4 King Lankeshwara

After finishing her work Vishani went to her home. She is really tired because of her works. She washed herself and put some random cloths. After that she went to her bed with phone. Then she check some messages from her phone and after several minutes later she logon Facebook. ' What the.. She almost drop her phone but somehow luckily catch it before phone fall to ground.

So Janith accept my friend request. Hmm… Lest send some message. I want to take a couple photo with him no matter how. Vishani is typing her message. But after several time type she can't type anything that she wanted. So she decides to ask him directly. Then she type " Are you the one who perform as a Lankeshwara ? " and sent it.

No reply.. hm.. Maybe he's at offline. Better I off my phone and sleep early. I have to do lots of works tomorrow.

In her sleep she had a dream….. She's walking on the flower garden surrounded by unknown flowers. She keeps walking on the edge of the garden and suddenly someone came from her behind and grabs her hand. She feels pain in her hand because of this and she turn around to look who grab her. When she saw who is in front her.. her heart was filled with full of happiness and her eyes opened like round marble.. She slowly said ….. King Lankeshwara ….. After she try to spoke to him., suddenly his mood change and and he shouted…. What the hell are you doing you stupid girl.. Get up..

Ah… where am I ??? Vishani get up and look around. She was at home on her bed and mom was shouting her loudly. She ignore her mom and went to the bathroom.

Why do I dream about him..? Am I crazy.. oi… Vishani don't dream stupid thing..

She got ready and went to work with confuse thoughts in her mind.

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