith's gesture, Hirvan interjected, giving his mother a hand.

" Instead of staying in a cramped dormitory, I chose to live with Mum and Dad's friend when I attended university in Astra City. Before I moved there, we figured it would be a better idea to get to know him."

"Oh, why are you so sure you can be admitted to those first-rate universities?" Sheryl was still doubtful, her sceptical nature shining through.

"Even if I can't, I want to explore my options there," Hirvan lied through his teeth, maintaining a calm exterior.

Sheryl and Bradly glanced at each other, their expressions thoughtful, but they did not voice their doubts anymore. They seemed to accept Hirvan's explanation, at least for now.

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