
Prelude: Tomb of the Yellow Emperor


"….. Ugh….." I groaned out in pain as I pulled myself up slowly.

"Hissss!…. Oh that's really bad…." I muttered as I felt a sharp searing pain in my left shin as I looked down at it.

"I know this pain, same thing that happened in my old biking accident, yep, that's definitely a fracture." I said through gritted teeth as the pain was intense but the situation I was in made me know crying out in pain and asking for help is useless.

I felt around until I found my round rimmed glasses, "Damn, well this will have to do for now." I say as I put my now cracked glasses on my face as I looked around.

To give a brief summary of the situation I am in, I'm currently trapped in a cave due to a cave-in by accident, you see I'm an archaeologist and I go around the world with me and my team to search up lost bits of history from dinosaur bones to ancient ruins buried under the sands of time itself, you could say Indiana Jones got me interested in History when I was a kid after all.

I grew up in the states but my Grandparents were Chinese Immigrants who came to the USA in the mid 60's and soon after my dad was born, he found my mom in their high school years and later down the road they ended up having me, Gongsun Xuanyang, but you can just call me Xuan or how some of my friends called me back in high school 'Juanhulio' but let's just stick with Xuan.

As to the situation I found myself in, basically we were doing a regular archeological dig, you know typical stuff, unfortunately while me and my crew were digging one of us must have hit a top to a Cavern or something resulting in a cave in and my current situation.

I don't know about the others, some might be lucky and are unharmed, others maybe are injured like I am, or possibly even worse.

"Cmon Xuan, you've survived being in a major car accident, a fractured leg won't keep you down." I gave myself a small pep talk as I grabbed onto the side of the wall.

There was a tiny hole above my head that was shining some light in so I knew I wasn't to suffocate, but at the same time I should check the rest of the cave, don't want to come across the nasty surprise of a snake or a scorpion attacking me.

'Maybe this is the path to the Tomb of the Yellow Emperor.' I thought to myself as I pulled myself up against the rock wall and used it as a crutch to hold myself up as I limped farther in.

The Yellow Emperor, the mythical to possibly historical figure who founded the first real dynasty of China between 2600 and 2500BC, it has been in debate if he ever really existed, but most in china believed he did exist, even if worship for him in particular has declined over the years he still has a few shrines that are dedicated to him in China, though they don't get as much foot traffic as they used to that is.

But if this dig proved successful and we were able to tell that he really did exist then safe to say it would be one of the major cultural achievements of the twenty first century.

'Though I'm just thinking about all this to ignore the pain in my leg.' I think to myself as I winced from putting any pressure on my leg at all as I kept hobbling my way down the cave.

After about ten minutes of walking the rock wall that made up the cave began to change to actual cut blocks of stone, not in the way they are now made as straight bricks but stone that were already certain shapes that were either already perfect fits for the wall they were making or were cut just enough to fit where they were needed.

"I see, so that info was right, this really is a tomb, though it's unknown if this is Huangdi's Tomb." I say to myself as I keep pulling myself along before reaching a crudely made archway, but it still held after more than 3500 years since it was made.

*Cough Cough* "Well…. This place is still dusty, and I don't see any holes, so far so good, no need to worry about any snakes, don't know about Scorpions though…." I say looking around this chamber I was in, though it was pretty dark by this point.

*Woosh Woosh Woosh*

Suddenly the many braziers that surrounded the edge of the chamber lit up as the fire burned brightly making me widen my eyes in surprise.

"Okay…. Yeah no that's not normal…." I said sweating since there's no way this just happens, I mean sure it happens in movies but this is real life here! This isn't supposed to happen.

I looked around and their were many pieces of clay pottery, wooden sculptures and the like with a few small chests, all surrounding what appeared to be an elevated coffin with text in ancient Mandarin as I hobbled over to look at it.

"'Here lies his Magesty Huangdi, the Emperor who united Huaxia(China) under his rule, bringing our people out of the era of tribes run by the tyrannical Flame Emperors of old, through him Huaxia was born and to him we give our thanks for all he has done.'" I said reading over the text as I sat down and chuckled.

"Ha, I guess you really did exist, you were no mere folktale at all." I said with a sigh and hung my head low.

"Now I just got to wait to be rescued, maybe I'll take a nap to conserve my energy." No food and water I have to hope they get to me soon enough.

But unfortunately, fate seemed to have other plans.



Sometime later

'I'm not gonna make it huh….' Is all I could think as I lay here dying now on the ground here in the Tomb of the Yellow Emperor.

It has been from what I could tell 5 days since the accident, I thought some people didn't get swallowed up in the collaspe and went to get help, but from what I could tell as of now, everyone got swallowed, and if no help is coming we are all going to die or maybe I'm the only one left.

'As sad as it is I don't have anyone who will cry for my death, mom, dad, grandma and grandpa are all gone now and I never had siblings or cousins, I guess this is the end of the Gongsun family tree, at least this branch that is….' I think to myself as my eyes begin to get blurry as I feel my life begin to flash before my eyes.

'I'm proud of the life I lived, I just wished their was something more I could have become….' Those were my final thoughts of consciousness as my eyes lost their light with my heart slowing to a stop as I took my last breath of this life of mine.

But, this wasn't the end of my story, as it had only just begun.


(Edit) I Can't guarantee constant regular updates on this fic, and yes it's a fic as in the synopsis this will take place in a mixed version of the Three Kingdoms of Ancient China taking both Elements of Total War: Three Kingdoms along with Dynasty Warriors Series as battles will be similar in nature to those kinds of battles to start out with.

Now characters will either look like their counterparts in either Dynasty Warriors or in Total War: Three Kingdoms, though specifically set around the the Make them Unique Mod for that game that actually gives the supporting legendary characters actual looks that make them unique.

As to why not all them look exactly like Dynasty Warriors versions is simple, some of them don't look too great and others look like they put a white guy in ancient China and called him so and so, then boom he's that character, so characters that don't fit from Dynasty warriors in my opinion I will use the ones from Total War instead for their looks.

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