

Shaking his head, knowing that O'Dimm is trapped in the philosophy that Chaos is superior and unaware that Order can instantly elevate someone to godhood through knowledge, Yoriichi then takes the only harmless object from this melted, smoke-like body: a pouch used to store contracted souls.

He opens it, allowing many blue, specter-like humans to emerge and return to Earth to be reborn, since there is still a lingering effect from the resurrection of the Sa'angreal. Inside the pouch, he sees the translucent fingers, ears, flesh, and toes of Ember, along with the broken souls of Bella, Stella, and Cindy, which will facilitate the reincarnation of the three girls, making it much faster.

Calculating the subjective future using Kryptonian topology microtubules once again, Yoriichi lets out a breath of lamentation, realizing that he is unable to torture O'Dimm. Such an attempt would only inspire the man to become more powerful and escape his clutches.

Even the knowledge about the highest throne of singularity hints at this devil's idea of bringing everything and everyone to destruction, as there is no point in becoming much stronger if, in the end, it only leads to menial work and being trapped for eternity.

Destroying the devil to ashes without delay, Yoriichi then erases his previous action using quantum waves from the subjective probable past, where he had given that information to O'Dimm. This is to prevent the devil from becoming stronger when he is reincarnated or resurrected, as there is no true death for mortals like them that do not become singularity.

Even erasing atoms from the three illusion realms—Cognitive, Physical, and Ethereal—is not enough, as conscious beings or any information in the quantum world can never be completely deleted objectively. Thinking about the three illusions of realms that Order and Chaos created to emulate the physical, quantum, and fractal worlds—realms that are already overlapping and omnipresent across all infinity—Yoriichi lets out a breath of sadness.

At least the two twin brothers are still passionate about mortal life, as by doing this, they provide a way for the cognitive consciousness of those mortals to remain within this multiverse instead of floating into infinity and being resurrected in different places altogether. Because of that, Yoriichi is able to control Bella, Stella, and Cindy's resurrection at that time, which will surely be used by O'Dimm or anyone else to push him to the edge.

Thinking about the compassion of Order and Chaos, Yoriichi suddenly realizes that without their rapid state of enlightenment, he would likely fall into pitfalls repeatedly due to manipulation, as he would have no quantum computing to foresee the probable outcomes of the future. He might not even reach the conclusion that humans are superior beings among other races in quantum world computation—a realization that would likely take much longer than just three weeks, if he reached it at all.

Questioning why the two twin brothers did this, Yoriichi couldn't help but frown. He found it odd that they cared for him specifically to the point of creating three illusion realms just after he arrived and transformed in this world, yet did not maintain or even chose to loosen the nerf on his abilities, unlike other Heralds. This is especially perplexing since they are omniscient and would know that he had already reached the Planck Scale and Superman Prime level, which means he could eventually achieve anything akin to a glorified mortal equivalent of a god.

"Something is amiss… There's something I don't see…"

Is it because the future needs him to be a lower-level mortal? Is it because the three collective consciousnesses are from different people altogether? Or is it because someone transformed by Elder Blood will plunge this world into destruction rather than chaos?

Sighing, Yoriichi acknowledges the flaw in quantum computation: every calculation is based on his subjective feelings and knowledge at that moment. Given that the parameters of his virtual future are not sufficient to provide a hard objective fact regarding these hypotheses, there is nothing Yoriichi can do. There is always a flaw in everything, especially for a glorified mortal like him who can only perform limited tricks.

Deciding to experience the world by traveling slowly and viewing it through the lens of a normal human—since, according to his quantum intuition, this approach might give him a clue about what Order and Chaos trying to tell him—he sighs again, turns around, and decides to set this thought process aside.

Noticing that time everywhere in the world has come to a standstill, he wants to let the general theory of relativity rest from bending due to his Primordial Black Hole. However, he pauses with his hand in mid-air when he thinks about one particularly cowardly individual.

"Oh no, no, no, you fucker. I don't like the probability of your benevolence one bit."

Seeing the outcome involving Molag Bal, who has used Rita, Ciri, Moiraine, and even Ember as part of his plan for revenge, Yoriichi moves through the bubbly water of space and time across the three illusion realms of the material world. His eyes scan all the atoms in the universe, searching for the equivalent molecular patterns he observed in Tretogor.

And he also halts his sight to avoid seeing beyond particles and 2-dimensional strings, into the overlapping quantum and fractal world, to prevent accidentally becoming a singularity—a glorified God reduced to a mere menial worker for the physical world. As time passed within his body, Yoriichi finally found the individual after he had already reached the age of 78. 

Observing the cowardly figure hiding in the demon's own realms, hoping that time would make Yoriichi forget about him, Yoriichi chuckles and walks straight in front of the gigantic bipedal hybrid of a bull and a reptile. This time, he instantly reduces the figure to ashes, not wanting to make the same mistake twice in such a short time, especially while the information he gave to O'Dimm is still fresh and has changed the trajectory of the devil's life.

Rubbing his chin while thinking about the remaining enemies of himself and his family, Yoriichi decides, after computing the subjective quantum future septillion times over four hours, to let them go.

"Huh, so that's what it means to become Lord of Chaos—dancing on the edge of fire, controlling the winds of entropy to avoid spiraling into destruction."

Because, according to his fragile yet powerful superposition calculation, letting Radovid and Mannimarco go so they can live and escape from the Sa'angreal prison is beneficial. It changes his and his family's worldview by demonstrating that no absolute prison can keep anyone confined forever, making them more humble and thoughtful in their actions.

Showing him that if he thinks of another solution repeatedly to keep them confined, until a seemingly perfect prison from his perspective has been built, there is always the virtual possibility that these two demons will be able to escape by unconventional or conventional means.

The peculiar thing about this thought experiment is that, when he decided to let them go rather than confine them repeatedly, Margarita and many others used by Radovid and Manimarco in their escape plan became motivated by hateful emotions to create a psychological guideline. These guidelines, though seemingly insignificant, are capable of detecting manipulation at the level of O'Dimm's by asking themselves a set of questions.

What is even more interesting is that, because of this psychological set, Yoriichi is able to find and sense Gaunter O'Dimm's influence instantly the moment virtual quantum computation is run. This means he can detect the devil's inner workings as soon as he encounters them, adding to his repertoire of parameters for his virtual future-glimpsing machine. It becomes increasingly sophisticated to the point where he can see several levels higher than others who can also glimpse future probabilities.

The same goes for the Aen Elle, who will serve as a strong motivator for many people. This time, instead of on an individual level, it operates at the level of kingdoms. Since these kingdoms do not want their subjects to be enslaved, they start predicting where in their lands the Aen Elle are likely to appear and plan counterattacks. This predictive method used by the kingdoms was then adopted by Yoriichi to upgrade his villainology model, making it more sophisticated for calculating overall demon attack behavioral patterns.

"Well, whether I am able to control this butterfly effect in the future or not, only time and experience can tell."

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