
ch 50

Anna's POV:

I sat on the edge of our bed after we returned to our room giggling to myself as I pictured a clueless Eleazar wondering why Carmen was upset with him. They were an entertaining and very sweet couple. I was glad that I finally had had the chance to get to know them better.

While being lost in thoughts I could feel the bed shift beneath me when Edward joined me on the soft mattress.

I turned my head around and saw his golden shadowed pools intensely starring into my eyes. His gaze was piercing, as if he was searching my soul for something. With each passing moment his honey pools got darker and filled more with hunger and desire.

"Edward?" I asked in a quiet whisper.

"You are biting that lip again." He said in a husky voice.

Just then I noticed that indeed my bottom lip was caught between my teeth. My eyes cast down on the covers of our bed while I let go of my bottom lip before looked back up at him.

Edward leaned in and all of the sudden our faces were mere inches apart. His cool, sweet breath was fanning my face each time he exhaled. I inhaled it greedily, closing my eyes, enjoying the effect his scent had on my mind and body, the feeling, tickling it pushed through my veins.

"Don't close your eyes, please." His voice was a desperate, pleading whisper.

Slowly I opened my eyes again and saw how his right hand reached out to touch me. His fingertips gently collided with my cheek before they brushed up my skin and drove into my hair.

He cradled my head in his hand while I leaned into his touch. Before I realized what I was doing I bit my bottom lip again but only for a moment though this short second was enough for Edward.

His wide open depths caught the slip up and I heard him swallow hard.

"Love." He groaned before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sorry," I said in a small voice but with a smile on my face. I wasn't feeling that sorry.

"No, you are not," he breathed out, his eyes still closed.

"No, I'm not." I admitted, even I could hear the smile in my voice this time.

When Edward opened his eyes he gave a small dirty look before he pouted.

"Anna you are still weak."

"I could handle a kiss."

His hand let go of me, he looked ashamed all of the sudden and his head fell, facing the covers of our bed were our hands were intertwined.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked while I brushed the fingers of my free hand under his chin to make him look at me again.

"I know you can but I'm not sure if I can stop there." He confessed in a tiny, vulnerable voice.

My heart broke for him as he looked like a little, lost boy scout at me who on the top of that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

I inched my way towards him and enveloped him in my arms, placing a kiss against his neck.

"It had always been you. All my life I have been waiting for you, Anna." His voice was tight when he spoke against my skin.

I pulled back and placed my hands on either side of his face, making sure he looked at me as I spoke to him.

"I'm here now and I'm here to stay. I came back to you. I survived once again. And besides…..." I coaxed.

"What?" He asked unsure.

"I think the curse of the Twilight books is broken now. We are through with all big events." I grinned.

My Vampire didn't look too convinced.

"I told you nothing could keep me from you and I always stay true to my promises if I mean them." I told him, looking smug.

Edward exhaled while a small smile was playing on his lips and nuzzled his face in my neck as his hands found their way around my back, encircling me and pressing me closer to him.

"Please just give me some time love. I'm not as fast in processing traumatic events as you are." He begged against my skin.

I pulled back to be able to look into his eyes which were troubled and sad. It hurt me to see this pain on his beautiful face. I bend to place a kiss on his forehead before I sought out his eyes once more with my own.

"I'm here in your arms forever." I told him firmly and spoke my words with finality.

He gazed at me for a long moment before his mouth chased my own. Our lips met gently, tenderly, enveloping one another with soft brushes before the kiss turned slowly stronger more hasty and passionate, bodies slowly moving against each other, hands exploring the well known territory, one heart beating frantically for two souls.

When the kiss ended and we both were greedily gasping for air. I pushed lightly against his chest to find a comfortable position on his lap since my body was still a little bit sore especially after the little workout. I straddled his lap while Edward gently assisted me.

"O.K. now I have it." I laughed.

"I don't mind you moving on the top of me." He said with a light twinkle in his honey pools that were still dark from the intensity of our kiss.

"Of course you don't." I breathed as my hands touched his shoulders.

My thumbs were brushing over his collar bone until the stroking turned into light shoulder massage. Edward had his eyes closed and his face showed bliss.

"You feel that?"

"Not as intense since you don't have the strength yet but love, don't you know by now, I relish, crave your every touch." He opened his eyes and looked intensely at me.

My hands slid over his shoulders around his neck while I leaned in and closed my lips over his cool, velvet ones. Our mouths brushed lightly against each other at first, a gentle and soft loving kiss.

"You are all I ever wanted and more." He softly whispered against my mouth.

"I love you so much," I breathed while my hand drove into his silky locks, tugging at the soft hair at the nape of his neck, casing him to purr in pleasure.

"You are the only one. Always ever you and no one else," his hands were gently holding my face while our lips moved with each other.

"Edward," his name left my mouth as a pant of fierce lust.

He stopped moving altogether and his mouth opened blowing his breath heavily against my lips as he struggled for control.

"Said it again," it was a plea, a demand.

"Edward," I breathed his name again with a carnal needed I hadn't experienced before and I felt the Vampire in me taking over.

I just needed to touch him, to feel him. The need was primeval, a powerful craving that took over and my control was slipping away. I had no idea what was happening to me but all of the sudden I just needed to be close to him but couldn't get close enough.

His hands fell from my face and held on to my waist before they travelled up my back, leaving a trail of cool fire where he touched me. I was deliciously burning with love and desire for this man.

While his left hand stopped on the small of my back and softly pressed me further against him. His right hand went into my hair.

He stroked through my tresses with his long elegant fingers that were capable of playing the most wonderful music in the world. He was pulling my locks tenderly what earned him a moan each time and caused gooseflesh break out across my skin.

He played me like his piano, knowing which touch would get him the reaction he desired, composing a new melody with my frame as his instrument of choice. His touch caused my body to burn with lust for him. Liquid fire was coursing through my veins.

With each moment that passed the passion build between us. I would have loved to part my lips and taste him, to have his tongue in my mouth but I knew that it was not possible, for now.

While I suppressed a sigh out of longing I heard and felt Edward sighed against my mouth before he shifted our position and I felt my back being pressed against the soft fabrics of our bedcovers.

I used the opportunity and let my hands roamed eagerly over the hard and well toned muscles that created his chest. My fingernails scratched over the stone hard abs that were covered by thin fabrics.

He hissed when my nail ran up his sides. My hands started to explore his back. His body was a territory I knew like no other but I never got tired to rediscover it over and over.

Edward broke the kiss to be able to look at me while his hands stroked along my hairline. He was still between my legs so I lifted them over his hips and locked my ankles.

"Now you are captured." I announced smugly while I felt his hardness pressed against me.

"You captured me very long time ago my love." He murmured and bent down to pepper my face with feather light kisses as he bucked into me.

I cried out having been taken completely by surprise. I lifted my hips and rubbed against him what caused him to inhale sharply. He bucked into me again while his lips covered my own brushing with enthusiasms against them.

I quiet guttural moan escaped me as I was panting against him. I felt delirious with bliss and desire and lust and love.....I didn't even have words for all the emotions swimming in side of me while he was kissing and touching me.

His hands were in my hair massaging my scalp while we were slowly gritting against one another. When I tried to meet another one of his thrust a sharp pain ran through my back. I winced and stilled my movements.

"What's wrong?" Edward worried voice rang out immediately and the spell was broken. I for lack of better words felt human again. The Vampire in me that peeked her head out was gone.

"Still a bit sore." I breathed through the pain.

Edward looked pained down at me and placed a light kiss on my forehead. His lips were trailing down my nose until he reached my mouth and peppered my swollen pillows with little, soft, tiny pecks.

"You should try to sleep now love. You heard what Batiste said the more rest you get the faster you will recover."

"Yeah, I remember." I laughed, feeling tired all of the sudden.

"I will wake you when it's time for dinner." He murmured as I was crawling under the covers.

"I have something light for dinner and not too much. That substitute blood does stuff me quite well."

"I'll think of something." Edward mumbled resting himself behind me while his arm sneaked around my waist pressing me closer to him.

"Sweet dreams, my Anna." I felt his lips on my temple while I was on the way to visit the sandman.

Five days past by and I was as good as new. Apollo's clan was recovering according to Irina who spent nearly all of her time over there at the closed hotel with Alain. At one of her brief visits to our house to check up on Carmen and Elearaz she reported that they looked almost healthy again.

I wanted to visit them but the others didn't think it was a good idea. I did not smell yummy to Vampires but my beating heart and the pulsing veins under my skin likely would have proposed an issue to the recovering Vampires.

I didn't want to torture them.

The more time passed the clearer I could feel that something was there near my shield. It could only be described as a magnet field. It was not uncomfortable but somehow weird.

I knew that Apollo had something to do with it or more specific his shield. I would have to ask him about that once he was O.K. again.

I was busy with my substitute blood sitting on the kitchen counter together with Emmett who had his own bottle standing in front of him while Eleazar and Carmen were playing some game Emmett introduced to them on the Wii and Rose and Edward were on the phone with Alice.

"How is it going at school?" Edward and I would go back to school on Monday as for Alice and Jasper they would still be officially sick until they returned from their hunt after Laurent.

"As usual, though since the spring ball is taking place in two weeks everyone is going nuts." Emmett rolled his eyes.

"Isn't that the dance were the parents also attend?"

"Yeah, since our school is partly a boarding school that event gives the parents of the rich kids the chance to see how their offspring is doing. Good thing is we won't have classes on Friday."

"We just attended the snow flake dance." I mumbled mainly to myself. And after the spring ball there would be the Valentines day thing…..

"They're back." He suddenly said.

"Who's back?"

"Carlisle and Esme."

And indeed a few moments later the back door opened and Esme rushed inside pulling me into her arms and pressing me close to her body.

"Hi Esme." I squeaked while she clung to me.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She pulled away and looked like she would be crying if she could.

"I will be but what about you?"

"I'm as good as new. You know me." I waved her off with a smile on my face.

Carlisle came to stand next to her and gave me a one armed hug. Emmett sneaked up behind them and pulled them both into one of his bear hugs.

"Nice to have you back home guys." He boomed and I laughed.

"Esme. Carlisle." Rose called when she came flying into the kitchen and drew Esme into her embrace. Edward walked in behind her and greeted Carlisle. Eleazar and Carmen also came into the kitchen to greet them.

"What did our pixie say?" Emmett asked after we sat down in the living room.

Esme and Carlisle were snuggled up against each other on their love seat Emmett and Rose, and Eleazar and Carmen mirrored their position while I sat in between Edward's legs, my back pressed firmly against his chest while he rested him chin on my shoulder.

"When are they coming back?" Esme asked a little worried.

"They have found Laurent and Tanya and Kate took care of him. As far as Alice can tell and according what Jasper got out of him Sebastian was the only one who he told about Anna." Rose informed us.

"They are currently on the way back home. Their plane from Rio will arrive here at the airport in a few hours." Edward added.

Carlisle looked thoughtful as he held Esme tightly against him.

"Good then this nightmare is finally over." Carmen sighed relieved.

Suddenly I felt Edward tense behind me.

"I haven't even thought of that." He said in a slightly panicked voice.

"About what?" I asked turning my head to look at him but he was gazing straight at Carlisle.

"Your breakdown," Carlisle began and I whipped my head around to look at him, "I was wondering if and how it possibly affected your transition."

"Oh! I don't really feel any different then I normally did." I shrugged.

"Have you used your ability yet or the speed or strength?" Carlisle asked as he wore a serious face that he reserved for his duty as a physician.

"No, but I can try," I lifted my arm and wanted to lit the candle that was standing across the room on a dresser but Edward suddenly caught my hand with his while Carlisle nearly yelled "No".

"O.K." I gave them both a puzzled and slightly irritated look.

"We don't know if you have your ability under control, love. You could set the house of fire." Edward explained. I doubted that I would but if it gave them a peace of mind if I didn't try my ability in the house.

After we talked some more Carlisle gave me a really thoughtful check up and I also had to endure all of the testes that showed that I was completely back on track and that Edward's and Carlisle's little moment of panic was for nothing but guess after everything that happened it's understandable.

Alice, Jasper and the others returned in the evening reporting to us how they found Laurent in Paraguay hunting for his next meal in a little village near Bela Vista.

"Care to give me a little demonstration on what you can to with the gift you copied from me?" David asked in a teasing tone while Tanya was clinging to his arm.

"What would you like to see?"

"Surprise me." He smiled at me while his eyes were sparkling with excitement.

I thought what to do. First I lifted my hand for show and pointed with my forefinger at the arrangement of candles that Esme had placed in the corner of the dinning room, lit them up.

David was not too impressed.

"I just like to do that." I smiled at him. He raised my eyebrow at me while Tanya shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"Come on follow me." I ordered, grabbed my fluffy, warm jacket and rushed out of the house, running up the river next to our house.

When we arrived at a middle large water fall I stopped.

"And now watch."

Snow was covering the ground and the trees. Little sheets of ice build at the shores of the river. The water was ice cold and it had the perfect conditions for what I had planned.

I concentrated on the little flame inside me. I had no idea why of all the abilities I encountered till then this one was the easiest to handle for me. But it felt like the fire came in natural.

I did worry about losing control about this particular ability because it was the one that posed the most danger to the people I loved and cared about. I knew that I had to have a close eye on that ability for the rest of time.

Some times I wished that I didn't have that mirror with the data bases and couldn't copy others gifts, my life would have been easier then but then I wasn't quite sure if we would have survived Lear. Guess everything that happened had a reason.

My concentration focused on the stones that nearly build a bridge from one side of the river to the other and I heated them up. A few seconds passed and steam was rising near the stones. The hotter the stones got the more steam arose until I had the stones starting to change colour to a light bright yellow that was when I stopped.

"Not bad." David commented.

"Thanks," I smiled a little, watching the stones cool off.

David asked me many more questions about the fire after my little demonstration and I answered them patiently and as good as I could.

On Saturday morning after breakfast Irina called and informed us that Apollo was in the condition to talk again and he wanted to thank us for rescuing his clan and him and that he also wanted to get to know us.

We all went over to the closed hotel where Apollo and the others were staying. It was the first time I saw them again after the ordeal. Emmett, Rose, Eleazar or Carmen would bring them substitute blood but otherwise leave them alone to recover. We didn't want to push them after everything they went through.

After we arrived proper introductions were made. They all looked way better. Healed. No traces of the hell they had been through were left on their flawless Vampire bodies but one look into their eyes and one could see that the same couldn't be said about their souls.

"I'm guessing right when I'm assuming that Anna and Eleazar already set you into the picture about our abilities?" Apollo asked after we all sat down in the large lobby of the hotel.

"Yes, that is correct. You also seem to be well informed about us." Carlisle noted and glanced over at Irina who bowed her head a little while wearing a guilty expression.

"You have an interesting way to live your life. Some of us would like to know more about it." Apollo said.

"We'll be happy to show you." Eleazar mumbled while looking a little puzzled.

"As to why only some of us are willing to follow your life style, you have to understand. Ever since we have been turned we didn't really have a choice in our own lives. We didn't notice it but Lear was making us do thing we didn't want to. Our own thoughts weren't ours in many aspects. We would like to experience the world before we make a decision in regards how our lives should look like now." Eros said and Chronos, Dominic, Blake and Leighton nodded.

"Of course." Carlisle smiled at them warmly in understanding.

"May I ask you something Apollo?"

His eyes focused on me and he smiled.

"You want to know what happened back there."

"Yes." I nodded and I could feel the curious gaze that was burning in the side of my head. I haven't told Edward about the episode where I passed out.

Not that I wanted to keep it a secret from him or anything it was just I had no idea what happened or how to explain what happened. I had my own theories but I didn't want to bother myself with them just then when I couldn't have an answer. That's why I waited for Apollo to get better to broach the subject.

Edward asked me what happened during the time Esme and I had been kidnapped I told him what occurred until they came. I knew he knew that I was keeping something back but he never pushed me. I was thankful for that.

"How did you enter my mind? I thought I was a shield and no one could."

He laughed shortly and shook his head.

"I didn't."

"But you…" I was confused.

"I did try but you always pushed me away, rather roughly I might ad."

"I did?" I wondered. I had no idea.

"Yes, you did. It only worked after I didn't try to get into your mind but tried to lure you into mine."

"That's where I was," I asked remembering the dark hallway.


"But how?" I asked while the others were listening interested in what we were talking about but also confused since they didn't know exactly what we were discussing. When I noticed that I let them in about what happened after I fainted before Apollo answered my question.

"I'm sure you feel the slight tug in your mind whenever you are around me or near me as I do with you." He murmured.

"Yes, what is that anyway?"

He thought about the answer a little, probably thinking of a way to explain it in a way so the rest of us would understand.

"Our shields are like magnets to each other. They push each other way like two negative fields that is what you are feeling." O.K.

"I did encounter three other shields in my almost two hundred years but never such a strong one as yours. Now as to how I lured you into my mind." He looked thoughtful for a moment before he seemed to have found a way to explain.

"On the right frequency you can receive, listen to, for example phone calls of other people on a baby phone. Have you ever heard of something like that?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I saw something like that on TV and in movies."

"Then you know how it works technically. We are both shields what means that our both minds work on the same frequency, well kind of but it is enough for us to send one another disturbances. I'm sure you heard me calling for help."

"Yes, I did. It was kind of distance like a ghost or something." I nodded in agreement.

"That is because I can't get into your mind but only close to it, like I'm disturbing your frequency but I'm never able to decode the frequency you are on because you don't let me. I on the other hand could let you in." Everyone was now looking curiously at him wanting to know more.

"Frequency? Magnets?" Tanya piped up being confused just like everyone else.

"OK," Apollo exhaled with a sighed scratching the back of his neck while he thought about how to explain those two to us.

"The entirety of someone's mind is the magnet in this scenario and the frequency are the single thoughts a person has." I mulled this over in my head and it kind of made sense in a way.

"To make a complicated explanation simple; remember our shields are two magnets both the negative end of the magnets. Now what I did was to pole my negative end into a positive one what was what pulled your negative poled shield in. I had no access to your memories or mind but I had you in my mind." He looked at all of us if we understood.

"I get that part but if you pulled my shield in but had no access to my mind how was it possible for me to think or…"

"Your subconscious is linked to the shield. And during the time you were in my mind you could say it was fully awake." He explained.

"Does that mean Anna will be able to push her shield down or away like you are able to?" Edward asked curiously with hope shining in his golden pools that he would be able to read my mind some day.

The expression on Apollo's face turned from calm and collected to horrified.

"She can't do that ever!" He said forcefully all of the sudden.

We were all taken aback.

"I'm….I'm sorry but I know that your shield is not your only ability I can't say what there is more but I know that there are more abilities at your disposal. I saw the fire you used and understanding the ability we both have in common I can tell you that your shield is what controls the other abilities." He looked sternly at me.

"Pushing your shield like yours down is as if you would destroy a puzzle and when you want to put the shield back up you have to put the puzzle back together. If you were just a mental shield it would be easy there would be only one piece." He informed me patiently.

"I have a mental shield and a physical one, two pieces and already that isn't easy to piece them back together. Honestly I don't even know if you could put your shield back up. Your abilities would be out of control. Everyone has to learn how to control their ability but you would have them all at once and full force. I really don't know what would happen if you..." He shook his head looking at me with wide open eyes.

"You mean she could be dangerous?" Garrett asked as he looked at Apollo with narrowed eyes.

"A danger to herself and to others if she ever attempted to push her shield down or if she ever lost control of her abilities or if they took control over her."

"I have witnessed what happens to Vampires who don't have their dangerous ability under control. Lear he," Apollo was silent all of the sudden, closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he continued, "it's not a nice sight."

Edward's grip on me tightened while I swallowed hard and the others looked at me with wide open eyes. Some were looking slightly fearful, some curious with caution in them and others held sympathy in their depths.

After our meeting with Apollo and his clan Edward took me to a little bungalow about an hour away from our home. Well an hour with human driving he merely needed twenty minutes with his made skills.

The bungalows where located on a huge private property and were always rented out from spring to late autumn, Esme once told me. Since we were still off season Edward had no problems getting one.

"The house looks nice." I commented while the gravel crunched under the tires of the car as Edward pulled onto the driveway of our nightly getaway.

What Apollo told us about my shield unsettled Edward greatly. Neither did he like how the others looked at me. Or what they thought of me after Apollo stated just how dangerous I could be if I were ever to be out of control.

Of course it was only a theory. A theory that none was willing to test but still. I was an unknown factor. Couldn't my life just for once be easy?

"I knew you would like it." Edward smiled warmly at me as he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

He got out of the car and went to my side to open my door. I took his outstretched hand and we walked to the front door that was made out of an opal glass pane.

Already nearing the bungalow I could hear the classic music reach my ears. My sense of hearing was getting better day by day. Beethoven Symphony No. 5. Ever since I met Edward I came to like the classics a little more but I still treasured the pop, rock and RnB no matter how much Edward shook his head at my "poor" taste in music.

"You do realize that we have no clothes with us." I raised my eyes brow at him while he was opening the front door.

Edward wore a mysterious smile on his lips.

"What did you do?" I got suspicious.

"You'll see soon." He answered and gestured for me to go in first.

The bungalow was as gorgeous inside as it was outside. The interior was decorated in white and pastel colours. The spaces were mostly open and a lot of glass and cable was used to give the house a modern and stylish look.

"By any chance did Esme decorate this?"

Edward laughed out loud and nodded.

"Yes, this one and the other seven. She got the job some time after we moved here. Every one of them has another theme and is cut out differently."

In the middle of the hallway stood a table and on it was a bouquet of mainly violet and white coloured flowers and a bottle of champagne rested in a silver bucked, being cooled by the melting ice cubs.

"A little heed of the house." Edward murmured in my ear before he went of into the kitchen. I glanced after him and saw a basked with food on the granite counter.

He must have ordered it when he rented this place. I took the scent of the flowers in before I went to sit down on the white couch in the living room in front of the cracking fire in the fire place.

Soon I felt Edward arm around my shoulder as he was tugging me into his body. I looked up into his brilliant pools of mosaic gold and rested my head on his shoulder.

Edward placed a kiss on the top of my head and inhaled my scent deeply as I did with his. We didn't talk for a while only enjoyed the piece and the company of the other. The last few days at home had been stressful.

I could recover and rest from the stress but Edward couldn't. He heard everything that was going on in his mind and as it is his nature worried about it.

"A penny for your thoughts." I mumbled after a while.

"That's my line." He chuckled weakly, "I wonder how many times in our eternity together I would utter those words?" He stalled and then sighed.

"You are worried what will happen if I should loose control over my shield." I spilled it out for him, not looking at him yet.

Edward sighed again and I felt that this was not everything.

"You are worried what the others might do. What were they thinking once they got to know about the extent of my ability?" I asked him and this time I looked up to gazed into his depths, demanding the truth.

Edward sighed again.

"Some of them were scared and worried. I couldn't detect in any of their thoughts the intention to hurt you or else…" Edward's face turned hard and he clenched his jaw before he shut his eyes close and took a deep breath.

I took his hand in mine and ran my thumb over his palm to help him calm down.

"Apparently as long Apollo doesn't see you as a threat the others won't act. Even though Eros, Chronos, Dominic, Blake and Leighton decided to go on their own for some time they still regard Apollo as their leader and respect his decisions."

"I do believe that we could actually become good friends with Apollo and the others and that they could be more to our family then just allies." I hoped we could.

"Perhaps." Edward mumbled into my hair.

"I feel sorry for all the people that had to die so Lear could build his army." I sighed sadly.

"Not all of them were newborns."

"What?" I was confused.

"Jasper recognised some of the Vampires. He said that there were a few he knew from his times as a soldier in Maria's army." Edward explained.

"Oh, but what does that mean for the Southerners then. I mean they always been fighting for territory. Will the entire battles start anew?"

"As far Alice can't see much. There are still too many decisions to make. We have to wait and see." Edward sighed heavily.

"If they do start fighting the Volturi will get interested at some point, won't they?"

"Alice is observing the situation in the south and Jasper also called a few of his old companions. As far everyone is wondering and is on high alert about the disappearance of many Vampires but the Southerners don't want to have the Volturi involved into their business."

"But at some point the Volturi will find out about what is going on there and maybe also about me, won't they?"

Edward tightened his hold on me and kissed my forehead.

"At some point we will have to deal with them but I do hope it will be rather later then sooner."

"But what will happen to the Vampire world if the Volturi isn't there anymore. I mean everyone is sticking to the rules because of them…" I wondered.

"We will cross that bridge when once we come to it." I nodded.

As power hungry and cruel the Volturi were they did have an important role in the world of Vampire and humans alike. Vampires lived in a monarchy with Aro, Marcus and Caius being their kings. It was a pretty old system and even when I read the book for the first time I just couldn't understand why they didn't use the human technology to their advances.

Maybe because they thought themselves as higher beings as humans, not needing anything of the mortals or maybe being as strong as Vampires are the need never occurred to them. Anyway those thoughts were leading me nowhere.

The point was that without the Volturi there were many covens that would want to take over the vacant position. At least Aro, Marcus and Caius were discreet and insisted on secrecy, living in the shadows and didn't attempt to take over the world.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head I jumped up from the couch and away from Edward's embrace.

"What do you think you are doing?" I heard him ask behind me.

When I turned around Edward had his eyebrows pulled together in question and was holding his arms out for me to come back to him.

"Just a second." I murmured and took a step away from his. I heard the noises the couch made as he stood up.

"No," I ordered as I turned around, "stay there!" I gave him a pointed look and he sat back down.

I went to my purse and fished out the little gift I had bought for Edward some time ago. I took hold of the velvet dark green box and made my way back to him.

"I have something for you." I told him as I walked back into the living room and sat down on his lap. As I did so I could feel Mr. Happy growing against my thigh.

"Someone is begging for attention." I giggled.

Edward's darkening pools bored into mine as they filled with lust and desire. I had to break the eye contact or else I wouldn't get to give him the little token I had for him.

I sneaked an arm around his neck and placed a kiss just in front of his ear.

"Soon," I breathed into his ear and let my warm break fan out over his skin. I felt him shudder lightly underneath me as a quiet moan left his lips.

"You are such a horrible tease my love," he chocked out in a pained voice.

"I promise I make it worth while," I cooed.

His arms pressed me closer to his body as a groan left his lips while he buried his face in my chest, nuzzling the girls tenderly. I laughed a little and ran my hand through his brown locks until he started to purr.

"Want to have your gift now?" I asked him.

"Does that gift include you without clothes?" He asked not moving an inch away from my boobs.

"Would you like that?" I purred at him and brushed my hips over his just once.

Edward sucked in a sharp breath while his hands grabbed my bottom, pressing me further into him.

"God, yes," he nearly moaned.


He pulled away, lifted his head up and looked completely gob smacked at. I couldn't keep the laugher in that bubbled to the surface. I buried my face in his neck while I giggled. He huffed and let himself fall back against the back of the couch together with me.

When I had myself under control again and pulled away from him I saw him pout at me while his eyes were narrowed.

"You love it to torture me, don't you?" He stated while his skilled fingers tickled my sides and I laughed and squirmed on his lap because of his assault.

He groaned and suddenly stopped. I could feel Mr. Happy throbbing against me. Edward had his eyes closed shut and took deep breaths while he held on to me for dear life.

"Better?" I asked once he opened his eyes again.

"Not really," he sighed.

"It wasn't my fault this time around." I giggled while he shot me a dirty look.

"It's always your fault, my love. Before you came into my life I never had such kind of problems."


"Yeah," he shrugged looking shy all of the sudden.

"But all the stuff you see in people's heads and women throwing themselves at you and there was not even one time that any of it got you aroused?" I was really curious now.

He exhaled loudly before he looked into my eyes for a long moment. Edward did look rather uncomfortable but I wanted him to be open with me. He had to know that he could talk about anything with me.

I lifted my hand and drew it through his bronze brown locks while he closed his eyes and enjoyed my touch. Leaning forward I place a tiny, lingering kiss against his temple.

"It's OK you can tell me."

Edward exhaled again and took a moment before he spoke.

"I was raised to think of sex as something forbidden that takes place only between a husband and a wife and is meant strictly for reproduction." He became thoughtful for a moment gazing out of the big glass wall.

"All the images in their heads, their thoughts about it....used to disgust me…"

"Used to?" I raised an eyebrow at him. His eyes locked on mine and a wicked smile formed on his lips.

"Ever since I lay my eyes on you, generous," he began but didn't end that thought. "Haven't you noticed what you do to me? Edward murmured and pushed his hips suddenly into mine, causing me to gasp in pleasure.

"About that. Shall I take care of Mr. Happy?"

Edward threw his head back and groaned.

"As much as it pains to say this, later my love, I still have plans before we come to that part of the evening and night." His voice was low and dangerous.

I bit the inside of my lips and shook my head in anticipation.

"Your gift!" I held the dark green box up for him to take.

"What may that be?" He said to no one in particular as he took the box out of my hand and shook it near to his ear.

I rolled my eyes at him while he grinned at me.

I leaned more into his chest as he opened the box with both hands that were sneaked around my body. When he saw what was in the box he went still and didn't utter a word.

"It's just a little token. I just had the idea one day. You don't have to wear it if you don't like it," I assured him suddenly not sure about giving this to him.

"Love," he said as he found his speech again and turned to face me. Behind his eyes a myriad of emotions was passing by.

"It's perfect thank you." He kissed me then tenderly on my lips before breaking away and looking into my eyes.

"Will you put it on me?"

I nodded and took the soldier necklace that was made out of platinum out of the box. I had graved the most important dates of our love story on it. The day we first met, the day I came back into this universe and our wedding date and under those dates stood "Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt that I love you." He read the words out loud.

"Since you are Shakespeare fan." I shrugged.

"You tortured yourself through Shakespeare for me?"

"Oh well good old William is growing on me." I shrugged again. "Slowly. Really, really slowly." I added as an after thought.

Edward hugged me closer to him wiggling his face into my warm neck, brushing his lips across my skin while he breathed me in before releasing me so I could put the necklace around his neck while I smiled brightly at him.

"Thank you love," he said before he pulled me in for another kiss. A hot and soulful one that sucked the air out of my lungs and made my head spin unlike the gentle, sweet and tender one we had shared before. When we broke apart I giggled.

"Why are you giggling, love?" Edward asked me with a raised eye brow.

"Because now I can to this," I told him and grabbed the soldier necklace pulling his lips to my mouth again.

"Now I like this gift even more." My Vampire purred before his lips closed over mine.

We sat there watching the fire as it cracked for some more moments of blissful peace. Time was rushing passed us while we lay in each others arms, exchanging kisses every now and then, processing everything that happened.

We couldn't solve any of the problems right in that instant but at least we knew what was probably coming at us. We survived so much already we would manage the rest as well.

Somehow there was always a way and that knowledge made me smile because I chose to believe in that no matter what.

"What are you smiling about, love?" Edward asked while his warm pools were sparkling down on me.

"We'll get through whatever may come our way." I said with determination ringing out in my voice.

Edward's eyes softened further, he nodded in agreement and kissed my forehead when suddenly our peaceful moment got interrupted by the ringing of the house bell.

"Are you expecting someone?" I questioned him.

"Indeed I do." He smirked at me before he kissed the tip of my nose and got up from the couch ambling over to the front door.

Curiously I was watching from the couch. He opened the door and revealed a body with a red jacket and a pizza box. Edward fished some bills out of his pan pocket, handed them to the teenager who's face broke out into a huge grin once he saw the bills before Edward took the box out of his hands and closed the door after the boy thank him at least three times.

I got up from the couch and walked over to him meeting him halfway. My mouth was watering from the delicious smell of the pizza.

"I get pizza?" I asked hopefully and my stomach seconded that question.

"Yes, you do." Edward laughed while a crocked grin found it's place on his face.

"You are not trying to tuft me with some healthy, bio food?" I asked suspicious, not believing my luck. Edward didn't like it when I ate fast food. He always tried to convince me of the healthy alternative and he had Carlisle on his side for this one.

The two of them could have teamed up with my father on the healthy food fraction, damning fast food but then again I was deaf on that ear for years already.

"Not tonight." He shook his head.

I smiled brightly and looked hungrily at the pizza box.

"It's just a pizza Anna." He laughed and shook his head not understanding my reaction.

"I know but since I always get this healthy food or the "haute cuisine" pizza is special." I gushed and Edward had an unreadable expression on his face.

"I'm not saying the food is not tasty because it is. It's just fast food does have some unknown fascination on my generation. Not that I would eat it every day." I shrugged.

Edward nodded but I wasn't quite sure what I said made any sense to him.

"To make a long speech short I love fast food and if it wouldn't make me explode out of all my clothes I would eat it every day. And the pizza is getting cold while we are talking." I pointed out.

Edward smiled at me and shook his head again while he walked back to the couch placing the pizza box on the couch table. That left me a little puzzled. I wondered walked over to the couch and not the island in the kitchen?

He rushed into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of chilled Pepsi, a glass and napkins before he sat down on the couch, poured some of the brown soda in the glass and gestured for me to sit down in between his legs.

I did gladly what was asked of me and placed myself in his secure embrace. His arms immediately locked around my middle and he nuzzled his face in my neck.

"That's perfect." I nearly purred at him while a huge smile was plastered on my face.

"That's not all." He murmured against my skin.

"There is more?"

"Yes," he said as he pulled his head away from me and reached for the remote control, pressing down on some buttons.

The giant picture that was above the fire place opened to the sides and a flat screen rolled slowly out. Edward switched the TV on and a movie started playing.

"What are we watching?"

He didn't answer but waited for me to figure it out by myself. As the music rang out in the room I immediately knew.

"Sex and the city!" I exclaimed very pleased. "Oh it's the second part." I was bouncing on the couch by then. I had seen the first movie in my old world and I heard about the second but I died before I was able to watch it.

"Happy?" Edward asked as he kissed my shoulder and held me a little tighter to him.

"How did you know? I wanted to see that. I loved the series." I gazed into his golden shadowed eyes which were shinning with happiness and love.

"I have my ways." He chuckled but wouldn't give away anything.

"But when I get pizza now what's in the fridge?"

"You'll see when it's time and now eat your pizza before it will be cold." He kissed my lips and nudged me lightly.

I opened the box and a yummy cheese pizza was smiling back at me. My favourite pizza, chilled Pepsi and "Sex and the City 2" I had the best boyfriend/fiancé/future-husband/mate ever.

When the movie ended it was already dark out side. Edward didn't pay any attention to the movie. His attention was focused on my neck and my belly. He had his face nuzzled in my neck almost the entire time after I had eaten as much pizza as I could and his thumb as brushing circles over my belly.

"Thank you." I whispered against his skin as I kissed his mouth while a smile played on my lips.

"The movie wasn't that bad I had plenty of distraction and besides Samantha didn't say anything that I haven't heard somehow similar form Emmett before." He shrugged.

"Yeah, the both of them have a very similar humour." I laughed. Sometimes Emmett was the male version of Samantha Jones where humour was concerned.

"Time to clean up." I kissed his cheek, placed my hand on his thigh and was about to stand up but Edward wouldn't let me.

He scooped me up bridal style and placed me back on the couched before he grabbed the pizza box with the only half eaten pizza and threw it into the fridge.

He came back to me and handed me the remote control before he crouched down until we were on eye level and kissed my lips.

"You my love stay here and you won't move from this couch until I say so. O.K.?"

I raised a curious eyebrow at him but nodded in agreement.

While I zipped through the TV stations Edward buzzed around the bungalow. I stuck with MTV as Edward appeared next to me.

"Am I allowed to leave the couch now?" I asked playfully.

"Yes," he nodded and lifted me into his arms.

He carried me into the bathroom that was only lit by the light of countless tea candles while red gerberas were swimming in the slightly violet coloured water that carried the scent of jasmine. Some of the gerbera were also loosely thrown on the ground in piles and some were also on the counter.

What almost immediately caught my eyes were the in white and milk chocolate covered strawberries and the champagne flute.

"Champagne?" I questioned while he put me down.

"Yeah, I'll have you drunk in no time." He joked.

"I don't think so," I laughed and shook my head while my lips were chasing his and my hands were reaching to unbutton his shirt.

"But I will have my way with you tonight," he murmured against my mouth.

"If you will be nice," I breathed while I felt his hands push my slacks and my panties down my thighs and my hands had just finished off the last button of his shirt.

His mouth stretched into a smile against my own.

"I'm not planning on being nice tonight," he almost growled before he pulled away grabbed the hem of my skinny white sweater while I lifted my hands in the air to help him free me from the fabrics.

Once the sweater hit the ground my hands attacked his belt and started to free his lower body part from his pants while my lips were busily and hungrily claiming his.

When the last pieces of clothes met the ground Edward took my hand and guided me to the huge Jacuzzi. When we sat next to each other Edward turned the jets on and the bubbles tickled my entire body.

I was enjoying the feel of the warm aromatic water against my skin and the bubbles that played around my frame when Edward's arm suddenly sneaked around my shoulders and he turned me to face him.

In his free hand he held a strawberry that was covered in milk chocolate. I bit my bottom lip and gazed briefly up at him before my eyes hungrily watched the strawberry in between his long elegant pianist fingers.

He lifted the strawberry to my lips and I took it into my mouth. I saw to it that my lips touched his fingers before I bit down. My eyes closed and I moaned as I savoured the sweet little sin.

I heard Edward take a sharp breath and when I opened my eyes I saw his black pools of lust and desire looking back at me, he swallowed hard.

"Seems like I'm not the only one who is not playing nice to night," he said in a husky and low voice.

I giggled flirtatiously while Edward already had another milk chocolate covered strawberry in his hand...…..

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