
3 words to love

Maggie Yurim Song tied between liking someone ideal and the unexpected. Surely love don't grant us what we wanted, but it is more beautiful than the unexpected.

Maricaris · Masa Muda
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9 Chs

No love

"Imagine last year of junior high and we are promptly proceeding to college, aah!! all I could think of are those hot college guys." Jinky squealed whilst walking towards the school gate. It was their first day of school.

"Jinky, come on. Guys really??" Maggie scoffed and rolled her eyes laughingly.

As she walks bypass her bestfriend, her bestfriend froze at her words like it was brand new, blinking twice.

She always knew Maggie was a total bummer in romance.

"Hey wait for me, Mags!!" As she ran to catch her best friend's pace. Whew she walk fast, she thought.

When she finally caught up with Maggie, she was a little surprised on to why she stopped on her tracks.

Maggie has her eyes glued on a wide tarpoline, with floral colors and the sign says "Sing your heart out." It was only the beginning of classes yet within a few months their helding a singing competition in honor of their school's anniversary.

Jinky lifted her head to look above also. She gasped and looked simultaneously at her.

"You want to join?" She asked guessing at first. When that question turns out to be a sensitive one out of the bucket.

Maggie blinked clearly caught off guard, "J-join? really me?" pointing her self. "That's only a good for nothing competition, and why would I sing." She became defensive and for a split second, her mood shifted.

Jinky realized that crystal clear, how could a future psychologist miss such conspicuous mood change. Well don't underestimate.

"I'm terrible at it." Maggie whispered, as she spoke out of experience. As much as she wanted to move forward, sometimes life bring us back for a little glimpse of the past.

She continued her pace towards school leading the way, leaving Jinky but this time she keeps up.

The school is almost starting, within minutes it would rang and start an orientation. That's something you wouldn't want to miss.

"Hey Maggie!!" A friend named Carol called from afar, waving her hand to catch their attention.

Jinky beamed, its been long since they last see each other. Other than Maggie since they are most likely neighbors.

"Hello Carol! How lucky of us to see you, do you remember Jinky?" Maggie asked with 0 sarcasm of course.

Jinky slightly nudge her bff, maybe she didn't or she did remember her. What kind of fairy would remember her, she might as well thought.

Carol stopped to think and her eyes twinkled in an instant. "JINKY!! How would I never, how are you Jinks?" Carol displayed an angel smile.

Though Carol maybe heavenly drop dead gorgeous, she isn't the stereotype to forget anyone she met even the tiniest time.

Jinky scratches her scalp, evidently shy. Omg a goddess is right at me, she thought.

"So far so good Carol, do you go to this school from this day forward?" Jinky replied as she pointed their school. Ziang International School.

Carol looked at where Jinky's pointer finger was pointing, she then smiled twice as sweetly.

"You must be some fortune teller Jinky, and well you're right. Do you happen to go to this school as me?" Carol asked and her fingers crossed behind her back. Please yes, she thought.

She maybe so much more to beauty, but undeniably no close friends. Being exquisite isn't something you always wanted to wish.

"Of course, wanna join us for the orientation?" Maggie replied. Carol nodded she is just as excited than anyone in the place.

Maggie replied a smile and Jinky looking alway plain.

"Maggie what course would you choose?" Carol inquisition arose. "And you Jinky?"

"Although I hated listening to news, I find Political Science fascinating but ABM for now" Jinky shrugged like it was a small deal when it was huge. She doesn't look like the gal who would run to politics.

"Sky high dreams Jinks, go for it." As she displays her clenched fist midway in the air to show her support towards Jinky.

"How about you Maggie?" Jinky asked looking at her friend who is deep in her reverie.

Maggie lifted a small smile "I am really into human anatomy so maybe I'll attend Med School in college, so I'd choose STEM for the meantime." Her words filled with passion.

She always dreamed to be a doctor and she was so sure of it. She forsee herself wearing a lab gown with her name clip on it. She giggled only the thought of it.

Carol clapped like it was some speech given on someone so inspiring. Jinky was quite shook but more on aspired.

"I don't know what to say, because to be honest Maggie, you kinda look like you'd be an actress someday or even a Dior model." Carol complimented. "Who would have known you love science."

Maggie Yurim Song, aspired to be a doctor and not even the slightest idea of being an actress crossed her mind. Despite her brains and adequate beauty, her downfall is also her lack of confidence.

"What actress? It doesn't suit an inch of me Caroline" Maggie laughed, what a ridiculous thing to pair her.

"Well if you see it as an alternative, you can be an actress or a Dior model." Maggie added.

Carol is the real hottie and stunner here compared to anyone else.

"Actually I'm thinking about making it my goal in life." Carol smiled full with dedication.

It was those kind of smiles you want to see in every person realizing their dreams.

Upon entering the school gate, the bell rang indicating the start of the school orientation for this year's school year.

Carol and Jinky walked ahead of her to catch up, talking about the small things in their summer whilst Maggie preferred to walk behind them, seeing her two friends made her smile.

I really am one year closer to college now huh, Maggie thought. College is so terrifying that every highschooler would be fearful of, or maybe it's just Maggie.

Or maybe it is the love she is wary about.

"No love, not ever." She sighed and laughed.

Dawn, always the scent of new mornings and dew like droplets, when the sun rays meets the dewy leaves of deciduous trees. The humming of littlest creatures rejoicing.

The new day dawns itself to life.

In their campus was a big enormous court, and an auditorium for inward performances, tall, and separate buildings for the college.

Everyone in the campus felt so surreal and also imaginative, its such a rare view sight along with the foggy breeze.

The Ziang International School is so spacious that you can't scoop the view in one glance, besides it was so breathtaking.

Looking unto her front was Jinky and Carol nowhere to be found, might as well left her unintentionally.

Maggie smiled and shake her head. Jinky had always been the loudest and quirky to be with and to be, Carol had always been the soft spoken and sympathetic opposite of her.

Along came a running boy who accidentally bumped on her shoulder, making her step ahead and winced. She knew how badly she want to choke the person who isn't careful.

Holding her shoulder, trying so hard to be unaffected. The boy stopped.

"I'm so sorry, umm-" The boy surveyed for identification. "Maggie Yurim Song." After taking a peak on her I.D

Maggie was at the verge of smacking the boy in front of her, when she was accidentally blinded.

She never seen someone who would look so strikingly impressive and elegantly proportioned. Handsome to be exact.

"No love." She silently muttered.