
ch10 < Charybdis >

A few days had passed since Demon Lord Milim decided to move into Tempest.

For Rimuru, her presence was pure chaos. I tried juggling the tasks of keeping her from causing destruction, managing the city, and engaging in daily training with Hakuro and with milim.

Somehow, I managed to contain the chaos, at least a little bit.

I certainly thought I deserved a pat on the back for that.

Currently, Rimuru and I were in Veldora's old cave, having a meeting with Vesta and Gabiru about their potion production.

Gabiru quickly reported his efforts to grow hipoku plants, while Vesta presented a vial of healing potion.

We then discussed various topics such as magic steel, light bulbs, motors, anti-magic fields, and spirit engineering.

During our discussion, Souei arrived and interrupted.

"I thought Milim had destroyed something," karna remarked.

"I've already received numerous complaints about property damage.

Rigurd is still twitching from all the doors she broke, but otherwise, nothing major.

I should buy the old hobgoblin a good drink later."

"My apologies, sir," Souei said as he bowed. "We detected some intruders."

"So, it's Phobio,"

I surmised.When we arrived, Rigurd was kneeling on the ground with his back to us.

As Rimuru moved closer to get a better look, the hobgoblin turned, revealing half of his face melted off, one eye socket empty.

Rimuru was internally screaming at the sight, thankful that slimes don't get nauseous.

"Oh, Lord Rimuru, thank goodness..." Rigurd started but stopped upon seeing Rimuru's reaction to his injury.

He quickly tried to play it off as if it were nothing.

"There's nothing fine about that! Here, have a healing potion, idiot," Rimuru said, splashing the healing liquid on Rigurd's face. Miraculously, everything was back to normal in a blink.

"Hey, Karna! These jackasses were harassing your people, but don't worry! Your bestie took care of 'em, wahahahaha! You should praise me for that," Milim declared.

"Thank you milim. I will provide special treat for you. "Karna replied

Souei explained the situation. Phobio had come and started bossing around, claiming the town would belong to Carrion.

Rigurd engaged him in conversation, but after some talk, Phobio punched Rigurd.

Karna healed Phobio, but Phobio's expression darkened, and he tried to attack me. I caught his fist easily and used corrosive breath on his eyes.

With a "Bang," he started rolling on the ground, screaming in pain.

Before too much damage was caused, I splashed a full heal potion on his face and dispelled my skill.

Even then, he continued rolling around.At that moment, a pink-haired missile attacked me from behind. If not for my keen senses, I would have missed this spectacle of a monkey rolling on the ground. She burst out laughing.

"What is going on with that monkey guy?"

Who knows he is a subordinate of Carrion.

That Carrion he break his promise. Milim think and there was anger in her eyes.

"Let that be a warning. I do not enjoy being attacked, nor seeing my citizens attacked for no reason. I don't mind having a proper diplomatic talk with Demon Lord Carrion, but at least ask him to send a better envoy," karna told Phobio.

"You will regret this," Phobio said as he started to walk away.

"Let Demon Lord Carrion know that I won't mind receiving his envoys if he does it the proper way next time. Just let us know ahead of time.

""Oh well, Milim, do you want some snacks? I gotta get back to making some more since Milim is a foodie and eats a lot.

[Time skip]

(3rd person POV)

Eren exclaimed, "You idiot! Last time it was an ant nest, and now it's a Knight Spider!

"The party, consisting of Eren, Kaval, and Gido, ran until they met Yohm's group.Eren hesitated,

"We're going to be intruding." This caused all of Yohm's members to be on guard until Gobta walked in.

Gobta cheerfully remarked,

"Oh, isn't this Kabal?

"Kabal responded, "Gobta-kun!"

Gobta shouted, riding his tempest wolf toward the spider. After they defeated it, Gobta added,

"Do you like fighting monsters? Well, leave this to us!"Gobta chuckled, "This thing is extra delicious, you know."

His comment left the adventurers dumbfounded.

Fuze asked Gobta,"Gobta, wasn't it? May I ask where your town is?"

Gobta pointed, "Oh, Tempest? It's right over there. You see that tower?"

Fuze remarked, "Oh, I see.

Oi, Kabal, are you sure it's a town?

"Kabal defended their earlier claim, "Well, that was what we saw last time.

Gobta led them to the city, and once they arrived.

Fuze exclaimed, "You three idiots, what town are you talking about!? This is a full-grown city!

"The trio defended themselves, "We swear it was a town last time!

Concepts like sewer systems, integrated road and building layouts, drainage systems, and even a proper drinking water system amazed them.

Yohm from Falmuth and Fuze from Blumund came along.

Karna used domination on Yohm, so he didn't ridicule anybody.

Rimuru had to explain about his form as a last gift from Shizue and so on.

Karna also introduced himself as Rimuru's sibling.

Vesta walked in to assure them, and shortly after, Rimuru inquired whether information about the Orc Lord was public.

Rimuru proposed his plan to make Yohm a champion, including the details.

Karna, who was an A-rank adventurer, helped assist Yohm.

After several hours, Yohm accepted Rimuru's request, and Yohm's training with Hakurou began.

[Time skip]The following day, as we strolled through the city, Trya, Treyni's sister, suddenly appeared to warn us about Charybdis' return.

However, I had already devised a plan to deal with Charybdis.

"I'm Trya, a Dryad and Treyni's younger sister," she began.

"A new Calamity is approaching this place. My sisters are preventing it from wreaking havoc, but they won't last long.

A Calamity-class Monster, Charybdis, is approaching," she declared.

"Charybdis is a monster born from the forest deity Storm Dragon Veldora's thick magicule clouds," she explained.

Fuze and everyone were shocked, but Karna assured them that with him and Milim here, there was no need to panic.

"I'm 100% sure Phobio is coming for me but don't worry milim will help if situation goes out of control ," I said.

"Yes, Charybdis is a small fry. Leave it to me," Milim said.

As preparation for Charybdis, I proposed my plan.

Rimuru and the executives would take care of the megalodons while I would take down Charybdis.

"Charybdis wouldn't be fully integrated with their host, so I could potentially give its core to Rimuru.

This way, Rimuru will become a disaster-class being.

" I thought.To be honest, I could easily one-shot Charybdis, but I understand others need to prove themselves.

They need to show the fruits of their hard work.The moment soon arrived.

Milim, Rimuru, and I were watching their battle from a hill.

Since megalodons possess magic interference, only physical attacks and law manipulation will work.

Eventually, my universal sense picked up a group of fourteen monsters approaching us. It wasn't long before we could see them.

Even from afar, the eerie sight was astounding. Giant sharks, over sixty feet in length, were gracefully swimming across the sky.

Their bodies were protected by solid, stiff dragon scales that would assuredly deflect most garden-variety attacks.

It was shaped like a shark, but at the core, it was a completely different monster.

With them was another, even more bizarre sight—the gigantic dragon accompanying the thirteen sharks.

Its size was enormous, making the megalodons look tiny by comparison. Maybe three or so times their size? Its total length had to be over 150 feet.

There was a single large eyeball on the bottom of its wedged, shark-like head; on the top was a pair of solid-looking horns that appeared as if they could gouge through solid stone, or anything else for that matter.

By comparison, its limbs looked like mere decoration, tacked onto its shark-shaped torso—but the two pairs of wings on its back, one larger than the other, looked almost exactly like Veldora's.

"Eat this hellfire towards Charybdis," Benimaru did the opening by using his hellfire [his strongest wide-range flame attack].

It covered a total of 150 feet but did nothing to Charybdis. All the burned scales were immediately replaced by new ones.

Benimaru was shocked.

"Are you kidding? I put everything into it."

"Notice: Charybdis possesses ultra-speed regeneration," Great Sage said to Rimuru.

Rimuru wasn't too shocked by this.The first wave was led by goblin riders.

They successfully took down one megalodon. Those sharks were strong in offense and defense but their speed was quite low.

A single megalodon immediately came towards Gobta, but it got dissected into pieces by Hakurou using his haze style.

The second wave was led by Geld and Gabiru's group. It took them a little while to take down a megalodon since Geld mainly relies on brute force and his skills mainly involve storage and corruption.

Next were the shadow guards, who swiftly took down two megalodons.

Even more impressive was the teamwork of Shion and Ranga, who dealt significant damage to Charybdis.

Shion used Decapitation Demon Blade, similar to the Ogre Cannon but in a cutting attack.

Now, only Charybdis was left.Karna took off and reached Charybdis.

Charybdis used its scales at a very high velocity towards him.

"I used cosmic power to create a pseudo black hole ." Soon, space cracked, and a black hole with the ability to devour even space and distort time engulfed all of Charybdis' scales.

"Okay, guys, retreat from this area."I asked Milim to nuke it.

< this time I asked help for milim because I don't want clayman and eastern empire to know about my powers >

Milim used Dragon Buster on Charybdis.

A fanatical beam of multicolored light rushed from Milim's arms.

The light of destruction made everything disappear.

Charybdis was gone, and a black piece from its body fell to the ground, which was Phobio.

I caught Phobio and separated Charybdis' core from him, then healed Phobio.

Afterward, we questioned Phobio.

Treyni asked who told her about Charybdis' location.

"A pair of strange-looking masked clowns? But that location is secret—only we knew where it was, and it was the hero herself who told us.

A formidable foe, indeed, if they were able to track it down... And masked, you say?

"This seemed to trouble Treyni in particular. She seemed to know them.

<He is probably talking about the Moderate Harlequin Alliance,>

Karna thought to himself."You should come out of your hiding," Karna said to Carrion."

Thank you for being so understanding and forgiving my foolish subordinate's behavior,"

Demon Lord Carrion said as he walked up to me. But after finishing his sentence, he appeared to be observing me.

"So, you're the person who defeated Gelmud, and I suppose it was your brother who defeated the newest Demon Lord, am I right?" he questioned.

"That's correct. You don't happen to want to avenge Gelmud, do you?" This question caused him to put on a slightly confused expression, after which a small smirk crept across his face.

"Of course not. Now, you get up."

"Yes, sir!" Carrion had walked over to Phobio, presumably to admonish him for his mistakes.


A loud sound rang out through the area. That sound was Phobio's head coming into contact with the ground below us.

There was blood everywhere.

"Once again, I apologize for his misdeeds. I will also owe you a favor for sparing him. So, name your price."

I guess having an alliance or something of the sort would prove beneficial for us.

"So, we made an alliance and a non-aggression pact with Eurazania, which was essential as Eurazania is famous for its cultivation fields and fruit, especially grapes.

After the fight, I explained the situation to Rimuru and told him that those masked persons work with Clayman.

"They might work with Clayman."I requested Milim to give information about Clayman.

"He's one of the newer Demon Lords. He is the scheming type, so that's why I thought he might be behind it.

He is just about the weakest of us. Compared to you, you can beat him easily."

"Well, there go my hopes," Rimuru thought.

Congratulations rimuru you are stronger than demon lord seed.

Karna said as he began to turn around, and we went home.

I then gave Charybdis' core to Rimuru, along with installing some of my magicules before purifying it.

Rimuru gained many useful skills while for me the only inportant skill was

< magic jamming >

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