

Clicking off the recording pen and placing it inside his kimono, which instantly turned to dust since he was not actually recording but simply enjoying the action, Yoriichi then turned his gaze toward the strategy development of Undvik. Taking the first piece of paper on the desk, which detailed the distribution of food to various parts of the continent, such as Ofir, he began to readjust the Ember plan to make it more sophisticated.

Although Undvik has the Aon magic programming language, which can essentially produce food out of thin air, the impact of its distribution must be controlled to avoid giving the impression that it comes easily and cheaply, as not everyone is like the Otherworlders of Ofir. Just like inflation in Zimbabwe made money worth less than a mere piece of paper, uncontrolled distribution of food will eventually lead to the same result.

It's not that he doesn't want everyone to prosper and have the same standard of living without worrying about food; it's just that, given the current backwater era, providing free food would only hinder their growth. Because their minds are not yet adjusted to wanting to see above the heavens to advance their level, and to see deep underground on the earth, to reach a deeper meaning of that level.

Because of that, instead of becoming more useful for the good of multiverse civilization, they may become increasingly slothful spoiled, to the point where even washing themselves requires a caretaker. So, adjusting the plan—such as changing bread into wheat and sugar so that they must make it themselves, altering the kilogram balancing scales so that certain countries receive less sugar, making it possible for them to eat but not to enjoy the food, and so on—is necessary.

Now that the food distribution is done, he moves on to living necessities, such as clothing. Knowing that the people of Undvik who have learned Aon are currently only able to create very simple clothing, which by medieval standards can be considered junk, Yoriichi decides to upgrade the Undvik level of Aon programming first.

Directly accessing Huggin and Munin as if he owns them, which frightens the three Sa'angreal out of their wits, Yoriichi chuckles and uploads a set of programs to create clothing in various styles, which every person using Aon can download these programs and view the open source code.

Because he knows there is one thing that will not make them spoiled or taken advantage of—since when distributed evenly, it will only make them envious of those with different styles—and that is clothing. Additionally, considering that clothing is necessary for survival but in a different spectrum entirely, it will make people grateful for its abundance. Therefore, it is better for him to provide clothing in various styles.

Finished with the two essentials for survival that address the emotions of sloth and envy, Yoriichi then moves on to the third one: shelter. This time, it is not the person in need who is affected, but the noble and local inhabitants of this world. Because when a stranger suddenly appears and takes up their land, their pride as the first inhabitants of the world is affronted; they cannot tolerate having their territory seized and raped as if it were their own.

So because of that, he needs to be careful when adjusting this, as providing shelters could sooner or later cause a civil war across the continent. Similar to the Aen Seidhe, who were driven to Upper Aedirn and Dol Blathanna because their pride and fear prevented humans from taking more land, this Conjunction may also lead to a repetition of history. After considering possible solutions but finding none that fully address the issue, Yoriichi ultimately gives up and decides to adjust it in a way that only delays the inevitability.

As for the way he goes about it, he instructs the Aon programmers to provide everyone in need with only the tools and materials to build their own shelters, as it will give them a sense of belonging, knowing they are the ones who built those accommodations themselves.

Additionally, he suggests to the Otherworlders that the places where they build their home to be located far from any established city or village, possibly deep within a jungle filled with monsters. When asked how they will safely build these shelters, Yoriichi responds by assigning a mission to the Witchers and the Corps to clear the area of monsters and act as their bodyguards later.

Because of this, the Otherworlders will have an alibi to defend themselves against the prideful local people in the future. When questioned about their right to live on the land, they can claim that the area was uninhabited and full of monsters until recently, and tell the locals to fuck off since they have no claim to the land that is not their own in the first place.

"And that leaves greedy people."

Rubbing his chin, since these spineless, cowardly individuals only appeared when civilization was already in order, he decided to drop the matter entirely for now due to the numerous possible future outcomes he can see.

Knowing that in every quantum computation, the answers produced by the calculations are often incorrect due to statistical and scalability issues with quantum errors, he decided not to gamble and risk failing the dance on the edge of the fire again.

Because, out of the possible futures already in the range of a googolplex using his Kryptonian neurons and microtubules that create many qubits for topological quantum computation, only one to five answers are likely to satisfy him and not lead him into a moral dilemma where evil is evil.

Due to this small statistical chance, he decided to drop the matter entirely and let the winds of destiny guide the world to the correct answers in the future, focusing on experiencing the present moment rather than niggling about tomorrow's troubles.

Placing the last sheet of paper concerning the living necessities of the continent's people, Yoriichi then glanced at the stack of paper that was now dealing with political exchange between Undvik and the ruler of these peoples. Just like last time, he then targets the specific human emotion toward this ruler according to their background and surrounding factors.

Finished with politics, he then moved toward development of the Undvik themselves and their allies like Redenia and Skellige. This time, he does not target a specific emotion but rather gives genuine advice capable of propelling their kingdom into a new age of prosperity, while also highlighting the drawbacks of such advice.

He becomes particularly focused when his advice and suggestions touch upon the topic of education, to the point where all of his microtubules in his Kryptonian physiology are activated, which then causes his flaming mark to activate once again after a long period of inactivity.

Finished with development, he then turned to the military, followed by the economy, the legal system, and so on, until he created new concepts that had not yet been considered by Margarita, Nenio, and Ember, such as culture, infrastructure, and social services. After two hours had passed and he had finished everything he could think of, he was finally able to put down the holographic pen and papers after using them extensively.

Stretching his body to relax his muscles after tiring himself with the Thinking Technique, Yoriichi then heard the sound of a door opening. Seeing his daughter fully regenerated, he chuckled and walked toward her to hug her silently, tapping her back in a rhythmic pattern in a beautiful display of familial affection.

"Thank you, Dad."

"W-what d-did you say?"

"I said, Thank you, Sir Yoriichi, for granting me the ability to write normally again. Ember will not forget everything that you and Lady Rita have done for me."

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