
Ch 14: Fight starts

Outside after the aftermath of the attack get cleared Mike said," Lucario use Sword dance and Clam mind and Substitute before the people get. So get ready to face a hoard of enemies we will face later."

Lucario nodding his head in acknowledgment and start getting ready for the fight he has put out substitute then start using calm mind 6 time with Sword dance 3 time to get full boost. Because of the familiarity of the moves Lucario can now use the move in minute.

"Who are you? What business do you have by attacking us?" Said one of the captain who come with other Captain with there Pokémon out.

"What do you think.!! You Pokemon hunters are the people everybody hate because of your action many people suffer so it is a trainers duty to take you guys out," Mike said with a hoarse voice.

"Well Tom we seems to encounter a righteousness hero who didn't know what good for them and look for the things that don't need to concerned for," said Dik the other Captain with a mocking face.

"Well you can think what ever you want but I well send you guys to the police station for some tea," Mike replied without any concerns as the 50 odd grunt thats also take out there Pokémon and surrounded him.

"Oh. We are so scared. You boi is surrounded and have guts to tell us what you can do.

We boys attack with everything you got and deal with this," said Tom with sarcasm and ordered his man to start attacking.

Mike looking around to find Raticate, Houndoom, Golem, Arbok, Beedrill, Crobat ,Weezing, Ariados etc Pokemon surrounding him most of the Pokemon in the rare rank and some in the epic rank and getting ready to use moves.

"Well this is great strategy to use those numbers to tried my Pokémon but you have to be close enough to accomplish that. But you guys are outmatched as number doesn't matter in my level.

Lucario use Earthquake to disturb the move and use Dragon pulse to get raid of the grunts," Mike issue an order so with this Lucario step on the ground hard and a devastating earthquakes occur and ever Pokemon who prepare to use moves directly got knocked out the ones that survive get attack by the blue pulse like attack and get knock out.

"Well with that the number of people who get are in the way get clean so you two and the one in that didn't come out left so get ready," Mike said with nonchalant face as people in the ground get knock out.

The two captains have ugly face now that there number advantage gone the quickly get there Pokémon in front.

"Don't think you won just by knocking some useless pawns just wait the boss is coming to get revenge."

They are waiting for there boss to come but they know that they are not a match so they are already thinking of escaping as they are buying time and looking for a chance.

"Enough with the useless talk I know you are buying time to escape but you can give up on that as I already have my other Pokémon waiting a chance.

For the moment you guys try something you it will attack you so give up your change and be good and knock yourself up and come with me to police station." Mike said seeing that they are talking nonsense as he already know from previous experience that those hunters have secret passage for get away. So he told Absol after rescuing the trap Pokemon she has to be vigilant and ready to attack when they try to get out of here.

Besides being good with shadow sneak she also master the future sight as she can now see into the future for 3 minute so she is always ready and can dodge any more other than the must hit move type.

With her I don't have to use my psychic powers most of the time as she always took care of this kind of situation.

"Tom and Dik don't you guys finish with the work yet," Said a man with loud voice and come the boss of the hunter with nickname of scarred face Azza in the underworld.

"Boss we are no match for him he is more powerful than we think and defeat those grunts with ease so we need your help," Dik replied with some fear in his voice as the man is approaching them.

"Useless fools can't even take care of this yourself what's the use of you guys then," shouted Azza at the two captains.

"Boy you have some skills as you can knock out so many of my member but you find the wrong people to miss with do you know which team I am from," Azza said and also get his Pokémon out 4 King rank with one bing at he peak king. His Pokemon was Weavile, Houndoom, Honchkrow, Crawdaunt all dark type Pokemon and he seems to be dark specialist.

"Oh. And which team are you from as to let you boast around so much," Mike beginning to get intrigued as to where his confidence coming from.

"Hmmh..Then listen up I am from the most notorious Team Darkness. The current number one evil organization that is said to have there base in every region.

So are you scared now, hahaha." Azza said and start laughing out as he think he is something great.

"What boss are you really join them," Said Tom as this is the first time they heard about this and start praising him.

Hearing him say that Mike become silent and Lucario also became very silent and it became awkward atmosphere now.

After some silence Mike start to release his pressure and said with a chilling voice,"So, you join that rat organization. I was thinking about letting you go without minor injury's as you are normal Pokemon Hunter but now things change."

Seeing Mike releasing his aura the three of them start to get scared and Azza said," what did you say you want to do. I am the are going give you a beating and hand your Pokemon to the adult of the Team as a souvenir."

"It seems you can't really understand your situation it seems. And you are part of this team but you seemed to new and don't seems to know me very well. Lucario this time use more power than before," Mike said give Lucario a new order. But before things get start there is a ringing sound and the communication screen light up for the Azzas hand a picture come to view.

"Azza didn't I told you to finish your work and come to the designation area to hand over the Pokemons what taking so long," said a hooded figure in the screen.

"Sir there is a problem I am facing right now as the intruder was much more powerful than me and all my other member get knock out and me my captains are only one left to fight.

So if you can please send some help as we may not win this as the intruder has Emperor rank Pokemon and I am currently it's a match for him," Azza humblely replied and ask for help with this problem.

"So I was wandering who is the one still doing small stuff in Kanto after the last cleansing so it is you. Huh, Gared leading rat of the Team Darkness," Mike said with menacing look as he stare at the screen.

"Who's that bastard tak-," Mr. Greed now know as Gared was starting to shout but quickly shut up seeing Mike alternative persona and start to have deep fear in his eyes and told with gritted his teeth with fear and fury," Disaster king , why are you here."

"I should be the one saying that after last time you ran away tail between your legs with a scarred on your face. Now it seems not enough as you come back to get more beating huh," Mike said with his return nonchalant face under the mask but his eyes is sharp as it can kill people though screen then he would have died already.

After hearing this Gared flinch back a bit to reviled his hood as there is a long cut coming from his forehead down to his chin as one of his eyes is now closed form the look as seems to be damaged.

"Diiiisasteeer..kingggg.. that disaster king that single handle destroy many criminal organization base in Kanto and no one know when and where he would come so many people in the underworld can't sleep properly as no one knows when he would attack you. But isn't that just a rumors spreading by the league to scare people," said Dik as he heard the conversation between the two people.

"Oh, I am that famous I don't know," Mike said after hearing this form Dik.

"So Gared you have set up camp on Kanto again it seems I have to go busy myself again then."

Mike asked Gared as hearing him say that Gared became more fearful but still said out with fury, "Don't get ahead of yourself I will get my revenge for the scarred that you inflicted and give you hundred times more make my word that is the last time you won."

After saying with false bravo he quickly cut the connection and destroy some pot in his table.

"Damn it Disaster king you will regret everything."

Then he get a phone and contact with the admin he sent to receive goods to get away from there and come back to base as he know Mike can find out where the secret base was so he is cautious about this and told the admin to roam around another places then come back two days later.

"Just you wait the project Dr. Vegan started will be finish in a couple of year then my time come for revenge."

Back in front of the cave....

"That coward run very first. So now that you're boss abundant you let me send you guys on your way," Mike said after the connection get cut and his gaze fell in front of the three people.

Seeing as the once aloof executive of the Dark team flee so hurry the don't know what to do now so after hearing what Mike said to them they finally reacted and got there Pokémon ready.

"We will not surrender that easy ok Tom,Dik get ready for the fight" Azza said also whispers to them said ' get there distract with move and get ready to leave at any moment.'

"Ok boss don't worry we can do this," Tom replied with confidence and said wheezing use smoke.

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