
Descending the dungeon further down and working with wind

Standing with a group of monsters that are talking, I listen for awhile but even though I can understand them, their just making small talk. Looking around for a bit, I find a place where I'll be able to rest, laying out my blanket and sitting down, I eat then meditate.

As I'm meditating one of the monsters had come over, probably because it smelled me, it's a Lizardman so it finding me is a possibility. It doesn't seem to see me so much as knows I'm here from smell, and it can probably see my blanket.

Not wanting to deal with them I speak up, "You don't have to worry, I'm trying to rest somewhere safe, if I wanted to hurt any of you, you wouldn't have even know I was here." "Is that a threat?" "No, I'm just saying that you wouldn't have known I was here, I'll be continuing down after I rest, so I won't bother you."

Waking up from my nap, I go to get ready to leave, but a girl with wings for arms is sleeping on my blanket. "Excuse me, hey wake up, come on I'm trying to go." Failing to wake her up, I decide to take off my quiver and backpack, picking her up by piggyback, I walk her over to the group of monsters.

"Hey, can one of you take her, she won't wake up." A lamia comes over and takes her, walking back to my stuff, I put them back on and leave. Heading through the 20th floor took awhile, arriving on the 21st floor I stopped seeing Bugbears and started seeing Mammoth Fools.

Sadly the floor was more of the same, still taking forever to get through, after getting to the 22nd floor Sword Stags and Deadly Hornets started showing up. I'm really starting to hate bugs, the 23rd floor I stopped seeing Gun Libellula, finally entering the 24th floor, it's the same, I'm suffering here.

New monsters and I'm still lost 90% of the time, Hobgoblins, Trolls, and Poison Vermis, I got poisoned and felt like shit. Wanting higher Poison Resistance, I purposely stayed poisoned, I was having a hard time so I stopped walking around, I waited till the poison resistance stopped increasing.

Drinking an antidote and health potion helped with the suffering I was in, getting a move on I wandered aimlessly for 2 hours before finding a green dragon, it being unaware of me helps me, because I don't want to deal with so much trouble when it's no even a monster rex.

Finding a good vantage point, I take out an arrow and nock it, aiming for the left eye, I start drawing the arrow back. Filling it with a lot of mana takes quite a bit of time, after I compress 3,500 mana, I release the arrow. As it flys into the green dragons eye, taking a big chunk of it's face with it, it explodes the head and neck, causing it to poof into smoke. Walking over I pick up it's crystal and put it in my backpack, sitting in front of the big tree it was by I start meditating.

After 2 hours I look for the next floor entrance, it takes awhile but, when I found it I was happy to finally be free from the endless hell that is a labyrinth. The 25th floor is a paradise of water, and with every new region of the dungeon, came with new monsters and out with the old ones.

Making my way through the passageways, I hunt Raider Fish, Harpies, Sirens, Blue Crabs, Aqua Serpents, Crystal Turtles, Devil Mosquitos, Light Quartz, Crystaroth Urchins, Iguazu, and Mermaids. Heading further down takes less time then floors 19 to 24, getting to the 26th floor was easy because I'm always in Stealth.

I'm really starting to want to make magic, one that would allow me to walk on water, skipping the monsters this time, I pick up the pace. Now that I'm on the 27th floor, I'm even more certain, I need to make magic this time as well, wanting to find a better place for it, I happen to see a monster going somewhere.

Deciding to follow it, it unknowingly brings me to a group of monsters like before, walking over to a spot the looked open to anyone, I start setting stuff up for an extended stay. After I'm done I walk over to the group and say, "Hello, it looks like I'll be staying with you folks for a while."

Do to the fact that I appeared out of nowhere, they're a bit surprised and on guard, "Oh hey you got here before me harpy girl, I couldn't wake you up before I left, I didn't expect to see you for a while." "Ohh, your the person from the 20th floor, hii." "Yeah, I was in Stealth most of the time, it was my first time finding out some monsters can talk."

"Yep I can talk! My names Fear, what's your name!" "My names Sara Hunter, it's nice to meet you." "So, what brings you here?" "I'm here on a hunt, but sadly all this water is in the way, so I'm going to spend some time making magic to stand on water."

"What are you hunting?" "The monster rex, I believe it's a 2 headed dragon?" "Oh, you mean the Amphisbaena, that things dangerous." "Any tips, I'll give you this green dragon crystal." "Wow really, ok then, the right head breathes red mist that stops magic, the left head breathes blue fire that even burns on water." "Thanks that'll be a big help, here you've earned it."

"Thank you!" "Well, I'm going to get to work", walking back to my stuff I sit down on my blanket. I spent some time messing with mana particles, before, I wanted fire so I made friction, now I want wind. The concept was easy, just make the particles move but not touch, I didn't want fire so friction was out, but that became the problem.

Needing enough speed to make wind, I'd lose fine control making the particles collide, most of the time fire would appear. Working on it will take a while, so I start a daily routine of going on walks every day, in between making magic, whenever I'd go for walks Fear would follow me, so now we walk together.

On one of our walks I asked how she was able to speak like people, she explained that they are unique types of monsters called Xenos. During our walks I'd hunt monsters that came near or attacked us, whenever I would Fear would collect the crystals, after returning she and the other Xenos would eat them.

I finally gained enough control to make swirls of wind in my hand, every other time without fire, so my days continued. One day Fear asked if I wanted to eat with them, and I did but, while eating she asked a question, "Do you want one?" Handing me a crystal. "I... don't think I can digest that?" I say with a confused face.

After 2 weeks of only trying to get finer control on my mana particles, something just clicked, and I could finally keep a swirl of wind in my hand every time I tried. Wanting to know why my control was better, I open my status.


Name: Sara Hunter

Level: 134

Health: 53,400/53,400

Mana: 6,957/26,150

Stamina: 82%

Strength: 184 (125)

Vitality: 434 (100)

Dexterity: 264 (249)

Agility: 209 (150)

Magic: 264 -> 274 (249)

Unassigned stats: 10 -> 0


Mana Bow - Able to conjure a bow and arrows of solidified mana or reinforce a bow and arrows with mana

Path of The Burning Steps - Able to cast in 2 stages Single chant "Path of The Burning Steps" Leave a path of flaming footsteps and increase your movement speed by 15% Full chant "My path is a solitary one, any who follow shall be burned by the flames, I step with certainty, I will reach the eternal flame, PATH OF THE BURNING STEPS" Able to conjure flames that follow your path and increase your movement speed by 25%


Pain Resistance Lvl.60 - Reduces pain felt by 30%

Poison Resistance Lvl.27 - You have resistance to poison by 27%

Paralysis Resistance Lvl.12 - You resist being paralyzed by 12%

Fire Resistance Lvl.16 - You have resistance to fire by 16%

Burn Resistance Lvl.23 - You have resistance to being burned by 23%

Stealth Lvl.Max - Hiding reduces your presence by 100%

Swordsmanship Lvl.10 - Your skill with the sword increases with your understanding and time spent using a sword

Mana Control Lvl.60 - Your control over the mana within your body increases with your understanding of it

Concurrent Mana Body Control - While executing other tasks with your body your control over your mana does not decrease

Meditation Lvl.Max - Through meditation while focusing on your mana you can increase the speed you recover mana by 100%

Mana Sense - By expanding your mana to the surrounding you can detect the mana of living things

Adrenaline Burst - When you're mana and adrenaline mix you will experience time at a slower rate

Physical Enhancement - You can increase your strength by Imbueing mana into your muscles by up to 30% and requires a continuous supply of mana

All Slayer - Having killed at least 10,000 of 10 different types of monsters you project an aura that instills fear into any monster you have killed 10,000 of

[Next Page]


Sara Hunter

Level 2

STR H 109 -> F 388

VIT I 23 -> D 529

DEX F 338 -> C 691

AGI G 261 -> E 402

MAG D 513 -> B 738




SKILL: System Link - You are able to view your falna and it's growth in your status. When the level of your falna increases all stats will be added to your status at a 1/4 ratio.

Predator - When living things you consider prey is unaware of your presence you will deal 100% more damage. When living things you consider prey is aware of your presence an intimidating aura will be released.

[Previous Page]


It seems that when I hit Level 60 Mana Control, my fine control became easier, I'll try lots of things after I wake up.

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