
Deplorable Vermin

The ones Henry was overhearing talked for a while longer until they suddenly stopped. But it wasn't only them. Many other groups went silent as well and looked, as one, at a group that was trudging over. 

Henry saw Doherty glance over at the group like everyone else before he rolled his eyes and groaned. Watching the reaction, Henry found himself smiling slightly as he thought,

'Jealousy, maybe?'

That was mostly a joke but it wasn't totally unfounded. The newly arriving group had better equipment. They had armor made of metal and their sword handles were gilded with fine metal alloys while sheathed in beautiful sheaths. This was especially the case for the two at the front of the group;

A man —tall with dirty blond hair smoothed back stylishly, with an easy-going smile on his face—, and a lady, well above average height with her back straight and her expression fairly neutral and almost inviting despite the unmistakable feel of regality it gave off. 

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