

In my world, I’m a reader, and you’re the unfortunate fallen hero of a novel. In his world, he's a gamer, and you're a brave hero who’s later shrouded in tragedy. A hero whose role in the world was stolen by him. In the search for a better ending, the world was engulfed in greater ruin. But why must you share the same fate as the rest of the world? In your world, what am I? A third protagonist who will hasten the world to brick? Or someone who will return the solace you lost? Was it the world of a game or a novel? Perhaps a reality hidden behind fallacies. Would the answer for the correct end reveal itself? *** Slow-paced story focused on the third variable's daily life for a while. Litrpg was only applicable for the second protagonist, the MC of the novel, as he's the only one that possessed the system. Also, it will take time before the paths of the three of them cross. It's not a great novel, though I try to improve it whenever possible. Bear with me, and I hope you like it. Updated schedule: Tuesday and Saturday. posted on: SH and RR

J_Carus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

Chapter 46


The Patriark household and Count Darkield's house have had a long-standing relationship since it was founded. However, in this day and age, that relationship was stronger because the two male leading faces of the two families were homies back in their early days.


"Oh, bastard, it's been a while!!! Let's have a drink!!!! "


Barion Patriack, the current male leading face of Patriark House, makes the most rowdy entrance in front of Count Mansion. It was a massive structure that wouldn't lose to Patriark's Mansion; it also had vast land on its own. However, unlike the Patriark's mansion, which has been subjected to renovation in recent years, the mansion in front of them gives off the imposing look of an ancient castle.


In such a place, behavior was to be watched. The only reason Barion was allowed to act like that was because the one who greeted them in front of the house was none other than the count of Darkield.


Arnold Darkield.


"Haha, good to see you lively, but could you please mind your words? We're in front of our kids." Unlike his friend, Arnold has a stoic demeanor, though friendly on some occasions.


"Ahh, I almost forgot." Barion laughs before using his hand to introduce the kids to their house behind him. "These are the next generation of our house, Vivian and Euvialin, my daughters….."


Barion suddenly cut his words, which caught the attention of Arnold.


Arnold takes that as a chance and introduces his children. "This is my daughter, Mia…."


Arnold put his hand on the top of the cream-colored hair of his daughter. She had almond brownish eyes; half of her body was hidden behind his father's leg. Wearing a dress befitting a child.


Like Barion, Arnold's introduction was cut short.


Seeing that the two men were silent, Vivian Lively introduced herself to Mia.


"Hello!! Nice to meet you; I'm Vivian. Let's get along!! "


Despite her enthusiastic greeting, it only causes Mia to hide behind his father. Heartbroken, she returned to her place just to realize the reason behind the silence of her father and Arnold.


She sees Euvialin holding Carus's sleeves tightly. Looking on the other side, Arnold was holding his son's shoulder, whom he was not able to introduce.


The reason behind their silence was the boys of each house.


With an awkward expression, Arnold introduces his son while holding him down. "This is my eldest son, Arlan."


Like his father, Arlan has raven hair and sharp eyes. With such eyes, the glare on his face became fiercer as his eyes twitched.


Following him, Barion introduced Carus. Though his complexion was more worried than awkward, "You already heard about him. His carus is not adopted but is under our house care."


It's not just Barion; even Vivian has a worried expression. Despite the unchanging look on Euvian's face, she is not letting Carus free. After all, everyone was already familiar with Carus's expression right now.


His black expression couldn't be read. As his eyes coldly glow. It's the same expression they often see when Carus trains and fights to kill some monster.


Why are they suddenly acting like this? Arnold thought, setting his eyes on Carus. This kid is giving off the same vibes I got from Arlan a year ago.


Something not of a child's age...


Arnold shook off the thought in his head. He couldn't take the atmosphere anymore. He tapped the back of his son, smiling wearily.


"Arlan, why don't you boys introduce each other? Get along…."


Arlan sneers, pointing his finger at Carus. "I would kill you if you got near my sister!! "


In response, Carus's brows knitted. Not holding back, he raised his middle finger. "You're fucking dead if you try to target my sister and Eu!"


"Huh, why would I do that?! "


"Son of a bitch, do you think I didn't hear you call my sis and Eu Legendary Seven Stars characters?! "


Alaric's eyes jolted around before turning away. He heard that?! Arlan thought, hiding the panic in his face.


Arnold covers his face with his hand, while Barion tries to pacify them.


"Hey, hey, you two don't get heated up for something like that."


Hearing that, Carus slightly turns his head sideways. "Indeed, let's get along; let's take this somewhere."





Arlan's pov



"Ha, ha…."


Breathing heavily, I open my eyes, only to find an unfamiliar ceiling. No, it's always been the ceiling I woke up to every morning for years.


Getting up from my strangely large bed. I got a strange feeling in my body, as though I wasn't used to it. I was walking past the big mirror beside my bed. I couldn't help but halt my step due to my own reflection.


Standing there was a 5-year-old kid with raven hair and eyes. Despite it being my own body, it gives me a strange feeling, as if...


A strong headache permeates my head. Falling to my feet, I saw a young adult reflection in the mirror. Having the same hair and eyes, though it's a face, was almost lifeless.


"It's me…."


As soon as those words left my mouth, the reflection disappeared, and finally, it all came to me.


"I have been reincarnated!"


Getting back on my feet, I try to recollect everything...


I can pretty much remember everything. As well as how I died, I remember that I was on my way home, exhausted from work. A truck suddenly appeared out of nowhere; my memory was cut short by that. It's most likely I have been run over, which caused me all of this.


However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't recollect my name in my past life or my home.


"Aarghh, moreover, where the hell did that truck come from?!! "Crossing my arm, I grumbled. "I just want to go home and play my favorite game."


That's right, I'm just supposed to play my favorite game.


"Shit, I didn't even get a chance to play the second installation!! "




At that moment, a strange sound rang in my head. Soon, a floating screen appeared right in front of my face.


[Congratulations on recollecting your memory; you will be awarded with a status window! ]


Huh, what? Seeing the message on the screen put my head in a spiral. Status window?? Should I say that?


A common magic word, used on this kind of occasion.




As I utter that word, a new screen pops out of nowhere. Scrutinizing over it, I realized it contained various information about me. It's just like a game. Wait, this looks familiar.


[Name: Arlan Darkield

Title: The one that retains his memory. Player. Reincarnator.

Race: Human]


The name was obviously the one I go by in this life. As for the title, it's pretty obvious where it came from.


Oh, it also has a background in formation.


"Age, parent, blah, blah. Nobleman of the Grandian Empire..."


As I read those last few words, I widened my eyes in realization.


"Ain't we in the sky city, the capital of the Grandian Empire?"


The same place in the game... The more I recall my memory of my past life and this life, the more I can't deny it.


I'm in the world of games.


Grand Worlds Saga.


I'm disbelieving and excited at the same time, though I'm more frightened for the future. I don't know anything about the second installation.


Ugh, I guess it's not my problem. Stretching my back, I look outside the window.


I'm just going to let the protagonist do his job and never get involved in any scenario. I'm sure, despite my family background, I'm a nameless mob and don't have anything to do with any character.


10 years from now, at the age of sixteen, the prologue will start.


"I'll just watch from the back. Everything should be fine, right?"




Or so that's what I thought two years ago.


We were about to greet the unmatchable household in this world. I never expected our family to have a generational relationship with them. As for my father, he was excited to meet his buddy from the other side.


As soon as the door was open, finely dressed individuals were standing there. The man was probably my father's best friend. Looking on the other side, I found two beautiful sisters wearing a darker hue of dresses.


The eldest one was mature and seemed easy to approach, but the little sister was like a doll with no expression.


Though it's my first time seeing them in person, I already know them from the game.


Vivain and euvialin. The legendary sisters.


I couldn't contain my excitement when my thoughts slipped from my mouth.


"The two legendary seven-star characters..."


Covering my mouth. I check the surroundings. I hope no one heard that. In the entire game, there are only a few usable seven-star characters; they are an existence that can destroy game balance.


If it's like this, I want to see it.


Without permission, I try to use one of my skills in them.






With this, I should be able to see their status, but it only says errors. Maybe my level was too low? My father's friend aside, I couldn't even see Vivian's status. However, it works on Euvialin.


Scrutinizing her status. Pretty norm…




As my eyes landed on her mana output, I almost burst out.


2000, mana count. She is still a child, but she's already a monster. I was told I had a talent, but my 300 mana were insignificant to chosen beings.


Before I even realize it, I'm closely observing her, just to realize she's not paying attention to me. But, her eyes were glued to the boy beside her.


Boy…? Doesn't Patriark only have daughters? Black hair with blue streaks and bluish eyes that glow slightly—a face I would definitely want to punch. Without waiting a second, I checked his status.



Title: Unidentified variable.

Race: Human? ]


No surname, as I thought he did not belong to Patriark.


His status was also below average, and his physical strength was a little high. But his overall status is something to cry about. His mana was just 100, below average for someone his age.


Maybe he is just extra; that's why I didn't notice him. Regardless, that wouldn't change the fact that he's an outside variable in the story...


I need to watch him; even if it's the last thing I do, I'll protect my sister from him.


Thinking that I inertly glare at him. Noticing my glare, he snorts and responds with an icy look.





"Son of a bitch, do you think I didn't hear you call my sis and Eu legendary seven-star characters!!!?"


After our few thorny exchanges, I didn't expect he would catch my words earlier. Before I realized it, I had been dragged away to my own house.