
Floating Island.

Not wanting to hinder his wife from working or performing normal tasks, Tian Xing maintained a focused expression throughout his conversation with Letty Ortiz. Refocusing his mind on the schematic, he quickly identified several issues that needed attention, with three major ones requiring immediate resolution if they didn't want to be left behind in the Battle of Supremacy.

First, because they lacked access to the Mystical Realm Hub—or more accurately, the Dragon Vein Sanctum from the Third Heavens, a Mystical Realm that opens at precise intervals for each known Heaven—Tian Xing and his wife Letty were unable to receive new pavilion members from the many Heavens seeking to descend and forsake their divinity.

This created a significant problem with Nadine's reincarnations and escapees, who would slip through the net since they needed to descend first if they wanted to fuse with his wife here. Because of this, Tian Xing and Letty decided to address the issue before transforming the False Dao World into a floating island.

Summoning Golden Branch and Silver Branch, they spoke to each one personally, as they had agreed, unlike the new pavilion members who had previously only been given general guidance and were treated as disposable tools for his amusement.

Since his wife Letty was now of one mind with her sisters, having become Nameless, Tian Xing asked if she was jealous of the different treatment given to the new sisters and the five thousand who had stayed with him throughout the dark moments. She reassured him that he didn't need to worry, as one act toward one sister was an act toward them all.

Relieved to have resolved another Yin Confusion regarding how to pamper trillions of his melodies, Tian Xing sighed, recalling the headache it once caused him during his time in the Taiji Spiritual Veins cave in his Second Heavens ascension. Continuing to court his former melodies to return, just like their elder sister Margarita, he and Letty finally completed the fusion of the last member after another four millennia.

Knowing that while they were busy at home, many others had continued the Battle of Supremacy, just like their neighbors, the Asura, Tian Xing sighed again. He realized the consequences of letting dark emotions control him, as it always led him to be trapped in the quagmire of hell, unable to move forward from the past.

Because of this, many hidden dangers still needed to be solved, since when he became a devil, his quantum or Taijitu mind was overwhelmed by Yin Confusion and Yang Contradiction, making it difficult for him to think clearly and solve problems subconsciously.

Regretting once again becoming the single-minded entity he was trying so hard to avoid, Tian Xing accepted this as part of his lesson for future growth and continued his task of creating a schematic that shouldn't have taken much time.

The last member of his melodies that he and Letty needed to court was, as they had predicted, Ying Yue. She had suffered the most from his variants who had lived with her. Kneeling on one knee and taking her hand, Tian Xing asked, "Ying Yue, my wife. Will you be my Dao Companion in sickness and in happiness, for all of boundless infinity?"

Choking up, along with many of her sisters within her, Ying Yue responded, trusting him once more, "Y-yes, my h-husband. I-i w-will."

Rising from his kneeling position, Tian Xing gently made love to her on the desk, with the same affection he had shown Margarita once his dark impulses had calmed, after the two millennia they had spent courting his former melodies. Afterward, with a kiss to his cheek and forehead, Tian Xing apologized, "I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I don't deserve you, my love."

Shaking her head, and releasing all the septillions upon septillions of sisters from her body, Margarita hugged him and said, "Then my symphony must have the conviction to love me with all of your heart, wholeheartedly. I don't want this relationship to be about me being the only one who's deserving, my Tian Xing. So love me until I can say the same thing to you, okay?"

Nodding, Tian Xing replied, "Yes, melody. I will become, I am."

Knowing that words were easy to utter but actions harder to achieve, Curie, standing nearby, simply said, "Come, husband. Let's continue our task." She refrained from reminding him about such sayings, knowing that her husband, when in his clear-minded state, no longer needed the usual reprimands, as he was thoughtful enough to recognize his mistakes and try to correct them.

Returning to the drawing board to turn their home into a floating island they could take with them wherever they went, Tian Xing shifted his focus to the issue of their limited resources throughout the ascended Three Heavens.

Since the Heavenly Star Dao World was an imitation, incapable of generating energy or ideas on its own, Tian Xing and his wife had no choice but to halt their cultivation and comprehension advances for the time being, as they lacked the resources to make themselves more robust or sophisticated. With their daughter and Asura already ascended, Tian Xing decided to set this issue aside, knowing there was little he could do except find new lands to occupy repeatedly if he moved away from the Dragon Vein Sanctum Mystical Realm.

Moving on to the next major issue—removing any teleportation devices that opened at precise intervals in the Dragon Vein Sanctum to make the place portable—Tian Xing sighed, knowing that his melodies with family and friends outside the house wouldn't be able to see them in the foreseeable future, as turning their home into a floating island meant they would all be together with him wherever he went.

Turning to Margarita, Tian Xing asked, "Are you sure you're okay with this arrangement, love? Although my family is small, with only three children I remain in contact with, you have so many tied by the bond of karma, spanning generations upon generations. I don't want to leave my step-son and step-daughter on their own just because you want to stay by my side all the time."

Instead of Margarita, it was Emma Frost, who also had daughters and sons outside the house, who responded. "I don't want my children to be unable to see their mother either. But this is the curse of our long lifespans, my husband. There's nothing we can do except wish them luck on their journeys once they reach adulthood. Even if we forced them to live with us, you know they'd likely leave, not wanting to be caged forever. The best we can do is call them with our Tian Ming Dao from time to time and hope for the best, my love."

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