
Chapter 18

As the night falls, the Chaldean and the people of Lyon. Instead of going into their home and sleeping early for tomorrow, everyone gathered in the town square to form lines as they waited for their turn to get their share of meal.

A few tried to help with the distribution like Ritsuko, Mash, Jeanne and Marie along with Archer who is the cook.

Everyone gets their share of the thick meat stew that will fulfil their hunger and keep them warm for the night.

"Well, the taste is a little odd because you are mixing different meat in the stew. But delicious regardless, as expected of Sh— Archer." Saber said with a burp after her eighth serving despite initially complaining she wanted a burger instead.

"I have no more for you even if you praise me, Saber." Archer deadpanned while shovelling another bowl of the stew and handed it to the civilian.

Saber clicked her tongue before she stood up and left for the house to rest.

After the queue lessened, Mash under Ritsuko's request, brought two portions of the meat stew for Adam and Alina. The one for Adam is slightly larger because of his larger body size which Mash assumed would require more sustenance than normal.

When she did arrive, she smelled something good from inside the house Adam and his group were staying in.

"Did they already have something else to eat?" Mash mutter before looking at the stew she had brought.

Now that she thinks of it, aside from Sif. She had never seen Adam or Alina eaten anything before. Occasionally she caught them drinking beverages but never when consuming food.

Putting her thoughts aside, Mash placed down the smaller bowl of stew on the little stand conveniently placed near the entrance. Then she knocked at the door to announce her arrival.

Mash heard Sif's growl before the doors opened moments later. Sif appeared with a whine and food stain on her mouth, looking at Mash like she had interrupted her meal. Well, she interrupted her meal.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Sif. But are Adam Senpai and Miss Alina available?"

Sif gives her a bark and nods before she turns around to enter the house.

Mash followed Sif and inside she saw Adam without his armour and in a grey robe, sitting on a table and chair that was fully golden and luxurious looking. Meanwhile Alina is in her armour but wearing an apron on top, cooking something using controlled Warp Flame and whatever she is making smells very good that indicates they have access to some herbs and spices.

"Uhm, I brought some stew Archer cooked." Mash said before she placed down the bowls she carried and then stood there nervously by the stare Alina gave off.

"Thanks, Mash. We already have our own meal but I appreciate it." Adam said before feeding himself another piece of the cooked steak on his plate.

Mash nods and ready to turn around and leave.

"Ah… it's nothing. I'll excuse myself now. Sorry again for interrupting your dinner."

Then she leaves.

The rest of the night is relatively uneventful.

After the group meal and a small party to celebrate their survival, basically everyone went to sleep except the Servants and a dozen guards who were patrolling the town and its perimeter.

When the next morning rolled over, the residents of Lyon had packed up and prepared to depart for their evacuation.

The Chaldean actually waited and saw them off before they went back to their mission which is to deal with the Dragon Witch.


"So, what is our next move?" The Servant asked, attention mostly on Ritsuko this time instead of Adam.

The older Servants still give him the cold shoulder except for Mash. While the newer Servants are unsure how to approach this. But what Ritsuko regretted the most is the fact Sif is not letting her on anymore since Sif is carrying Adam and Alina which occupied most of her back and Ritsuko has to proceed on foot like a peasant.

"Senpai?" Mash called when Ritsuko looked dazed and didn't answer the question.

"Ah! Mash… right. Direction…" She mutters before glancing at Adam who is at the very back of the group, following leisurely.

For most part of their mission, they had been relying on Adam's intuition to follow directions to approach their goal. Now they want her who barely understands the geography of France to give them direction?

"Adam senpai, where do you think we should go next?"

Adam, who is busy with his own thoughts, suddenly snaps over and looks at Ritsuko while pondering her question.

From what he recalled when scanning for souls, there are still other Masterless Servants. But of those Servants, he had bad feelings on all except for the other Dragonslayer Servants.

So, his suggestion to Ritsuko is either look for the other Servant or head straight for Dark Jeanne and she immediately chooses to locate the other Servant.

"Well, we can't go wrong with more Servants on our side. So, let's set off and locate this Servant." She said to the group before she remembered Adam hadn't told her what direction they should go and she turned back to Adam for the direction but he already walked ahead to lead the group.

Marie then stepped forward and did something amazing. She summoned a carriage and horses made out of crystals. Normally, others would look doubtful if that sculptor-like carriage is even functional. But Servant's ability and especially Noble Phantasm aren't always normal just like right now.

"Unfortunately, we can only fit four passengers in the carriage." Marie said while looking at the number of the group.

"I will sit on the roof." Archer said and landed on the roof of the carriage.

"I'll take the coachman's seat." Saber climbed up the said seat before Jeanne joined in, "Me too."

This left only Amadeus and Cu without seats. Their choice is either cramming with Archer on top, sitting on the hard saddleless horse or at the back of the carriage.

Cu would definitely not take the first choice. Not the second chance either because he didn't want to end up with a sore ass. That left him with the last option and Amadeus joined in, filling up the last available seat before they departed swiftly to catch up to Adam.


While leading the way, Adam was deeply immersed in his thoughts. He was looking back at the memories he obtained from Martha..

What he saw is definitely a demonic ritual. A ritual closely resembles the one commonly done by Khorne cultists. Head and blood offered on a pentagram. However, what's confused him is the creature that Martha saw as a result of the ritual.

Instead of any creature resembling a demon, what Adam saw in her memories was a creature with smooth slimy pinkish flesh, horrific in appearance and most importantly the mental pollution he received from just looking at it even through the memories of another person.

It reminded him of a Xenos that he once dealt with during the earlier day of the Great Crusade.

This particular Xenos isn't exactly strong. Their advantage is their super regeneration and also unique Psychic power to cause mental pollution and eventually drive anyone insane.

Adam was dispatched by Malcador to exterminate this Xenos species because he is the only being that is immune to it. Not even the Emperor could shrug it off and could be affected although obviously wouldn't be anything much but annoyance and mild headache to the Emperor.

This creature he saw from Martha's memories, although not the same in appearance. The ability to cause mental pollution is exactly the same although incredibly weak and this Servant, 'Caster' who can create more of this creature is a dangerous individual that needs to be exterminated from the Throne of Heroes entirely.

But aside from that, he also needs to evaluate the plan of storming Dark Jeanne's castle.

Alina is a powerful Psyker trained by him and has tolerance towards Mental Pollution to some extent without any lasting effect. She could join him but the rest of the Chaldean isn't prepared for this, he thought.

Anyway, after a few hours. He arrived in another town. A larger one than Lyon and more well defended considering he saw guards patrolling on top of the wall and some were also carrying bows.

The plain in front of the castle shows many signs of battle. Some were even fresh, littered with corpses of zombified French people.

When Adam with his group and the Chaldean emerged from the treelines, the guards on top of the wall already alerted their leader and a man in white robe and bronze dragon themed armour covering the right side of his body.

The man is undoubtedly the Servant and he said something to the guard before jumping down from the wall and landed near the entrance waiting for the group to arrive.

"Who are you people?" The Servant asked when Adam approached the entrance with the Chaldean following closely behind him.

Adam gave the introduction about his affiliation with Chaldea, his purpose and goal to the Servant who introduced himself as Saint Georgius.

"I see. I am leading the remaining people I could find and help them resist the Dragon Witch. However, if we can put an end to her terror, I will dedicate myself to your cause." Georgius said while making an oath.

"Of course, every help is welcomed." Adam nods and directs Georgius to Ritsuko to forge a contract.

Adam has no intention to enter the town as he informs Ritsuko that he has another plan.

"I had ascertained a threat that I must undertake alone. But, worry not. You will lead the Servants and attack Dark Jeanne's fortress in two days as planned." Adam told Ritsuko which surprised the others too when they heard.

"What kind of threat is it that you must deal with alone?" Mash wondered as she was worried about Adam and his companions not with them when they attacked the fortress later.

"It's the demonic kind and best I settle this with just Alina and Sif's." Adam didn't elaborate much before he set off with Alina on Sif as they headed towards the Dark Jeanne's fortress too.


AN: I fell asleep over a dozen times to get this chapter done. Anyway, sorry for the delay and tomorrow would probably be delayed too.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Daoist_KittyKatcreators' thoughts
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