
Silence III

[King's Landing, A Few Days Later]

(Rhaegon's POV)

I stood in front of a statue. It was that of the famous Aerion Targaryen, built in his honor by Aegon III when he was King. It was just outside the Red Keep, along other statues that were built in honor of important figures.

"Hm....." I said as I looked at the plaque 

It read: 

"Aerion Targaryen, The Warrior Incarnate." 

The features of the statue looked like they were frequently worked on, repaired and such. A man that lived over a hundred years ago to be treated with this level of respect is quite someting. 

"Many man before you have stood in that very spot." A voice said, "And contemplated." 

I turned to see Lord Varys walking up to me, "Lord Varys." I greeted

"Ser Rhaegon." He bowed slightly

"What did they contemplate?" I asked

"Many things, I hear." He said as he looked up at the statue as well, "The Mighty, The Bronze Dragonlord. It's quite funny, really. I was just speaking to the Princess about Aerion Targaryen just a few weeks ago." 

"Myrcella?" I asked, "What does she want to know about him?" 

"Well, she's curious about her family's history." He said, "It is said that Aemon The Dragonknight stood exactly where you're standing when he became a Kingsguard, looking up at the face of his Grandfather, wondering if he was worthy of being his blood." 

"He did." I said, "Aemon was the greatest knight to ever live. Nobody has come close, well, I'd say Ser Barristan and Ser Arthur are quite close." 

"Perhaps." Varys said, "The Realm at the time thought the same, which is why they called his brother The Unworthy. Aegon IV was the opposite of what his Brother was."

"Legitimized his bastards in his deathbed..." I said as I looked up at the statue, "Knowing full well of the consequences." 

"His favorite of the Great Bastards, Daemon Blackfyre, also stood in this spot, looking at his Great-Grandfather's face." Varys said, "It is said that Daemon was obsessed with Aerion's image, wanting to be what Aerion was and more; The Warrior Incarnate and a King. Aerion Targaryen may have been King-Consort, but he was not interested in ruling. What mattered to him was that his Family survived and he fought for what he believed was right." 

I looked at him, "And all this matters....because?" I asked

He looked at me, "It's been silent, no word of any movement in the East." He said, "But one thing is for sure, a presumed Blackfyre is rallying forces in Essos, attempting to start a conflict. Daemon Blackfyre's vestiges of war are alive and well."

"If he's even a Blackfyre." I said, "There hasn't been a confirmed Blackfyre survivor since Maelys." 

"That is where you're wrong." He said, "Do you know the name of the River Dragon? The one who started the Rebellion before you were born?" 

I raised an eyebrow, "Nobody knows his name." 

"Another thing you're wrong in." He said, "Tywin Lannisters covered up any evidence of the name he had, to shut off any more flames of rebellion. Eventually, those flames lit up once again with the Ironborn, but it was the River Dragon's name that gave them the confidence they had." 

"What?" I said

"Vaegon Blackfyre." Varys said, "Alleged descendant of Daemon Blackfyre." 

"That's impossible, Daemon's line was extinguished with Maelys." I said

"His male line, perhaps." Varys said, "But he had daughters and granddaughters. And there is a rumor that states a bastard line of pure Targaryens married with the Blackfyres." 

"Is that how they were able to raise dragons?" I asked

"Maybe." He said, "It's not known." 

I nodded, "Well, it's time we figured it out." 

"Of course, I'd love to work with you." He said, "By the way, Viserys is about to make his move. He's still angry about the conspiracy to kill him so he'll have some heads and tongues. The King is trying his best to keep him from doing something drastic. That's why he hasn't had you yet. In the meantime, you should wait with the Queen, I hear she's got something to talk about." 

I sighed, "Oh brother..." 

"Relax, Princess Myrcella is busy with studies." She said, "She won't see you much in your stay." 

I rubbed my hair, "Okay..." 

"Till next time, Ser Rhaegon." He bowed slightly

I nodded as he left and looked back up at Aerion's statue. 

To think that a single man like this was responsible for the motives of several rebellions. It wasn't his fault, though. 

He was long dead. 


"I apologize, dear nephew." Queen Cersei said with a smile, "There's a little issue I wish for you to handle for me." 

I was in her chambers, she was sitting down with her hands on her lap as the Princess Helaena sat on the floor next to her, playing with a doll. 

I raised an eyebrow, "Little?" 

"My Brother, Tyrion." She said, "He's run into some trouble in the Street of Silk." 

"Oh." I said, "Really?" 

She nodded and sighed, "Someone has tried to take his life. Father doesn't wish to bother himself with it and I find it insulting that someone dares lay their hands on my blood." 

I nodded, "I'll handle it." I said, "Where is he?" 

"In Littlefinger's Brothel." She said

"Of course he is." I said, "Worry not, I'll bring those responsible to justice." 

"If you're paired up with his Hound, be a dear and play nice with Clegane." She said, "He's not his brother who I know you don't like." 

I shrugged, "I have no issues with Sandor." 

"Good." She said, "It's a shame if we lost such a powerful fighter in him." 

"Ah, he's good, it'll be tough to fight him." I said with a chuckle, "I shall take my leave now, Your Grace."

"Before you go." She said, "The reason Rhaegar wants you here is that he's called for his most trusted commanders to a meeting. Lord Stark, Lord Arryn, your Father, and Viserys. My Father was included as well. And of course, you." 

A meeting? All of the commanders? I wonder what this could be about. Varys didn't tell me about this, he said everything was quiet. 

"Oh." I said, "W-What for?" 

"What do you think?" She said with a slight smile, 


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